Chapter 1 - The begining and Lunch with Ben
Submitted May 25, 2006 Updated May 25, 2006 Status Incomplete | Well this is actually the same exact sorry as the last, but I accidentally erased the last one so the chapter one is actually chapter one and two. This story is about Raelee and Ben and how they meet and stuff.
Real People |
Chapter 1 - The begining and Lunch with Ben
Chapter 1 - The begining and Lunch with Ben
Okay one and two are in here, I know that I wrote this at the bottom, but I marked where chapter two starts so ya!!!
Chapter one
"Hey do you need some help?" A young man questions me. I must look like a complete loser. It was my first day of school and I have no clue where I am. The young man just looks at me with his green eyes gently looking at me. I look up at him and just nod. That was all I could do. I am not the most outgoing person. "Well let me see your schedule?" He asked me kindly. I hand the young man my schedule paper. He just glances over it.
"It seems that you have Mr.Kurtis first, I’ll walk you there okay?" He gives me back my paper. "So what is your name?" He just asked casually.
"It’s Raelee, What yours?" I reply quietly.
"Oh forgive me, I am Ben." He smiles back. I couldn’t help but smile also. He seems so nice.
"So what class do you have?" I look up at him.
He smiles again then says, "Well I have Mr.Lee’s class. It is really the only class I have."
"Really? Is he a cool teacher?" I ask just before we get to Mr. Kurtis’s door.
"Well you could say that. Well here we are, hope you have fun. Uh…How bout I come here after first hour and take you to your next class since you don’t know where you’re going." He leans in kind of close but not enough to make me nervous.
"I guess, you’re the only person I know so far anyway. I’ll wait here for you. Kay?"
"Alright, it’s a date then. See you in a while." He smiles then walks away, talking to people as he walks through the halls. He seems really nice.
I look down at my schedule to see the rest of my classes as I walk into the room. I wish I had Mr. Lee so I can have some classes with Ben. Oh well, at least I made a friend. I walk up to the teacher’s desk and ask him where I should sit. He like most teachers tells me to sit anywhere. Since it is the first day of school. I am just really new to this school. I sit down in the back seeming that it would be the perfect place for a quiet, new girl like me. I wonder what Ben is doing.
That new girl seems really nice, she is really pretty. I really like her short, dark brown, curly hair. She dresses so comfy also. I like everything about her so far. I like her voice, so quiet and soft. It is just too bad that she is a student. A boy comes up and yells, "Hey another year with Mr. Lee. Glad to see me." Michael Rogers again, he just keeps failing. "Well Michael back again to barely pass another class?" I ask sarcastically.
"Now I am just hurt Mr. Lee. I plan to graduate this year, so I have to pass your class this time. It’s a requirement," He says while acting as if he was actually offended by the comment, but soon goes back to his happy go lucky self.
"Well in any circumstance I am happy to see you Michael." Self consciously wondering what Raelee was doing. I can’t think about this now, I have to teach my art class. At only 20 I have a fairly good job. I work as an artist and I teach an art class at Red Bailey’s School. Only bad part is not fraternizing with the students. But I couldn’t help it sometimes, like with Raelee. I wonder what she will think when she figures out that I am a teacher and not a student. I should have told her. I will, I’ll ask her to lunch then tell her. I hear the bell ring and head into my classroom to teach another class to first-timers.
"Hello Class, my name is Mr. Lee if you don’t know that already." I hear some girls sigh when I walk by. "Now I want to get to know all of you so take out a piece of paper and write your name, parent’s name and something about you. Oh and your schedule." I write it down on the board so I don’t get a million questions about what I just said. I go sit down at my desk and wait for everyone to get done. What is Raelee doing, I hope she is doing okay.
