Chapter 4 - A Day Out
Submitted February 22, 2006 Updated January 3, 2007 Status Incomplete | Leon is a college graduate, he is a wealthy man. He owns his own company. Cloud is a high school graduate who attended college for a year than dropped out. He’s looking for a job but hardly qualifies according to the receptionist, enter Leon. Yaoi, f
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Chapter 4 - A Day Out
Chapter 4 - A Day Out
OKAY!! I'm back yet again, Am I getting all your nerves yet? (Does sad puppy eyes) No? Yay! Well I see the story is getting lots of readers, thank you, and some reviews, I wanna personally thank dimonyo-anghel and Carriles. I give you smooches and huggles! Your reviews are very sweet and heart touching…(sniffles) I promised myself I wouldn't do this (wipes tear away) and I happy you enjoy it. To everyone else who reads…but doesn't review, (shakes head in shame) shame on you!
Disclaimer: I don't own Cloud and Leon, but I can make their actions cute and awkward!
“Beep, beep, beep, beep” a pile of blankets moved. The sweet aroma of coffee filled the air. A hand went to turn off the alarm but was softly swatted away by another. The blankets gave a soft grunt of disapproval. The blonde one, known as Cloud was standing to the right of the bed by the alarm and nightstand. The brunette, known as Leon was currently sleeping on his right side, he would be facing Cloud, if the blanket wasn't covering his whole body. Cloud gave a small smile, `rough sleeper' he thought. Cloud had just taken a shower, he was wearing nothing but a pair of sky blue pajama bottoms that were covered in fluffy white clouds. Leon had bought it for him. `he bought a lot of things for me.' He wanted Cloud to feel at home so he got him everything he needed, and them some. Cloud ran to the other side of the bed. He climbed on it softly, getting on his hands and knees to crawl over to Leon. He sat behind him, softly peeling away the blankets, he pulled them down until he could see Leon's shoulders. He then leaned over him until he was almost face to face with him.
“Leon?” he asked softly. Leon shifted slightly, moving to his side more, curling into a fetal position. Cloud would do this every morning. Wake Leon up himself instead of letting his alarm clock wake him. Leon didn't mind, but Cloud did it in such a way that always left him taking a cold shower instead of a nice hot one in the morning. It wasn't that Cloud was trying to tease him purposely, he just didn't know any better. Leon had come to learn that Cloud had lived with his mother all his life and moved to the city to try and live on his own. His mother kept him pretty sheltered. Leon thought he moved to try and rebel against her, but was too sure.
“Leon?” He started to weave his fingers in his hair, Leon took a deep breath in. `Mmm he smells like peaches and vanilla.' He smiled, “Are you having a nice dream?” Cloud asked, trying to see Leon's face. He climbed over Leon to the other side, he got off the bed and kneeled down in front of him.
“Leon…” he whined. Leon smirked now and rolled on his other side, facing away from Cloud. Cloud huffed. “Come on Leon get out of bed! I know you're up!” He stood now placing his hands on his hips. Leon sighed.
“It's Saturday Cloud, I don't have to go to work, so that means you don't either.” He said simply. He then looked over his shoulder at Cloud, “You look nice in those pants” he then rolled back over and tried to go back to sleep. Cloud blushed.
“Thank you.” He said sitting on the edge of the bed. Cloud and Leon had been roommates for about a week and four days. They talked now and then mostly about little things like how there day was, other than that they really didn't know much about each other. Leon had planned on taking Cloud out to learn more about him today.
“…” Leon could feel Cloud was looking at him, he had come to learn a bored Cloud is a very annoying Cloud. “Stop it”
“Stop what?”
“Staring at me?”
“I'm not…” Leon groaned deeply cutting off Cloud's sentence. Cloud looked down at his hands, “Sorry.” He got off of the bed and left the room. There was a moment of silence in the room, `shoot' Leon mentally slapped himself. He brought his hand up and wiped the side of his face. Cloud had a tendency to go from happy to sad, `Must be bipolar, or maybe it's a blonde thing.' He thought. `Well I'm up, unfortunately. Might as well stay up.' Leon unwrapped the blankets off his body, and proceeded to get up. The water had been off for only a day that last week, `thank God' and Leon thanked the heavens each time he took a hot shower. He went into his bathroom and started his shower, like he did everyday then made his way down the stairs. He could smell the coffee, Cloud was currently sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee and a blanket wrapped around him. Cloud didn't watch much TV, he'd rather read a book or look out the window, which he was now doing. Leon often wondered why he had so many televisions when he didn't watch much of it either. He walked by Cloud who was smiling and sipping his coffee.
