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Chapter 17 - On Egg Utopia...

BEHOLD! A brand new series! Takes place after "The Weresheep Anniversary Dance." Inside the strange ship "Dragoon", the Sonic Heroes, me, and a couple others set off to space. This is the Ravnica saga, taking place on the planet known as Ravnica. More rom

Chapter 17 - On Egg Utopia...

Chapter 17 - On Egg Utopia...
Last time on Weresheep X, a Grag imposter turned out to be Peter Griffin, which to my surprise, no one seemed to notice. Sharp-Tail joined us just in time to take out the Egg Pawns blocking our path. By the way, Dane Cook isn't here anymore. Sorry.

Weresheep: "Mr. Spock! We're at the rendezvous point. Where are you? Come in, Mr. Spock!"

Spock: "Uh, sir, we're right here."

Weresheep: "AHH! Oh, yes, right. Very well then."

Anth: "Now what? Don't you have a plan or something to stop Egg Utopia at this point?"

Weresheep: "Uhhhhhhh....."

Just then, a metal door nearby was busted open, knocking Peter down a flight of stairs that was conveniently nearby.

Peter: "AHHH! OW! OW! OH GOD! OW!"

Carl: "What the Hell's goin on?"

Lando: "Hey, it's the blue dude!"

Weresheep: "Sonic!? Uh, I mean, right on time. Yeah, that's it."

Anth: "Are you sure you're ok, Sonic? You were out like a light."

Sonic: "I'm fine. No thanks to YOU, Anth."

Tails: "Sonic!"

Sonic: "Hey Tails! Cosmo! You two ok?"

Cosmo: "Yes, we're fine. Thank you."

Sonic: "Alright. Anyone got a plan?"

Tails: "This Egg Utopia is not much different from the last one. I'd say we should be able to destroy it just as easily."

Sonic: "So, it's confront Eggman, kick his butt, and high-tail it out of here before the whole place explodes? No problem."

Weresheep: "That's about the only plan here. Mr. Spock, Mr. Data, let's get rolling."

Spock: "Aye, sir."

The Vulcan and the Android (Data is an Android, for those who don't know) pulled out shotguns out from nowhere and cocked them.


Spock: "Lock and load, Mr. Data?"

Data: "Locked and loaded, Mr. Spock."

Sonic: "Watch out, Eggman. Here I come." *runs off*

Tails: "Wait, Sonic! He ran off without thinking again. There's not just Eggman, but Sigma, and judging from these past happening, more have joined him."

Selena: "So that was Sonic? Your best friend whom you've told me so much about?"

Tails: "Yeah...he always runs off like that." *scoops up Cosmo* "We'd better go after him." *flys after Sonic*

Selena: "Going without your cousin, eh? I'll show you how to fly."

Weresheep: "You'll need this." *tosses a blaster pistol*

Selena: "Hm..."

The vulpes then did a couple of hand tricks with it; she spun it around on one finger, then another spin with her finger next to the trigger.

Weresheep: o.0 *Trades this look with Sharp-Tail*

Selena then spun her own tails around and she took off (perhaps faster then Tails could) flying.

Weresheep: "When in Rome..." *grabs Anth and straps him around back, then proceeds with the others*

Data: "When where, sir?"

Weresheep: "Nevermind. Got my back there, partner?"

Anth: "I am like the strong and impenetrable backpack!"

Weresheep: "Roger that, meat shield."

Data: "We all seem to be paired up for support. Sharp-Tail, perhaps it would be amiable if you accompanied Selena."

Sharp-Tail: "I guess it would."

With a sword-gun combo, looks like he has an advantage of sorts. I don't know, I'm no weapons expert.

Selena: *Hears him coming* "So, you think I need help?"

Sharp-Tail: "That's the idea."

Selena: "We'll talk later."

That's it? I was expecting a lot more dramatic. And to think I spend my time typing these....

Anth: "Are you talking to yourself again? They said they'd talk later!"