This is so boring, I hate History, and it is so boring. I wish it would get over so I can see Ben, he is the only person I know and it’s good to have someone there. Plus he is cute. He has beautiful bright green eyes and dark brown hair with glowing tan skin. Plus he is tall and muscular. I can’t believe he even came up and talked to an average girl like me. It is so hard to move into a new school your senior year, especially in a small town like this. Everyone has known each other since grade school. The rest of the class goes by slowly with nothing really happening since it’s the first day. When the bell rings it kind of makes me jump, but I pack up all my things up quickly and wait outside the door, hoping Ben will come. It takes a while for him to come, and I started to worry he was just playing with me before, but then he came up behind me taps my shoulder.
"Hi, I was worried that you’d forgotten about me." I beam.
"How could I forget such a pretty face? So I have a question for you, would you like to go to lunch with me? I could show you a little around town." He looks at me hopefully and how could I say no. So I just nod my head in approval. He just smiles and shows me to my next class and says he’ll meet me outside and take me to lunch.
Class goes by so slow in Mrs. Wilbee’s class she is so monotone, plus I am so excited to spend time with Ben.
This is where chapter 2 starts….sorry!!!
All we did was give her a card with our name and crap on it and got our books for English. When the bell rang I got up as fast I could and got out there. Ben was waiting outside for me. I just smile and walk up next to him. He was talking to another boy, and finished up quickly when I came over. When the boy walked away he asks, "Ready?" I nod again, that’s all I seem to do around him. We walk out the side door of the school where his nice older car waited. I am not good at cars or I’d tell you what it was. As we walk up he breaks the silence with, "So were would you like to go?"
"Well I don’t really know what’s around, but something fast would be great. That way we can talk more. Also that way you can show me around a bit." I reply honestly.
"Alright, we have a burger joint down the road that is pretty good, they are fast, and they aren’t to crowded." Ben says back at me with a brilliant smile. He then opens the door for me and goes around to get into the car.
The only reason I really even suggested the burger joint was because not many of the high schoolers go to it, Ben says to himself. I can’t have anyone seeing us just yet. I look over her one more time before driving off. She is so pretty, I wish I didn’t have to tell her I was a teacher. I drive about a mile before turning in to the parking lot of our town’s little burger joint. It almost looks run-down, but they do make good food. As I park my car I ask Raelee, "So where do you live anyway?" She looks up at me with her gorgeous hazel eyes, and replies in her sweet voice, "well I live by the pasta house across town it a pretty nice neighborhood I guess." I knew that neighborhood, and it wasn’t nice at all. It was considered the ghetto in our small town, with its small run-down trailers. That place didn’t even have paved roads. But I decided not to say anything to her.
We small talk until our lunch comes and I decide to tell her. "Hey Raelee, I really have to tell you something important. I don’t want you to be mad at me. Okay?"
She looks up at me startled, "Oo-kay.?."
"Alright I am a teacher at Red Bailey’s." She just stares at me in amazement. "Is that okay with you?"
Oh my gosh he’s a teacher, what should I say. I really like him. But isn’t it illegal to go out with your teacher? "Uh…What do you teach, okay wait, why didn’t you tell me sooner?"
"Well I didn’t tell you sooner because you wouldn’t have even considered going here with me otherwise, I really like you. I am just an art teacher, and I am only 20." He looks at me waiting for me to say something.
"Okay, so what do we do now, I mean I like you. But you’re a teacher. Isn’t that kind of weird?" I say with a sigh.
"I think it would be okay if we saw each other, if no one knew. You are 18 right?"
"Yeah I am 18, but what if someone found out. Okay wait we aren’t going out. So why does it matter if we hang out?"
"Well there is nothing wrong with hanging out, that is if you wouldn’t mind going out with me.?."
I can’t believe this Ben is asking me out on the first day of school. I really like him. "If I went out with you, what would it be like though?"
"Well normal except for not letting anyone know at school we are going out." He tells me that with puppy dog eyes.
