Chapter 0 - Persuasion
Submitted May 9, 2007 Updated July 15, 2007 Status Incomplete | I am off school for the summer and I needed a project to keep me busy. I may not be the best writer, but I try. The title of the story may change. I haven't decided yet. Critiszm is welcome, but be nice don't flame me to bad. ^_^
Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Star Fox |
Chapter 0 - Persuasion
Chapter 0 - Persuasion
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Characters. Thus far they are all property of RARE and Nintendo. Any Characters that I create will be posted at the beginning of the chapter if deemed important enough.
Conflicts and Aftermath
The old, Cornerian warehouse groaned in protest at the ferocity of the night storm. Lightening flashed ominously illuminating the rusty, white, sheet metal exterior of the dilapidated, old, structure. Through the high rain battered windows a dim light could be seen filtering splotchaly through the thick coat of black dust that begrimed the inside of the glass.
The interior of the structure was just as rundown as the exterior. The Leaky roof was supported by towering steel beams that had turned a grimy brown and green through years of water damage and mildew. The whole room echoed with the sound of the thundering rain drops beating on the flimsy tin roof.
Large falls of water cascaded through holes and cracks in the roof crashing to the floor to form gigantic pools of muddy brown water amid the piles of accumulated junk. The whole room was lit by the eery glow of maybe twenty bare incandescent bulbs, a technology that hadn't been used in nearly two centuries, In the dim glow from the inadequate lighting the piles of rubbish cast looming shadows throwing the floor into a thick darkness.
Amid this seeming chaos of disorder a clearing in the center of the clutter had been cleared and the monstrous bulk of a Cruiser class Starship could be seen. The Quad winged, multi leveled ship was only partially complete. Various part and components hung from hoists surrounding the ship. From somewhere under the belly of this monstrous feat of engineering the sound of Rock music could be heard over the noise of the storm outside.
A shower of sparks cascaded down from an access panel on the ships underbelly. After a moment the sparks stopped and a young male vulpine poked his head out from the bowels of the ship and rummaged through a tool box situated under the access panel. Clearly not finding what he was he was looking for he let out a frustrated growl and from his upside down position drooped to the ground with an acrobatic grace. Bobbing his head to the music he preceded to rummage around on a tool bench close by. His tail swooshed absently as he looked for whatever it was he was looking for. As he turned an insignia of a winged fox on his worn white vest caught the light. The young vulpine let out a unconscious grunt of satisfaction as he flipped a laser regulator in his paws apparently what he had been looking for. With a nibble jump he disappeared back into the access port and continued working on the ship.
Across the darkened room a heavy metal door grated open and a figure emerged . The figure turned and closed the door with a loud clang. Turning as if to get its bearings it scanned the room and spotted the place where the cruiser sat amidst the piles of junk. With a stealthy grace the figure began to pick its way across the room towards the ship in the center. As the figure got closer to the ship it slowed and shook its head in annoyance at the loud music. As a particularly loud guitar solo began the vulpine that had been working on the ship swung his head out of the access panel with his eyes closed pretending to be playing the solo on an air guitar. The figure stared at the young fox in Surprise and tried unsuccessfully to stifle a laugh. The Vulpine opened his eyes in surprise at the noise. Looking around the young fox started at the sight of the figure and fell to the ground with a mild thud. The figure burst out in unsuppressed laughter as the young vulpine struggled to his feet.
"That's not funny Krystal," the fox yelled untangling himself from a knot of wiring, "You almost gave me a heart attack."Krystal, the attractive, corilian blue vixen, wiped tears of laughter from her eyes and gasped between her unsuccessfully controlled giggles.
"I'm S--sorry Fox. I didn't mean scare you. You jus--just looked so ridiculous hanging upside down like that." And at this she dissolved into laughter again. Fox could feel his face grow warm and was silently thankful that his fur would hide his embarrassment.
"What are you doing down here anyway. It has to be well past midnight." Fox grumbled rubbing the back of his head. "You know I hate it when you wander this neighborhood at night."
"What am I doing here?" Krystal said finally in control again. "I was looking for you. As you pointed out, its past midnight. You should have been home hours ago."
Fox shifted. "Well... I just got to working on the ship and lost track of time. I just want to get this thing finished. I am getting bored here. Planet life just doesn't suit me. I want to get back in the air as soon as I can."
Krystal put a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.
"I know You hate being Planet bound, but try to make the best of it. Take some time off and rest awhile. What we did two months ago was no small feat. We deserve a little bit of a vacation."