“It's snowing Leon” he said, taking a sip of the coffee. Leon grunted in response and made his way to the kitchen. Now as we all know Leon loved his coffee and his coffee machine, he loved the taste and the process of making a good cup of coffee. He walked in the kitchen and came by the machine. He looked at it suspiciously, then back towards the living room. `What flavor is this?' he thought. It smelled really good, and Leon really wanted a cup right now. He slowly poured the dark substance into a cup, he held it to his nose and smiled. He was in a euphoric state. He brought it to his lips and took a sip and swallowed.
“Ack!” he yelled, he ran to the sink, putting his head to the side, turned the water on, grabbed a paper towel and began to wash his mouth out. `What the hell is that!?' he thought angrily, looking at the cup menacingly, `you bastard, you disgusting, no good excuse for coffee bastard…' he thought, glaring at the cup. Cloud had walked in and saw Leon wash his mouth out and now was watching him have a glaring contest with the coffee cup. He took a sip from his cup and raised a fine blonde eyebrow.
“Should I leave you two alone?” Cloud asked in a joking way. Leon looked at him, giving him a face that said this-is-no-laughing-matter.
“Cloud, what type of coffee is that?” He pointed at said coffee. Cloud sighed, he had come to learn, that Leon and his coffee were to be left alone. Leon had even gone so far as to tell him that he made atrocious coffee.
“It's Folgers.” Cloud said in a whiney voice, “It's my favorite.” Leon sighed.
“I'm going to take a shower” he started to walk out the kitchen.
“I'm sorry Leon, I won't make coffee again” Cloud said in a low voice, Leon almost didn't hear him.
“It's alright Cloud, if that's the kind of coffee you like by all means make it.” He stated
simply and walked out of the living, making his way up stairs.
He got in the piping hot shower. `Sometimes Cloud makes me wonder, he seems so…' he shook his head at the thought. He couldn't put his finger on what Cloud was. He reached for his vanilla scented soap, `I mean I know he's here, but sometimes he seems so far off. Like he's with someone else, he apologizes a lot too.' He started to lather the lufa. `He's also very childlike' Leon smiled. `He has such an innocence about him. He's…..pure' he washed the soap off. He continued to shower for another ten minutes or so. He reached to get a towel and walked into his room. Cloud was sitting there on the bed, laying on his stomach, with his legs going back and forth above his bottom, with his head rested in his hands.
“It's going to be really chilly today Tameron. I say wear heavy clothing and watch out for snow today folks.” The newscaster on the television said. Leon had the towel slung over his hips, and another on his shoulders to catch the water that fell from his hair. He walked to his closet picking some leather pants, a t-shirt, and a leather jacket. He walked back into his room, placing the articles of clothing on the bed. Cloud looked from the television to the clothes. He really did like Leon's sense of fashion and thought he looked so cool in it, so he put on the leather jacket, while Leon went to his dresser for a pair of undergarments. Cloud looked rather cute in it, it was a bit loose but other than that suited him fine. Leon turned around to place them with his other clothes but was stopped when he saw Cloud trying on his jacket and looking at himself in the vanity. Cloud smiled turning and whatnot to look at himself.
“Do I look cool like you?” he asked smiling over his shoulder at Leon. Leon gave a small smile back and shook his head.
“Not really” Cloud pouted, taking the jacket off and placing it back where he got it from. He stood there a while, looking at the clothes and watching him rummage through his dresser to find other things to wear along with it.
“Where are you going anyways?” Cloud asked, Leon hadn't gone out much on weekends or week days. It was usually work and home, “it's not on your schedule” he said. Yes Cloud knew about Leon's schedule, Leon informed him of it everyday.
