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Chapter 12 - listening to the truth, hearing the lies

a little fan ficcy i have had playing in my mind for over 3 yeah i thought i would give it a go.

Chapter 12 - listening to the truth, hearing the lies

Chapter 12 - listening to the truth, hearing the lies
Hiei’s point of view

Kurama stood in front of us all, me, Yusuke, Youkuone and Kuwabara. I had easily gotten in walking pace with kurama and started talking to him, “why is she so important to you?” I asked looking up to see his face clearly. He sighed the answered “ Kuronue…he told me to look after her…before…well the day he died…” he swallowed and closed his eyes as he continued walking. I blinked “does Zeke know this?” I asked but before Kurama answered Kuwabara called to him “how much further? We’ve been walking for a friggen day!” he said. Kurama answered with his eyes still shut “about 3 more days or so” Kuwabara moaned, but then Youkuone slapped him saying loudly “shut up your not doing this for your health your doing this because you care” she then glared at him before he spoke again. A small smile started to play its self onto my features
I was starting to like this, due to the minor detail that every one was beating on Kuwabara. Kurama sighed once more and stopped, I looked at him and waited fir him to say some thing, plants started growing around the circle of are little group and then he opened his eyes saying “we should stop and rest for the night…” a sensible idea, for younger people though it was just starting to get dark but since Kurama knew this place better than I did I wasn’t going to start complaining. Kuwabara collapsed, Yusuke stepping right next to him and leaned down getting right in his face “we haven’t gone that far idiot” Kuwabara then noticed the plants going up around us and asked loudly “what’s going on! What are you doing Kurama?” Kurama closed his eyes calmly and answered him “its like an alarm nothing goes in and nothing comes out, though of course if something tries to come in it will be killed but if you do go out side its barrier you wont be able to come back in” Kuwabara looked at the plants cautiously and scooted away from them, getting into the middle so that he could be as far away from all sides of the plants as he could. I smirked as I noticed that there was a tree inside the protection of the shielding wall of plants. Though I was just a small bit tired I walked over to Kurama and started to talk to him again. I sat down next to him; he was lying down and pretending to be asleep. I almost laughed at his pitiful attempt. “You shouldn’t try so hard to avoid talking to me” I said looking at my friend and trying to get some information out of him. Kurama opened his eyes and smiled saying “your right maybe next time I should add a bit of drooling as well?” he laughed softly at his own joke and sighed once more “I’m betting you want to hear more about my promise huh?” he asked I nodded in reply and waited for him to answer. He cleared his throat and started “well…I should have told her when she kept visiting me every so often, after he died. I told her than he was in a bad condition and that he shouldn’t be bothered. I kept on keeping the door to the room that used to be his locked so that she wouldn’t find out…. my mistake” he started breathing hard and continued “she moved away from me and didn’t visit as often, all I knew was that she had become a one woman clan, she had locked herself away from others. I think I was the cause of this…” he let a lone tear slip down his face and put his left hand on his forehead “that day I got caught I had argued with myself about telling her that same day, but had gone on the raid by myself to forget what I had been thinking about so she never knew” he blinked and continued to cry. I looked at him, wondering how I could…. maybe some how…cheer my friend up? I sighed and asked instead, knowing my question might make it worse but still “why didn’t you tell her when she asked you that one day, the day she came back?” Kurama shook his head “I…. I…I don’t know….” He stumbled and continued crying. I frowned and stood up, walking over to the tree and said before I went to sleep “tell her the next time you see her, not forget” and with that I jumped up into the tree and closed my eyes.

((I’m sorry to interrupt this story but I just wanted to tell you that my brother is being a complete idiot, running around the house and acting like batman, and just now he is hitting me with a hard pillow…. -___- this is what one has to deal with to finish her fanfic. Sighs back to the story then…))

