Chapter 10 - Hello Mr. President
Submitted February 22, 2006 Updated January 3, 2007 Status Incomplete | Leon is a college graduate, he is a wealthy man. He owns his own company. Cloud is a high school graduate who attended college for a year than dropped out. He’s looking for a job but hardly qualifies according to the receptionist, enter Leon. Yaoi, f
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Chapter 10 - Hello Mr. President
Chapter 10 - Hello Mr. President
You know what goes here.
“So, practically it would be a smart and innovative decision, based off the data and schematics, and research that I have done.” Came a deep baritone voice.
“But what about a hand made sword, their always flawless, sounds to me like someone's getting lazy and just wants to get through with the process of making a good sword.” Came a female voice, she looked up from the folder and smirk at the man presenting the idea. “All things that are done by hand are better…”
“I beg to differ Aerith, this new steel causes the swords not only to be lighter, but also is a way to cut the time and energy put it to make a sword.” The bright eyed woman looked straight at him, her smile turning feral, she removed the thin glasses from off her face, slightly flipping her hair; placing her elbows on the table and interlacing her hands.
“Now, now. Let me give you an analogy. Say we were having a little get together, and it was nice and formal. And all of the sudden someone says they're hungry. Now one's mind comes to two conclusions. One, being feed the person and other possibly hungry guest...”
“Two being to kick them in the @$$ and tell them to stop being such free loaders!” A fiery red headed man shoot. Everyone in the conference room laughed.
“I'll accept that as option two, but which one to choose?”
“Defiantly not the latter!” A female with the same shade of green eyes as Aerith spoke up.
“Come on Selphie, my choice was kick @$$” The petite, sandy brown haired female rolled her eyes and shook her head towards the red head. He smiled and winked.
“This isn't some sort of game Axel, try and act like you have some sense.”
“Love you to babe” She sighed heavily, then the sound of someone clearing their throat was heard. All the heads of the oval table, looked down towards the end, meeting a fierce glare from the President of the company. They all smiled at him.
“Yes, Mr. Leonhart?” they all said in unison. He adverted his eyes to Axel.
“Axel, do keep your comments to yourself, your worse than your cousin. Aerith finish your analogy and everyone else, with out protest, listen.” In other words, Leon told his staff to shut up, please.
“Where was I?”
“The guests are hungry”
“That's right, thank you Selphie” The petite female beamed, “As I was saying, you could offer the person a meal. That when you have option A and option B. A, being that you get take out, which is bad for their health and a formal party. Or B, being that you make them a holism home made meal. Now, which seems better? The hand made food or the fast fake food?”
“God is it lunch yet, I'd kill for a Double Quarter Ponder with cheese, with bacon of course and a large vanilla shake.” Leon lifted an eyebrow, looking towards the sloppy, evasive red-head. `Why did I hire him again…? Oh yeah, dammit Reno'.
“We'll have lunch after this meeting, so the less interruptions, the faster we go.” Axel looked at Leon and smiled at him.
“Was that directed towards me?” Leon looked over to the red head and glared, Axel just blew him a kiss.
“In any case” came the original speaker, “I think this new kind of steel and processing, will make swords better”
Leon half listened to the meeting, already knowing his choice in the manners.
“That alright Mr. Leonhart, came the scientist's voice”
“I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you just said Ansem, please repeat it” and he did. Leon agreed, but soon feel back into his thinking. He looked over to the chair, smaller than his. He smiled on remembering who sat there.
“Wow! This room is huge!” the blonde yelled towards Leon, making his way over to the other side of the room, he began to sit in the different chairs, and touch the table. He began to spin in the chair. He looked up in the middle of the room above the table set a machine. Leon was busy turning on the lights and the computers and setting up his papers and documents on his side of the table. He sat down and opened up his laptop. “Leon, Leon!?” he looked up from the screen.
“Yes Cloud?”
“What's that?” he asked while pointing his finger to the strange above head machine.
“What? The projector?”
“Yeah, the black thing that looks like a camera.” Leon smiled.