“No it's not. And I'm not going.” He said then paused. Cloud tilted his head in confusion. Leon stopped his ministrations to look over towards Cloud and smile, “We're going.” Cloud's eyes seemed to brighten up.
“Where are we going” he asked excitedly.
“To have dinner, I haven't planned what to do next, so we'll make it up as we go.” He looked at Cloud who was currently thinking of what he'd like to do. “Cloud?” Cloud looked up towards Leon.
“Go get dressed.”
“Okay!” he bounded out of the room towards his.
Leon drove them to a somewhat fancy restaurant in his black Bentley. He parked his car and went inside with Cloud closely behind him. Cloud was sporting a royal blue turtle neck sweater that had a zipper down the middle, the zipper was pulled down about an inch underneath his collar bone, exposing his neck. Leon thought it looked rather cute and seductive. Cloud was also wearing a pair of loosely fitting jeans, that were about the same shade as his shirt, but would pass off as a navy blue instead. They sat in a booth in the back of the restaurant. It seemed private and elegant, Leon looked down at his watch, seeing it was almost noon, he loved to eat lunch at noon, no later no earlier. Cloud was sitting across from him, looking around the restaurant feverishly.
“It's so cool in here Leon, what's the theme?”
“It's a Spanish restaurant but the theme is more towards Spain than any of the other Hispanic regions.”
“Oh.” Cloud looked around some more.
“Hola como estas?” A female voice rang out, she was wearing a form fitting red Flamingo dress, that showed off her cleavage rather well.
“Bein, bein” Leon answered. Leon gave her the once over, she was very attractive. She had long golden brown hair, a very voluptuous body, green eyes, and she was a lovely shade that could only be described as milk chocolate. She smiled.
“Y tu?” she asked Cloud.
“Excuse me?” Leon chuckled.
“She said and you.”
“And me what?”
“How are you doing?”
“Oh!” He exclaimed, looking towards the female. “How do you say really good?”
“I'll say it for you, El esta muy bien seniorita?”
“Me llamo Brooke.” She said smiling.
Leon ordered there food in Spanish off the menu. The conversation had been light and very engaging. Cloud was rather impressed with how well Leon spoke Spanish.
“Where'd you learn Spanish Leon?”
“In school”
“I wish I could speak different languages, but I was homed schooled, and my mom only knows English” he laughed, scratching the back if his head. Leon was eating his food, but brought his head up to look at Cloud, raising an eyebrow
“You were home schooled?” Cloud was eating his enchilada, he had some of the cheese hanging from his lips.
“Mmmhmm” he swallowed, “I was”
“Why?” the brunette asked.
“…” Cloud was looking at his food now, shifting uncomfortably. “My mom thought it would be better for me” he looked down and cleared his thought, “I have to go to the bathroom” Cloud said before Leon could press on, “Do you know which way it is?” Leon pointed him in the direction and Cloud got up and went.
`That was…weird' the brunette thought. He continued to eat his food.
Cloud walked into the bathroom. He walked over to the sink and looked into the mirror. `That was close. I can't let him know about my past, I can't, he'll fire me…” Cloud looked up to the mirror and sighed. `He might even kick me out' his hands started to shake, he turned the water on, putting his hands underneath the running water in a cupping way to catch the water. He leaned his head down and splashed the water over his face. `He might even leave me and he's been so nice to me…like a friend' he thought. He sighed, grabbing a paper towel and drying his face.
Cloud came back to the table, he lost his apatite. Leon was finished with his food. They sat there in silence. Leon looked down at his watch it was now half past two. They had been there a pretty long time. Until the little incident. Leon sighed.
“How about we go else where?” he suggested. Cloud looked up at Leon as if he was looking at someone he didn't know. Leon was taken aback by the look.
“Yeah” the blonde replied.
Leon gave Cloud a full tour of Uptown. They were driving home now. After the incident in the restaurant there conversation kind of went off of each other to the things around them. Cloud kept giving Leon a questioning look, but Leon just brushed it off. If he had something to say he would. They were taking a new way home when Cloud saw a vast amount of water.
“Is that the…ocean?” he asked in awe. Leon looked over from the road to out the passenger side window.
“Can we go see it Leon? Please?” he asked, looking hopeful.
