Chapter 16 - Highway to Hell
Submitted February 22, 2006 Updated January 3, 2007 Status Incomplete | Leon is a college graduate, he is a wealthy man. He owns his own company. Cloud is a high school graduate who attended college for a year than dropped out. He’s looking for a job but hardly qualifies according to the receptionist, enter Leon. Yaoi, f
Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series |
Chapter 16 - Highway to Hell
Chapter 16 - Highway to Hell
Leon sighed again, it had to be the twentieth time this morning, he was still waiting for Cloud to pick out something to wear to his mothers house. Leon had been and still was sitting on the bed in Clouds room. He was currently sitting on the edge of the bed with his feet planted on the floor and his chin in his hand. He was looking at the now closed closet door, which was where Cloud was having his current mental break down. It was his mother for goodness sake, it wasnt like he was meeting the president or God&was it? Leon pondered this thought for a while, looking down at what he was wearing and frowning slightly. Maybe I shouldnt wear so much leather, I dont want his mom to make any assumptions about me he began to think, but he was soon shaken out of his thoughts as Cloud walked out of his closet, his body begging for his immediate attention.
The blonde youth came out shirtless with semi tight blue jeans on that hung low off his hips showing off the top of his blue boxer briefs that he wearing underneath. Cloud then came over to the bed and stood in front of Leon, a look of hurt in his eyes.
Leon I dont have anything to wear and I didnt know what to pack so I dont have anything packed and I knew I was right when I asked you last night and& Cloud began to talk faster and faster for about two minutes. Leon pushed forward and stood up, placing a hand on both of Clouds shoulder and shaking him lightly.
Clam down Cloud Blinking the blonde looked up, he sighed while running a hand through his hair. He backed away from Leon and began to pace up and down his bedroom. Leon watched him for a second trying to keep his gaze at Clouds head as the blonde walked back and forth, he sighed again, he was glad that they woke up an hour earlier, thanks to Cloud no being able to sleep.
Leon? Cloud asked quietly, looking at the lump of blankets that lay beside him. He frowned when he didnt get an answer, Leon? he began to scoot forward a bit, moving right behind the brunette. His frown deepened as he heard the slow steady breaths that were coming from his friend. Leeeeon he stressed, bringing his hand up and shaking the brunettes shoulder. Leon groaned, mumbling in his sleep.
Not now Cloud, I have to drive us all the way from here to Nibelhem
Yeah but&
Thats a long ride, and you dont want to go see your mother looking like crap do you?
Well, no&but I didnt get to pack or anything Leon groaned and pulled the blanket towards himself.
Good Night Cloud
Leons eyebrows furrowed, I should have let him pack last night he sighed as he began sitting back down on the bed and crossing his arms over his chest. Cloud was still pacing back and forth, he was mumbling to himself and shaking his head afterwards. To which, Leon guessed, indicated no to whatever his idea was. The brunette gritted his teeth and sighed harshly, causing Cloud to stop in his tracks. The blonde youth turned his head and raised an eyebrow towards the brunette.
Whats the matter? he asked his eyes a bit wide as well. Leon didnt give him an answer though, he just stood up and walked out of the room. Cloud, at a bit of a loss, stayed in his spot looking at the door to which Leon had existed. Leon? he asked out loud in abandonment walking towards the door slightly. Leon? Cloud walked out the room and into the hallway, making his way towards Leons room. A hand came shoving in his direction.
Here Leon shoved his hand out more when Cloud didnt take, Wear this His hand was about an inch away from the blonde, Cloud looked down to the shirt. Raising an eyebrow as he gently took it from Leons grasp and lifted it up so he could get a better look at it. It was a nice shirt, made of cotton possibly; it had three buttons towards the top and a collar on it. Cloud didnt see anything to special about it, yeah he liked the color of it but then again he liked a lot of colors.
Why should I wear this? Cloud asked, giving Leon a skeptical look, but the brunette didnt seem too phased by it, he looked at Cloud and shrugged slightly giving him a look of aggravation.
Why not? he asked irritability Cloud sighed deeply in defeat, shoving the shirt away from him and back towards Leon.
Leon I dont want to wear& he looked from the shirt in his hands and back up to Leon, or more so, he looked at Leons eyes. A certain little thing dawned on him as he did so, Its the same color as his eyes Cloud thought still frozen in his place. Leon groaned slightly, pinching the bridge of his nose. He leaned his hip out and rested his weight on his leg while crossing his arms over his chest. Yet Clouds gaze never ceased.
What is it now Cloud? he asked turning his head to the side to avoid the penetrating gaze. Why is he staring at me like that, is there something on my face? while Leon was thinking to himself the blonde youth had said something in his soft spoken voice. Leon shook his headed slightly, What was that?
Ill wear it Cloud repeated softly, now looking down at the shirt. He looked back up at Leon and smiled brightly, Im going to go put it on now okay? Leon opened his mouth to say something but before he could the blonde was already making his way out of Leons room to go to his own. Leon sighed looking at the doorway where said man just existed.
One problem down, one more to go. Leon sighed again, I really need to stop doing that he said aloud to himself, running a hand through his chocolate locks. I better go pack his stuff now while hes in a compromising mood& and with that Leon headed towards Clouds room, but he was stopped during his walk by a ringing from his doorbell. Damn it all to hell Leon turned in place, already feeling his eyebrow twitch. Cloud hurry up and pack and make me a pot of coffee he yelled, he soon stopped at the foot of the stairs, knowing the sensitive blonde would take it the wrong way so he added please to the end of the sentence. Leon could already tell it was going to be a long day. He sighed, Its still morning.
Leon made his way down the stairs, jogging slightly. He walked from the living area into the hall that lead to the front door, he opened the door without asking who it was and in ran a red blur.
Bark, Bark! was all that was heard, Leon turned around quickly seeing a bright red dog with green eyes running around his living room and jumping on his couches.
Hey, you fracking mutt! Get off that! Now let it be known that Leon wasnt one for animal cruelty but he really wasnt in the mood to get his furniture cleaned and he did not have his daily dose of coffee. Desperate times call for desperate measures. As Leon began to make his way over to the mongrel with red fur he felt himself being brought to a halt. He was soon stopped and jerked back slightly as a hand clamped down on his wrist.
What do you mean frackin mutt, Ill have you know that I paid a shoot load of money for that mutt, I mean, my Siberian Husky. I have his papers from the breeders to prove it he yelled out in anger. Leon couldnt help the confused and slightly baffled look that graced his features for a second. All he could do was look at the red head in his moment of stupor. And for Reno, the silence was deafening to his ears, he glared at the brunette. What!? he yelled, Leon just shook his head dismissing the small rant, Just dont say anything bad about little Reno. At that Leon scoffed, some people are just so vain. Leon stood straight up, looking towards the man as calmly as he could.
Can I help you? he then asked irritably tugging his wrist back slightly. Reno looked down at his hand that held the brunettes wrist, smirking slightly as a thought came to mind. He moved forward and pulled harshly on Leons wrist, causing the brunette to fly forward and crash against his chest. Reno couldnt help but smirk as Leon glared up at him through his bangs.
Awww, Im sorry Reno apologized, bringing his free hand up to brush the hair out of Leons face, he let his hand linger on Leons cheek as his thumb began to gently rub it. Reno smiled down at Leon with all the sincerity he could muster. Leons glare soon went away and he let his expression soften, he didnt know why, but he always did and probably always would have a soft spot for the fiery red head. As Reno saw the change his smile slowly faded into a look of adoration, he cocked his head to the side slightly, taking in what the other was wearing, You look nice today, where are you going? Leon let his body relax, shrugging at the question.
Clouds mothers house Reno raised an eyebrow.
Youre already going to ask the lady for her blessing so that you can screw her son?! shoot Leonhart you sure work fast Leon deadpanned and Reno began to chuckle at the expression on his face, it was one of shock but soon turned back into a glare as he punched Reno in his shoulder playfully. Ow, settle down lion at that Leon scuffed. It was a stupid pet name.
Well I&
Leon Im done packing! Cloud yelled running down the stairs with a bright smile on his face. He was almost at the bottom but abruptly stopped at the foot of the stairs, raising an eyebrow at the close position of the two men. Thats when he realized one of them was Leons friend from across the hall. Hi& Cloud said shyly, looking down at the floor.
Sup kid? Reno greeted with a smirk. Cloud looked up at him and smiled.
Im& he began to answer but was soon interrupted by a bark. He looked to the living room and over to the couch. There was the source of the noise. Cloud eyes went wide, A puppy he said flabbergasted, walking into the living room and over to the couch. Cloud stood right in front of the dog who was sitting on Leons suede couch. The brunette could already feel his anger rise. Cloud looked at the dog and smiled bending over slightly, placing his hands on his knees. Hello, Im Cloud he said softly to the dog, tilting his head to the side slightly. Little Reno looked up at Cloud his tail wagging, the dog leaned forward and licked Cloud on the face. Awww, hes so cute! Whats his name? Leon rolled his eyes at the question as Reno smirked down at him.
