Chapter 10 - Arguments, Battles, and more craziness!!
Submitted December 28, 2007 Updated October 28, 2009 Status Incomplete | "YOU LEFT ME ON A COLD STONE BENCH!!! I COULD'VE BEEN RAPED OR SOMETHING!!!" Sakura shouted then blushed at what she realized what she just said. Sakura leaves the hidden leaf village in search of sasuke. What misadventures await her?...
Anime/Manga » Naruto series » Couples/Pairings » Sakura/Sasuke |
Chapter 10 - Arguments, Battles, and more craziness!!
Chapter 10 - Arguments, Battles, and more craziness!!
Chapter 10- Arguments, Battles, and more craziness!!
Disclaimer: I dont own naruto... "Mild Profanities..."
~Authors note READ!~ I decided to make this chapter a humorous one because I thought it'd be funny and probably the only humor that's going to be in the story and since there's probably not gonna be much humor for the rest of the story, why not make it funny now? Yeah yeah I know I promised dramatics for this chapter, but I couldn't really think of anything dramatic at that moment so here's some humor ^.^ Sorry once again if you all wanted drama...But cherish this humor since there's not going to be much in this story anymore >.<!! ~Kayla~
Recap: "Till later my lovely fishstick..." Sakura replied. And with that Kisame Stomped out the door angrily.
Several hours later, Deidara entered Sakura's room with a tray of food. "Heyy Sakura-Channn!!" Deidara sang cheerfully. "Hey." She answered plainly. Deidara went over and untied her and asked "Hm? why so glump? Did Fishy-Chan make you upset again?" Deidara asked. "No not really I could fry that Fishstick anyday..." Sakura replied to Deidara. Soon the sound of running footsteps was heard and in bursted Kisame. "WHAT DID YOU SAY PINKY?!" Kisame screeched. "I believe I said quote "I could fry that fishstick anyday" unquote. And here I thought you had good hearing since you could hear me from all the way down the hall." Sakura replied. "GRRR!!! YOU'RE MAKING ME ANGRY PINKY! LET'S HAVE A BATTLE AND I'LL BEAT THE CRAP OUTTA YAH!" Kisame yelled. "Yeah right. How are ya gonna do that? Summon your fishy minions? Throw otters at me?" replied. "Uh Sakura-Chan...I hate to tell you this but uhm....otters are river creatures not sea creatures like Fishy-Chan ^.^" Deidara announced sweetly.( A/N:lol sorry but I recently went to the aquarium and got a stuffed seal, but i thought it was an otter :p And yes I know there are sea otters too, but too bad!! I chose river otters!) "heh...heh...I KNEW THAT!" Sakura said embarassed. "See look what you did inner! now they think i'm stupid! Why do you always have to say stupid things inside my mind and make me blurt them out?!" Sakura asked her inner. "Hey it's not my fault Shannaro! Fishstick is ticking me off and It's about time we fry him!" Inner Sakura ranted. "For once I actually agree with you! Let's do this CHA!!" Sakura cheered inside her head. "Anyways, fine I accept your challenge Fishstick!" Sakura yelled. "Okay, but if I win, you can no longer call me Fishstick, and you have to say i'm the bestest!" Kisame said cheerfully. "Uhm Fishy-Chan...I hope you know that bestest isn't a..." Deidara began before being interrupted by Kisame. "Deidara you womanly man, just shut up I don't really care!" Kisame yelled. Deidara started to cry and Sakura went to comfort him by patting him on the back. "You know fishstick that wasn't very nice, he was only pointing out that you're dumb and have a stupid vocabulary..." Sakura began. "Why I oughta..." Kisame began before Itachi and Sasori appeared looking bored. Sasori made his way over to Deidara and bonked him on the head. "oww Sasori-Dannaaaa un!!! Why do you gotta be so mean yeah?!" Deidara started whining. "Shut up Deidara." Sasori stated and Deidara shut up instantly. "Okay Fishstick then let's settle this!" Sakura yelled. "Okay PINKY follow me!!" Kisame yelled and darted out the doorway with Sakura following behind leaving a sad Deidara,an amused Sasori, and a bored-looking Itachi. Soon they all got curious and followed the pair.