Weresheep: "Oh uh, yeah. Ahem. Right. Take this shotgun and be quiet."

Anth: "No problem." *cocks shotgun*

Weresheep: "Now hang tight, 'cause I'm gonna super speed it!"

Anth: "You can do that, too? Sweet. Let's leave these Trekkies behind and kick some @$$."

Weresheep: "I love to do that. 3....2.....1...."

ZZZIIIIIPPPPP And off I went. 'Nuff said.

Meanwhile, in the control room of Egg Utopia...

Eggman: "Everything's going as planned. Once Sonic gets here, we'll crush him."

Sigma: "The demon down there looks like trouble. What about him?"

Sentinal: "What ABOUT him? When Sonic is out of the picture, a demon will be no problem."

Eggman Nega: "And then the Eggman Empire will reign supreme."

Sonic: "Not this time."

Eggman: "Wha, huh, ahh! H-how long have you been there?"

Sonic: "I don't know. I got lost around the part where tin man there starting talking about demons and trouble."

Eggman: "No matter, I'll--"

Tails: "Sonic!"

Weresheep: "Woah! Whew! That was a doozy..."

Anth: "Damn man, you only ran like 300 ft. You're really out of shape."

Weresheep: "F***"

Anth: "Are we late for the evil speech presented by the Eggman squad?"

Sentinal: "Nope."

Sigma: "As a matter of fact, you're about 2 seconds early."

Anth: "Sweet."

Weresheep: "Hey...huff....Sonic....Tails had to backtrack with Selena, because Cosmo really wouldn't appreciate it when we tan their asses...Sharp-Tail followed....huff...along with Spock and Data. It's just us versus them."

Sonic: "So you're saying that it's the three of us versus the four of them? Plus any robot or doomsday device Eggman has planned?"

Weresheep: *Nods*

Sonic: "Teh. That's just the way I like it."

Sentinal: "Then let's start with a warm up, shall we?"

The whole room lit up, revealing us in the middle of a large circle, enclosed by an electric cage.

Weresheep: "Figures...."

Anth: "This just keeps getting better."

The crimson Sonic robot entered through an opening in the cage, then the opening closed up, blocking our escape.

Sentinal: "Behold! My latest Sonic robot! One out of the many I've created over the years."

Sigma: "I'll get them afterwards."

Eggman: "You've made your last mistake, Sonic......Weresheep......Anth, meet Ultra Sonic!"

Eggman Nega: "Get them, Sentinal!"

Sentinal took out the controller for Ultra Sonic.

Weresheep: "Is that an RC Car controller?"

Sentinal: "Hey! It was really short notice!"

U* Sonic: "Target: Sonic. Age: 15. Eye color: emerald. I.Q.: little above average is an estimate."

Sonic: "I'm flattered."

Anth: "That proves it! You're smarter then Knuckles! Oh oh, do me next!" *jumps off my back*

U* Sonic: "Additional target acquired: Anth M. Southworth. Age: Unknown--"

Anth: "29!"

U* Sonic: "Eye color: brown. I.Q.: 300."

Anth: "Yeah! In your face, Eggman! In your face!"

Sonic: "Way to go, Anth."

U* Sonic: "Additional target acquired: Weresheep. Age: 200 circa. Eye color: brown. I.Q.: 300.000000000000000001"

Weresheep: "Booya! I am clearly the smartest guy here!"

Sentinal: "Not quite. I was estimated to have an I.Q. of 300.000000000000000002!"

Weresheep: "Daaammmnnnn...."

Eggman: "Enough of the inside jokes! Just get him already!"

Sentinal: "Chill out. All this thing has is 'forward, backward, turn left, turn right, punch, jump, turn off, turn on, and grab'."

Eggman: "I don't care what it has! Just have it destroy Sonic!"

Sentinal: "All right then."

Sigma: " I have an idea..."

The Reploid then just collapsed and turned off. A purplish, semi-transparent phantasm of Sigma's head appeared above the scrap heap.