Little Reno
& Cloud remained silent as he looked over to Reno, then Leon. The red head saw the exchange of looks and frowned.
&oh nothing&Its a nice name Cloud reached out and began to pet the dog, Come on Little Reno, lets go make Leon some coffee! and with that they both ran to the kitchen. This made Leon sigh, no, not one of the sighs like he had made earlier, but one of relief. The idea sounded like music to his ears.
So umm, youre going there for thanksgiving right?
Yeah, my parents are doing there own thing this year.
So youre going to his parents? Reno asked with a raised eyebrow
He invited me to come with him otherwise I was just going to drop him off
Just saying it There was a bit of a stall in the conversation, until something dawned on Reno, he let his lower lip puff out and his eyes go soft. Leon& he said softly, bringing the brunettes attention back to him, he reached down and grabbed his other wrist holding them in both hands as he brought them to his chest. You were going to leave me and not say goodbye?
I was going to when I left Reno rolled his eyes knowing what the brunette was intending to do.
Psssh, my @$$ you were, you were probably going to ask me to watch your place and water your plants.
Same difference
That hurts my feelings he said in a mock hurt voice while pouting a bit more.
Tough shoot at that Reno couldnt hold back, he pushed Leon against the nearest wall, taking the wrists that were already in his hands and raising them above Leons head so that he could pin him to the wall. Leon pushed back, but in realization upon what he was doing he stopped and blushed slightly, he didnt mean to push against that.
Yeah it is tough huh? But thats how I like it Leon gritted his teeth, baring them slightly, he looked up at Reno and glared even harder than before. Yet the only reaction Reno had to this was to tighten his grip on the brunettes wrists.
Let go Reno, Clouds in the next room. And its rough not tough
Well, Ill let you go as soon as you admit that youll miss me, and as you said same difference the red head said with a smirk but Leon shook his head defiantly. Reno raised an eyebrow, No? Well you leave me no choice Reno deftly moved one of his hands, now holding both of Leons wrists in one hand, taking his now free hand and running it along Leons side. Reno then slowly let his hand go further down the brunettes side until it hit his leg. He stalled to look back up to Leons face, not wanting to miss the reaction. The red head then let his hand go behind Leon to his lower back and letting it go even further down until it was situated underneath his bottom. Still no huh? he asked teasingly. He pulled under Leons leg and pushed forward a bit more until Leons back hit the wall.
Leon now found himself suspended in the air up against the wall. His blush deepened as he glared at Reno.
Reno Let go
Say it
No Leon pulled against his restraints.
Your coffees almost done Leon! Cloud yelled from the kitchen, Leon turned his head in the direction of his kitchen, trying to make sure that the blonde wasnt coming.
Dammit Reno&
Say it the red head said in a sing song voice. Leon growled in his throat.
Fine, Ill miss you, okay? Now Let go.
And that Little Reno can stay in your house
Its only fair, you did hurt my feelings
Thats bull sh
Huh. I guess I have no choice
Ugh fine! Okay, just put me down
I knew youd see it my way! Reno stepped back and let go of Leons wrists, letting Leon fall on the floor right on his butt. The brunette looked up through his bangs yet again and glared at Reno, who just turned away while winking at Leon as he made his way towards the kitchen.
Cloud was pouring some coffee into a cup when he felt hands roam around his waist and tighten in the front of his stomach a bit low on his hips, a head then came to rest on his shoulder and a warm cheek rested against his own.
Hey babe Clouds hands had stilled, they were in a pouring mode but the pot wasnt tilted enough to let its contents pour out. Reno brought up his hand and pushed it down a bit so that it would pour into the cup. He looked over to his dog, whom was lapping up some milk in a bowl, Leon wouldnt like that he thought smirking, You know milks for cats right?
Well, dogs like milk too& Reno leaned forward a bit whispering in the Clouds ear.
Is that so Cloud nodded shortly to his question, I hear your going to your mothers At that Cloud seemed to brighten up, letting his shyness fade for a moment.
Yeah, me and Leon are going to go for thanksgiving.
Yeah? Well I hope you have a nice thanksgiving Cloud. He softly kissed Cloud on the cheek and took the cup of coffee with him. Cloud turned around and smiled at the retreating man.
I hope you have a nice thanksgiving to Reno! he called back but all he got in return was a small dismissive wave goodbye as the red head exited the room. Leaving the dog to finish the milk.
Leon was standing at the door waiting for the stupid red head, Reno held his hand up above his shoulder and Leon tossed him the keys.
Have a nice thanksgiving Leon Reno said with a smirk, leaning in to kiss him softly on the lips and yes, Leon let him. Come on Maximus Reno yelled and his dog came running around the corner and out the door. Leon raised an eyebrow at Reno and the red head just shrugged, What how vain do you think I am? he asked chuckling a little bit as he closed the door behind him. Leon shook his head at the door.
You have a nice thanksgiving to Reno. He walked into the kitchen looking at the slightly bemused blonde, whose hand was on his cheek, he would have asked what was the matter but knowing Reno&he sighed softly. Go get your bags, were leaving now.
They had already driven from the parking lot and out of their district. At the moment it was very quiet in the car, Leon was concentrating on driving and Cloud was looking out the window. For the life of him, Cloud couldnt remember seeing such beautiful landscapes when he drove himself out here, Maybe its because I was upset& he thought absentmindedly, he rolled his window down a bit more, bringing his elbow up to rest at the base of the window and putting his chin in his hand. He sighed letting the wind blow in his hair and face. Cloud couldnt help the smile that crept onto his lips, it was such a pleasant feeling, no not the wind blowing on his face, but the thought of him going home. Yes, he was going home&and Leon was coming with him. Cloud looked over to Leon and smiled as the brunette kept his eyes on the road. my friend Leon the blonde thought, looking back out the window, he really did love the idea of Leon being his friend but what Yuffie was talking about was very&intriguing. Cloud frowned as he looked back over to the brunette. Cloud never really considered himself to like men but Leon was different, Leon was special. Cloud could just sit and stare at him all day and Leon didnt need to say a single thing because Cloud could probably guess what he was thinking. He could just look at the brunette and tell how he was feeling, he could&he could tell Leon about his past and his trouble and Leon would be there to make him feel better again, be that in his own way&
But Leon was just his friend&
Cloud frowned again while looking out the window. Leon looked at him out the corner of his eye and saw the small frown on the blondes lips. It was getting to be to quiet. So, whats your mom like? Leon asked tired, for the first time, of the silence in the car. Cloud had just been looking out the window the whole time, he said that he was alright when they left, but Leon couldnt help but think that maybe Cloud didnt really want to go see her. but he seemed so happy about it last night. But Cloud didnt answer the question as he was to deep in his thoughts. So Leon repeated himself. Cloud? This time the blonde turned his head, blinking a bit at Leon.
Whats your mother like? at that Cloud smiled, relishing in the thoughts of his mother.
Well, he started turning in his seat so that he fully faced Leon, She has blonde hair and blue eyes just like me. Shes a bit shorter than me now I think. Lots of people say I look just like her. He smiled widely.
I didnt mean physically only, whats she like, personality wise.
Oh, shes very nice, lots of people like her. Her side of the family is really famous, but my mom decided she didnt want to be in the family business so she moved out here. Cloud looked down to his hands bringing one up to brush his bangs out of his eyes, he smiled warmly, No matter what I do or how I mess up, she always there for me. To help me. Leon looked to the side briefly, then turned back to the road.
She sounds like a great mother. Clouds eyebrows furrowed.
She can be&but she a bit demanding, she wants me to live the way she does and do the things she expects me to do, but I dont want to&I want to do what I want to do. He shook his head, still looking at his hands as he began to clench them, but she just doesnt understand, she only can she her way and her mistakes. I mean its nice that she doesnt want me to experience the mistakes she made but& Shouldnt I be given the chance to make my own mistakes too? he looked over to Leon as if expecting him to tell him what to do, but much to his disappointment the brunette just shrugged
Thats your choice to make Cloud. Cloud sighed, turning back in his seat. He looked out the window again and smiled, I cant wait till we get there.
His breathing began to grow steady as the drive continued, as the car went from the city to Nibelhem the scenery kept changing gradually. Going from buildings to trees, streets to dirt roads, and they saw less and less cars and more open fields. The smell in the air was of pine trees and the sun beamed down warmly on his skin. Bright blue eyes began to close reluctantly and bright blonde lashes began to flutter as his eyelids closed. Leon had watched the whole process start to finish. The blonde was falling asleep very slowly. The brunette looked over to the clock, it was already seven oclock in the afternoon and the blonde was asleep. Leon scoffed. You try driving for a whole day, then well see how tired you get he sighed softly to himself, looking around the now dark road. He reached over to the dash board, which was on the passengers side, and grabbed the set of directions Cloud had made earlier. Opening the closed piece of paper and looking at it, he felt his eyebrow twitch, What the hell? he thought looking at the directions that the blonde had wrote slash drawn down. And what the hell was that, a lake or grape jelly? He sighed, blowing some of his hair out of his eyes.