~~A few minutes later~~
Sakura and Kisame were outside preparing for battle, while Deidara was sitting on the ground staring in excitement, while Sasori and Itachi were leaning against the a wall outside the hideout with impassive faces, but on the inside, very curious to know how the pink haired kunoichi was going to do. "Ready Pinky?" Kisame asked. "Uh no? you have to give me my chakra back remember?" Sakura replied. "Oh yah I knew that." Kisame answered and held the tip of his samehada up to the kunoichi giving her some of her chakra back. They stood in the middle of the field waiting for Kisame's signal. "AND...GO!!" He shouted as they both jumped back. Sakura took out a kunai out of the pouch she was given (courtesy of Deidara) and threw it at Kisame. He deflected it with his sword and shouted "You're gonna have to do better than that Pinky!". Sakura then punched the ground with a chakra filled fist and sent a small fissure towards Kisame. Kisame jumped up avoiding it, landing in a nearby tree. He jumped out of the tree and headed towards Sakura for a frontal attack. He swung his sword near her upper torso, but she ducked swiping her leg under his feet to make him lose balance, but he jumped up to avoid losing balance. Sakura appeared behind him to try to kick him from behind, but Kisame turned around in time to catch her foot and they both landed on the ground and jumped apart once again. Kisame then shouted "Suiton, Bakusui Shouha!" and water came pouring out of his mouth in a giant wave. Soon, the entire field was being surrounded by water, limiting Sakura to stand on a nearby rock. Soon a wave came crashing at her and she jumped to avoid it, and Kisame appeared behind her and kicked her into the water. She landed ontop of the water by channeling chakra into her feet. Sakura shouted "Kage Bushin no Jutsu!" and 5 more Sakuras appeared and began to attack Kisame in the front. Sakura snuck behind him and attacked him in the back of his arm with a chakra scalpel, making him drop his Samehada. Kisame winced in pain and picked up his Samehada with his other hand and began to attack Sakura head on again. She punched him in the face with a chakra filled punch and the Kisame turned into water. "A water clone?!" Sakura said aloud. That's when Kisame swiftly appeared behind her and Sliced her back. Sakura fell into the water screaming in pain. She attempted to heal the wound, but she didn't have enough chakra to heal it fully and then Kisame came to attack her again and kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying into a tree. The Sakura then poofed into smoke. He looked behind him to see Sakura punch him square in the face, sending him flying into a tree. Kisame got up and noticed she was getting tired. He decided to finish it by trapping her in the water prison. He dove into the water to hide himself. Sakura looked around trying to sense his chakra that he hid. Having the good chakra control she has she sensed him coming up from behind her and quickly turned around to see Kisame leap out of the water and attack her with his Samehada. She dodged it and punched him in the stomach and gasped. "A water clone again?!" she shouted, but it was too late as the real Kisame trapped her in the water prison. "heh looks like i win Pinky!" Kisame announced. "Sakura "hmphed" and was let out of the water prison. She began coughing as soon as she got out, due to the lack of air. "I am suprised though, you did put up a really good fight..." Kisame said. "Damn you fishstick...if i didn't get that cut on my back I would of..." she began, but soon passed out due to chakra exhaustion and her injuries. "Sakura-Chan!" Deidara yelled as he ran over to her. "Fishy-Chan you overdid it! Now she's hurt un!" Deidara yelled. "Oh chill out she'll survive..." Kisame stated. Sasori and Itachi made their way over to examine the kunoichi. "Interesting...that wound you gave her on her back looked pretty deep, and she did do a pretty good job of healing it with the amount of chakra she had at the moment..." Sasori stated. "WHAT?! SAKURA-CHAN DIDN'T EVEN HAVE ALL HER CHAKRA?!" Deidara yelled, which earned him a bonk on the head. "Shut up we're standing right here -.-" Sasori said annoyed. "Well that's still an unfair fight un..." Deidara said. "But still, she did give out a good amount of damage to Kisame..." Sasori stated. "Come on let's bring her inside to treat her wounds and Kisame's." Sasori said picking her up. "Kisame, you can give her back some of her chakra when she wakes up, so she can heal the rest of her damage and yours that we cannot heal." Itachi said plainly. All of the Akatsuki stalked inside the base to treat the injured fighters.
