Chapter 12 - Invading the Miharu's
Submitted June 13, 2005 Updated February 5, 2007 Status Complete | Kaede Mishua live with her grandparents in Domino City. She loves her school and her friends. But there is a certain guy she finds it impossible to like, but maybe he is the one she will love?
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series |
Chapter 12 - Invading the Miharu's
Chapter 12 - Invading the Miharu's
Invading the Miharu's
`HANG ON! WHEN WAS THIS DECIDED?' Yuula blocked Kaede and Sakura's way as they attempted to enter her house. `I NEVER SAID THAT YOU COULD STAY AT MY HOUSE!'
`Well, you weren't there, so you had no say in the matter,' Kaede said, trying to jump through a gap between Yuula and the doorframe. This move was intercepted and Yuula pushed her back roughly, so she ended up in a mess on the doorstep.
`Come on Yuula, we've got our stuff and everything,' Sakura begged, attempting to dodge past her to get inside. `Come on, it'll be fun. We can do face masks, paint each others nails, share stories, y'know, all the stuff we use to do when we were 10.'
`I don't know about you, but I NEVER did any of that stuff,' Yuula said, and made to slam the door in their faces but Takumi appeared behind her carrying a tray with a bowl of pop corn and a can of beer.
`Yuula, what sort of behaviour is this?' he tutted, and, balancing the tray in one hand, held Yuula away from the door so that Kaede and Sakura could run in quickly.
`TAKUMI! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE ON MY SIDE, NOT WORKING WITH THEM!' Yuula yelled as Takumi quickly made his way to the living room.
`Sorry Yuula didn't quite catch that. But if you need me I'll be watching the game,' he grinned and slammed the door to the living room shut behind him.
Yuula folded her arms, pouting, then turned around to Sakura and Kaede who had vanished. She looked around and saw them sneaking up the stair case, making as little noise as possible.
`AND WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?' Yuula shrieked when she saw them. They bolted up the rest of the stairs and down the corridor to Yuula's room. Yuula chased after them, yelling: `COME BACK HERE YOU SCUM!'
She flung open the door to her room to see both of them spreading out their stuff on the floor and finding mattresses and duvets for them to sleep on.
`Get out!' Yuula demanded in a dangerously low voice. Both pretended they hadn't heard her and continued with what they were doing. Kaede stood up and stretched, but then gasped as if she had suddenly remembered something. `Sakura, I think we forgot to-'
`Oh yes, I remember, hold on, I'll go,' Sakura jumped up and ran out of the room and downstairs. They heard her go out of the back door, and Yuula rounded on Kaede.
`What is going on?' she demanded. `What did you two forget?'
`You'll see,' Kaede beamed. They heard the front door open again, and then all the colour drained out of Yuula's face as she heard what sounded like elephants running up the stairs. Both she and Kaede jumped out of the way just in time as Sakura, followed by 7 other people, fell into the room.
Yuula picked herself up from where she had landed on the floor and stared down at Joey, Honda, Yugi, Tea, Ana, Ryou and DUKE.
`NO WAY IS HE STAYING HERE! GET HIM OUT OF THIS HOUSE THIS SECOND!' Yuula yelled, and grabbed Duke by the arm and flung him out of the room, kicking him downstairs. The others watched from the top of the stairs as Yuula pushed him all the way down the stairs and flung open the front door. `GET OUT THIS INSTANT!' she yelled again, and tried to push him out of the door.
Duke held onto the door frame as Yuula tried to push in out. `LET GO!' Yuula yelled at him.
`No!' Duke yelled back. A new idea sprung to Yuula's mind, and she slammed the door on Duke's fingers.
`OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW! OW!' They heard Duke howling in pain on the other side of the door. Yuula, triumphant, locked and bolted the door and walked up the stairs to the eager watchers. But Takumi, who had been watching this episode from the other side of the door, ran to the front door, unlocked it and opened it for Duke.
`Come on in mate, I'll make sure that Yuula doesn't bite,' Takumi held his cold beer can against Duke's injured fingers. `If Yuula doesn't want you in her room, then come watch the game with me.'
`What game?' asked Honda suddenly. Takumi looked up and grinned. `Football, of course.'
There was a suddenly scrambling and Honda, Joey, Yugi and Ryou ran downstairs to Duke and all five of them ran into the living room. Takumi laughed at the girl's shocked faces and the look of disgust on Kaede's face, before following their example and returning to the living room.
`Football?' Kaede shuddered at the thought. She loved most sports, but was a pet hate of hers. She was good at it, but it was just nowhere near as much fun as sports where you actually had to put some effort into it.