Hey Cloud? he reached over putting his hand on his shoulder and gently shaking him awake. Cloud The blonde had gotten himself in a rather comfortable position. His head in hand and legs brought up a bit. He mumbled something incoherent and slowly blinked his eyes as he woke up.
Are we there yet? he asked rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes.
I dont know you tell me&I couldnt read your directions. It looks like a monkey wrote it&with its @$$&while having some serious convolutions Cloud looked at him for a moment but him being half asleep didnt help the situation and he didnt quite get it what the brunette was saying so he let it slide. Cloud began looking around the area for any landmarks he might recognize. He smiled when he saw one
Well, your going in the right direction, theres Mount Nibelhem, and this is Kalm rode I think, keep going straight and you should see a farm not to far from here. Its my dads. he said while yawning. Leon kept straight just as the blonde had told him and at nine forty-five exactly they made it to Clouds mothers house.
As they began to get closer Cloud rolled down the window and stuck his head out, pointing to the house and looking at Leon with excitement. There it is, thats it right there! he exclaimed. Leon pulled over to the right, getting ready to turn into, what he guessed was the drive way. He slowed his car down and headed straight for the blue house.
Leon looked around a bit, there were lots of cornfields in front of the house, a huge oak tree to the side and other various plants all around, Leon slowed his car as he came closer not knowing where to park, Uh, Cloud&Where should I park? the blonde simply pointed towards an area a bit to the side of the house, by an old disheveled shed. Leon only raised an eyebrow to this parking place as Cloud had his head out the window looking around. As soon as Leon turned the car towards the side and stopped Cloud was already hopping out and heading for the door.
Mom? he began to call as he raced towards the house. Leon sat in the car for a second, looking in the direction the blonde had just gone in. When Leon was exiting out of the car, Cloud was going up to the door, he turned the knob and the door opened instantly. Cloud looked back over at Leon and shook his head softly, She always leaves the door open, I keep telling her its not safe but&I guess she never changes& he smiled softly in remembrance and pushed the door open grabbing Leons hand in the process. Come on I cant wait for you to meet her.
But the Leon started but he was soon stopped as Cloud began to pull him into the house. As they pushed through the door Cloud started to call for his mother, to which there was no response.
Mom? Mom? Cloud called as he towed Leon from the entrance hallway into the another set of hallways, Mom? Cloud called again his arm linked with Leons as he walked into what Leon presumed was the living area. It had a very warm feel to it, with the beige walls and huge bay windows that showed off the outside gardens and fields. There were three couches all the color of tope. There was two book shelves in the room as well, both filled with many books of all sizes and colors, each on either side of a huge fireplace that was the focal point in the room. Leon probably would have seen more if a certain blonde wasnt pulling him along.
Cloud pulled them into a room with a huge table and three chairs, there was a cabinet in the room filled with fine china and glasses, this must be the dining room this room was mostly the color of sage and different shades of green, the table had been set up and decorated very nicely, as if the person was cooking for a group of people. Cloud stopped as he heard a shrill noise fill the air, he turned his head to the left, where a glassless window sat in between the rooms, so that one could see from the kitchen into the dining room, sort of like a breakfast nook. Cloud then turned around and smiled at the brunette as the noise began to die down, Shes in the kitchen making tea Cloud exclaimed as he started pulling Leon along side him once again and Leon let him.
As they entered the kitchen the smell of food being wafted into their faces, the smell being of roasted chicken and fresh bread to be exact. It was an odd feeling as Leon came into the room, it was so homey and so much different from how he had lived. But he let that matter be pushed to the back of his mind as they walked in. Cloud by then had untwined his arm from Leons and was sneaking towards his mother as she was bending down and looking into the refrigerator. Cloud stood by the open door and looked down as his mother reached in the back for something.
Now I could have sworn I put the milk back here& Cloud brought his hands to his face, trying to hold back his excitement and laughter, his mother always was one who talked to themselves out loud. He carefully leaned on the door and straightened his face.
Hey he said softly, still looking down while leaning on the door, his mother had stopped her fiddling and froze. Cloud couldnt really see her face but he knew she probably had a look of shock on it. She turned her head to the side and looked up. Bright baby blue eye met even brighter ones. Her eyes began to water a bit as she stood up fully, she was at least half and inch shorter than her son. Cloud took a step back so that she could close the refrigerator door, which she did. She stood looking at him for a while as a hand came up to her mouth.
Cloud? she asked softly, looking at her son. It wasnt that he looked much different, it was just the simple fact that he was there, it had just been such a long time since she saw her one and only son. He lived so far away and had a life of his own now&yet there he was standing in her kitchen, right in front of her. And that wasnt very far away at all. She took a cautious step forward, still looking baffled by the thought of him being back at home. She smiled sweetly as she walked faster to him looking straight in his eyes, bringing her hand up to his cheek, You finally came home&Ive missed you so much Cloud she said her voice breaking a bit as she tried to keep the smile on her face.
Ive missed you to mom, Im sorry it took me so long Cloud replied back shyly, scratching the back of his head nervously as he gave her a small smile. He would have said more but his mother crashing into him stopped him. Cloud blinked a little as he looked down at her blonde head of hair as she clung to him, her head on his shoulder as she cried softly. Cloud felt his heart ache as he heard her small cries, he brought his arms up and wrapped them around his mothers small frame, resting his chin on her head.
I was so worried about you Cloud, you said youd write everyday but you dont. You wrote that one letter saying you were staying there and forgot about me. Cloud looked down at her in shock pushing her back so that she could look him in the eyes.
I didnt forget about you he started
I was all alone in this big old house and you werent here, that stupid Chocobo got out and tore down all my laundry and he keeps messing up my garden. And theres a draft in here that keeps me cold at night and theres a strange noise that keeps me up at night sometimes too and and& She looked up at him her eyes full of tears as she sniffled , And I&I miss you and want you back but you dont care she crashed back onto his chest and held tighter, wiping her eyes on his shirt. Cloud sighed softly as he rubbed her back.
How could I forget about you? Youre the only person who really cares about me. I could never forget about you mom. Her crying died down as he held her.
I know you wouldnt, I was just thinking about your dad, you remind me of him so much, that sometimes I forget to separate you two. Im sorry Cloud. Im just so happy your home honey. She smiled so brightly at him that he couldnt help but smile back. She reached forward and kissed her son on the cheek soon wiping off the invisible lipstick that never really was there. Well enough with the crocodile tears and all she started, wiping her eyes. Let me have a look at you! she said smiling. She took a step back and looked at him from head to toe. Not bad, not bad she said as she looked at him, Aw my wonderful son, you just look so handsome! she exclaimed smiling even more now, I bet the girls in the city cant get enough of you.
Yeah, well&They really dont seem to notice me. Cloud said back softly rubbing his arm with his hand.
Dont notice you? Please, how could they not? Youre just so handsome honey. His mother said beaming up at him, Cloud could already feel the heat rising to his face. He never really noticed if any of the girls or paid much attention to it, all he ever really focused on was if Leon like him or if Leon approved of him&Clouds eyes widened as he looked behind himself, Leon& he thought, looking in the last place the brunette had been in.
Leon? he then voiced out loud to the brunette. Leon had been leaning against the counter the whole time they had been talking. He looked up as his name was spoken and smiled politely towards the two. Its not that he had felt unwanted or unacknowledged as much as he felt uncomfortable. He was uncomfortable with the situation&It was more of a mother son thing, at least thats how he felt when he was with his mother. Cloud looked to Leon his eyes had a pleading look to them, Leon straighten himself out and walked over to them. As Leon began walking over to Cloud and his mother, Cloud turned around and gave a small introduction. Mom this is Leon Leonhart, hes the guy who gave me my job and the one Im currently living with.
Hello Mrs. Strife Leon said modestly, giving a small smile as he put his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, he stood shoulder to shoulder with Cloud, both looking at Clouds mother. Leon gave her the once over and had to do it again. He wasnt one who was into older women, or to put it plainly, women at all, but he had to admit that Clouds mom was gorgeous. Her hair was a bright blonde, styled into a messy yet neat bun in the back, she had bangs in the front and some hair hanging down to the side of her face. Her eyes were a deep crystalline baby blue just like Clouds. She had soft pink lips and lovely long eyelashes, this is what Cloud would look like if he was a girl he thought as his eyes traveled from her face to her body, which was, if he could say so himself, in good condition&very good condition indeed. She wore a turtle neck dress that was the color of a pale pink, but you could barely see it because of the white frilly apron that was on top of it. She smiled widely at him clasping her hands in front of apron.
