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Chapter 4 - school part 2 and meeting the team

a little fan ficcy i have had playing in my mind for over 3 yeah i thought i would give it a go.

Chapter 4 - school part 2 and meeting the team

Chapter 4 - school part 2 and meeting the team
okies i am writing again and thought about what to say ^_^ so it should be okies if you have any questions PM me and i will get back to you i check almost every day no on with the story!

*Zeke's point of view*

i was very angry at yusuke who had just pulled me out of the office, not like i wanted to stay in the room with mr.takanaka( i remebered his name! i think)
who was still ranting. "what in the hell! let go you baka!" after that comment yusuke quickly let go of my arm. "some one got up on the wrong side of bed this morning" yusuke said in a mock tone. "now lets begin with the tour of this old dump shall we?" yusuke asked "what ever at least no music class" i shivered just at the thought of it. "and by the way your acting i dont think you'll like the music teacher heeheh" yuskue commented "why is she perky or something?" "no she's worse than that she's perky and strict" "oh perfect juuust perfect" i said sacasticly. as yusuke lead me through the halls i let my mind wander thinking about random things. hmm, i wonder if she's here......I thought then all of a sudden yusuke stopped, i bumped into him.
"whyed you stop??"i growled but yusuke didnt answer he was busy looking at a small screen. "yusuke we need your help emidiatly!!" the screen said i noticed a woman with greenish blue hair was talking on it. "not now botan, im busy here" yusuke pleaded but to late. "who in the hell is that?" i asked "yusuke!! i thought you were alone and how can she see me? only people with high spirit awareness can seem me screen or no screen..." "well figure it out your self botan she probably has a hight spirit awareness like kuwabara...but didnt you say that, it was a rare happening?" yusuke asked "yeah i did wierd she go to your school?" "yes botan why else would she be here during school hours??"
"i dunno.. but its kind of odd that 2 people in the same city have it..."
my blood was boiling now i hated being clueless "what in the hell??? what are you talking about???" "oh...i forgot you were even there hehe" yusuke sweatdropped. ok........ i thought to myself this is really going to be a wierd day. "hey kuwabara said he was getting a wierd vibe offa her does that mean she isnt human or sumthing?" "i dont know but the reason i called was because of a youkai(demon) was just identified being in hiding for about 15 years in your city, the really wierd thing about this youkai though is that 'she' made her memorys go into the far corner of her mind so that she wouldnt remember a thing after she transformed into a human. she also made it that she can change back but only if something from her past comes along."
"oh tahnks for the long story botan*yawn* but it would be better if i had a picture of her" yusuke asked "umm...i think she's standing right next to you..." "what!!!! she's the youkai!!! how come i cant sence her spirit energy then?" "because you baka she sealed it to the far corners of her mind nothng will bring it back except somthing from her past" i looked at yusuke confused
"what in the hell is she talking not a youkai am I???"
"we have no way of proving it except what spirit world intellegents tell us"
"and they say what?" i asked "they say thst your a youkai in discised!"
"yusuke! there you are why werent you in class??? did you skip again?" keiko, who had just finished history walked up "umm by botan" yusuke said quickly and shut the screen off. "i didnt skip mr.takanaka told me to show Zeke around"
"oh okey then" keiko why is she so happy? i thought to myself
" hey speaking about that, Zeke you doing anything after school?"
"no....." not that i want to either i thought "cause i wanted to know if you would come over with me and yusuke to genkai's to have dinner...if you want"
"..." before i could answer with a No thanks yusuke said"yeah she would she was just talking about not doing any thing today and was going to be bored right Zeke" "umm....i guess?" what in the heck was yusuke.....oh i see.
*the school bell rings* "oh god it's lunch, time to go and eat the crap that they give us" i smiled(first time in a week) "i brought my own lunch heheh"
"man your lucky i have to eat the shoot they make" "yusuke dont use that kind of language at school!" keiko scolded I smiled this time silently to my self.
*we eat are lunch and now its time to continue the rest of the tour*
finally we get to the last room "okey this is the school torchure chamber also known as a gym heheh" "okey now that i am done with this gay @$$ tour thingy i'll be leaving" "where you going to?" oh probably the forest in the park"
"geez the way your talking it makes me wonder if hiei has 2 Sisters or sumthin.." "who in the hell is hiei?????" "he's a guy, you'll meet him tonight if you go to genkai's" "and who is this genkai person anyways?" i asked rather anoyed at the fact that i had to ask so many questions "she's my master"
"heheh you get trained by an old lady?" "how did you know she was old?" "i guessed" "see yah later" and with that i ran off out the window towards the park.

*hieis point of view*
i was sitting in a tree in the park finally away from all of the ningens.
there are to many of them i thought maybe i should go on a killing spree?
oh never mind i am already in trouble with spirit world as it is....oh who is that? A girl with medium black hair and navy blue tips walked into the clearing
and sighed. hmm......she looks normal back she has a wierd feeling......oh well
i dont think she see's me so that should be okey.