~A few hours later~
Sakura slowly began to wake up. She tried to sit up, but regretted doing so when she felt a terrible pain shoot up her back. "Agh damnit what happened?" she asked herself outloud. "You lost your fight with Kisame." A monotone voice answered. Sakura turned around to see Itachi sitting in a chair near the door. "Huh a bed?" she asked herself looking around the room noticing it wasn't her cell. Sakura slowly realized by her surroundings that she was in Itachi's room. She looked down to see she was in a different wardrobe that consisted of a black t-shirt and black sweatpants that were both a bit big on her. She began to blush noticing that someone changed her clothing. Itachi noticed this and spoke up. "Sasori had to tend to your wounds." He said plainly. "Oh." she replied letting go of the subject. "He wasn't able to do much for your back wound though, so Kisame is going to give you some chakra so you can heal yourself and then we can discuss why you are here." Itachi said and got up from the chair. He stood in the doorway and motioned for her to come. She got up, wincing in pain as she did and followed Itachi out the door. They walked down the hallway, until they reached a small living area which held Sasori, Deidara, and Kisame just sitting around. As they walked into the room, Deidara jumped up and yelled "Sakura-Chan you're okay un!!" as he ran over to her and hugged her. She winced in pain and Deidara noticed this and quickly let go. "Sorry Sakura-Chan un.." he apologized. Sakura thought to herself, "And this is the big bad Akatsuki organization that has the most cold-hearted S-Rank criminals?" she sweatdropped at this thought. Kisame got up and walked over to her with a large shark-toothed grin on his face. "Oi Pinky I believe you have something you need to say to me?" Kisame gloated. Sakura mumbled what she had to say. "Hm? What was that? I didn't quiet catch that Pinky?" He mocked her. She mumbled a little louder. "Hmm? Sorry didn't catch that can you speak a little louder?" Kisame said with a giant grin on his face. "I SAID YOU'RE THE BESTEST AND PROMISE NOT TO CALL YOU FISHSTICK!" Sakura shouted. Kisame let out a chuckle. "That's much better Pinky." Sakura mumbled some incoherent words. "Just shut up and gimmie some chakra SHARKBOY!" Sakura said adding venom on Sharkboy. A vein in Kisame's head popped out. "What was that...?" He asked slowly. "I saiid Gimmie some chakra S-h-a-r-k-b-o-y!" Sakura replied. "Grr...I thought we had an agreement Pinky..." Kisame said angrily. "Yes our agreement was that I couldn't call you "Fishstick" again. It said nothing else about other names." Sakura said smirking. "OoOo she's got you there Fishy-Chan!" Deidara said playfully. "Grr i'm gonna..." Kisame began but was cut off by Itachi. "Kisame, give the kunoichi some chakra now." He ordered looking a little ticked. "Okay..." Kisame grumbled giving Sakura some chakra. "Follow me now Kunoichi." Itachi ordered leaving the room with Sakura following behind. Deidara whistled "That is one bold girl un.." he said and Sasori silently agreed with a nod of his head. "Soo Sasori-Danna un about ar..." Deidara didn't even get to finish his last word as he was bonked on the head and Sasori stalked out of the room. Deidara soon heard a door slam shut. "What'd I do?" Deidara wondered and Kisame sweatdropped.
Itachi and Sakura sat in Itachi's room silently as Sakura healed herself. After she was done she sat on his bed quietly waiting for him to speak. Finally for what seemed like an eternity, he slowly got up and walked over to Sakura and bent down to her level and looked into her eyes. She looked away quickly knowing about the Mangekyou. "Kunoichi look at me. There is no need to fear." He spoke. Sakura slowly looked at him and noticed his endless pools of onyx. " said before you'd risk everything for my foolish little brother correct?" He asked slowly. "Yes." Sakura said with determination. Itachi stood there for a moment contemplating what he was going to say next. Finally his mouth opened and he said "Then heal my eyes..."