Oh, dont call me Mrs. Strife young man, you can call me by my first name. She said sweetly with her light voice. Leon could see where Cloud had not only acquired his looks from but his good manners as well. He nodded in response, still trying to hold his smile. Cloud leaned over and whispered not to quietly
Her first name is Elena. To which his mother crossed her arms over her chest, tapping her foot in the process.
I was just about to tell him that hon
Sorry, thought you forgot
Well thank you then. She said looking towards her son, Leon turned his head to look at the stove top but soon turned his head back because he had the feeling that someone was staring at him. And he was right Elena was staring at him pretty hard, with a quizzical look upon her face, her eyebrow was raised and her hand was on there chin as her index finger began to tap her chin. Leon would have raised an eyebrow and probably glared at her but he held it back. Shes Clouds mother, shes Clouds mother she soon stopped and took her gaze off him.
My word, youre a handsome young man. Almost as handsome as my son. Clouds eyes widened at the comparison. He couldnt help but think his mothers eyes were going bad.
Mom he whined softly, Elena put her attention from Leon to Cloud raising an eyebrow.
Yes dear? she asked innocently, as he sighed and looked down in shame. Leon smiled at the embarrassment Cloud showed. Leon thought that she wasnt at fault, Cloud was much prettier than him, but Leon felt he was more handsome. Well anyways, I was expecting for you to come a little later in the night so dinners not quiet down yet. You boys can go get situated while I finish here. With that she turned and walked back over to the stove, she lifted a top off a pot and looked inside it as steam rose out and tickled her face lightly.
Would you like me to help you out mom? Cloud asked, Elena turned around fully, spoon in hand, placing her free hand on her hip.
Now Cloud, you heard what I said, if Ill be needing any help, Ill be sure to ask one of you boys. Now you go upstairs, get washed up, comfortable and show Leon where to sleep and things. Ill call you down when Im finish, that alright with you hon? Cloud nodded and again intertwined his arm with Leons as they headed out of the kitchen and went back to the car to get their luggage. His mother raised an eyebrow slightly, watching as the boys exited the kitchen, but she soon shrugged it off, Boys will be boys and went back to preparing the dinner.
Come this way, up the stairs. Youll be in my room with me as they walked up the stairs Leon couldnt help but think the house was pretty big for a farmer and a school teacher, and very well furnished. As they came to the top landing Cloud started to point out what door lead to where. That door is my moms room, thats the bathroom, but I have my own bathroom for my room. As they rounded the corner there were two doors. Cloud smiled widely when he went to the door with the cloud engraved in its wood. And this door leads to my room Cloud turned the knob and opened the door, walking in quickly, Leon stalled a bit looking at the other door. Maybe he forgot about it and with that he walked into the room. He had to blink for a second, trying to adjust his eyes to the bright color of the room. It was a bright sky blue with clouds painted on the walls, it had mostly the color of blue in the room and many toys as well. There were kids drawings on the walls and some writing to. On the bed was an array of stuffed Chocobos and many pillows. Towards the door that Leon presumed was the bathroom was a book case filled with books. There was a huge bay window at the side of the bed with a window seat&all in all it was a nice room. Looking as if it had been updated throughout the years Cloud had lived there.
Nice room. Leon commented, setting his bags by the side of the bed as he sat down. Cloud had set his bags by his closet and went back to close his door, coming over to sit on the bed next to Leon.
Thanks, I try to change it around a bit, but my mom wont let me get rid of the clouds on the wall. He smiled shyly looking over to Leon. My dad painted the room Leon nodded in understanding as he leaned back on the bed, supporting himself as he let his hands go behind himself.
I think its nice. Its very blue, but nice Leon retorted still looking around. Your moms nice, I can see where you got your hair and eyes from, you look just like her. Cloud smiled and shook his head.
Yeah, shes nice& he laughed, but she embarrasses me sometimes. Cloud took his shoes off and brought his knees up upon the bed, he began to crawl over to his pillows, moving the stuffed Chocobos in the process, he then laid down face first into the pillows. Im so tired. He yawed out, turning onto his side and taking a yellow Chocobo into his arms.
I wonder why the brunette retorted bitterly, looking over at the blonde. Cloud in turn raised an eyebrow in wonder.
Whats that suppose to mean?
Hmph, How are you tired when all you did was sit in the passengers seat and from what I saw sleep the whole time? he scoffed. Cloud sat up a slight pout on his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest, the yellow Chocobo still in his arms.
Well, I was worried about coming here& he started but soon stopped as he heard a familiar creak on the floor broads. His mother soon poked her head inside the door and walked in hesitantly. Leon sat straight up but Cloud stayed where he was, looking towards his mother. Yes mom? She walked into the room her hands on her hips as she smiled at them.
I just came to see how you were settling in. She said beaming at them. Leon gave a slight smile while Cloud sighed, hanging his head low then blowing his bangs out of his face.
Mom, we were just down there&
I know honey, but I saw all the luggage and I just wanted to make sure that you got it all in here safely She said cleverly, as if she had planned out the whole little reason. Did you show Leon where hed be staying? Leon raised an eyebrow at that, looking over to the blonde. Cloud looked at him but tore his gaze away.
Well I thought&Well can he maybe& he began, stuttering to ask the question. Leon sighed looking to Mrs. Strife, if it was too hard to ask, it wasnt wroth asking.
Where will I be staying Mrs. Strife? she smiled, Cloud looked over to him, a look of disappointment on his face. He brought the Chocobo closer to his chest as he rested his head atop the soft plushy.
Youre in luck, I just made my teaching room downstairs into a guest room! She said excitedly, turning to leave out Clouds room, And its Elena, Leon. She mentioned one more time while at the threshold of Clouds door, she smiled sweetly then left, reminding the boys to be ready for dinner. Cloud stared at the door, trying to muster up a bit of anger towards his mother, but when he kept seeing her face in his mind he couldnt help but forgive her, it was so easy to get mad at her in a different district&
The blonde sighed, now noticing Leon grabbing his various bags, Cloud pouted slightly looking over at the brunette. Youre leaving now?
I want to move all my stuff downstairs now
But Cloud tired, ready to put up a fight but Leons sighing stopped him
Cloud began to fidget, avoiding eye contact with Leon and all the brunette did was pick up his various bags of luggage, getting ready to go down into the guest room. As Leons feet hit the threshold the blonde broke.
Are you really going to go sleep down there? he asked, miffed by the whole situation. Leon simply turned his head, looking over his shoulder as he nodded yes to the question. Cloud sighed, looking at the other with a sad look in his eyes.
But, thats not&fair. He stated simply, crossing his arms over his chest. Leon shook his head at his choice of words, fair? How old was the other male again?
Well if it was that important in the first place you would have said something. Clouds eyes widen and his jaw dropped, a look of insult slowly creeping onto his face.
My mom wouldnt approve of such behavior, and you know it. I told you how she is Leon he stated heatedly, it wasnt that he didnt want to say that he wanted Leon to stay in his room, the fact of the matter was his mother would have said no, so asking would be redundant. A waste of time&but he could have tired. Cloud sighed, his eyes softening as he looked at the other man. Im sorry, youre right, I could have tired& Leon stood at the door still, looking over at the downtrodden blonde, he sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Its not that serious Cloud, I sure I can sleep by myself He said in his deep baritone voice, reassuring him. Cloud let his eyes fall to the head of the stuffed chocobo, squeezing it in his arms even tighter now.
But I dont want to sleep by myself& the blonde answered back, a soft crimson color now adorning his cheeks. Leon smirk slightly as an idea came to mind.
If its that important to you, why dont you just sneak into my room at night and just go, I dont know, just go and make breakfast for us to cover up your tracks. Clouds paused momentarily, thinking the idea over&it could work&
Yeah, I could make you coffee like I always do and tell my mom you cant go on in the morning without it&Like a car needing gas, or a light bulb needing electricity, or a
Thats enough, you act like I depend on coffee. He said defensively.
You act like you dont the blonde retorted, smiling towards the brunette. Leon glared at him but as the blonde stood and grabbed some of his luggage, his expression changed to one of questioning.
What are you doing? Cloud took the second biggest bag, placing the strap across his shoulder and hefting it up a bit so it could sit more comfortably.
Helping you take your stuff to the room, besides you dont know where it is Leon opened his mouth to argue but found that he had nothing to say towards the issue, he indeed didnt know where the guest room was and did in fact need Cloud to show him. He closed his mouth and ignore the small smile and laugh Cloud let slip.
I cant wait for tomorrow Leon, Ill show you everything in town and all the woods and Ill take you up the mountain!
Next Time on Business and Pleasure&
Cloud takes Leon to see all of what Neblien has to offer! They go gallivanting around the town, meeting people from Clouds past and going to his favorite secluded spot.
Authors Rants&
WHOOOOO!! This took a long time to make, because I was confuzzled! Yes, thats pronounced Con-fuzz-uled but yeah I didnt know how to get it started. And I really dont care for this chapter. I think its really choppy. But hey what can ya do? I had to cut a lot of stupid stuff out, so its shorter than it use to be. Check out my profile for when Im gonna post stuff or new story ideas! The next chapter will be fun!!