“The sun's about to set, and it's going to get colder and snow…” He looked over to Cloud, he was already brooding.
“Alright I understand.” The words hit Leon in such a way, he use to say that to his father when he couldn't get his way. Leon didn't like to be out of the house after nine o'clock. It was now ten. `This is really going against my schedule' he thought absentmindedly.
“Let's go to the beach.” Cloud was looking out the window with a sad pouty face, but among hearing this he couldn't help but how his new found excitement.
“Really? You mean it?” Cloud asked
“Yeah, I haven't gone in a while, why not?”
Leon had to park pretty far down. They had to walk to the beach, Cloud took off his shoes. Leon left his on. He took his jacket off and pulled it inside out, setting it down on the sand and sitting on it. Cloud ran to where Leon was sitting and set his shoes by him.
“Oh, the sun is setting.” Cloud said. He ran towards the water. He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. He opened his eyes and walked forward a bit, sticking one foot out to touch the water. He then started to splash in the water and play. Leon sat there wide eyed at the display before him. `It's like he's never seen the ocean before' he thought. Cloud was splashing and playing like a child in a bath tub.
“It's so big Leon” he turned around, his eyes gleaming in the soft moon light. He started to spin, hugging himself. His smile never fading. He ran back to Leon and plopped down. Leon was sitting crossed legged. The snow started to fall.
“They said it was going to snow earlier.” Cloud stated, claming down from his previous romp. He frowned, “They lied” he said, he brought his knees to his chest and hugged his arms around them, resting his chin on his knees.
“You really like odd things” Leon said, Cloud looked over to him and blushed, setting his head back on his knees.
“We never had snow in the country or oceans. So it's my first time seeing them” He looked up, letting the snow fall on his face. He smiled, “I love it here, I'm so glad you asked me to stay with you.” Cloud looked from the sky to Leon, his hair and lashes bearing the snow. He smiled at him like he did the day he asked him. This one wasn't forced. Leon gave a small smile back. `He's so beautiful”. They sat in silence.
“Cloud, how come you moved away from home?” Cloud seemed to stiffen a little bit. Hugging his knees closer to himself.
“I…I wanted to be free from my mom, and I wanted to prove to her that I could make it without her. I mean, I love my mom, but she's just.” He shook his head. Remembering her words
“Cloud honey, I love you so much. No one can ever be this way to you ,they don't understand. no one will love you like I do. That's why the boys and girls at your school don't like you. You don't need them though. I'll be your friend always.”
He felt like he could cry. He wanted so desperately to grow up and prove her wrong, but he hadn't. He didn't have his own house, he didn't pay his way, and most certainly didn't have a `lover' whatever the hell that is, and he did have any… `Unless'
“Leon…?” he asked softly. Leon turned his head to look at the man addressing him. He could see the hurt in Cloud's eyes. He turned to face him.
“Yes?” he asked, in a worried tone.
“Are you…are we” his voice was shaky and his breathing was ragged
“Am I what?” he asked, an eyebrow lifted in confusion.
“Are you my?” he looked up at Leon, there eyes locked. A storm looking at the sky. “friend?” Cloud asked, looking at Leon with such high hopes. Leon never really considered if they were friends, and now was not the time to think about it.
“Of course we are.” He said softly, “I don't let just anyone touch my coffee machine” he said, Cloud knowing how important the machine was couldn't help but smile and laugh. He leaned forward and embraced Leon.
“Thank you Leon” he whispered in his ear. The snow was getting heavier and the night colder. He pulled cold up and lead him to the car. The looks he was giving earlier were replaced by loving ones. He fell asleep on the ride home and Leon just simply carried him to bed. He took his shoes off and placed him under the blankets, he sat there a while looking at Cloud. `Why is he like this?' he thought sadly, he sighed. It would have to wait for tomorrow. He got up, turned off the light. Took a shower and went to bed.
OOH!! We got a glimpse of Cloud's past life and his issues with his mother. For people who are wondering, yes this is AU, yes this is shameless OOC, and yes, its yoai (however you spell it). AND YES I HAVE A THINK FOR SNOW!! I love snow.
Hoped you enjoyed it, Read and Review!!
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crazy_jamaican_gurl on November 9, 2006, 6:13:11 AM