Chapter 1 - Life's Routine
Submitted February 22, 2006 Updated January 3, 2007 Status Incomplete | Leon is a college graduate, he is a wealthy man. He owns his own company. Cloud is a high school graduate who attended college for a year than dropped out. He’s looking for a job but hardly qualifies according to the receptionist, enter Leon. Yaoi, f
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Chapter 1 - Life's Routine
Chapter 1 - Life's Routine
OKAY!! NEW STORY!! This one involves another one of my favorite couples. Leon and Cloud! They don't get enough time together in stories..Don't get me wrong! Sora and Riku are a good couple, but nothing is sexier than Cloud and Leon. Come on you know it's true. Tell me if ya like. Read and Review.
I don't own any of the characters cause if I did there'd be a whole lot of yaoi.
Leon is a college graduate, he is a wealthy man. He owns his own company. Cloud is a high school graduate who attended college for a year than dropped out. He's looking for a job but hardly qualifies according to the receptionist, but when Leon sees him he can't help but lend a hand!
The sun peak through sheer curtains, a mass of blankets moved. First to the right than to the left.
“Beep, beep, beep, beep.” Another grunt was heard. A man set up. His hair a soft yet deep chocolate brown, he bears a fine scare between his eyes, which are now closed shut.
“Beep, beep, beep, beep” He sighs pinching the bridge of his nose. The blanket started to fall off his shoulders to pool around his waist. He leaned his hands behind him, letting his chin touch his chest, he breathed in slowly and opened his eyes. They were a deep gray and blue. He sat back up running a hand in his should length locks and sighed.
“Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, bee” he clicked it off. He swung his legs towards the edge of the bed. He let his feet touch the floor. He sat for a minute then got up and walked toward the bathroom. He was wearing nothing but a pair of pajama pants that hung low on his waist. Showing off his lower abs and happy trail, he was toned and fit. He walked into the bathroom, turned on the shower. Steaming hot, just the way he liked it, He walked over to the mirror.
“Time to start the day” he told himself. It was all routine. Wake at 5:00, Shower, run down stairs make coffee, get in shower, walk out whilst drinking coffee, drive to his company, say hi to the office people and stay in office. That was his day, everyday.
He walked out his bathroom back into his room. He walked down the stairs of his condominium. It was a two floor one, very spacious; in a building of ten floors, to give it an apartment feel. He walked into the kitchen, turning on his coffee machine imported from France. He also imported his coffee from rare places. It was Thursday so he drank black coffee from Scotland. He loved his coffee straight, he felt that sugar and other condiments put in coffee ruined the taste and experience of it all. He went to the cabinet searching for his coffee. The kitchen was white and accented with gold. The whole kitchen was made of white marble. The stove and other appliances were stainless steel. He looked to see all his coffee from Scotland was gone. `Awww' he thought, pouting a bit. He instead took a pack from his stash of coffee from the Netherlands. He was going to start drinking it next month but not wanting to disturb his routine he just took some of that kind instead. He started the coffee and started his way back upstairs and back to the bathroom. The bathroom was much like the kitchen in the way it was set up, marble accented in gold. It was rich material yet the way it was set up in his house made it seem simplistic. He loosened the draw string on his sweat pants and let them fall to his feet. The steam in the bathroom felt soft and exhilarating against his skin. `I love nice hot showers' he thought stepping inside. There was three shower heads in the shower, one facing the front, back and one huge one above. He stepped in and let it fall on him, drenching his hair. He lifted his arms above his head and stretched. He moaned in pleasure as his whole body began to loosen up. He heard some sound of machinery and what sounded like construction outside. He didn't let that bother him.
“Oh feels so good” he moaned softly. Grabbing his vanilla scented body wash. “Today is going to be a good day. I bet the coffee will be good even though it's a little early for the change.” He thought aloud.
“Aww frack!” he jumped out the shower. It stung like sharp needles. He shivered at the cold. `What just happened?' he looked back into the shower to see if he accidentally triggered something to turn the water cold, but the golden faucet and handle was on the same setting as hot sauna. Then it just turned off. That's when he heard the yelling and cursing outside.
“Boss ya hit the main water pipe!” There was water shooting into the sky from a huge silver pipe in the ground.
“Ya think?” the other man yelled. People started to shout out the windows.
“Hey turn the water back on!” people started yelling. The man, the “boss” took out a cell phone.