Review Please!
Leon sighed again, it had to be the twentieth time this morning, he was still waiting for Cloud to pick out something to wear to his mothers house. Leon had been and still was sitting on the bed in Clouds room. He was currently sitting on the edge of the bed with his feet planted on the floor and his chin in his hand. He was looking at the now closed closet door, which was where Cloud was having his current mental break down. It was his mother for goodness sake, it wasnt like he was meeting the president or God&was it? Leon pondered this thought for a while, looking down at what he was wearing and frowning slightly. Maybe I shouldnt wear so much leather, I dont want his mom to make any assumptions about me he began to think, but he was soon shaken out of his thoughts as Cloud walked out of his closet, his body begging for his immediate attention.
The blonde youth came out shirtless with semi tight blue jeans on that hung low off his hips showing off the top of his blue boxer briefs that he wearing underneath. Cloud then came over to the bed and stood in front of Leon, a look of hurt in his eyes.
Leon I dont have anything to wear and I didnt know what to pack so I dont have anything packed and I knew I was right when I asked you last night and& Cloud began to talk faster and faster for about two minutes. Leon pushed forward and stood up, placing a hand on both of Clouds shoulder and shaking him lightly.
Clam down Cloud Blinking the blonde looked up, he sighed while running a hand through his hair. He backed away from Leon and began to pace up and down his bedroom. Leon watched him for a second trying to keep his gaze at Clouds head as the blonde walked back and forth, he sighed again, he was glad that they woke up an hour earlier, thanks to Cloud no being able to sleep.
Leon? Cloud asked quietly, looking at the lump of blankets that lay beside him. He frowned when he didnt get an answer, Leon? he began to scoot forward a bit, moving right behind the brunette. His frown deepened as he heard the slow steady breaths that were coming from his friend. Leeeeon he stressed, bringing his hand up and shaking the brunettes shoulder. Leon groaned, mumbling in his sleep.
Not now Cloud, I have to drive us all the way from here to Nibelhem
Yeah but&
Thats a long ride, and you dont want to go see your mother looking like crap do you?
Well, no&but I didnt get to pack or anything Leon groaned and pulled the blanket towards himself.
Good Night Cloud
Leons eyebrows furrowed, I should have let him pack last night he sighed as he began sitting back down on the bed and crossing his arms over his chest. Cloud was still pacing back and forth, he was mumbling to himself and shaking his head afterwards. To which, Leon guessed, indicated no to whatever his idea was. The brunette gritted his teeth and sighed harshly, causing Cloud to stop in his tracks. The blonde youth turned his head and raised an eyebrow towards the brunette.
Whats the matter? he asked his eyes a bit wide as well. Leon didnt give him an answer though, he just stood up and walked out of the room. Cloud, at a bit of a loss, stayed in his spot looking at the door to which Leon had existed. Leon? he asked out loud in abandonment walking towards the door slightly. Leon? Cloud walked out the room and into the hallway, making his way towards Leons room. A hand came shoving in his direction.
Here Leon shoved his hand out more when Cloud didnt take, Wear this His hand was about an inch away from the blonde, Cloud looked down to the shirt. Raising an eyebrow as he gently took it from Leons grasp and lifted it up so he could get a better look at it. It was a nice shirt, made of cotton possibly; it had three buttons towards the top and a collar on it. Cloud didnt see anything to special about it, yeah he liked the color of it but then again he liked a lot of colors.
Why should I wear this? Cloud asked, giving Leon a skeptical look, but the brunette didnt seem too phased by it, he looked at Cloud and shrugged slightly giving him a look of aggravation.
Why not? he asked irritability Cloud sighed deeply in defeat, shoving the shirt away from him and back towards Leon.
Leon I dont want to wear& he looked from the shirt in his hands and back up to Leon, or more so, he looked at Leons eyes. A certain little thing dawned on him as he did so, Its the same color as his eyes Cloud thought still frozen in his place. Leon groaned slightly, pinching the bridge of his nose. He leaned his hip out and rested his weight on his leg while crossing his arms over his chest. Yet Clouds gaze never ceased.
What is it now Cloud? he asked turning his head to the side to avoid the penetrating gaze. Why is he staring at me like that, is there something on my face? while Leon was thinking to himself the blonde youth had said something in his soft spoken voice. Leon shook his headed slightly, What was that?
Ill wear it Cloud repeated softly, now looking down at the shirt. He looked back up at Leon and smiled brightly, Im going to go put it on now okay? Leon opened his mouth to say something but before he could the blonde was already making his way out of Leons room to go to his own. Leon sighed looking at the doorway where said man just existed.
One problem down, one more to go. Leon sighed again, I really need to stop doing that he said aloud to himself, running a hand through his chocolate locks. I better go pack his stuff now while hes in a compromising mood& and with that Leon headed towards Clouds room, but he was stopped during his walk by a ringing from his doorbell. Damn it all to hell Leon turned in place, already feeling his eyebrow twitch. Cloud hurry up and pack and make me a pot of coffee he yelled, he soon stopped at the foot of the stairs, knowing the sensitive blonde would take it the wrong way so he added please to the end of the sentence. Leon could already tell it was going to be a long day. He sighed, Its still morning.
Leon made his way down the stairs, jogging slightly. He walked from the living area into the hall that lead to the front door, he opened the door without asking who it was and in ran a red blur.
Bark, Bark! was all that was heard, Leon turned around quickly seeing a bright red dog with green eyes running around his living room and jumping on his couches.
Hey, you fracking mutt! Get off that! Now let it be known that Leon wasnt one for animal cruelty but he really wasnt in the mood to get his furniture cleaned and he did not have his daily dose of coffee. Desperate times call for desperate measures. As Leon began to make his way over to the mongrel with red fur he felt himself being brought to a halt. He was soon stopped and jerked back slightly as a hand clamped down on his wrist.
What do you mean frackin mutt, Ill have you know that I paid a shoot load of money for that mutt, I mean, my Siberian Husky. I have his papers from the breeders to prove it he yelled out in anger. Leon couldnt help the confused and slightly baffled look that graced his features for a second. All he could do was look at the red head in his moment of stupor. And for Reno, the silence was deafening to his ears, he glared at the brunette. What!? he yelled, Leon just shook his head dismissing the small rant, Just dont say anything bad about little Reno. At that Leon scoffed, some people are just so vain. Leon stood straight up, looking towards the man as calmly as he could.
Can I help you? he then asked irritably tugging his wrist back slightly. Reno looked down at his hand that held the brunettes wrist, smirking slightly as a thought came to mind. He moved forward and pulled harshly on Leons wrist, causing the brunette to fly forward and crash against his chest. Reno couldnt help but smirk as Leon glared up at him through his bangs.
Awww, Im sorry Reno apologized, bringing his free hand up to brush the hair out of Leons face, he let his hand linger on Leons cheek as his thumb began to gently rub it. Reno smiled down at Leon with all the sincerity he could muster. Leons glare soon went away and he let his expression soften, he didnt know why, but he always did and probably always would have a soft spot for the fiery red head. As Reno saw the change his smile slowly faded into a look of adoration, he cocked his head to the side slightly, taking in what the other was wearing, You look nice today, where are you going? Leon let his body relax, shrugging at the question.
Clouds mothers house Reno raised an eyebrow.
Youre already going to ask the lady for her blessing so that you can screw her son?! shoot Leonhart you sure work fast Leon deadpanned and Reno began to chuckle at the expression on his face, it was one of shock but soon turned back into a glare as he punched Reno in his shoulder playfully. Ow, settle down lion at that Leon scuffed. It was a stupid pet name.
Well I&
Leon Im done packing! Cloud yelled running down the stairs with a bright smile on his face. He was almost at the bottom but abruptly stopped at the foot of the stairs, raising an eyebrow at the close position of the two men. Thats when he realized one of them was Leons friend from across the hall. Hi& Cloud said shyly, looking down at the floor.
Sup kid? Reno greeted with a smirk. Cloud looked up at him and smiled.
Im& he began to answer but was soon interrupted by a bark. He looked to the living room and over to the couch. There was the source of the noise. Cloud eyes went wide, A puppy he said flabbergasted, walking into the living room and over to the couch. Cloud stood right in front of the dog who was sitting on Leons suede couch. The brunette could already feel his anger rise. Cloud looked at the dog and smiled bending over slightly, placing his hands on his knees. Hello, Im Cloud he said softly to the dog, tilting his head to the side slightly. Little Reno looked up at Cloud his tail wagging, the dog leaned forward and licked Cloud on the face. Awww, hes so cute! Whats his name? Leon rolled his eyes at the question as Reno smirked down at him.
Little Reno
& Cloud remained silent as he looked over to Reno, then Leon. The red head saw the exchange of looks and frowned.