Fox snorted, "I don't need a vacation. The Aparoid Invasion was just a warm up. I need more action. I can't just sit around and do nothing, I'd go crazy."
Krystal let out an exasperated sigh. "You don't have to sit around and do nothing. Go do something fun. Everybody else on the team is why can't you."
"Yeah. Sure. What is there to do on a planet that's been half'-blown up? The Aperoids took out all the fun stuff, the blaster course, the simulators and the Training facilities." This place is boring as Hell." Huffed Fox.
Krystal let out another exasperated sigh. "Is that all you every think about is training." Krystal walked over to the ship and leaned against a bulkhead shaking her head in mock annoyance. "That was not quite what I had in mind when I said fun.! Do something that doesn't have to do with work. Look at Falco. He took a transport to Creamus Prime to snow board, why can't you do something like that?"
Fox looked at Krystal incredulously, turned and walked over to the workbench and started to fiddle with a power converter. Over his shoulder he said in an annoyed tone. "Me on one of those sardine cans they call a transport. I don't think so! Besides I hate the cold. Why would I want to strap a board to my feet and slide down a hill of something I hate. NO THANK YOU!"
"You Just Love making things difficult don't you?" Krystal growled at Fox's back. "Come on can't you think of something that would get you out of here for a while?"
"Hey, The only thing I want to do is get back up in the air. Until Command retracts its orders that all fighter ships are grounded; I am going to sit here until this ship is complete enough to get me off this rock."
Krystal cocked her eyebrow and said in a measured tone "Your Hopeless you know that Fox? If you don't get out and do something un-work related. I will dismantle this ship piece by piece."
"Ha. I would like to see you try." laughed Fox.
"Try me!" Krystal said her face set in an un amused set.
"You wouldn't dare." Fox said a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
"Piece by Piece." Krystal repeated with an unwavering stare of finality.
Fox stared unblinkingly back his jaw set. As he stared he felt a familiar probing in the back of his mind.
"Your not going to win this one" he thought "I'm not going to change my mind about this. I am not going to leave this warehouse."
"Oh really" said Krystal's teasing voice in his mind. "We'll just see about that, I can be quite persuasive when I want to be." she teased.
"Not this time," Fox thought but he could already feel his resolve slipping. He growled at Krystal whose expression had changed to one of mild amusement. Fox battled with her will for a few
more moments and with a frustrated growl he finally gave in.
"Fine, I'll go do something other than work on the ship tomorrow, Are you happy now?" Krystal laughed.
"Oh Fox. When are you going to learn you can't argue with a woman and expect to win." she teased wagging a finger at him in a mock scolding manner.
"Yeah, well it wasn't fair," Growled Fox in annoyance tossing down the power converter still clutched in his paw, "You no I can't stand it when you do that."
"Why Fox, whatever do you mean?" Krystal chided with a grin pushing herself away from
the bulkhead and resting her head sweetly on Fox's Shoulder. "I would never dream of doing anything to sway the all-mighty Star Fox."
"Yeah, Yeah, very funny, Fox said trying to maintain a stern face,but failing. He couldn't bring himself to be mad at her. After all she was only concerned for his well being. "So, what is there to do on this God forsaken rock; most of the entertainment district was destroyed, and hanging around in a slum area bar isn't really appealing to me."
"Well like I said we can get off world if we take a trans...." Fox interrupted her before she could finish.
"Yeah, I know. A transport. I ain't getting on one of those things. Like I said they're nothing but sardine cans with wings."
"Oh come on fox they're not that bad." Krystal said with a laugh looking up into his face." If I didn't know better I'd say you were afraid of them."
"What! No! I'm not afraid of them...I just don't like them that's all." Fox said flustered. Krystal smiled as she distinctly heard him mutter under his breath something about there not being enough air with all those people.
"Fox! Don't tell me the famous Star Fox is claustrophobic!"
"I just don't like tight places. Ok?"
"Fine we don't have to go off world. I'm sure there is plenty to do. I hear the bar down the
street has excellent food if you can muscle your way past your gag reflex. Besides. I know how much you love the bombed out scenery." Krystal finished with a wry smile. She could feel Fox cringe at the very idea.
"On second thought...I guess I might be able to...ah...persuade myself to get on one of those Sardine cans as long as it's not to far."
"Well then, We had better get home. It looks like tomorrow we're going on vacation." With that she straightened and headed towards the door splashing through the puddles in a carefree manner. Fox stared after her his mouth slightly open.
"I have no idea how she does that." with that he started after her deliberately dodging the puddles as he reached the door he turned and looked at the half finished ship and sighed.