~~End of Chapter!!~~
Yay this was a longer chapter than usual!! I liked writing it! it was a lot of fun!! OO i left you guys with a cliffy ~^.^~ I'm sorry bout the OOCness of the characters, but it's funny making them OOC!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I tried making it humorous and sorry if the fight scene isn't all that great. It was my first time making one soo if it sucks, tell me >.<! Love you all! Sorry if this was out late! I had a lot of trouble thinking of what to write tbh...So i'm really sorry again!! Please read and review!!
~~Kayla~~ <3
Disclaimer: I dont own naruto... "Mild Profanities..."
~Authors note READ!~ I decided to make this chapter a humorous one because I thought it'd be funny and probably the only humor that's going to be in the story and since there's probably not gonna be much humor for the rest of the story, why not make it funny now? Yeah yeah I know I promised dramatics for this chapter, but I couldn't really think of anything dramatic at that moment so here's some humor ^.^ Sorry once again if you all wanted drama...But cherish this humor since there's not going to be much in this story anymore >.<!! ~Kayla~
Recap: "Till later my lovely fishstick..." Sakura replied. And with that Kisame Stomped out the door angrily.
Several hours later, Deidara entered Sakura's room with a tray of food. "Heyy Sakura-Channn!!" Deidara sang cheerfully. "Hey." She answered plainly. Deidara went over and untied her and asked "Hm? why so glump? Did Fishy-Chan make you upset again?" Deidara asked. "No not really I could fry that Fishstick anyday..." Sakura replied to Deidara. Soon the sound of running footsteps was heard and in bursted Kisame. "WHAT DID YOU SAY PINKY?!" Kisame screeched. "I believe I said quote "I could fry that fishstick anyday" unquote. And here I thought you had good hearing since you could hear me from all the way down the hall." Sakura replied. "GRRR!!! YOU'RE MAKING ME ANGRY PINKY! LET'S HAVE A BATTLE AND I'LL BEAT THE CRAP OUTTA YAH!" Kisame yelled. "Yeah right. How are ya gonna do that? Summon your fishy minions? Throw otters at me?" replied. "Uh Sakura-Chan...I hate to tell you this but uhm....otters are river creatures not sea creatures like Fishy-Chan ^.^" Deidara announced sweetly.( A/N:lol sorry but I recently went to the aquarium and got a stuffed seal, but i thought it was an otter :p And yes I know there are sea otters too, but too bad!! I chose river otters!) "heh...heh...I KNEW THAT!" Sakura said embarassed. "See look what you did inner! now they think i'm stupid! Why do you always have to say stupid things inside my mind and make me blurt them out?!" Sakura asked her inner. "Hey it's not my fault Shannaro! Fishstick is ticking me off and It's about time we fry him!" Inner Sakura ranted. "For once I actually agree with you! Let's do this CHA!!" Sakura cheered inside her head. "Anyways, fine I accept your challenge Fishstick!" Sakura yelled. "Okay, but if I win, you can no longer call me Fishstick, and you have to say i'm the bestest!" Kisame said cheerfully. "Uhm Fishy-Chan...I hope you know that bestest isn't a..." Deidara began before being interrupted by Kisame. "Deidara you womanly man, just shut up I don't really care!" Kisame yelled. Deidara started to cry and Sakura went to comfort him by patting him on the back. "You know fishstick that wasn't very nice, he was only pointing out that you're dumb and have a stupid vocabulary..." Sakura began. "Why I oughta..." Kisame began before Itachi and Sasori appeared looking bored. Sasori made his way over to Deidara and bonked him on the head. "oww Sasori-Dannaaaa un!!! Why do you gotta be so mean yeah?!" Deidara started whining. "Shut up Deidara." Sasori stated and Deidara shut up instantly. "Okay Fishstick then let's settle this!" Sakura yelled. "Okay PINKY follow me!!" Kisame yelled and darted out the doorway with Sakura following behind leaving a sad Deidara,an amused Sasori, and a bored-looking Itachi. Soon they all got curious and followed the pair.