&oh nothing&Its a nice name Cloud reached out and began to pet the dog, Come on Little Reno, lets go make Leon some coffee! and with that they both ran to the kitchen. This made Leon sigh, no, not one of the sighs like he had made earlier, but one of relief. The idea sounded like music to his ears.
So umm, youre going there for thanksgiving right?
Yeah, my parents are doing there own thing this year.
So youre going to his parents? Reno asked with a raised eyebrow
He invited me to come with him otherwise I was just going to drop him off
Just saying it There was a bit of a stall in the conversation, until something dawned on Reno, he let his lower lip puff out and his eyes go soft. Leon& he said softly, bringing the brunettes attention back to him, he reached down and grabbed his other wrist holding them in both hands as he brought them to his chest. You were going to leave me and not say goodbye?
I was going to when I left Reno rolled his eyes knowing what the brunette was intending to do.
Psssh, my @$$ you were, you were probably going to ask me to watch your place and water your plants.
Same difference
That hurts my feelings he said in a mock hurt voice while pouting a bit more.
Tough shoot at that Reno couldnt hold back, he pushed Leon against the nearest wall, taking the wrists that were already in his hands and raising them above Leons head so that he could pin him to the wall. Leon pushed back, but in realization upon what he was doing he stopped and blushed slightly, he didnt mean to push against that.
Yeah it is tough huh? But thats how I like it Leon gritted his teeth, baring them slightly, he looked up at Reno and glared even harder than before. Yet the only reaction Reno had to this was to tighten his grip on the brunettes wrists.
Let go Reno, Clouds in the next room. And its rough not tough
Well, Ill let you go as soon as you admit that youll miss me, and as you said same difference the red head said with a smirk but Leon shook his head defiantly. Reno raised an eyebrow, No? Well you leave me no choice Reno deftly moved one of his hands, now holding both of Leons wrists in one hand, taking his now free hand and running it along Leons side. Reno then slowly let his hand go further down the brunettes side until it hit his leg. He stalled to look back up to Leons face, not wanting to miss the reaction. The red head then let his hand go behind Leon to his lower back and letting it go even further down until it was situated underneath his bottom. Still no huh? he asked teasingly. He pulled under Leons leg and pushed forward a bit more until Leons back hit the wall.
Leon now found himself suspended in the air up against the wall. His blush deepened as he glared at Reno.
Reno Let go
Say it
No Leon pulled against his restraints.
Your coffees almost done Leon! Cloud yelled from the kitchen, Leon turned his head in the direction of his kitchen, trying to make sure that the blonde wasnt coming.
Dammit Reno&
Say it the red head said in a sing song voice. Leon growled in his throat.
Fine, Ill miss you, okay? Now Let go.
And that Little Reno can stay in your house
Its only fair, you did hurt my feelings
Thats bull sh
Huh. I guess I have no choice
Ugh fine! Okay, just put me down
I knew youd see it my way! Reno stepped back and let go of Leons wrists, letting Leon fall on the floor right on his butt. The brunette looked up through his bangs yet again and glared at Reno, who just turned away while winking at Leon as he made his way towards the kitchen.
Cloud was pouring some coffee into a cup when he felt hands roam around his waist and tighten in the front of his stomach a bit low on his hips, a head then came to rest on his shoulder and a warm cheek rested against his own.
Hey babe Clouds hands had stilled, they were in a pouring mode but the pot wasnt tilted enough to let its contents pour out. Reno brought up his hand and pushed it down a bit so that it would pour into the cup. He looked over to his dog, whom was lapping up some milk in a bowl, Leon wouldnt like that he thought smirking, You know milks for cats right?
Well, dogs like milk too& Reno leaned forward a bit whispering in the Clouds ear.
Is that so Cloud nodded shortly to his question, I hear your going to your mothers At that Cloud seemed to brighten up, letting his shyness fade for a moment.
Yeah, me and Leon are going to go for thanksgiving.
Yeah? Well I hope you have a nice thanksgiving Cloud. He softly kissed Cloud on the cheek and took the cup of coffee with him. Cloud turned around and smiled at the retreating man.
I hope you have a nice thanksgiving to Reno! he called back but all he got in return was a small dismissive wave goodbye as the red head exited the room. Leaving the dog to finish the milk.
Leon was standing at the door waiting for the stupid red head, Reno held his hand up above his shoulder and Leon tossed him the keys.
Have a nice thanksgiving Leon Reno said with a smirk, leaning in to kiss him softly on the lips and yes, Leon let him. Come on Maximus Reno yelled and his dog came running around the corner and out the door. Leon raised an eyebrow at Reno and the red head just shrugged, What how vain do you think I am? he asked chuckling a little bit as he closed the door behind him. Leon shook his head at the door.
You have a nice thanksgiving to Reno. He walked into the kitchen looking at the slightly bemused blonde, whose hand was on his cheek, he would have asked what was the matter but knowing Reno&he sighed softly. Go get your bags, were leaving now.
They had already driven from the parking lot and out of their district. At the moment it was very quiet in the car, Leon was concentrating on driving and Cloud was looking out the window. For the life of him, Cloud couldnt remember seeing such beautiful landscapes when he drove himself out here, Maybe its because I was upset& he thought absentmindedly, he rolled his window down a bit more, bringing his elbow up to rest at the base of the window and putting his chin in his hand. He sighed letting the wind blow in his hair and face. Cloud couldnt help the smile that crept onto his lips, it was such a pleasant feeling, no not the wind blowing on his face, but the thought of him going home. Yes, he was going home&and Leon was coming with him. Cloud looked over to Leon and smiled as the brunette kept his eyes on the road. my friend Leon the blonde thought, looking back out the window, he really did love the idea of Leon being his friend but what Yuffie was talking about was very&intriguing. Cloud frowned as he looked back over to the brunette. Cloud never really considered himself to like men but Leon was different, Leon was special. Cloud could just sit and stare at him all day and Leon didnt need to say a single thing because Cloud could probably guess what he was thinking. He could just look at the brunette and tell how he was feeling, he could&he could tell Leon about his past and his trouble and Leon would be there to make him feel better again, be that in his own way&
But Leon was just his friend&
Cloud frowned again while looking out the window. Leon looked at him out the corner of his eye and saw the small frown on the blondes lips. It was getting to be to quiet. So, whats your mom like? Leon asked tired, for the first time, of the silence in the car. Cloud had just been looking out the window the whole time, he said that he was alright when they left, but Leon couldnt help but think that maybe Cloud didnt really want to go see her. but he seemed so happy about it last night. But Cloud didnt answer the question as he was to deep in his thoughts. So Leon repeated himself. Cloud? This time the blonde turned his head, blinking a bit at Leon.
Whats your mother like? at that Cloud smiled, relishing in the thoughts of his mother.
Well, he started turning in his seat so that he fully faced Leon, She has blonde hair and blue eyes just like me. Shes a bit shorter than me now I think. Lots of people say I look just like her. He smiled widely.
I didnt mean physically only, whats she like, personality wise.
Oh, shes very nice, lots of people like her. Her side of the family is really famous, but my mom decided she didnt want to be in the family business so she moved out here. Cloud looked down to his hands bringing one up to brush his bangs out of his eyes, he smiled warmly, No matter what I do or how I mess up, she always there for me. To help me. Leon looked to the side briefly, then turned back to the road.
She sounds like a great mother. Clouds eyebrows furrowed.
She can be&but she a bit demanding, she wants me to live the way she does and do the things she expects me to do, but I dont want to&I want to do what I want to do. He shook his head, still looking at his hands as he began to clench them, but she just doesnt understand, she only can she her way and her mistakes. I mean its nice that she doesnt want me to experience the mistakes she made but& Shouldnt I be given the chance to make my own mistakes too? he looked over to Leon as if expecting him to tell him what to do, but much to his disappointment the brunette just shrugged
Thats your choice to make Cloud. Cloud sighed, turning back in his seat. He looked out the window again and smiled, I cant wait till we get there.
His breathing began to grow steady as the drive continued, as the car went from the city to Nibelhem the scenery kept changing gradually. Going from buildings to trees, streets to dirt roads, and they saw less and less cars and more open fields. The smell in the air was of pine trees and the sun beamed down warmly on his skin. Bright blue eyes began to close reluctantly and bright blonde lashes began to flutter as his eyelids closed. Leon had watched the whole process start to finish. The blonde was falling asleep very slowly. The brunette looked over to the clock, it was already seven oclock in the afternoon and the blonde was asleep. Leon scoffed. You try driving for a whole day, then well see how tired you get he sighed softly to himself, looking around the now dark road. He reached over to the dash board, which was on the passengers side, and grabbed the set of directions Cloud had made earlier. Opening the closed piece of paper and looking at it, he felt his eyebrow twitch, What the hell? he thought looking at the directions that the blonde had wrote slash drawn down. And what the hell was that, a lake or grape jelly? He sighed, blowing some of his hair out of his eyes.