“it's called a projector Cloud. It takes the things off the computer it's ridged to and sends the image on the white screen there, so that everyone can see it.” Cloud smiled and nodded slowly. Showing he understood. The table was in the shape of an oval, it was made of mahogany wood, tainted a soft honey brown color. The chairs in the room seemed to be made of suede and were chocolate brown. Their had to be at least 35 chairs in total.
“Why are there so many chairs?”
“I have a big staff of workers who have to attend the meeting.” Cloud got out of his seat and began to walk towards Leon, noticing the chairs arms had golden plates on them that had names on them as well. He frowned not seeing his name on any.
“Where do I sit Leon?” Leon looked to the corner of the room. Usually execs from other companies sat there and looked on. Cloud looked over to the seat and frowned. “All the way over there?” Leon simply nodded his head. Cloud went over to said chair and sat down. He looked over to Leon and pouted. Leon felt as if someone was watching him and turned his head to the side, he had a pencil in his mouth, horizontally, his hair was pulled back into a small pony tail and his glasses were on the bridge of his nose.
“You cood, pull up ya chair if ya'd like” he said, the pencil in his mouth obscuring his words. Cloud smiled brightly and pulled and pushed the chair right by Leon's side. Leon turned his head and smiled, but quickly went back to work.
Cloud waited by his side patiently, reading every word he typed, and watching all the graphs he made.
“That's so cool Leon, all that in that small computer. How do you do that?”
“I” without taking his eyes off the screen, but taking the pencil out his mouth, “set up this computer and it's programs myself, otherwise it's considered an old computer.” Cloud sat their in awe of Leon.
“Is that why you're the boss?” Leon smirked to himself, turning his head towards Cloud and taking his glasses off.
“So what do you think about that Mr. Leonhart?” Leon looked over towards Ansem, he blinked his eyes a couple of times, `shoot'
Cloud smiled brightly enjoying the stories Yuffie told while they were eating lunch.
“So then I say, are you sure Leon? Oh and remember this is when his hair was short, and he says yes. So then I take the blonde hair dye and put it in his hair. And I didn't realize that it was, that it was!” she burst out laughing.
“What was it?!” Cloud asked on the edge of his seat.
“Platinum blonde hair dye! But since his hair was so brown it turned into a pukey green color!” They both laughed so hard. “So then he calls Irvine, and” Cloud looked at Yuffie, his eyes widening. `Irvine…'
“Yuffie?” She looked over towards Cloud hearing her name.
“Yeah Cloud?” she asked wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes.
“Who is Irvine?” she laughed
“What do you mean who is Irvine?” she paused looking Cloud in the eyes, “He hasn't told you?”
“No” She sighed. `Should I tell him?' she shook her head, `Squall you dumb @$$! You keep talking about Cloud with me on the phone, but won't open up to him. How do you expect him to…' she notice Cloud was waiting for her to answer him. She sighed deeply.
“It's a long story Cloud…”
At the entranced stood two body guards, one sporting long hair, the other completely bald. Each tall and slender, wearing black sunglasses and what seems to be ear pieces. The man with the long black hair reached a hand up to his ear.
“Coast is clear Elena, allow the President to leave out of the car.”
“Affirmative. Message has been received; the black hawk is leaving his nest. Stay on the edge of the cliff, and watch for danger. Blonde vixen out.” The man with the long black hair looked over to the bald man, they both shook there heads in unison, as the President walked through the door.
“Rookies” the man with black hair said.
“She's not that bad Tseng, I find her rather…amusing.” Spoke the President with a brilliant smile on his face. “Tseng, Rude” he looked at each man, “shall we.”
“We shall” his body guards answered simultaneously, as the proceeded to walk by the receptionist and into the building know as Leonhart Technologies. All Scarlet uttered was `Welcome Sirs'.
There was a deafening silence in the room. Yuffie looked up at Cloud, his blue eyes fixed directly on her. She gave a small smile, pushing a chair out towards Cloud.