~~A few minutes later~~
Sakura and Kisame were outside preparing for battle, while Deidara was sitting on the ground staring in excitement, while Sasori and Itachi were leaning against the a wall outside the hideout with impassive faces, but on the inside, very curious to know how the pink haired kunoichi was going to do. "Ready Pinky?" Kisame asked. "Uh no? you have to give me my chakra back remember?" Sakura replied. "Oh yah I knew that." Kisame answered and held the tip of his samehada up to the kunoichi giving her some of her chakra back. They stood in the middle of the field waiting for Kisame's signal. "AND...GO!!" He shouted as they both jumped back. Sakura took out a kunai out of the pouch she was given (courtesy of Deidara) and threw it at Kisame. He deflected it with his sword and shouted "You're gonna have to do better than that Pinky!". Sakura then punched the ground with a chakra filled fist and sent a small fissure towards Kisame. Kisame jumped up avoiding it, landing in a nearby tree. He jumped out of the tree and headed towards Sakura for a frontal attack. He swung his sword near her upper torso, but she ducked swiping her leg under his feet to make him lose balance, but he jumped up to avoid losing balance. Sakura appeared behind him to try to kick him from behind, but Kisame turned around in time to catch her foot and they both landed on the ground and jumped apart once again. Kisame then shouted "Suiton, Bakusui Shouha!" and water came pouring out of his mouth in a giant wave. Soon, the entire field was being surrounded by water, limiting Sakura to stand on a nearby rock. Soon a wave came crashing at her and she jumped to avoid it, and Kisame appeared behind her and kicked her into the water. She landed ontop of the water by channeling chakra into her feet. Sakura shouted "Kage Bushin no Jutsu!" and 5 more Sakuras appeared and began to attack Kisame in the front. Sakura snuck behind him and attacked him in the back of his arm with a chakra scalpel, making him drop his Samehada. Kisame winced in pain and picked up his Samehada with his other hand and began to attack Sakura head on again. She punched him in the face with a chakra filled punch and the Kisame turned into water. "A water clone?!" Sakura said aloud. That's when Kisame swiftly appeared behind her and Sliced her back. Sakura fell into the water screaming in pain. She attempted to heal the wound, but she didn't have enough chakra to heal it fully and then Kisame came to attack her again and kicked her in the stomach, sending her flying into a tree. The Sakura then poofed into smoke. He looked behind him to see Sakura punch him square in the face, sending him flying into a tree. Kisame got up and noticed she was getting tired. He decided to finish it by trapping her in the water prison. He dove into the water to hide himself. Sakura looked around trying to sense his chakra that he hid. Having the good chakra control she has she sensed him coming up from behind her and quickly turned around to see Kisame leap out of the water and attack her with his Samehada. She dodged it and punched him in the stomach and gasped. "A water clone again?!" she shouted, but it was too late as the real Kisame trapped her in the water prison. "heh looks like i win Pinky!" Kisame announced. "Sakura "hmphed" and was let out of the water prison. She began coughing as soon as she got out, due to the lack of air. "I am suprised though, you did put up a really good fight..." Kisame said. "Damn you fishstick...if i didn't get that cut on my back I would of..." she began, but soon passed out due to chakra exhaustion and her injuries. "Sakura-Chan!" Deidara yelled as he ran over to her. "Fishy-Chan you overdid it! Now she's hurt un!" Deidara yelled. "Oh chill out she'll survive..." Kisame stated. Sasori and Itachi made their way over to examine the kunoichi. "Interesting...that wound you gave her on her back looked pretty deep, and she did do a pretty good job of healing it with the amount of chakra she had at the moment..." Sasori stated. "WHAT?! SAKURA-CHAN DIDN'T EVEN HAVE ALL HER CHAKRA?!" Deidara yelled, which earned him a bonk on the head. "Shut up we're standing right here -.-" Sasori said annoyed. "Well that's still an unfair fight un..." Deidara said. "But still, she did give out a good amount of damage to Kisame..." Sasori stated. "Come on let's bring her inside to treat her wounds and Kisame's." Sasori said picking her up. "Kisame, you can give her back some of her chakra when she wakes up, so she can heal the rest of her damage and yours that we cannot heal." Itachi said plainly. All of the Akatsuki stalked inside the base to treat the injured fighters.