"I’ll go out with you Ben, but only for a trial period at first. I don’t know if this is going to work!" He goes over to me and practically picks me up with is hug. He is such a sweet guy. I mean he is only 2 years older then me!
Okay guys, I am so dumb and I accidentally erased the chapters I made sooo, here is one and two put together! Sorry!!!!
Chapter one
"Hey do you need some help?" A young man questions me. I must look like a complete loser. It was my first day of school and I have no clue where I am. The young man just looks at me with his green eyes gently looking at me. I look up at him and just nod. That was all I could do. I am not the most outgoing person. "Well let me see your schedule?" He asked me kindly. I hand the young man my schedule paper. He just glances over it.
"It seems that you have Mr.Kurtis first, I’ll walk you there okay?" He gives me back my paper. "So what is your name?" He just asked casually.
"It’s Raelee, What yours?" I reply quietly.
"Oh forgive me, I am Ben." He smiles back. I couldn’t help but smile also. He seems so nice.
"So what class do you have?" I look up at him.
He smiles again then says, "Well I have Mr.Lee’s class. It is really the only class I have."
"Really? Is he a cool teacher?" I ask just before we get to Mr. Kurtis’s door.
"Well you could say that. Well here we are, hope you have fun. Uh…How bout I come here after first hour and take you to your next class since you don’t know where you’re going." He leans in kind of close but not enough to make me nervous.
"I guess, you’re the only person I know so far anyway. I’ll wait here for you. Kay?"
"Alright, it’s a date then. See you in a while." He smiles then walks away, talking to people as he walks through the halls. He seems really nice.
I look down at my schedule to see the rest of my classes as I walk into the room. I wish I had Mr. Lee so I can have some classes with Ben. Oh well, at least I made a friend. I walk up to the teacher’s desk and ask him where I should sit. He like most teachers tells me to sit anywhere. Since it is the first day of school. I am just really new to this school. I sit down in the back seeming that it would be the perfect place for a quiet, new girl like me. I wonder what Ben is doing.
That new girl seems really nice, she is really pretty. I really like her short, dark brown, curly hair. She dresses so comfy also. I like everything about her so far. I like her voice, so quiet and soft. It is just too bad that she is a student. A boy comes up and yells, "Hey another year with Mr. Lee. Glad to see me." Michael Rogers again, he just keeps failing. "Well Michael back again to barely pass another class?" I ask sarcastically.
"Now I am just hurt Mr. Lee. I plan to graduate this year, so I have to pass your class this time. It’s a requirement," He says while acting as if he was actually offended by the comment, but soon goes back to his happy go lucky self.
"Well in any circumstance I am happy to see you Michael." Self consciously wondering what Raelee was doing. I can’t think about this now, I have to teach my art class. At only 20 I have a fairly good job. I work as an artist and I teach an art class at Red Bailey’s School. Only bad part is not fraternizing with the students. But I couldn’t help it sometimes, like with Raelee. I wonder what she will think when she figures out that I am a teacher and not a student. I should have told her. I will, I’ll ask her to lunch then tell her. I hear the bell ring and head into my classroom to teach another class to first-timers.
"Hello Class, my name is Mr. Lee if you don’t know that already." I hear some girls sigh when I walk by. "Now I want to get to know all of you so take out a piece of paper and write your name, parent’s name and something about you. Oh and your schedule." I write it down on the board so I don’t get a million questions about what I just said. I go sit down at my desk and wait for everyone to get done. What is Raelee doing, I hope she is doing okay.
This is so boring, I hate History, and it is so boring. I wish it would get over so I can see Ben, he is the only person I know and it’s good to have someone there. Plus he is cute. He has beautiful bright green eyes and dark brown hair with glowing tan skin. Plus he is tall and muscular. I can’t believe he even came up and talked to an average girl like me. It is so hard to move into a new school your senior year, especially in a small town like this. Everyone has known each other since grade school. The rest of the class goes by slowly with nothing really happening since it’s the first day. When the bell rings it kind of makes me jump, but I pack up all my things up quickly and wait outside the door, hoping Ben will come. It takes a while for him to come, and I started to worry he was just playing with me before, but then he came up behind me taps my shoulder.