“Might as well take a seat.” She took the picture she was looking at early off the desk. She pointed to a man standing right next to Squall, he arm was wrapped around his shoulders. He was sporting a cowboy hat, and the rest was just caps and gowns that they had to wear at their graduation. “That's Irvine.” Cloud took his eyes off the man for a sec to look up at Yuffie, but they soon fell back to him, to Irvine. He had long sandy brown hair, with the most striking violet eyes, he was tall, and very handsome. Cloud felt a bit of anger rise from somewhere, but from where he was unsure.
“A face to the name.” he muttered. Yuffie frowned, `how did he hear about him? Is Leon still talking about him?” She took the picture and set it back on her desk.
“Well, where do I begin? It's such a long story…” She began to rub her eyes, with the back of her hand.
“Who is he to Leon?” She looked up at Cloud, a little surprised that he was so abrasive. Cloud could see what she was thinking; he blushed, lowering his head. “If you can tell me that first.” She smiled.
“Well, Squall, I mean Leon, and Irvine were boyfriends.” She looked up at Cloud pausing in mid-sentence, remembering what Leon told her about him being a bit of a puritan.
“Yeah, and?”
“You know what I mean when I say boyfriends right?”
“They were friends?”
“No…Lovers” Cloud's eyes widened.
“Lov…but wait how could that be? They're both guys.” Yuffie smiled.
“Guys can be with guys, there are a lot of them out there.”
“But…My mom…My mom always use to tell me it was a sin to be that way. But Leon's nice…he can't be a sinner.” Yuffie huffed, getting frustrated.
“Cloud, I know your mom is probably a major influence in your life, but you don't have to listen and believe all the bull shoot she feed you.” She looked up at Cloud, her eyes intense, “You're a grown man, are you going to let her ideas rain over yours the rest of your life?”
“…” no response
“Are you!?”
“N…no…” He looked up at Yuffie. “Continue.” She smirked.
“Alright, now where was I?” she asked smugly, tapping her chin with her index finger. “Oh yeah! Now Leon and Irvine went out for quite a while, but then when we graduated, they broke up. And it was so strange. Right out of the blue, ever since he's been kind of different. Not himself, becoming more strict, always on schedule, more moody, and HELL he changed his name. And he's so, so sad.” She paused, “He might not admit it, but I can see it in his eyes, that gleam they once had, that shine…It's gone.” She looked at Cloud and smiled, `maybe you can change that.' She thought.
Cloud had been watching her, seeing how she spoke each word with such raw emotion, he felt his heart tear at him. Yuffie stood up, Cloud looked up at her, soon following suit. She walked over towards Leon's office door.
“Well, that's all…” he raised a fine eyebrow.
“But you said it was a long story.” She looked up at him, her eyes soft, `it is, but it's not for me to tell.' She thought, sighing.
“It's not my affair, though I love, and I do mean love prying into Leon's life, this just isn't something for me to talk about without his consent.” She winked, “Now go in that office and finish these documents.” She shoved said documents in his hands.
“But…” she opened the door and pushed him inside, leaving no room for argument. Cloud looked at the door and huffed. `she says don't listen to my mother yet treats me like she is my mother.' He sighed. `I guess I better start on these documents.'
The three men proceeded down the corridors, turning each corner sharply.
“Doesn't look that bad does it boys?”
“Gets better every year sir.” Answered Tseng.
“Great investment.” Added Rude.
“The best” the man only known as `President' said, still adorning a brilliant smile. The people in the halls cleared a path for them, greeting them as they went by. The man could only smile as he walked down the hall towards Leon's office.
As he walked up the small set of stairs towards the office, he stop at the glass door.
“Stay out here guys.” He pushed his clear sunglasses down with the tip of his fingers, “I'll handle the rest” he gave a wink pushing his glasses up. Walking into the room.
Yuffie sighed, `Who the hell made an appointment with Leon while he was going to be in a meeting, stupid secretary. Oh wait that's me…” she mentally slapped herself on the head.
