Chapter 29 - A New Beginning
Submitted June 13, 2005 Updated February 5, 2007 Status Complete | Kaede Mishua live with her grandparents in Domino City. She loves her school and her friends. But there is a certain guy she finds it impossible to like, but maybe he is the one she will love?
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series |
Chapter 29 - A New Beginning
Chapter 29 - A New Beginning
A New Beginning
After a week, Yuula, Tenshi and Mokuba were all discharged from hospital. Tenshi was so happy to see that Mokuba was alright, she seemed to immediately become a nicer person. Mokuba was fine in everyway, and grinned at every person in the street who he saw.
Yuula's doctor announced she was not schizophrenic at all, but was that way generally, and suggested taking her to the asylum. However, as soon as she was out of hospital she returned to her old self.
Soon after the crash Ana and Honda had gone to France to stay with Ana's father and step mother, leaving Tea in tears for about a week as Marc had gone with them.
The week following Mokuba, Tenshi and Yuula's release from hospital, Seto organised a dinner for just him and Kaede at the most expensive hotel in Domino City. A limousine would arrive at 7.30 and take the two of them to the hotel.
When Seto announced this, Kaede immediately went shopping with Sakura, Tea and Yuula. She searched desperately for the most beautiful dress in the mall, Sakura, Tea and Yuula keeping up with her as best as they could.
`Kaede, you have hundreds of nice dresses,' Tea said as they ran through a shop, Kaede shook her head, and then dragged them back out of it again. `Why can't you just wear one of the ones you already have?'
`Because I have already worn most of those,' Kaede said impatiently.
Sakura decided that she would take over again, and led Kaede to one of her favourite shops.
`Okay, so how long have you and Seto been going out?' she asked, gazing at the hangers.
`Um, I dunno, since about October,' Kaede shrugged. Sakura pulled a few dresses off the rail and stared around for more.
`And where are you guys going this evening?' Sakura asked, still searching amongst the rows of amazing dresses.
`To a hotel.'
`Which hotel?' Sakura asked impatiently.
`The Hilton,' Kaede smiled as she said it. `We had our first ever real date there.'
Sakura stiffened, and looked at Tea and Yuula, who both were wearing identical expressions of WTF?!
Sakura looked at all the dresses in her hands and shoved them back on the rail, moving over to some extremely elegant dresses. Kaede followed her, and watched her sort through the dresses, until eventually she pulled just one from the rail.
It was a gorgeous silky silver dress tied with straps of a sort lace material, little diamond gems dotted around it ever so often. The lace for the straps connected at the back, becoming a sort of cape.
Kaede grabbed it from Sakura and ran into the changing rooms, quickly throwing it on herself. She stepped back and looked at her reflection, grinning at the dress. It felt elegantly around her feet and stomach, and the lace cape giving it a beautiful finishing touch.
She quickly bought it and then the four of them ran off around the mall, chatting about all the good times they spent here together. They laughed as Kaede told them about her disastrous break up with Joey in front of everyone in the mall, and then all ran to the make up shop for a free make over.
Kaede returned home after a wonderful day out in town and showered, blow dried and curled the front bits of her hair. She put it a pair of pearl studs and slipped into her dress, then stepped into a pair of silver kitten heels.
She ran downstairs as the limousine arrived, and kissed her grandmother goodbye. Both her grandparents were looking at her with happiness and sadness in their eyes. Kaede noticed, but she couldn't think of why this could be, and thought it rude to ask. So she waved goodbye and ran outside.
Although the silky dress was really thin, the night air was warm with the promise of a hot summer ahead of them. Kaede grinned as she waved at the driver of the limousine and climbed into the back.
Seto sat in the backseat, a glass of champagne in one hand and a red rose in the other. He handed both to Kaede and kissed her as the limousine pulled away, bound for the Hilton hotel.
The limousine stopped at the hotel and Seto climbed out, holding the door open and offering his hand to Kaede. She took it and climbed out, and the two of them entered the hotel.
Whilst Seto was getting their table sorted out, Kaede looked around the hotel reception. There was a fancy party, apparently someone's birthday, who walked through to the restaurant, and there were rich looking families who looked like they dinned in places like this every night.
Kaede stared at them all, and found that she and Seto were being stared at as well. Seto was well known and rich, so Kaede found people were often looking at him, but they were looking at her as well, and whispering.