Hey Cloud? he reached over putting his hand on his shoulder and gently shaking him awake. Cloud The blonde had gotten himself in a rather comfortable position. His head in hand and legs brought up a bit. He mumbled something incoherent and slowly blinked his eyes as he woke up.
Are we there yet? he asked rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes.
I dont know you tell me&I couldnt read your directions. It looks like a monkey wrote it&with its @$$&while having some serious convolutions Cloud looked at him for a moment but him being half asleep didnt help the situation and he didnt quite get it what the brunette was saying so he let it slide. Cloud began looking around the area for any landmarks he might recognize. He smiled when he saw one
Well, your going in the right direction, theres Mount Nibelhem, and this is Kalm rode I think, keep going straight and you should see a farm not to far from here. Its my dads. he said while yawning. Leon kept straight just as the blonde had told him and at nine forty-five exactly they made it to Clouds mothers house.
As they began to get closer Cloud rolled down the window and stuck his head out, pointing to the house and looking at Leon with excitement. There it is, thats it right there! he exclaimed. Leon pulled over to the right, getting ready to turn into, what he guessed was the drive way. He slowed his car down and headed straight for the blue house.
Leon looked around a bit, there were lots of cornfields in front of the house, a huge oak tree to the side and other various plants all around, Leon slowed his car as he came closer not knowing where to park, Uh, Cloud&Where should I park? the blonde simply pointed towards an area a bit to the side of the house, by an old disheveled shed. Leon only raised an eyebrow to this parking place as Cloud had his head out the window looking around. As soon as Leon turned the car towards the side and stopped Cloud was already hopping out and heading for the door.
Mom? he began to call as he raced towards the house. Leon sat in the car for a second, looking in the direction the blonde had just gone in. When Leon was exiting out of the car, Cloud was going up to the door, he turned the knob and the door opened instantly. Cloud looked back over at Leon and shook his head softly, She always leaves the door open, I keep telling her its not safe but&I guess she never changes& he smiled softly in remembrance and pushed the door open grabbing Leons hand in the process. Come on I cant wait for you to meet her.
But the Leon started but he was soon stopped as Cloud began to pull him into the house. As they pushed through the door Cloud started to call for his mother, to which there was no response.
Mom? Mom? Cloud called as he towed Leon from the entrance hallway into the another set of hallways, Mom? Cloud called again his arm linked with Leons as he walked into what Leon presumed was the living area. It had a very warm feel to it, with the beige walls and huge bay windows that showed off the outside gardens and fields. There were three couches all the color of tope. There was two book shelves in the room as well, both filled with many books of all sizes and colors, each on either side of a huge fireplace that was the focal point in the room. Leon probably would have seen more if a certain blonde wasnt pulling him along.
Cloud pulled them into a room with a huge table and three chairs, there was a cabinet in the room filled with fine china and glasses, this must be the dining room this room was mostly the color of sage and different shades of green, the table had been set up and decorated very nicely, as if the person was cooking for a group of people. Cloud stopped as he heard a shrill noise fill the air, he turned his head to the left, where a glassless window sat in between the rooms, so that one could see from the kitchen into the dining room, sort of like a breakfast nook. Cloud then turned around and smiled at the brunette as the noise began to die down, Shes in the kitchen making tea Cloud exclaimed as he started pulling Leon along side him once again and Leon let him.
As they entered the kitchen the smell of food being wafted into their faces, the smell being of roasted chicken and fresh bread to be exact. It was an odd feeling as Leon came into the room, it was so homey and so much different from how he had lived. But he let that matter be pushed to the back of his mind as they walked in. Cloud by then had untwined his arm from Leons and was sneaking towards his mother as she was bending down and looking into the refrigerator. Cloud stood by the open door and looked down as his mother reached in the back for something.
Now I could have sworn I put the milk back here& Cloud brought his hands to his face, trying to hold back his excitement and laughter, his mother always was one who talked to themselves out loud. He carefully leaned on the door and straightened his face.
Hey he said softly, still looking down while leaning on the door, his mother had stopped her fiddling and froze. Cloud couldnt really see her face but he knew she probably had a look of shock on it. She turned her head to the side and looked up. Bright baby blue eye met even brighter ones. Her eyes began to water a bit as she stood up fully, she was at least half and inch shorter than her son. Cloud took a step back so that she could close the refrigerator door, which she did. She stood looking at him for a while as a hand came up to her mouth.
Cloud? she asked softly, looking at her son. It wasnt that he looked much different, it was just the simple fact that he was there, it had just been such a long time since she saw her one and only son. He lived so far away and had a life of his own now&yet there he was standing in her kitchen, right in front of her. And that wasnt very far away at all. She took a cautious step forward, still looking baffled by the thought of him being back at home. She smiled sweetly as she walked faster to him looking straight in his eyes, bringing her hand up to his cheek, You finally came home&Ive missed you so much Cloud she said her voice breaking a bit as she tried to keep the smile on her face.
Ive missed you to mom, Im sorry it took me so long Cloud replied back shyly, scratching the back of his head nervously as he gave her a small smile. He would have said more but his mother crashing into him stopped him. Cloud blinked a little as he looked down at her blonde head of hair as she clung to him, her head on his shoulder as she cried softly. Cloud felt his heart ache as he heard her small cries, he brought his arms up and wrapped them around his mothers small frame, resting his chin on her head.
I was so worried about you Cloud, you said youd write everyday but you dont. You wrote that one letter saying you were staying there and forgot about me. Cloud looked down at her in shock pushing her back so that she could look him in the eyes.
I didnt forget about you he started
I was all alone in this big old house and you werent here, that stupid Chocobo got out and tore down all my laundry and he keeps messing up my garden. And theres a draft in here that keeps me cold at night and theres a strange noise that keeps me up at night sometimes too and and& She looked up at him her eyes full of tears as she sniffled , And I&I miss you and want you back but you dont care she crashed back onto his chest and held tighter, wiping her eyes on his shirt. Cloud sighed softly as he rubbed her back.
How could I forget about you? Youre the only person who really cares about me. I could never forget about you mom. Her crying died down as he held her.
I know you wouldnt, I was just thinking about your dad, you remind me of him so much, that sometimes I forget to separate you two. Im sorry Cloud. Im just so happy your home honey. She smiled so brightly at him that he couldnt help but smile back. She reached forward and kissed her son on the cheek soon wiping off the invisible lipstick that never really was there. Well enough with the crocodile tears and all she started, wiping her eyes. Let me have a look at you! she said smiling. She took a step back and looked at him from head to toe. Not bad, not bad she said as she looked at him, Aw my wonderful son, you just look so handsome! she exclaimed smiling even more now, I bet the girls in the city cant get enough of you.
Yeah, well&They really dont seem to notice me. Cloud said back softly rubbing his arm with his hand.
Dont notice you? Please, how could they not? Youre just so handsome honey. His mother said beaming up at him, Cloud could already feel the heat rising to his face. He never really noticed if any of the girls or paid much attention to it, all he ever really focused on was if Leon like him or if Leon approved of him&Clouds eyes widened as he looked behind himself, Leon& he thought, looking in the last place the brunette had been in.
Leon? he then voiced out loud to the brunette. Leon had been leaning against the counter the whole time they had been talking. He looked up as his name was spoken and smiled politely towards the two. Its not that he had felt unwanted or unacknowledged as much as he felt uncomfortable. He was uncomfortable with the situation&It was more of a mother son thing, at least thats how he felt when he was with his mother. Cloud looked to Leon his eyes had a pleading look to them, Leon straighten himself out and walked over to them. As Leon began walking over to Cloud and his mother, Cloud turned around and gave a small introduction. Mom this is Leon Leonhart, hes the guy who gave me my job and the one Im currently living with.
Hello Mrs. Strife Leon said modestly, giving a small smile as he put his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket, he stood shoulder to shoulder with Cloud, both looking at Clouds mother. Leon gave her the once over and had to do it again. He wasnt one who was into older women, or to put it plainly, women at all, but he had to admit that Clouds mom was gorgeous. Her hair was a bright blonde, styled into a messy yet neat bun in the back, she had bangs in the front and some hair hanging down to the side of her face. Her eyes were a deep crystalline baby blue just like Clouds. She had soft pink lips and lovely long eyelashes, this is what Cloud would look like if he was a girl he thought as his eyes traveled from her face to her body, which was, if he could say so himself, in good condition&very good condition indeed. She wore a turtle neck dress that was the color of a pale pink, but you could barely see it because of the white frilly apron that was on top of it. She smiled widely at him clasping her hands in front of apron.
Oh, dont call me Mrs. Strife young man, you can call me by my first name. She said sweetly with her light voice. Leon could see where Cloud had not only acquired his looks from but his good manners as well. He nodded in response, still trying to hold his smile. Cloud leaned over and whispered not to quietly
Her first name is Elena. To which his mother crossed her arms over her chest, tapping her foot in the process.