"Hi, I was worried that you’d forgotten about me." I beam.
"How could I forget such a pretty face? So I have a question for you, would you like to go to lunch with me? I could show you a little around town." He looks at me hopefully and how could I say no. So I just nod my head in approval. He just smiles and shows me to my next class and says he’ll meet me outside and take me to lunch.
Class goes by so slow in Mrs. Wilbee’s class she is so monotone, plus I am so excited to spend time with Ben.
This is where chapter 2 starts….sorry!!!
All we did was give her a card with our name and crap on it and got our books for English. When the bell rang I got up as fast I could and got out there. Ben was waiting outside for me. I just smile and walk up next to him. He was talking to another boy, and finished up quickly when I came over. When the boy walked away he asks, "Ready?" I nod again, that’s all I seem to do around him. We walk out the side door of the school where his nice older car waited. I am not good at cars or I’d tell you what it was. As we walk up he breaks the silence with, "So were would you like to go?"
"Well I don’t really know what’s around, but something fast would be great. That way we can talk more. Also that way you can show me around a bit." I reply honestly.
"Alright, we have a burger joint down the road that is pretty good, they are fast, and they aren’t to crowded." Ben says back at me with a brilliant smile. He then opens the door for me and goes around to get into the car.
The only reason I really even suggested the burger joint was because not many of the high schoolers go to it, Ben says to himself. I can’t have anyone seeing us just yet. I look over her one more time before driving off. She is so pretty, I wish I didn’t have to tell her I was a teacher. I drive about a mile before turning in to the parking lot of our town’s little burger joint. It almost looks run-down, but they do make good food. As I park my car I ask Raelee, "So where do you live anyway?" She looks up at me with her gorgeous hazel eyes, and replies in her sweet voice, "well I live by the pasta house across town it a pretty nice neighborhood I guess." I knew that neighborhood, and it wasn’t nice at all. It was considered the ghetto in our small town, with its small run-down trailers. That place didn’t even have paved roads. But I decided not to say anything to her.
We small talk until our lunch comes and I decide to tell her. "Hey Raelee, I really have to tell you something important. I don’t want you to be mad at me. Okay?"
She looks up at me startled, "Oo-kay.?."
"Alright I am a teacher at Red Bailey’s." She just stares at me in amazement. "Is that okay with you?"
Oh my gosh he’s a teacher, what should I say. I really like him. But isn’t it illegal to go out with your teacher? "Uh…What do you teach, okay wait, why didn’t you tell me sooner?"
"Well I didn’t tell you sooner because you wouldn’t have even considered going here with me otherwise, I really like you. I am just an art teacher, and I am only 20." He looks at me waiting for me to say something.
"Okay, so what do we do now, I mean I like you. But you’re a teacher. Isn’t that kind of weird?" I say with a sigh.
"I think it would be okay if we saw each other, if no one knew. You are 18 right?"
"Yeah I am 18, but what if someone found out. Okay wait we aren’t going out. So why does it matter if we hang out?"
"Well there is nothing wrong with hanging out, that is if you wouldn’t mind going out with me.?."
I can’t believe this Ben is asking me out on the first day of school. I really like him. "If I went out with you, what would it be like though?"
"Well normal except for not letting anyone know at school we are going out." He tells me that with puppy dog eyes.
"I’ll go out with you Ben, but only for a trial period at first. I don’t know if this is going to work!" He goes over to me and practically picks me up with is hug. He is such a sweet guy. I mean he is only 2 years older then me!
Okay guys, I am so dumb and I accidentally erased the chapters I made sooo, here is one and two put together! Sorry!!!!
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hirataitokyo on May 26, 2006, 12:32:59 AM
hirataitokyo on