Chapter 1 - Pilot
Submitted October 2, 2008 Updated December 1, 2008 Status Incomplete | Kiomi Natsuka didn't know of Kira until he killed her older brother. Now she's out for vengeance, with help from a Shinigami with mysterious motives. Can she separate truth from lies in time? Or will Kira add one more Natsuka to his list of victims?
Anime/Manga » Death Note |
Chapter 1 - Pilot
Chapter 1 - Pilot
5 Months Later:
Chapter 1 - Pilot
Chapter 1 - Pilot
Kiomi Natsuka bent over the papers spread before her, her brow furrowed in concentration. Each page was covered in barely legible scrawled handwriting. As the writer, Kiomi could read it but now her problem was memorizing it in time for her college entrance exams – which were coming up fast. She pulled a sheet closer to her, her eyes skimming the lines quickly, making sure she had all the crucial information down pat. Then she pushed it off the table onto the small pile already on the floor. She reached for the next page in line – they were all dated of course – but then paused, blinking. The page her fingers now rested on was a few days off. With a groan she realized what she must have done.
She slid to her feet and walked to the other side of the room – avoiding her stack of memorized papers – to grab her cell phone from its charger. Turning it on, she dialed a familiar number and waited as it rang.
“Hello?” said the guy who picked up.
“Hey Light,” Kiomi replied. “Sorry to bother you but I –”
“Left a few of your study papers here on accident again,” Light Yagami finished the sentence for her, a smile in his voice.
“If you knew, why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Kiomi asked irritably.
“Because I didn’t realize until I started studying a few minutes ago.”
“I see. Well, would it be too much trouble to ask you to return them please?”
“Actually it would,” Light said apologetically. “I’ve already signed up to help my mom today; she’ll need me in about twenty minutes. I wouldn’t have time to get to your house and back.”
“Ah, well in that case, since I can make it to your house in fifteen, do you mind if I come get them?”
“No problem.”
“Thanks Light, see you in a while.”
She closed her phone and put it back in its charging cradle. Walking to the front door, she exchanged her house slippers for normal shoes.
“I’m going to Light’s, I’ll be back in a while!” she called.
“Ok dear!” her mom replied from upstairs.
“Oooh, gonna go see your boyfriend again?” her brother Ryou asked playfully. He was upstairs, doing something with their mother.
“For the last time he’s not my boyfriend! He’s just a friend. And at least he’s trying to help me, unlike a relative of mine I could name.”
“How harsh!”
She smiled. Barely five months ago she and Ryou had hated each other’s guts, and now they could tease each other all the time. It’s funny how fast relationships can change, she thought.
Kiomi exited her house, shutting the door quietly behind her. They had a bad door that tended to slam if you didn’t close it properly.
The walk to Light’s house took her just over fifteen minutes. She knocked on the door, heard the shouted invitation to come in, and entered. She changed into a pair of the slippers they had at their door and walked in.
“Hi Kiomi!” Sayu, Light’s younger sister, said, waving at her enthusiastically from the kitchen where she seemed to be helping her mother cook something.
Kiomi smiled. “Hello Sayu, is Light upstairs?”
Sayu nodded, giving her a lopsided grin. “He’s in his room – studying as always.”
Kiomi nodded and jogged up the stairs, knocking on Light’s door. He opened it and smiled at her, waving her inside. He had his study papers all neatly organized on his desk, hers sitting on the corner.
“I don’t even know why you study,” Kiomi muttered, folding her papers and sliding them into her back pocket. “You’re smart enough to just get right in.”
Light rolled his eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous, everyone needs to study.”
“Not you,” she insisted. “You were correcting the instructors when they gave us the information for heaven’s sake!”
“Only once,” he protested.
“That’s once more than anyone else.”
Light held up his hands in surrender. “Ok ok, I study because I’m bored then, how’s that?”
She shook her head. “You’re not normal.”
He laughed. “I can’t win for losing can I?”
He shook his head with a light laugh. “So how’s your studying coming?”
“Actually, better than I thought it would. Although my style is a bit more . . . .” She looked at his perfectly organized desk once again and thought of her haphazard study table at home, papers scattered on the floor. “A bit different. By the way, thanks for the help earlier.”
“No problem. I hope we both make it in.”
She had met Light through cram school and the entry classes for To-ou University (she had already graduated high school, Light was in his last year). He could explain a subject better than any professor, and as much as she gave him crap about studying so much, she actually admired him for it.
He wasn’t a bad guy to be around either, and he definitely wasn’t hard on the eyes. She rolled her eyes at her own thought. As far as she knew, Light had never dated anyone seriously, and he wasn’t her type. His idea of a good date was probably a night at the movies with a study session afterwards.
“Something amusing?” Light asked, noticing her eye roll.
She started to say “nothing” but caught herself just in time. It was still so hard to get used to that part of the agreement . . . . She hurriedly pushed that thought from her mind and shrugged at Light.
“Just thinking of studying,” she said. Not a lie.
He started to say something when they both heard a voice shout from downstairs.
“Light! Hurry and finish, I’ll need you in a few minutes!” his mom said.
Kiomi glanced at the clock on his wall and sighed.
“I’d better go,” she said.
“Sorry,” Light replied.
“Nah, I have studying to do anyway.” This time she really rolled her eyes about studying.
She left the room and Light bid her goodbye, closing the door after her.
“Is Light done studying yet?” Sayu asked as Kiomi started to walk by her and her mom again.
“It looked like he was almost finished,” she replied.
Sayu smiled at her. “Thanks. It was nice to see you again Kiomi.”