“Folks, it's gonna be a while for the water to turn on” he said. The man brought his head back into the window. `I don't believe this' he thought, he dried his hair and grabbed a bigger towel for his waist. He walked into his room and walked over to his walk in closet. At his office he made Thursdays and Fridays casual days. He grabbed a pair of leather pants, slipping them on under his towel. He discarded the towel into the dirty laundry basket. He then went to the other side of the closet and took a white tank top down. He slipped it on. It didn't cling to tight, but you could see that he was fit. He grabbed a half jacket, also made of leather and put some black shoes on. He walked back down stairs to get his coffee. `At least this still works' he got a cup and poured the coffee in. He breathed it in deeply, wafting the smell in. He smiled contently and took a sip. The taste was exotic. He clenched the cup a little tighter. He turned around and grabbed his thermostat and poured the rest of the coffee into it. He grabbed his keys off the table in the hallway and walked out the front door. He walked down the hallway out of his home. There was a house that was across from his. It was labeled four and his read five. He walked to the elevator the two shared and met with the man who shared the apartment. He walked his Siberian Husky every morning.
“Morning Leon” he said smoothly. He kneeled down and stroked his husky. His fur was an equally red color as his owners and they even shared the same shade of eye color. Which was an emerald green. His tailed wagged and he barked. The man stood back up.
“Morning Reno” he said back in a smooth way as well.
“So are we on for Saturday?” he asked
“Are we always?” he looked over to the man and smiled. Reno couldn't help but smirk.
“Sorry to disappoint you babe, or wreck your schedule but I have to go to my friends place. He has a new assignment for me.”
“You're working?”
“Yeah, my boss called him to call me about a new assignment. His dad made it.” Reno rolled his eyes, “I don't think he likes the fact that I'm dating his son. Let alone fracking his brains out.” He smirk, Leon laughed.
“Well that and he thinks I'm frackin freeloading in his sons place.”
“Aren't you?” Reno looked Leon in the eyes and scoffed.
“He asked me to move in with him! And I do help him out!” Leon looked down to his watch and looked at Reno.
“I'm running late and as much as I'd love to finish this conversation I can't” he smiled and stepped in the elevator. It started to close but Leon put his hand in before it closed, “Oh and fracking his brains out is not considered helping out.” Reno stuck his tongue out and gave Leon the finger. Leon just smiled and shook his head. The door closed with a ding and he was on his way to the parking lot. `I should have told him the water was out, aw well he'll figure it out soon enough. Now what will I do Saturday?' the door dinged again and he walked out into the parking lot. He walk up to his sleek black Bentley, he slid in the smooth leather interior. He opened the glove compartment, which was where he kept his fingerless gloves. Ironic huh? He started off his car and went to his office.
He was now in his car driving to work, listening to the same mixed CD he did every morning. Everything was going his way, minus the shower, coffee, and his weekend, but other than that everything was fine. That is until
“Hey!! Will you frackin drive your shoot!” BOOOOOP!!! He looked up to see a traffic jam.
`Are you serious?' he thought. He waited there, it didn't seem to move, than his CD started to skip.
“Dammit!” he hissed, pulling it out. He sat there in traffic and was getting bored and aggravated, so he thought he'd turn on the radio.
“Hey how you doin lil mama? lemme whisper in your ear. Tell you sumthing that you might like to hear, you got a sexy @$$ body and your @$$ look soft. Mind if I touch it? And see if it's soft”
His eyes grew wide.
“Naw I'm just playin”
`Thank god!'
“Unless you say I can”
He looked at his radio, `What!?'
“And I'm known to be a real nasty man and they say a closed mouth don't get fed so I don't mind asking for head.”
`Did he just say..'
“You heard what I said, we need to make our way to the bed and you can start usin' yo head”
Leon couldn't believe such a song was playing, on the radio in the morning no less.
“You like to (Bleep) have your legs open all in da butt, do it up slappin @$$ cause the sex gets rough. Switch the positions and ready to get down to business, so you can see what you've been missin'”
`In the what..?'
“You might had some but you never had none like this, just wait til you see my dick!”
He winced at the words. The traffic started to move, he reached to turn off the radio, and started to drive. Looking up at the road, he reached over to turn it off but it got louder.
“AY dog!” People walking by looked at his car.
“Wit till you see my dick! Ay dog wait till you see my dick. Imma beat dat pussy up.”
The song continued and people yelled and cursed at his car. When the light became red he turned it off. He finished driving to work quite embarrassed. About to park in his parking place when he saw an old red mustang parked in his place. `What the..' he let this slid and park his black Bentley in another space further away. He strode up to the building. Leonhart Tech. They manufactured and made weaponry. He walked through the main door. There sat the receptionist,
“Morning Mr. Leonhart” she said.