"Well, I guess I'll see you in a few days." Fox turned and flicked off the dim lights and followed Krystal out into the torrential rain where she was twirling around catching raindrops on her tongue.
Conflicts and Aftermath
The old, Cornerian warehouse groaned in protest at the ferocity of the night storm. Lightening flashed ominously illuminating the rusty, white, sheet metal exterior of the dilapidated, old, structure. Through the high rain battered windows a dim light could be seen filtering splotchaly through the thick coat of black dust that begrimed the inside of the glass.
The interior of the structure was just as rundown as the exterior. The Leaky roof was supported by towering steel beams that had turned a grimy brown and green through years of water damage and mildew. The whole room echoed with the sound of the thundering rain drops beating on the flimsy tin roof.
Large falls of water cascaded through holes and cracks in the roof crashing to the floor to form gigantic pools of muddy brown water amid the piles of accumulated junk. The whole room was lit by the eery glow of maybe twenty bare incandescent bulbs, a technology that hadn't been used in nearly two centuries, In the dim glow from the inadequate lighting the piles of rubbish cast looming shadows throwing the floor into a thick darkness.
Amid this seeming chaos of disorder a clearing in the center of the clutter had been cleared and the monstrous bulk of a Cruiser class Starship could be seen. The Quad winged, multi leveled ship was only partially complete. Various part and components hung from hoists surrounding the ship. From somewhere under the belly of this monstrous feat of engineering the sound of Rock music could be heard over the noise of the storm outside.
A shower of sparks cascaded down from an access panel on the ships underbelly. After a moment the sparks stopped and a young male vulpine poked his head out from the bowels of the ship and rummaged through a tool box situated under the access panel. Clearly not finding what he was he was looking for he let out a frustrated growl and from his upside down position drooped to the ground with an acrobatic grace. Bobbing his head to the music he preceded to rummage around on a tool bench close by. His tail swooshed absently as he looked for whatever it was he was looking for. As he turned an insignia of a winged fox on his worn white vest caught the light. The young vulpine let out a unconscious grunt of satisfaction as he flipped a laser regulator in his paws apparently what he had been looking for. With a nibble jump he disappeared back into the access port and continued working on the ship.
Across the darkened room a heavy metal door grated open and a figure emerged . The figure turned and closed the door with a loud clang. Turning as if to get its bearings it scanned the room and spotted the place where the cruiser sat amidst the piles of junk. With a stealthy grace the figure began to pick its way across the room towards the ship in the center. As the figure got closer to the ship it slowed and shook its head in annoyance at the loud music. As a particularly loud guitar solo began the vulpine that had been working on the ship swung his head out of the access panel with his eyes closed pretending to be playing the solo on an air guitar. The figure stared at the young fox in Surprise and tried unsuccessfully to stifle a laugh. The Vulpine opened his eyes in surprise at the noise. Looking around the young fox started at the sight of the figure and fell to the ground with a mild thud. The figure burst out in unsuppressed laughter as the young vulpine struggled to his feet.
"That's not funny Krystal," the fox yelled untangling himself from a knot of wiring, "You almost gave me a heart attack."Krystal, the attractive, corilian blue vixen, wiped tears of laughter from her eyes and gasped between her unsuccessfully controlled giggles.
"I'm S--sorry Fox. I didn't mean scare you. You jus--just looked so ridiculous hanging upside down like that." And at this she dissolved into laughter again. Fox could feel his face grow warm and was silently thankful that his fur would hide his embarrassment.
"What are you doing down here anyway. It has to be well past midnight." Fox grumbled rubbing the back of his head. "You know I hate it when you wander this neighborhood at night."
"What am I doing here?" Krystal said finally in control again. "I was looking for you. As you pointed out, its past midnight. You should have been home hours ago."
Fox shifted. "Well... I just got to working on the ship and lost track of time. I just want to get this thing finished. I am getting bored here. Planet life just doesn't suit me. I want to get back in the air as soon as I can."
Krystal put a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.
"I know You hate being Planet bound, but try to make the best of it. Take some time off and rest awhile. What we did two months ago was no small feat. We deserve a little bit of a vacation."
Fox snorted, "I don't need a vacation. The Aparoid Invasion was just a warm up. I need more action. I can't just sit around and do nothing, I'd go crazy."
Krystal let out an exasperated sigh. "You don't have to sit around and do nothing. Go do something fun. Everybody else on the team is why can't you."
"Yeah. Sure. What is there to do on a planet that's been half'-blown up? The Aperoids took out all the fun stuff, the blaster course, the simulators and the Training facilities." This place is boring as Hell." Huffed Fox.