`Oh well, who cares, we don't need them to have fun,' Ana grinned and went back to Yuula's room. The rest of them followed her, although Yuula seemed reluctant to. She still didn't seem to like it, but she wasn't arguing anymore.
When they were back in Yuula's room, Ana and Sakura both produced several tubes of face masks and a fair few magazines from their bags. They put on the face masks and relaxed on Yuula's bed reading the magazine, occasionally swapping them around to show the others what was in them. They were just laughing about a particular article when in walked the boys, Takumi with them, happily discussing the match. They stopped dead when they saw the girl's faces.
`WHAT HAVE YOU GOT ON YOUR FACE?' Joey shouted when he saw them. `IT LOOKS LIKE MUD!'
`It is mud,' Tea said calmly.
`Here, do you want some on your face?' Kaede offer, squeezing some out of the bottle and approaching Joey slowly.
`No…I…don't,' he began, then turned and ran in fear out of the room, Kaede in hot pursuit. She chased him around the house until she managed to tackle him to the ground. Pinning him down with her thighs, she rubbed the face mask onto his skin, managing to keep it out of his eyes. Forbidding him to remove it, she dragged him back to Yuula's room, to discover the rest of the girls had attacked the boys with face masks and had sat them down with magazines. When they face masks were done, Honda remanded they have a full makeover. Kaede was just painting Duke's toenails pink when Yuula came up with an enormous bar of chocolate.
Eating chocolate and makeovers was so much fun, that they didn't realise the time until Ryou fell asleep whilst filing Yuula's nails. They boys said goodnight to the girls and went to Takumi's room where they were going to sleep.
Still chatting, the girls found more duvets and pillows and changed into their pyjamas. Kaede and Sakura settled down on their mattresses on the floor, Yuula, tea and Ana on Yuula's bed.
Kaede was just nodding of to sleep when something caught her eye. It was just underneath the bedside table, and she grabbed it and held it underneath a patch of moonlight that was shinning through the curtains.
It was a photograph of Yuula and Duke when they had been going out, just before they had split up. Kaede recognised the gardens as the place that they had gone to on a double date, her and Joey, and Yuula and Duke. Both looked as though they were having the time of their lives and were making peace signs at the camera. Kaede flipped over the photo instinctively and discovered some writing on the other side. She squinted, as it was hard to read in the dim light. But she managed to figure out what it said. It read:
Dear Yuula,
Well, it has been four months since were started going out, can you believe it? This is us on our last date; you know the one we went on with Kaede and Joey. I think it is an amazing picture of us, because we look so happy to be together. I want you to know that I really care about you Yuula, and want you to be happy, if I can possibly make you happy. I want you to know that I love you before I ask you this, and I want you to think about it seriously, because I am being serious about it.
Well, we're both sixteen now. I have been waiting for you to turn sixteen for a while, because I want us to take the next step in our relationship. Please Yuula, I love you, and hope you love me, so there is no reason that we shouldn't do this. Just think about it, alright. I hope that you will consider it at least, because I know that you don't really think it is a good idea. But consider it, because if we do this, then we will know that we are right for each other.
With love,
Kaede felt laughter swell up inside her as she read the last word. She had really never heard Duke called by that name before. Smiling, she shoved the photograph underneath the bedside table where she had found it, and sat up so that she had a good view of the bed. She craned her neck to see Yuula, but she was already asleep, and Kaede knew she would just get angry. So, telling herself that she would ask her about it tomorrow, Kaede rested her head on her pillow, and submitted to sleep.
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setokaibaslittlesis on October 18, 2005, 6:24:11 AM

Nemya on October 18, 2005, 5:04:21 AM
Nemya on

Anyways, looove so much you have written loads more recently! Don't just invite yourselves in, Scumbags and Takumi is so evil letting them in and letting Dook in too NOOO How dare he come into MY HOUSE RAGRAGARGAR And OHH NOOOO makeovers Ak vile FACEMASKS! Those things make me feel sick xP
Mmm, but choocy and then VILE LETTER/PHOTO THING!!!! T'is soooo evil :K Sickening. Just plain sickening. Ew. Dookikins. Make sure you forget to ask Yuula about that. I can see why t'was shoved so far under the bedside table.
Sorry I could not comment so long D: I'm sorrry!!!! Nuwaaaaa but LOVE your story please write some more soon before I go insane!
Tillyenna on October 16, 2005, 8:10:14 PM
Tillyenna on
Nemya on October 16, 2005, 5:43:16 AM
Nemya on