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Chapter 15 - Captured!?!? Maybe...

BEHOLD! A brand new series! Takes place after "The Weresheep Anniversary Dance." Inside the strange ship "Dragoon", the Sonic Heroes, me, and a couple others set off to space. This is the Ravnica saga, taking place on the planet known as Ravnica. More rom

Chapter 15 - Captured!?!? Maybe...

Chapter 15 - Captured!?!? Maybe...
Last time on Weresheep X, the last match of the tournament was about to start. However, when it did, the Arena Champion was replaced with one of Sentinal's robots! Eggman and Sigma's robotic army invaded the arena, and the Egg Cruiser transformed into the battle station Egg Utopia via Croix. At the end of the last episode, me, Tails and Cosmo (disguised) and the Guildmage, Grag, were captured by Eggman. Luckily, I left a message for Spock and Data and they sure could use it.

Spock: "Mr. Data, I do believe that we just got a message from Sir Weresheep."

Data: "And we could really use it."

See? What'd I tell ya?

Data: "If only there was an opening for us, we could escape the Coliseum..."

Spock: "Not a problem. Behold!"

Mr. Spock pulled out a rubber band, a paper clip, and a bendy straw.

Data: "How will those help us, Mr. Spock?"

Spock: "Just you watch..."

10 minutes later...WTF!? They were all out of the Coliseum?

Spock: "See? I told you it would work."

Everyone: 0.o

Spock: "Refrain from giving me that confused look. It is quite obvious that it would work, anyway."

Wave: "What were you, again?"

Spock: "A half-Vulcan."

Wave: "And the other?"

Spock: "Human."

Wave: "Up both your half-asses! Ah ha ha ha!"

Tikal: "Wave!"

Wave: "What? That was hilarious!"

Tikal: "No it wasn't! That was very hurtful of you to say that!"

Anth: *All of a sudden behind Wave* "Yeah! And that insult was half-@$$, anyway!"

Wave: "WAH!!"

Everyone (except Spock, Data, and Wave): "HA HA HA HA HA!!"

Wave: "Oh, real funny."

Blaze: *Just now arriving* "Is it over?"

Tikal: "No...I'm sorry. It's not."

Blaze: "Then I'm going in to end it!" *rushes into the Coliseum*

Tikal: "Hey, wait!"

Vector: "Come back!"

Anth: "Let's just leave her. It'll be funny."

Jet: "We'll pick you up at 7!"

Later...Inside the Dragoon's briefing has a holovid in the middle for briefing stuff. Ya know, when briefing, it shows holograms of the objectives and stuff.

Everyone except Cream, Sonic, Vanilla and Blaze were there.

Spock: "According to the message Sir Weresheep left behind,..."

A hologram of Egg Utopia appeared from the holovid.

Spock: "...he, Tails, Cosmo, Selena, and some other guy are being held here, in Egg Utopia."

Data: "Information on the first Egg Utopia suggests that their exact location should be here, in the holding cells."

Data pushed a part of the interior of the battle station and it lit up. The lit area then enlarged, giving a more detailed example of the cell block.

Amy: "Why does Eggman always have a cell block in his cooky inventions. It's nuts, isn't it, Murry?"

The little frog-thingie was on her head.

Murry: "Gler glarh glur!" (I didn't know that, but that is indeed nuts!)

Spock: "This is the plan..."

Not now.....but meanwhile, I had to accommodate to my new quarters....and yes, it was a cell. I was in it with Selena. To the left was Grag, along with Tails and Cosmo (they were still in disguise, so maybe Eggman's robots thought it was one person....or thing whoever "Buddy" is). I sat with my back to the wall, while Selena sat on the jail bed (the bottom one) while staring at the wall that separated her and her cousin.

Weresheep: "What is it with Eggman and the jail business? It's like he's planning on opening a zoo whenever he kidnaps someone."

Selena: "Weresheep, that is your name right? [and a damn right silly one at that.]"

Weresheep: "Yes it is. What is it?"

Selena: "I didn't get the chance to ask until now....but who IS Eggman?"

Weresheep: "Wha!? Oh, ahem. I guess Tails forgot to tell you?"

Selena: *Nods*

Weresheep: " far back as I can remember, Eggman has it in for world domination. He's tried many times, each and every single one was foiled by Sonic and his friends."

Selena: "And Miles?"

Weresheep: "He's known as 'Tails' to us because he doesn't like the name 'Miles'. I don't see why. I'd kill to have my name 'Miles'."

Selena: "To me, though...he will always be Miles."

Weresheep: "Well, I got no query about that." *gets up*

Selena: "Wha?"

Weresheep: "Ya hear that?"

We heard a door open. A group of Egg Pawns took all of the captives (including me) to Eggman's little "Interrogation room".

Weresheep: "And here comes the whole, 'I am Dr. Eggman, I'm going to take over the entire world!' thing."

A few minutes later....

Eggman: "Well, well, well. If it isn't 'Sir' Weresheep. I didn't think I could ever get my hands on you."

Weresheep: "Yeah, well, there's a first for everything."