Sigma Virus: "I'll just infect Ultra, and...."

The head flew at U* Sonic at full speed. The robot began to short-circuit with purple static. After a few seconds, it's eyes lit up again, this time they were a pinkish color.

U* Sonic/Sigma: "...And we'll even the odds a little."

Sonic: "This just keeps getting better...."

Weresheep: "And better." *brandishes the sword Sharp-Tail used*

Anth: "What's that thing say?..." *reads* "Oh that's so cheezy."

Weresheep: "Shut up."

And the fight finally began. There was really just a grey cloud of dust or something, with the frequent fist or foot coming out of it. And a bunch of fight noises came out, too.

Anth: "Jeez, you're so lazy!"

Weresheep: "No I'm not! The final battle isn't with some virus-infected Sonic wannabe!"

Everyone: "It's not!?!?"

Just then, the whole place seemed to rumble and shake.

Sentinal: "Oh shoot! The control brooooke! Woooahhh!!!"

Sigma: "So what? I'm still in control of Ultra Sonic!"

Sentinal: "That's not the problem! My robots are programmed to self destruct when the controller's destroyed!"

Sigma: "W-wha!? I-I can't stop it! The bomb is seperate from the robot!"

Sonic: "Hole..."

Weresheep: "-ey....."

Anth: "CRAP!!!"

The robot exploded. Luckily, it wasn't that big, but complicated things as the battlestation still shook around.

Eggman Nega: "What's this? Meteors!?"

Weresheep: "Huh?" *getting a call* "What's going on, Mr. Spock?!"

Spock: "Sir! A large herd of meteors are approaching Ravnica! Egg Utopia is being pummled!"

Weresheep: "Say what!?"

Sonic: "No way!"

Spock: "There's no time! We're tracking your coordinates for transport!"

Weresheep: "Execute! Sonic, the window!"

Sonic: "Ya don't have to tell me twice!"

Anth: "Wait for me, guys!"

Eggman: "Ahhhh! Retreat! To the Egg Cruiser! Croix, the magic shield!"

Croix: "Yes, Master Robotnik."

First Anth, then me, then before Sonic crashed through the window, he stopped.

Sonic: "Goodluck, Eggman!" *jumps through the window*

As he fell, Sonic wondered what he was going to land on that would save him from the fall.


Nevermind. It was Anth's new ship, "Spaceball 1".

Sonic: "Anth can come up with the weirdest things."

It was.....well....a Wenebago with spaceship wings on it. On the back was a bumper sticker that read "Spaceball 1.0".

Sonic: "Oh well. I can hang on. The X Tornado is harder to hang on to then this."

Weresheep: *Through an intercom* "Sonic! Hang on! We're going to dock with the Dragoon!"

Sonic: "I already know what to do, Captain Obvious."

Weresheep: "I'm talking about the falling debris."

Sonic: "Oh. WHOA!!!"

A long story short, we made it.

Weresheep: "That was nuts."

Spock: "Sir, there's no time to relax. I set us on a course to the main meteor. If we can destroy the main meteor, the rest should burn up in the atmosphere."

Data: "The giant meteor will cause utter havoc not only here, but to the Ozone as well. If I am correct, then the impact from the giant meteor will cause sufficient damage to the planet for the rest of the asteroids to make it into the atmosphere."

Weresheep: "Then let's get ready!"

Inside the giant meteor....

??? (current antagonist): "Destroy it all. Burn everything. First Ravnica, then Green planet, then the rest of the galaxy."

A creature stirred sound asleep in the middle of the main chamber. It was utterly massive. A bulbous silhouette the shape of a tennis ball (just the shape, not the details). With each exhale came a tiny amount of a dark purplish gas.

???: "Chaos, war, anger, hatred....THIS is truly what gives one power. They thought I had died. They thought I was gone for good. But no. They fell for it. That puny worm didn't realize a real from a fake."



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