“Hello, Welcome to Leonhart Technologies, I'm sorry, but Leon is in an important meeting right now and can't”
“More important than the Mayor of this fine city?” Yuffie looked up, standing there was a man, his body lean, yet muscular, with long ebony hair, that was pulled in a sleek pony tail, his face perfect with the most breath taking sea green eyes. He smirked taking off his sunglasses completely. Clad in a blue suit with pip gray stripes in it. Wearing a silk gray dress shirt, with a tie made of the same material and color as his dress shirt. He sat a long black, what Yuffie assumed to be, jacket on one of the couches in the room. She smiled.
“Some one is looking so hot today! Not a day over 25!” the man smirked.
“Yes, I know” his eyes shifted to her, giving her a sly smile. He put his hands on his hips, “Where's my hug at?” she squealed running around her desk and throwing herself upon him. She looked up at him and smiled.
“Where's Squally Wally?”
“At a meeting, right now.” She stepped back, looking at his office, “You need to talk some sense into him.” She said crossing her arms over her chest.
“Oh do I now?”
“Yes” she looked over to the office yet again, an eyebrow arch up and a sly grin swept across her face.
“You have to see his new…office helper, person.”
“What?” the man asked. Yuffie groaned
“Just go into his office!”
“But…” Yuffie began to push him towards it. “What's in there?”
“Aren't you curious to know?”
“Yes, so why don't you tell me?”
“Why don't you find out your self?”
“As you said, curiosity. It killed the cat.”
“Well if you're anything like Leon, then you'll be the lion to kill that cliché.”
“Well I'm not like him, so no I won't!”
“Just go in the office!” He was about to retort, but decided not too. `it can't be that bad' he sighed opening the door, Yuffie ran back to her desk, turning on the intercom.
His eyes widen seeing someone reaching up, trying to get a book off the top shelf. He was standing on his tip toes, his shirt rising up a bit. His hair was a striking blonde, and his lower back looked quite tempting. The man smiled, walking over behind the man and reaching up towards the book.
“Is it this one?” he asked huskily in his ear. The smaller man jumped back, making a startled yelping noise as he did. He fell back onto his bottom. He looked up to see who the man was. He blushed.
`Look at those eyes'
“Can I…help you?” Cloud asked.
“I think I could help you more.” He reached a hand out, Cloud looked at the hand and reached his own up, allowing the man to pull him up. “You could help me out even more by giving me your name.”
“Cloud Strife…” he said.
“Cloud huh? Pretty name for a pretty face.” He winked, Cloud blushed. “So could you take me to Squall?”
“Leon's in a meeting right now.”
“They don't call me the president for nothing.” He grabbed Cloud's hand and began to leave the office.
Leon was now acutely listening to the conversations they were having in the meeting. `Cloud would like this meeting…Dammit, I need to stop thinking about him!'
“Well” Ansem started, “I think…”
“Squally Wally!!” Leon's eyes widened. The whole room went silent, turning their heads to see the owner of the voice. But Leon already knew who it was. He turned his head slowly, looking at the man. He could feel a cold sweat start to build up. The man turned his head left to right, once his eyes landed on Leon he smiled. “There you are.” Leon was crouching down in his chair, blushing like crazy. He gave a weak smile, turning around towards the door, lifting his hand in a weak attempt of a wave.
“Hi dad.”
OOOH!! It's Squall's DADDY!! Ya know who that is right? I hope I didn't spoil the game for you! I think I hid his identity kind of well, do you? (giggles). I have to say that scene with Leon on his laptop, with the glasses and ponytail and pencil in his mouth, I took that from my boyfriend. That's how he does his homework. O_o. If I had to cast anyone as Leon, it would be Jace. It's uncanny how much they kind of look alike. Mostly the hair and body and the face a bit, but not the eyes, his are green. But what ever. But YAY another chapters done. (does happy dance). Oh last note from me!! There is a huge mistake! The month is November not December. SORRY!!
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crazy_jamaican_gurl on November 9, 2006, 7:32:17 AM