Eggman: "And the last for you, Weresheep."

Weresheep: "I hear ya. I won't let myself get captured again."

Eggman: "Muh ha ha ha ha! A wiseguy to the end, eh? Well then, prepare to spend the rest of your life in a cell!"

Weresheep: "That depends. Do I get bathroom privacy?"

Sentinal: "Three times everyday. Four times on holidays, fifty-seven times on Marty Graz."

Weresheep: "WHAT!?!? I'm going to need more then 57!! You won't get away with this!!"

Sentinal: "Until we figure out who's been clogging the plumbing that is."

All of the bad guys turned to look at The Eggman duo.

Eggman: "Oh, sure...."

Eggman Nega: "Blame the fat guys."

Sigma: "Let's unmask this mysterious man to see who it REALLY is!"

Tails: [Oh no!]

Sigma forcefully ripped Tails and Cosmo's disguise.

Mystery Inc. Kids: "GASP!!!"

Sentinal: *To Sigma* "When did they get here?"

Sigma: "Must be on parole."

Tails: "Uh, heh heh, hi..."

Cosmo: [Oh no...without the armor, I'll drop...] "Eeek!" *drops Tails*

Croix: "It's Tails and Cosmo....In a disguise!"

Sigma: "Thank you, we think that was obvious."

Tails was unconscious on top of an unconscious Cosmo. (In a non-perverted way)

Grag: "OH MY GOD!!!"

The Guildmage stared at the revealed pair.

Grag: "Buddy, I didn't know that you were really two different people for all these years!"

It was quiet. I slapped my hand to my face.

Grag: "I have a secret like that too. But that's for later."

Eggman: "Now can we get on with Negative me's plan?"

Eggman Nega: "My plan was to distract them all with Sentinal's Sonic robot--Ultra Sonic, as he calls it--and with your red echidna friend and his group killed by the zombies...."

I raised my hand.

Eggman Nega: "Make it quick."

Weresheep: "Uh, yeah, well, ya see, Knux and the others weren't killed by the zombies. They were too brain dead to even move 2 feet."

Eggman Nega: "Ohh...well, that's not good....uhhh.....ok then, uhhh....We'll just skip to the final phase where we use Selena and you all as bait for Sonic I guess."

Weresheep: "What? Grounder's come up with better plans then that!"

Eggman Nega: "The zombies were a major point of it all! So now it's just the default. When he gets here,..."

Weresheep: "That's IF he gets here. He got hammered last night and has a huge @$$ headache right now."

Eggman Nega: "Jesus frickin' Christ! He even ruins plans when he gets drunk!"

Sigma: "Not the first time. Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy, almost got on the very plane that got hijacked during 9/11. He was 10 minutes late because he had a major hangover. So drinking really CAN save your life."

Sentinal: "Go figure."

Selena: "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz."

Weresheep: "Wow. She can fall asleep standing up. Amazing."

Eggman: "Just...take them away or something. I'm going to get a robot ready."

Egg Pawns took us away.

Another few minutes later....and yeah, Tails and Cosmo have woken up by now.

Grag was staring at his two inmates. Perhaps still convinced that his best friend was two different people wearing a disguise for a few years.

Tails: "So uh, sorry about disguising as your friend. We just had to see if Selena was ok."

Grag: "I have a secret, too."

Tails & Cosmo: "Hm?"

He tore HIS disguise off.

Tails: "Ahhhh!!!"

Cosmo: "Eeeeek!!!"

In me and Selena's cell....

Selena: "What was that?"

Weresheep: "Grag's secret must be out."

Selena: "Oh...."

Weresheep: "Something wrong?"

Selena: "It's just.....I'm the reason why Miles is trapped here with me. I never wanted this to happen to him."

Weresheep: "Well you're too late for that. This has happened plenty of times."

Selena: "But he shouldn't even be with Sonic! I mean, he's only 8 years old, Miles is way too young."

Weresheep: "He may be young, but he's not the 'Little Miles' you knew him as. Little do you know that your little cousin is smarter then you think."

Selena: "What do you mean?"

Weresheep: "I'm saying that if not for his great intelligence, the universe would have been destroyed as all beings that were non-plant related would have been extinguished."

Selena: "Wha!?"

Weresheep: "Long story. Anyway, while you think that Tails is too young, he's actually very mature for his age. The only time I can think of where he actually broke down was not too long ago, when...."

Selena: "Slow down! Exactly how much has my little cousin changed?"

Weresheep: "Perhaps TOO much. He can do almost anything on his own now."

I began to put some things that were in my pocket together.

Weresheep: "And it's our job as matured adults to watch over him. A little fox can go a long way, but not the whole way."

Selena: "Hm?"

Finally, it was finished; a small hand-held gun.

Selena: "What is that?"

Weresheep: "Our ticket out of here. Like I said, this hasn't been the first time we've been locked up."

ZAP! The EMP pistol worked perfectly. The doors were easily slid open by us. Tails' cell was next.

Weresheep: "Alright, we'll get you three out, now- GOOD SWEET CHRIST!!!!"



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