*Zeke's point of view*
finally i got into a nice clearing. looking for a tree, but then noticing that i wasnt alone. one of the tree's was ocupied by a guy with black hair w/ a white star burst he looked like he was sleeping so i left him alone. i had learned never wake up the unknown they might have secrets of there own(hey i rhymed hehhe) so i just chose a nice and sturdy tree about 20 ft away from the guy just to keep my distance and jumped up to the first branch(5 ft up i am not in my youkai form yet*cry* i am weak) on my first atempt i made it catching the low branch with ease then pulling my self up i climbed to about 50ft up then found a nice long branch to sit in. laying back on the branch i had choosen i looked at my watch. it was now 4:30 got out a while ago i thought,keoko said to meet her at the mall to go to genkai's at 6'
so i guess i should leave here in 45 minutes....
looking at the sky i thought and tried to remember things i new where there but werent....thinking i got little snippets of memory from a time i couldnt remember *flash back* "we're comin to get you and your trapped down in this stinking hole you call home" a vile voice called out. "oh you cant get me you basterds i will get you" a new cold voice rang out*flash back ends"
i blinked........strange i thought, that never happened in my life before.
lookin down at my watch it was now 5:10 "oh i should leave now" i said out loud kind of not even noticing my out burst i jumped down and landed on my feet frozen in place for about 10 seconds from after shock of falling from a 60ft drop. running out of the clearing and into the park as fast as i could blowing past all of the tree's and finally made it out of the park.
headong home to get some stuff i ran all the way there breathing a bit harder
i finally stopped at the door to my house and walked in. going up to my room i changed into a different shirt(black but with abit longer sleeves) and not really caring about what i looked like ran my brush through my hair once then taking my back-pack which had my drawing pad in it and that was all i thought was in it.(i forgot i put my katana in it that morning) feeling kind of bored of leaving my house the normal way i opened my window and jumped of the window that was two storys up(about 50 or so ft high) hearing my mom yell i ran quickly avioding one of her lectures. looking down at my watch it was now 5:45
and i had 15 min. to get to the mall to meet keiko. half heartedly i ran towards the mall.

*keikos point of view*
i was walking towards the mall when i saw a black blur thinking it was hiei i called "hey!!" but once the figure slowed to a stop i saw that it wasnt hiei but Zeke instead 'wow she's fast' i thought to myself.

*Zeke's point of view*
hearing Keiko's vioce i slowed and finally stopped looking in the vioces direction. i spotted her near the stop sign so i ran over " ne?" i asked
"hi if your here maybe we could just go from here to genkai's ok?"
"sure" i said not very happy with my self for going in the first place.
we continued to walk down the street then keiko stopped at a bus stop "we taking the bus?" "yup genkai lives a bit away" i nodding in reply
we waited for the bus and while we waited yusuke showed up "you disided to come?" he asked "yeah i guess"......'although i dont really want to be here' i thought. finally the bus arived at 6:10 and so we borded it and where at the steps of the mountain genkai lived at 6:45 "come on we should hurry if she wanted us there at 7:00!" "umm...keiko did you inform genkai Zeke was coming?"
"yeah i did why?" she asked "cause" "oh yeah i know and yeah i did tell her"
"what are you too talking about??" "nothing!" they both said in unison
'hmm there hiding some thing its as broad as daylight i swear' i thought.
as we got to the top of the stairs to genkai's keiko and yusuke were breathing heavily I, on the other hand was doing just fine yusuke seemed to notice that.
"you arent tired??" he breathed "no should i be?" i said with a evil smile "yeah kinda heheh" keiko sighed " i think there is somthing wrong with those minds you to have" when we got to the top of the stairs i was kind of surprised genkai's house was a temple not a house.....
"hmmm" i said deep in thought "zeke....hello??" yusuke was waving his hand in front of my face "huh" i pushed his hand away and fealt kind of stupid but the thought disapeared as i saw kuwabara flirting with a short minty green haired girl(guess who!). i stood there kinda feeling i didnt belong i had never been invited to some thing and thought i never would.
but then a red haired boy about 1ft taller than me walked up the stairs and said "hello every one" in a very cheerful voice but at the same time sad.
the boy walked up to me and introduced himself "hello, i am....." he stopped in mid sentence then eyed me and said "have i ever met you before? you seem....familiar some how...." i answered kind of confused with his question " i dont think so" "hmm....okey i must have mistooken you for some one else i met long ago.." this got every ones atention i shifted in place not liking all the pairs of eyes on me, not used to so much attention and found that i didnt like it at all. the boy broke the akward silence probably seeing i didnt like the attention and finished introducing himself
"oh im Kur.....i mean suichi" "suichi hmm i guess its nice to meet you and what did you begin to say?" i asked the feeling of uneasyness was begining to grow as the people i was around kept giving me hints that they were hiding sumthing from me. suichi looked at me for a second and finally answered" oh nothing just forget i said it" he flashed me a sweet smile(most girls would faint but i am not 'most girls' hehe) "okey well im.....Zeke" suichi's eyes widened and he let a gasp escape "really is it Zeke...." every one was looking at me again it made me uneasy suichi eyed me "you dont look like the Zeke i know maybe it's just a coincedense..." botan the girl i had seen on the screen earlier that morning appeared out of no where and said with a merry grin "that solves the case thanks for your help Kurama!" "what case" he asked but just then i fainted my head hurting badly memorys flooding my head falling to the ground then it all went black..............................

hahaha i am evil Cliffy's are fun cept they some times turn the readers away but i think this was my longest chapter yet! hehe i love my story!!! i better hurry with this yyh is coming on in about hmm lets see 15 min.s or so yeah 10 min.s i cant wait till 5:30!!!!!!!!! okies i will update as soon as possible okies PM me if you have any questions!
sincerely Zeke Zabber Flyhieght


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