“Scarlet” he said walking by. She smirked and watched him walk by. `Sexy as always' she looked at her watch she gasped. `he's late! That's a first, then again I guess there's a first for everything.' She smiled again.
“Mr. Leonhart”
He nodded.
“Mr. Leonhart”
He smiled. This went on until he went to his office. His office was very spacious, his desk was made of mahogany wood. His chair behind the deep brown desk was made of suede, and of the color of beige. The couched in front of his desk were too. He sat back opened his coffee, poured it in his cup and took a sip. He always loved to drink coffee and read the newspaper before his day started. He had the coffee but was now lacking his paper. He touched his intercom.
“Yuffie?” he asked, she was late and he knew it, because she wasn't there when he came in. He waited. She had a habit of being late. One could call it habitual. He would have fired her, but she was a college friend and a damn good secretary.
“Yuf” he was cut off by a loud cheery voice.
“Hi Squall!!!” she yelled. He winced. “Hey I have a legitimist reason for being late today, not that all my reasons are bad. But there was a hell of a traffic jam. You should have been out earlier, a guy ahead of me, like three cars was playing the Whisper Song by the Ying Yang twins really loud!” Leon pinched the bridge of his nose. `dammit' he thought. “It was so funny!” she began to laugh.
“Okay, for one my name is Leon, two I don't care about your so called reason and three where is my paper?” he asked, well more like stated.
“Umm okay Leon.. For one I just got here so I don't know, two I don't get your paper Scarlet does, and three…” she paused, “stop being such an as”
He cut the intercom off and got up going back down stairs towards his receptionist. He walked out his office and looked over towards Yuffie. She beamed at him.
“Oh Leon, I love it when you glare at me.” She said in a sarcastic way. He threw mistletoe at her head, continuing his walk back to the front. It was only December 12th and the whole building was covered in Christmassy things. He turned down the corridor and was almost there when heard
“Aww come on! I just wanna pitch this idea to the boss.”
Scarlet sat there arms crossed over her chest. She shook her head. Her hair bouncing with the movement.
“Sir, you have no résumé. Which means no credentials.” She looked him up and down. “You're not in proper attire and I assume you haven't made an appointment.” She looked up at him. He smiled hid best, his teeth clenching.
“I couldn't do that, every time I tried to make one you say he is booked.”
“That's because he is.” She retorted.
He sighed. “Plus you haven't even graduated college and you hope to get a job here” she giggled. “Fat chance.” She went back to typing at her computer. The man stood there and sighed. He looked up, `is someone watching me' He looked over to Leon. Leon stood there and looked at him. The man was about an inch or two shorter than him. He was wearing somewhat tight navy blue jeans and a form fitting baby blue turtle neck sweater. It was rather cold outside. The sweater made his eyes pop, they were a deeper baby blue. He was as blond as scarlet and had spiky hair. He had fine features and a very attractive face and body. Leon stood there in a daze for a second, the man seemed to as well. Scarlet now noticed this and looked between the two.
“Ahem” she cleared he throat. The blond let his head fall back down and he blushed. Leon just glared at her.
“Mr. Leonhart, so nice of you to join me. Your paper is right here, I was going to tell you but it slipped my mind.” She looked up at Leon he was still looking at the man.
“Who is he?” he asked.
`Did he just ask who I was, of all people… he asked. The owner of this whole company?' the blond thought.
“He's now trespassing on private property I'll have security escort him out.” He grabbed Scarlet's hand before she could reach the intercom.
“That won't be necessary.” She glared at him.
Leon walked up to the man, intrigued. “Hello, I'm Leon Leonhart. I own this company, I over heard you were trying to get in touch with me.” He shook the blonds limp hand, he raised an eyebrow, “think you can show me what you got.” The blond blushed, “as in
your weaponry” he finished smiling.
The blond nodded. Leon smirked, noticing Scarlet's shocked face. `Looks like today's getting better' he thought.
“Follow me to my office Mr.?”
“Strife, Cloud Strife” The man gave him a smile that almost took his breath away.
“Right this way”
WOW that has to be my longest story/ chapter ever! I love Cloud and Leon as a couple, They are so cute. I'll try to update this one like crazy too. Read and review!!!
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crazy_jamaican_gurl on November 9, 2006, 5:45:50 AM