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Chapter 5 - Demon thief, atempt to get away

a little fan ficcy i have had playing in my mind for over 3 yeah i thought i would give it a go.

Chapter 5 - Demon thief, atempt to get away

Chapter 5 - Demon thief, atempt to get away
okies i will be introduceing you all to a new aperance some the same but yeah i dont wanna give anything away so lets start the story!
*hieis point of view*

'hmm....i should start to head over to genkai's now she said 7:00 and its about 7:30 now....maybe genkai wont bite my head oof for being late' i thought.
jumping down from the tree he was sitting in it was now getting dark, the sun fading from view and the sky getting a deeper blue by the second. hiei started to run, towards genkai's. ' hmmmm maybe yukina will be there? i would much like to see her...' he thought. when he got to the bottom of the mountian where genkai lived he heard people talking but instead of happy chatting like usual there was worry in there voices, hiei picked up his pace going full speed up th mountain, through the tree's. when he reached the top kurama was carrying a short girl who was changing t an alarming rate. hiei's eyes widened
seeing that the girl was the 'ningen' or so he thought from earlier that day in the forest. walking over hiei eyed kurama, his way of asking a question.
" she fainted when she heard my name and started changing into her youkai form that had been locked away for 17 years..." kurama answered though rather confused with what he had come up with. they both walked into the temple, kurama placing the girl on to a bed. botan walked in holding a small plant, it had black spots on it the rest of it was a deep blue. " whats that?" i asked
" this is some thing that will bring her around so we can talk, i think you know very well what it is kurama..." botan said " yes i do....but what will this help? it is draon....that only brings pain for sertain you want to hurt her?" kurama asked "no not really,......but its the only thing that will work it says in her records and we will need a bigger dose than this too"botan looked sadly at the girl in the bed, she now had icy blue wolf ears.
"if she is a wolf youkai what will draon do? is she alergic or sumthing?"
"no, she is part dragon youkai but you just cant see it yet..."botan answered
i now looking very confused started to get angry "who in the hell is she anyways? and why is she so importaint?" i asked very annoyed by now.
" her name is Zeke and lord Koenma has been looking for her 20 years now, she was a infamous thief and stole numous amounts from him and and the king....its quite scary actually..she was confronted by the king himself he found her and she slipped away from his out grasped hand, avoiding punishment" botan sighed
" she is very skilled at thievery and bad she didnt put her talents towards helping koenma she would be very usful....although koenma says if she does coperate with us she will be made a part of team urameshi..genkai is getting old and you need another member for your next mission..whoops i wasnt supossed to say that...." i growled " what mission?!?!" botan laughed nervously"....nothing i swear" not trusting her one bit i said "okey" making her lower her guard. " oh you guys you made me forget what i was supposed to be doing! now koenma will..." "koenma will what?" koenma asked with one eye-brow raised " oh koenma....nothing you will nothing heheh" "i see..." koenma said with a look that kind of said i dont really care what you said anyways
" did you get the draon botan?" he asked "ummm.........i have alittle bit of it" botan answered holding up a pitiful amount of the plant dragon youkai dispised greatly. "botan! we need more, what have you been doing this whole time??" botan looked down a look of guilt all over her face " i was informing hiei and kurama about Zeke sir i am very sorry" "oh well i guess it is good to have the team informed i forgive you, but you still need to go get more draon"
"will do koenma and thank you for your very mercy and forgivingness" with that botan left the room leaving me, kurama, koenma and Zeke. botan came back in about 5 minutes with more draon. "so why do you need so much of it?" i asked wondering if there intentions were to murder her because by the look of the portion of it, it seemed only right. " we need so much because she is very strong and it will take alot of it to affect her essence, that is what draon does but you usually only need a very small amount of the stuff to painfully awaken a dragon youkai" "oh, so she's very strong...if she is that strong then wouldnt it be a risk to have her gain concousness with you 2 here?" i asked thinking about how strong she really was if what they said was true she should be very strong if not then i have no hope of knowing what to expect either way we were taking a big guess of the right thing.botan walked over to Zeke holding the large amounts of draon close to her face, once it was almost touching her nose her wolf ears twiched and she started to shiver, then her hand suddenly shot up and took the draon away from botan throwing it out of the open window.

* Zeke's point of view*

it stung to touch the vile plant that was being held so close to my face, hurting my essence(your soul, your inner and true being) and almost making me cry out in pain....i would not have liked that at all i never cry. looking around me i saw botan the evil one who had thrust the evil plant in my face, kurama the one who brought my memorys back and my fathers good friend...if he was the kurama i was thinking of, then there was the guy i had seen in the forest earlier that day and finally a teenage boy with JR on his.......oh crap.... i thought i was safe from him and spirit world........
thoughts roamed through my head, escape plans ways to go away from my favorite
employer( i almost always visited him when i wanted something shiny hehe).
but before a good plan was summoned the boy walked over to me and said " nice to see you again Zeke" i gulped.....spirit world was never a place to give lite punishment. 'oh god why here to regain it all?' i thought " caught me" i said sarcasticly trying my hardest to get a plan for escape, then i had it. "yeah yeah i have heard that statment before when my father almost got you" koenma said but when he blinked he was staring at thin air. smiling to myself, thinking ' yup shadow melding is the way to get yourself out o trouble' (shadow melding: disapearing by being engulfed by the shadows a perfect technique for a spy or theif, the person cannot be seen or senced once melded and can only be heard only two have mastered that technique Zeke flyhieght and yuokuone zanler the two youkai thieves) running away as silently as i could loking back to see if any one was following me' hmmm...its just that short guy..wait he's as tall as me waht am i thinking' i thought. then as i turned my head i bumped into that girl with minty green hair, fallling and showing my self. "damn you gave away my cover!!!" i said, the black haired boy now had me pinned down with his sword at my throat. he was walking me back into the room again ignoring the green haired girls confused look but then i smiled a mischievious look on my face, "whats got you so happy?" he asked with an annoyed voice, then i swished my dragon tail making him fall on the ground and then i started to run away yet again 'never under estamate a thief' i thought smirking to my self, this time not looking back.
okies now time to introduce my demon form ^__^
the hair color is the same and so is the hieght and eye color, although my eyes change color depending on my mood: crimson means i am mad or annoyed and violet my regular eye color is any other emotion.
i also have black dragon wings a black draogn tail and dark icy blue wolf ears
my specailty is shadow melding only me and yuokuone have mastered this move as i said above hehee shadow melding is fun ^__^ now if you have any questions about the story plz PM me and i will get back to you as soon as possible i check almost everday. NOTICE: I WILL BE HAVING ITBS TESTING ALL THIS WEEK I PROBABLY WILL NOT UPDATE THIS WEEK AND THERE IS A CHANCE THAT I WILL NOT GO ON EITHER OKIES THAT IS ALL I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE REST OF MY STORY ^_^


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Zeke_hieis_girl on March 15, 2004, 2:16:11 PM

Zeke_hieis_girl on
Zeke_hieis_girllord koenma is a real character in the series yes and thakies for taking the time to read my story sanofangirl i will be updating as soon as possible...infact i think i will right now! ^__^