Light’s mom smiled at her as well.
Kiomi nodded. “You too. See you later.”
She turned to go when suddenly a sound caught her attention. The TV in the main room of their house had been on quietly ever since Kiomi had entered but she had barely noticed. Now though, the sound suddenly changed from the normal program to something that caught her attention.
“We interrupt this program to bring you a live international broadcast message from the ICPO, Interpol.”
Kiomi spun to face the screen. “ICPO?”
It was a meeting of some of the most prominent police leaders of the world. And for them to suddenly be broadcasting a message . . . there was only one thing it could be about!
Without asking permission, Kiomi grabbed the remote from the table and turned the volume up, focusing on the screen intently.
“What is it?” Sayu asked, coming to stand next to her.
Kiomi motioned for her to keep silent as the screen changed to a well dressed man with black hair. A nameplate sat in front of him, facing the screen. It read Lind L. Tailor.
“I am the person who controls the world’s police force,” the man began. “My name is Lind L. Tailor. Also known as . . . L.”
Kiomi ran the man’s words through her mind again. Controls the world’s police force . . . . Who is this guy? Who would go by the alias of a letter?
“I am working with the police on the case of history’s most unforgivable crime,” Lind continued. “The case of a vulgar criminal called “Kira”.”
Kiomi’s eyes narrowed. I knew it, she thought. It couldn’t be about anyone else.
“Kira, you are lower than the criminals you are killing. I can tell what you are thinking, but actions such as these are purely evil,” Lind said harshly. “I will bring you to justice.”
Finally, Kiomi thought. The police are finally going to do something about Kira! I don’t know who L is, but I’m grateful. Despite the seriousness of the matter, a smile broke out on her face. The murderer would be brought to justice!
She wanted to talk to Light about it. After all, he wanted to join the National Police Agency after he graduated college. She had never brought up the Kira case around him but surely he would have been following it as well.
She turned and took a step towards the stairs, back towards Light’s room, when she heard Sayu gasp. Her heart sank and she jerked her head around to look at the screen again.
Lind L. Tailor was clutching his chest, over his heart. He let out a cry of pain and then collapsed. Officials rushed forward, asking if he was okay, and hurriedly pulled him away from the camera’s view. The camera was now just recording an empty scene, frantic shouting in the background.
Fury welled inside Kiomi, evaporating her smile completely. Could no one stand up to Kira? Had he decided criminals were not worth his time so he was now killing police officials as well?!
“W-what happened?” Sayu asked hesitantly. She seemed hopeful that it would all turn out to be a joke, instead of a live murder.
Kiomi couldn’t respond. She knew exactly what had happened; she had seen it before.
Suddenly the screen turned a blinding white. Kiomi blinked once or twice and realized a huge calligraphic L had appeared in the center of the white picture. What was . . . ?
“I don’t believe it,” said a shocked, synthetically altered voice. “I had an idea but . . . . Kira, you can actually kill victims without any physical contact.”
Kiomi stared at the screen, shocked herself. Who was speaking now?
“You’re trapped, Kira,” the voice said. “If you really are responsible for the death of Lind L. Tailor, then you should know that he was actually a criminal sentenced to die at this time today, not me. His arrest and conviction were hidden from the media and the internet. Apparently, even you can’t know about criminals like that. I am the real L.”
The real L . . . whoever that might be. Kiomi’s eyes widened. So . . . he had set a criminal up to die on live TV to prove that Kira really had a supernatural killing method. She couldn’t say she approved . . . but L had proven for sure what she knew had to be true. Now the rest of the world had to realize its truth as well.
“Well then . . . kill me!” L said. “What’s wrong? Try killing me!”
“What is he doing?!” Kiomi demanded in shock. Who in their right mind would taunt Kira? Did L have a death wish?!
“Hurry up and try to kill me!”
Light’s mother moved to turn the TV off, probably afraid that there would be another murder on TV. She had a right to be scared.
“No, wait!” Kiomi said. “Please!”
Something in her voice made the woman hesitate, although she clearly wanted to turn it off anyway. Kiomi stared at the screen intently.
L . . . if he had fooled Kira into killing when everyone was watching then he had to know something. Somehow, L had to be certain that Kira couldn’t kill him. That was the reason he was taunting the murderer, to make sure he tried, positive he would fail.
There was a pause and then L said, “You can’t, can you? So there are limits to your abilities as well . . . . Thank you for the information. In exchange, I’ll tell you something as well. It was announced that this broadcast was worldwide, but in fact, it was only shown in the Kanto region of Japan.”
Kiomi gasped, realizing immediately what that meant. In a matter of a few minutes, L had discovered that Kira could kill without contact, that there were limitations to his killing, and not only that he lived in Japan, but the exact region.
“I was planning on showing this in every region, starting with the largest,” L continued, “but now it appears there is no need. You are in Kanto, Japan. Something that the police missed was a small case of the Shinjuku Street Slasher, your first kill. Compared to the other criminals who have died of heart attacks, this crime was very light, and it was only broadcasted in Japan. That was all it took to know that you were in Japan. You’ve been cornered, Kira, and I will send you to your execution.”
The screen went back to the original programming but Kiomi barely noticed. Just from a few moments it was already apparent to her that L was exactly the person she had needed all along. The only person who could help her bring Kira to justice. She had considered Light before – like she had just a few moments ago – but he was just as much in the dark as her. But if she could meet L, she had no doubt that she could finally find Kira.
She had to find out more.
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KelekiahGaladrian on October 16, 2008, 2:40:46 AM