Chapter 3 - "Is he dead"
Submitted April 19, 2006 Updated November 20, 2006 Status Incomplete | Her a mermaid, him a human. both from two different worlds but their paths will soon merge into one. Zutara Please review.
Cartoons » Avatar: The Last Airbender |
Chapter 3 - "Is he dead"
Chapter 3 - "Is he dead"
The Avatar Little Mermaid
Chapter 3 "Is he dead"
(The ship during the storm)
(A.N. When it comes to action scenes I''m not the best at writing. But I try. I don''t own Avatar the last airbender. Even though all Zutara fans wish we did to make Zuko and Katara finally together.)
As the winds started picking up, and the waves grew stronger by the minute, the storm clouds grew larger and darker. Zuko turned as he heard the helmsman bellowing "Hurricane a comin."
Every member of the crew that was on deck took their positions to save the ship. Zuko hollered out orders to everyone in sight while helping the men with their task.
Aang took to the skies in a hurry, leaving Katara still sitting there watching what was happening on the deck, waiting to see if they would need her help.
Thunder was starting to roar louder and louder, and lighting became closer and brighter to the ship. Some of the men started to panic. Men were running all over the place when a large bolt of lightning struck the back of the ship. Right where they kept the hay for the horses and the barrels of blasting jelly.
The hay was up in flames as soon as the lightning made contact. Zuko and Katara both noticed the flames were fastly approaching the barrels.
"Uncle, get everyone off this ship and into the lifeboats NOW!" hollered Zuko over the hollowing winds. Seeing there was nothing else he could do to help and Zuko''s reasons for wanting the crew to abandon the ship, Iroh gave out orders for the men to get moving.
Katara used her bending to create a wave big enough to knock men into the water. Lucky for them they all landed in life boats in the water already.
Zuko quickly scanned the ship for anyone else as he had for the boats, when he heard someone screaming for help. He turned and ran to the voice seeing a figure caught under a pile of fallen jelly barrels.
Katara and Zuko both recognized who the figure was.
"Azula" panicked Zuko as he ran to help out his sister. Katara also wanting to help raised her arms high above her head bring up a gigantic wave. Just as she was going to put out the fire, a powerful gust of wind hurled her from the ship into the dark thrashing waves.
Zuko quickly but carefully pulled his sister out from under the mess she was stuck in. When she was out they both noticed her leg was sprained, he took his cape and wrapped it up around her shoulders. Seeing he had no other choice in the matter, he picked Azula up and held her bridal style while running to the railing of the ship. Just as he reached the railing, his foot fell into a hole causing him to fall. As he fell, Azula went flying over the railing into the ocean.
Katara rushed to the surface when she hit the water. When she emerged, first thing she saw was Zuko running to the railing with Azula in arms, when next thing she knew Azula was falling into the water.
Lucky for her she landed right next to the lifeboat Iroh was in. He quickly pulled Azula aboard while the both turned to the ship.
"ZUKO, NO" screamed Iroh seeing his nephew on the burning ship.
Just as Zuko pulled his foot out, he turned to see the barrels of jelly on fire. The last thing he saw when the ship blew up in flames.
Katara dived under to avoid flying debris, but quickly turned around and emerged again. She looked around the surface of the water for any sign of Zuko. When she turned around to look behind herself, she noticed Zuko sliding off of floating piece of debris. She dove back under next to him, grabbing hold of him, and pulling him to the surface. When they both surface, Katara grabbed hold of him with one arm, using the other to watarbend Zuko and herself away from the wreck.
(Morning on the shores of Sozun Kingdom)
When Katara finally reached land, she pulled Zuko onto the shore as she rested next to him. She looked over his resting form for any signs of him being hurt.
Aang was soaring around in the skies, when he spotted Katara on the beach next to the same man she was staring at the night before. He also took note of the man''s clothes being torn and his feet were bare. ''Whoa, he must have been through something'' he thought to himself. Curious, he went in closer landing next to Katara. Aang saw her looking him over. "Something wrong Katara?"
"Is he dead?" she asked not looking away from Zuko''s sleeping form.
Aang grabbed Zuko''s wrist, feeling around for a pulse. Not getting any pulse he looked at her with a sorrowful face. "It''s hard to say. I''m sorry Katara, but I can''t make out a heart beat."
"No look" she said noticing Zuko''s chest was rising and falling. "Hes breathing." Katara reached up towards his face with one of her hands moving his hair out of his face. She gently turned his face in her direction. "He''s so beautiful."
Seeing she probably wanted time alone with Zuko, Aang backed away sitting on some rock close by the water.
As Katara gently rubbed her hand along his face she softly began singing.
What would I give to live where you are?
What I pay to stay here beside you?
What would I do to see you smiling at me?
Just then Sokka and Haru were washed up onto some rocks. Sokka staring wide eye at his sister and what she was doing with a human, wasted no time in getting up to protest, when Aang and Haru held him down and kept his mouth shut.
Zuko started to move his legs a little, along with his arms. Katara noticed to and just continued her lullaby.
Where would we walk?
Where would we run?
If we could stay all day in the sun.
Zuko slowly opened his eyes seeing a beautiful blue eyed girl singing to him.
Just you and me, and I could be
Part of your world.
"Zuko" called an approaching girls voice.
So know one would else would see her, Katara crawled into the water, diving in when it was deep enough for her.
Iroh and Azula came over by Zuko who was now sitting up. As Iroh helped Zuko stand up, Azula was staring at the water where she just saw a pair of fins disappear.
"How are you feeling nephew?" Asked Iroh, pulling Zuko up all the way.
"A girl rescued me. She had the most beautiful voice along with her blue eyes." Said Zuko sounding delusional. Just then he blacked out for a short moment. He almost hit the ground, before Iroh caught him.
"Ah Zuko, I think you swallowed to much sea water. Lets go to the palace and get you cleaned up." Offered Iroh helping Zuko walk away. "Azula, my wonderful niece, stop starring at the waves and help me with your brother already."
"Coming Uncle!" shouted Azula as she took one last glance at the water before running to catch up with her family.
Back behind some rocks Katara, Sokka, Haru, and Aang were watching the family on the shore.
"The sea king must never know what happened here. You wont tell him Haru, and I wont tell him, I will stay in one peace." Commanded Sokka as he and Haru promised to shut up about Katara actions not to long ago.
Katara on the other hand, pulled herself up further on the rock she was on, and started singing again.
I don''t know when, I don''t know how
But I know something''s starting right now.
Watch and you''ll see, someday I''ll be
She pushed herself up as waves came crashing against her rock
Part of your world.
As she crouched back down, still watching Zuko walk away, Katara, Sokka, Haru, and Aang didn''t know they were being watched also.
Jet and Duke were watching Katara from not to far away. The two boys had on a special necklace. Both necklaces had a silver chain holding a large pendent. The pendent itself, was a black anaconda wrapped around in a spiral shape, where it head was in the middle, mouth wide open holding a ruby. This ruby though was used for Jun to see what the boys saw.
Jun was watching what Katara was doing through her crystal ball back at her place.
"I cant stand this, its to easy." Jun laughed pounding on her futon. "The child is in love with a human, and not just any human, a prince."
She rose from her futon and glided over to her crystal ball. "Oh daddy will love this. King Pakku''s love sick girl would make a charming addition to my little garden." Jun chuckled turning to face a patch filled with plant like creatures. They looked like plants but had faces on them. Faces of former merfolk she had helped, but they never paid up.
"Yes a very nice addition indeed."
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invisiblegirl on November 10, 2006, 3:13:24 PM

winxgirl21 on August 12, 2006, 6:55:00 AM
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