Aran’s point of view

I looked down at my whelp that I was carrying. She was getting on my nerves and she wasn’t even awake yet, I grabbed her tail, I had been swishing back and forth very annoying. I then called “SneakerZ! Newnan!” two youkai walked down the stairs and saluted “SneakerZ at your service!” said the youkai with electric blue eyes and a disgruntled expression on his face. “Newnan at your service me lady!” said the youkai with brown eyes and a lizard like tail. I growled, “Well you know what to do! Chain her!” I yelled, the two scrambling to obey orders. I watched as they took my daughters arms and legs, chaining then so that if she even moved she would feel extreme pain from the chain’s cutting into her skin. I saw her wolf ears twitch, she wasn’t in the full wolf form any more, and the moon was gone. I smirked as she flinched, feeling the cold metal touch her flesh. I then walked away, knowing that since she hadn’t endured her monthly transformation for years that she wouldn’t be waking up for a few more days. My eyes looked around my castle, I knew what was missing, my husband, but no not Kuronue not the one that helped me bare the child that was in the dungeons at the moment but my other husband…he was dead and she was to blame I was the only one who knew how much she had ruined my life. I hit my fist on the wall and let a tear gem fall from my eyes. She had no right to murder him, I knew she did she was the only one there it had to be her, and now I was able to have my revenge. I swished my tail and continued to walk up the steps to my room I needed some rest. My eyes closed slightly as I walked to my huge room. I pushed aside the curtains that surrounded my bed and collapsed on its soft silk sheets. I yawned once and curled up, not knowing that I had gotten my self into some thing much bigger than revenge much bigger than hatred.

Zeke’s point of view

I felt the chains that bound me to the cold stone floor. I opened my eyes, they stung as if I had been crying. I looked around and saw two familiar demons, SneakerZ and Newnan
I growled, knowing were I was. The two youkai jumped as they heard me and walked over saying rather rudely “lil’ forsaken one has woken up aye?” I growled, it was my old nickname and I hated it “shut the hell up basterds” I growled and spit at there feet. They sneered and said “me lady has thought of a great punishment for you, for killin her lord yah know” they both laughed evilly and started to walk away. I blinked “I didn’t kill my step…. why would I at least he was just a small bit nicer than my stupid dog of a mum…” they turned around and yelled at me “she’s no dog whelp” I growled, I wasn’t a whelp or at least not any more. I growled at them again and they started running up the stairs, probably to go tell their lady Aran. I sighed and rested my head on the cold and rough stone floor waiting for my stupid mum to wake up. I yawned and fell asleep maybe I could get the two-lil basterds in trouble. I then fell asleep remembering what used to happen around the place.
There was a loud yell, I ran from my room tears falling down my face.
“He…he..He” I stuttered and ran up to my mother “he’s dead!” I cried, holding her dress tightly. She pushed me aside and her eyes got wide “you…what did you do!” she screamed at me and ran into the room I had just ran out of. I heard her cry; she seemed to cry for hours. Then after hiding in my room crying over the death of my lost stepfather I wandered out into the halls, wondering if my mum was okay. I stepped away from the room she had been crying in for the last ten hours. My eyes filled with tears once more as she advanced on me, her eyes were red and her face tear stained “how could you…. do that?” she asked, I shook my head and didn’t know what she was talking about “do…do….do what?” I asked backing up still but bumping into the wall. She then lifted me up by my clothes and threw me down the stonewall. I yelled, blood dripping from a long cut on my left arm all the way up to my shoulder. I looked at her and asked “do you not love me mommy?” she glared at me and pushed me towards the place I had been forbidden to go all my life, but what I didn’t know then was that it would be the hell I would live in for the next year or so. She opened the door, and kicked me down the stairs I screamed, as I rolled and rolled cutting myself all over my body. I lifted my head once more and saw anger in her eyes. A small tear rolled down my face and crystallized into a tear gem “what did I do?” she laughed. I blinked, wondering why she was laughing after hurting me so much. She continued to laugh and then said, “you know what you did! You killed him! You murdered him!” I yelled, gems flying every were “I didn’t, I loved him too” I looked up at her ad sniffed. She shook her head and said in a loathing tone of voice “liar…you lying whelp” she then picked me up and put tight chains around my hands and feet. She then walked away, closing the door behind her and then it went black….
Flashback/dream ends
I opened my eyes, now I remembered why she had taken me back, why I was in the same chains I had been in almost 200 years ago. I then closed my eyes once more, focusing my energy on the chains, if I had gotten away once I could do it again. I yawned once more, and sighed. But it’s so calm and quiet down here I guess I could stay for a while…
I fell asleep.
okies im going to be gone starting tomorrow untill sunday so you wont hear from me after 5 PM that day. im going to a youth group camp out with my friends and others along with my brother.....please pray for me that i dont lose my patients with him! and with that i hope you enjoyed this chapter i only have a few more to go!


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Zeke_The_Servent on August 16, 2004, 6:07:09 AM

Zeke_The_Servent on
Zeke_The_Serventhmmm i can't pray remember

Zeke_The_Servent on August 16, 2004, 6:07:04 AM

Zeke_The_Servent on
Zeke_The_Serventhmmm i can't pray remember