Krystal let out another exasperated sigh. "Is that all you every think about is training." Krystal walked over to the ship and leaned against a bulkhead shaking her head in mock annoyance. "That was not quite what I had in mind when I said fun.! Do something that doesn't have to do with work. Look at Falco. He took a transport to Creamus Prime to snow board, why can't you do something like that?"
Fox looked at Krystal incredulously, turned and walked over to the workbench and started to fiddle with a power converter. Over his shoulder he said in an annoyed tone. "Me on one of those sardine cans they call a transport. I don't think so! Besides I hate the cold. Why would I want to strap a board to my feet and slide down a hill of something I hate. NO THANK YOU!"
"You Just Love making things difficult don't you?" Krystal growled at Fox's back. "Come on can't you think of something that would get you out of here for a while?"
"Hey, The only thing I want to do is get back up in the air. Until Command retracts its orders that all fighter ships are grounded; I am going to sit here until this ship is complete enough to get me off this rock."
Krystal cocked her eyebrow and said in a measured tone "Your Hopeless you know that Fox? If you don't get out and do something un-work related. I will dismantle this ship piece by piece."
"Ha. I would like to see you try." laughed Fox.
"Try me!" Krystal said her face set in an un amused set.
"You wouldn't dare." Fox said a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
"Piece by Piece." Krystal repeated with an unwavering stare of finality.
Fox stared unblinkingly back his jaw set. As he stared he felt a familiar probing in the back of his mind.
"Your not going to win this one" he thought "I'm not going to change my mind about this. I am not going to leave this warehouse."
"Oh really" said Krystal's teasing voice in his mind. "We'll just see about that, I can be quite persuasive when I want to be." she teased.
"Not this time," Fox thought but he could already feel his resolve slipping. He growled at Krystal whose expression had changed to one of mild amusement. Fox battled with her will for a few
more moments and with a frustrated growl he finally gave in.
"Fine, I'll go do something other than work on the ship tomorrow, Are you happy now?" Krystal laughed.
"Oh Fox. When are you going to learn you can't argue with a woman and expect to win." she teased wagging a finger at him in a mock scolding manner.
"Yeah, well it wasn't fair," Growled Fox in annoyance tossing down the power converter still clutched in his paw, "You no I can't stand it when you do that."
"Why Fox, whatever do you mean?" Krystal chided with a grin pushing herself away from
the bulkhead and resting her head sweetly on Fox's Shoulder. "I would never dream of doing anything to sway the all-mighty Star Fox."
"Yeah, Yeah, very funny, Fox said trying to maintain a stern face,but failing. He couldn't bring himself to be mad at her. After all she was only concerned for his well being. "So, what is there to do on this God forsaken rock; most of the entertainment district was destroyed, and hanging around in a slum area bar isn't really appealing to me."
"Well like I said we can get off world if we take a trans...." Fox interrupted her before she could finish.
"Yeah, I know. A transport. I ain't getting on one of those things. Like I said they're nothing but sardine cans with wings."
"Oh come on fox they're not that bad." Krystal said with a laugh looking up into his face." If I didn't know better I'd say you were afraid of them."
"What! No! I'm not afraid of them...I just don't like them that's all." Fox said flustered. Krystal smiled as she distinctly heard him mutter under his breath something about there not being enough air with all those people.
"Fox! Don't tell me the famous Star Fox is claustrophobic!"
"I just don't like tight places. Ok?"
"Fine we don't have to go off world. I'm sure there is plenty to do. I hear the bar down the
street has excellent food if you can muscle your way past your gag reflex. Besides. I know how much you love the bombed out scenery." Krystal finished with a wry smile. She could feel Fox cringe at the very idea.
"On second thought...I guess I might be able to...ah...persuade myself to get on one of those Sardine cans as long as it's not to far."
"Well then, We had better get home. It looks like tomorrow we're going on vacation." With that she straightened and headed towards the door splashing through the puddles in a carefree manner. Fox stared after her his mouth slightly open.
"I have no idea how she does that." with that he started after her deliberately dodging the puddles as he reached the door he turned and looked at the half finished ship and sighed.
"Well, I guess I'll see you in a few days." Fox turned and flicked off the dim lights and followed Krystal out into the torrential rain where she was twirling around catching raindrops on her tongue.
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yzak23 on August 6, 2007, 1:15:46 PM
yzak23 on

edthealchemist on July 21, 2007, 2:31:42 PM
nextguardian on May 20, 2007, 12:07:45 PM
nextguardian on
Falconlobo on May 9, 2007, 8:07:56 AM
Falconlobo on