I was just about to tell him that hon
Sorry, thought you forgot
Well thank you then. She said looking towards her son, Leon turned his head to look at the stove top but soon turned his head back because he had the feeling that someone was staring at him. And he was right Elena was staring at him pretty hard, with a quizzical look upon her face, her eyebrow was raised and her hand was on there chin as her index finger began to tap her chin. Leon would have raised an eyebrow and probably glared at her but he held it back. Shes Clouds mother, shes Clouds mother she soon stopped and took her gaze off him.
My word, youre a handsome young man. Almost as handsome as my son. Clouds eyes widened at the comparison. He couldnt help but think his mothers eyes were going bad.
Mom he whined softly, Elena put her attention from Leon to Cloud raising an eyebrow.
Yes dear? she asked innocently, as he sighed and looked down in shame. Leon smiled at the embarrassment Cloud showed. Leon thought that she wasnt at fault, Cloud was much prettier than him, but Leon felt he was more handsome. Well anyways, I was expecting for you to come a little later in the night so dinners not quiet down yet. You boys can go get situated while I finish here. With that she turned and walked back over to the stove, she lifted a top off a pot and looked inside it as steam rose out and tickled her face lightly.
Would you like me to help you out mom? Cloud asked, Elena turned around fully, spoon in hand, placing her free hand on her hip.
Now Cloud, you heard what I said, if Ill be needing any help, Ill be sure to ask one of you boys. Now you go upstairs, get washed up, comfortable and show Leon where to sleep and things. Ill call you down when Im finish, that alright with you hon? Cloud nodded and again intertwined his arm with Leons as they headed out of the kitchen and went back to the car to get their luggage. His mother raised an eyebrow slightly, watching as the boys exited the kitchen, but she soon shrugged it off, Boys will be boys and went back to preparing the dinner.
Come this way, up the stairs. Youll be in my room with me as they walked up the stairs Leon couldnt help but think the house was pretty big for a farmer and a school teacher, and very well furnished. As they came to the top landing Cloud started to point out what door lead to where. That door is my moms room, thats the bathroom, but I have my own bathroom for my room. As they rounded the corner there were two doors. Cloud smiled widely when he went to the door with the cloud engraved in its wood. And this door leads to my room Cloud turned the knob and opened the door, walking in quickly, Leon stalled a bit looking at the other door. Maybe he forgot about it and with that he walked into the room. He had to blink for a second, trying to adjust his eyes to the bright color of the room. It was a bright sky blue with clouds painted on the walls, it had mostly the color of blue in the room and many toys as well. There were kids drawings on the walls and some writing to. On the bed was an array of stuffed Chocobos and many pillows. Towards the door that Leon presumed was the bathroom was a book case filled with books. There was a huge bay window at the side of the bed with a window seat&all in all it was a nice room. Looking as if it had been updated throughout the years Cloud had lived there.
Nice room. Leon commented, setting his bags by the side of the bed as he sat down. Cloud had set his bags by his closet and went back to close his door, coming over to sit on the bed next to Leon.
Thanks, I try to change it around a bit, but my mom wont let me get rid of the clouds on the wall. He smiled shyly looking over to Leon. My dad painted the room Leon nodded in understanding as he leaned back on the bed, supporting himself as he let his hands go behind himself.
I think its nice. Its very blue, but nice Leon retorted still looking around. Your moms nice, I can see where you got your hair and eyes from, you look just like her. Cloud smiled and shook his head.
Yeah, shes nice& he laughed, but she embarrasses me sometimes. Cloud took his shoes off and brought his knees up upon the bed, he began to crawl over to his pillows, moving the stuffed Chocobos in the process, he then laid down face first into the pillows. Im so tired. He yawed out, turning onto his side and taking a yellow Chocobo into his arms.
I wonder why the brunette retorted bitterly, looking over at the blonde. Cloud in turn raised an eyebrow in wonder.
Whats that suppose to mean?
Hmph, How are you tired when all you did was sit in the passengers seat and from what I saw sleep the whole time? he scoffed. Cloud sat up a slight pout on his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest, the yellow Chocobo still in his arms.
Well, I was worried about coming here& he started but soon stopped as he heard a familiar creak on the floor broads. His mother soon poked her head inside the door and walked in hesitantly. Leon sat straight up but Cloud stayed where he was, looking towards his mother. Yes mom? She walked into the room her hands on her hips as she smiled at them.
I just came to see how you were settling in. She said beaming at them. Leon gave a slight smile while Cloud sighed, hanging his head low then blowing his bangs out of his face.
Mom, we were just down there&
I know honey, but I saw all the luggage and I just wanted to make sure that you got it all in here safely She said cleverly, as if she had planned out the whole little reason. Did you show Leon where hed be staying? Leon raised an eyebrow at that, looking over to the blonde. Cloud looked at him but tore his gaze away.
Well I thought&Well can he maybe& he began, stuttering to ask the question. Leon sighed looking to Mrs. Strife, if it was too hard to ask, it wasnt wroth asking.
Where will I be staying Mrs. Strife? she smiled, Cloud looked over to him, a look of disappointment on his face. He brought the Chocobo closer to his chest as he rested his head atop the soft plushy.
Youre in luck, I just made my teaching room downstairs into a guest room! She said excitedly, turning to leave out Clouds room, And its Elena, Leon. She mentioned one more time while at the threshold of Clouds door, she smiled sweetly then left, reminding the boys to be ready for dinner. Cloud stared at the door, trying to muster up a bit of anger towards his mother, but when he kept seeing her face in his mind he couldnt help but forgive her, it was so easy to get mad at her in a different district&
The blonde sighed, now noticing Leon grabbing his various bags, Cloud pouted slightly looking over at the brunette. Youre leaving now?
I want to move all my stuff downstairs now
But Cloud tired, ready to put up a fight but Leons sighing stopped him
Cloud began to fidget, avoiding eye contact with Leon and all the brunette did was pick up his various bags of luggage, getting ready to go down into the guest room. As Leons feet hit the threshold the blonde broke.
Are you really going to go sleep down there? he asked, miffed by the whole situation. Leon simply turned his head, looking over his shoulder as he nodded yes to the question. Cloud sighed, looking at the other with a sad look in his eyes.
But, thats not&fair. He stated simply, crossing his arms over his chest. Leon shook his head at his choice of words, fair? How old was the other male again?
Well if it was that important in the first place you would have said something. Clouds eyes widen and his jaw dropped, a look of insult slowly creeping onto his face.
My mom wouldnt approve of such behavior, and you know it. I told you how she is Leon he stated heatedly, it wasnt that he didnt want to say that he wanted Leon to stay in his room, the fact of the matter was his mother would have said no, so asking would be redundant. A waste of time&but he could have tired. Cloud sighed, his eyes softening as he looked at the other man. Im sorry, youre right, I could have tired& Leon stood at the door still, looking over at the downtrodden blonde, he sighed, running a hand through his hair.
Its not that serious Cloud, I sure I can sleep by myself He said in his deep baritone voice, reassuring him. Cloud let his eyes fall to the head of the stuffed chocobo, squeezing it in his arms even tighter now.
But I dont want to sleep by myself& the blonde answered back, a soft crimson color now adorning his cheeks. Leon smirk slightly as an idea came to mind.
If its that important to you, why dont you just sneak into my room at night and just go, I dont know, just go and make breakfast for us to cover up your tracks. Clouds paused momentarily, thinking the idea over&it could work&
Yeah, I could make you coffee like I always do and tell my mom you cant go on in the morning without it&Like a car needing gas, or a light bulb needing electricity, or a
Thats enough, you act like I depend on coffee. He said defensively.
You act like you dont the blonde retorted, smiling towards the brunette. Leon glared at him but as the blonde stood and grabbed some of his luggage, his expression changed to one of questioning.
What are you doing? Cloud took the second biggest bag, placing the strap across his shoulder and hefting it up a bit so it could sit more comfortably.
Helping you take your stuff to the room, besides you dont know where it is Leon opened his mouth to argue but found that he had nothing to say towards the issue, he indeed didnt know where the guest room was and did in fact need Cloud to show him. He closed his mouth and ignore the small smile and laugh Cloud let slip.
I cant wait for tomorrow Leon, Ill show you everything in town and all the woods and Ill take you up the mountain!
Next Time on Business and Pleasure&
Cloud takes Leon to see all of what Neblien has to offer! They go gallivanting around the town, meeting people from Clouds past and going to his favorite secluded spot.
Authors Rants&
WHOOOOO!! This took a long time to make, because I was confuzzled! Yes, thats pronounced Con-fuzz-uled but yeah I didnt know how to get it started. And I really dont care for this chapter. I think its really choppy. But hey what can ya do? I had to cut a lot of stupid stuff out, so its shorter than it use to be. Check out my profile for when Im gonna post stuff or new story ideas! The next chapter will be fun!!
Review Please!
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KingdomFreak on December 22, 2007, 8:19:33 AM
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XoxBrookexoX on January 2, 2007, 10:36:53 PM
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