~A few hours later~
Sakura slowly began to wake up. She tried to sit up, but regretted doing so when she felt a terrible pain shoot up her back. "Agh damnit what happened?" she asked herself outloud. "You lost your fight with Kisame." A monotone voice answered. Sakura turned around to see Itachi sitting in a chair near the door. "Huh a bed?" she asked herself looking around the room noticing it wasn't her cell. Sakura slowly realized by her surroundings that she was in Itachi's room. She looked down to see she was in a different wardrobe that consisted of a black t-shirt and black sweatpants that were both a bit big on her. She began to blush noticing that someone changed her clothing. Itachi noticed this and spoke up. "Sasori had to tend to your wounds." He said plainly. "Oh." she replied letting go of the subject. "He wasn't able to do much for your back wound though, so Kisame is going to give you some chakra so you can heal yourself and then we can discuss why you are here." Itachi said and got up from the chair. He stood in the doorway and motioned for her to come. She got up, wincing in pain as she did and followed Itachi out the door. They walked down the hallway, until they reached a small living area which held Sasori, Deidara, and Kisame just sitting around. As they walked into the room, Deidara jumped up and yelled "Sakura-Chan you're okay un!!" as he ran over to her and hugged her. She winced in pain and Deidara noticed this and quickly let go. "Sorry Sakura-Chan un.." he apologized. Sakura thought to herself, "And this is the big bad Akatsuki organization that has the most cold-hearted S-Rank criminals?" she sweatdropped at this thought. Kisame got up and walked over to her with a large shark-toothed grin on his face. "Oi Pinky I believe you have something you need to say to me?" Kisame gloated. Sakura mumbled what she had to say. "Hm? What was that? I didn't quiet catch that Pinky?" He mocked her. She mumbled a little louder. "Hmm? Sorry didn't catch that can you speak a little louder?" Kisame said with a giant grin on his face. "I SAID YOU'RE THE BESTEST AND PROMISE NOT TO CALL YOU FISHSTICK!" Sakura shouted. Kisame let out a chuckle. "That's much better Pinky." Sakura mumbled some incoherent words. "Just shut up and gimmie some chakra SHARKBOY!" Sakura said adding venom on Sharkboy. A vein in Kisame's head popped out. "What was that...?" He asked slowly. "I saiid Gimmie some chakra S-h-a-r-k-b-o-y!" Sakura replied. "Grr...I thought we had an agreement Pinky..." Kisame said angrily. "Yes our agreement was that I couldn't call you "Fishstick" again. It said nothing else about other names." Sakura said smirking. "OoOo she's got you there Fishy-Chan!" Deidara said playfully. "Grr i'm gonna..." Kisame began but was cut off by Itachi. "Kisame, give the kunoichi some chakra now." He ordered looking a little ticked. "Okay..." Kisame grumbled giving Sakura some chakra. "Follow me now Kunoichi." Itachi ordered leaving the room with Sakura following behind. Deidara whistled "That is one bold girl un.." he said and Sasori silently agreed with a nod of his head. "Soo Sasori-Danna un about ar..." Deidara didn't even get to finish his last word as he was bonked on the head and Sasori stalked out of the room. Deidara soon heard a door slam shut. "What'd I do?" Deidara wondered and Kisame sweatdropped.
Itachi and Sakura sat in Itachi's room silently as Sakura healed herself. After she was done she sat on his bed quietly waiting for him to speak. Finally for what seemed like an eternity, he slowly got up and walked over to Sakura and bent down to her level and looked into her eyes. She looked away quickly knowing about the Mangekyou. "Kunoichi look at me. There is no need to fear." He spoke. Sakura slowly looked at him and noticed his endless pools of onyx. " said before you'd risk everything for my foolish little brother correct?" He asked slowly. "Yes." Sakura said with determination. Itachi stood there for a moment contemplating what he was going to say next. Finally his mouth opened and he said "Then heal my eyes..."
~~End of Chapter!!~~
Yay this was a longer chapter than usual!! I liked writing it! it was a lot of fun!! OO i left you guys with a cliffy ~^.^~ I'm sorry bout the OOCness of the characters, but it's funny making them OOC!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I tried making it humorous and sorry if the fight scene isn't all that great. It was my first time making one soo if it sucks, tell me >.<! Love you all! Sorry if this was out late! I had a lot of trouble thinking of what to write tbh...So i'm really sorry again!! Please read and review!!
~~Kayla~~ <3
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GreyPichu on December 30, 2007, 4:49:18 AM
GreyPichu on