Seto finished talking to the receptionist and offered Kaede his arm. She took it, wondering what the hell was going on. Seto led her into the restaurant and immediately a live band began to play the sort of cheesy classical music that the Hilton often played, the sort that made Kaede really annoyed because it had no real beat or rhythm.
Seto smacked his head and mouthed no at the musicians. Kaede stared as he tried to mouth something else at them. The front man was obviously bad at lip reading, and almost began to play again, until the hotel manager ran onto the stage and whispered in his ear.
Everyone was staring at them, and Kaede pushed Seto a little in the shoulder and hissed, `Can we sit down please, people are staring at us!'
Seto nodded, his eyes still closed as though pained by the band's performance. He led her to the table and they sat down, and immediately a bottle of champagne was whisked over to them.
As Kaede sipped her champagne, she noticed that the band had begun to play again, but this time it was much better, and more her style; jazzy with a hint of rock.
She immediately relaxed, and Seto must have notice, because he became more cheerful. Their food was brought over, pre ordered by Seto, and Seto chatted about Kaiba Corp and Kaede about how rubbish school was. The conversation turned to Yuula, Mokuba and Tenshi and how they were doing since the crash.
`Yuula is okay, she is less insane than she was in the hospital, back to her normal self,' Kaede grinned. Yuula's normal self wasn't exactly normal, but it was closer to normal than she had been in the hospital.
`Mokuba is doing well too,' Seto smiled. `And Tenshi is so much nicer now, even to me,' he added with a grin.
After their meal, another glass of champagne was served and Seto, having pre-paid for their meal, stood up, pulling Kaede up with him.
`Come on, let's go for a walk,' he grinned and they walked hand in hand out of the restaurant. The buzzing of whispers followed them out of the hall and Kaede could swear that some people were craning to look at them, expressions of disappointment on their faces.
`Um, Seto,' Kaede said as they left the hotel and crossed the street. `What was going on back there? Why was everyone staring at us?'
`They were hoping to see a show,' Seto said quietly. They walked down the street until Seto turned them away off the street into a park. They walked hand in hand, watching as the summer sun slowly dipped behind the horizon and the stars began to come out for the night.
They came to the pond in the park, where the reflection of the newly visible moon danced on the shinny surface, as though the water was a mirror. Star light and moon light lit up Kaede's face as she beamed at Seto.
Seto returned it, and fumbled around with something in his pocket. He seemed to want to say something, but the words wouldn't form in his mouth. Kaede had only seen him like this once, and that was when he had wanted to tell her that he loved her.
She smiled at him reassuringly, just as she had done then, and took his hand. `Just tell me whatever it is, okay?' she asked gently, which seemed to give him some extra strength.
`Um, Kaede,' he said, looking at her straight in the eye. Kaede held his gaze as he took a deep breath.
`Will you, please, do me the honour…' he began, fumbling with whatever it was in his pocket. He shook his head, and knelt in front of her.
Kaede's breath caught in her throat as he pulled a small box out of his pocket, and opened it. Inside was a beautiful silver coloured ring, encrusted with several tiny diamonds,
Kaede almost fainted. She stared at Seto, and he grinned at her. She smiled faintly as he swallowed.
`Kaede, will you marry me?'
She stared, and her head raced, making her wish she was sitting down. Her hands shook as she held out her left hand, and Seto slipped the ring onto her fourth finger. She stared at it, tears filling her eyes. Seto stood up again, and put his hands on her hips, looking into her eyes lovingly. Kaede bit her lip and returned his gaze, and whispered under her breath, so that he barely heard her, `Of course I will.'
When he heard these words, Seto's heart began to race, and he held her close to him, breathing in the smell of her perfume, wanting to hold her forever. He felt her trembling, but it was a warm night. He held her away from him and looked into her eyes; they were full of tears, but she was smiling. Her hands were shaking as she took his hand in hers, and stood on tip toe to kiss him.
`I love you,' she said, the tears spilling down her cheeks. Seto held her again, her soft hair wiping the tears that now fell from his own eyes. He smiled and kissed her cheek, and then whispered into her ear, `I love you too.'
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Lanathae on March 29, 2006, 1:52:24 AM
Lanathae on

setokaibaslittlesis on November 30, 2005, 8:44:56 AM
setokaibaslittlesis on November 30, 2005, 8:40:33 AM
Nemya on November 29, 2005, 6:00:39 AM
Nemya on

Hem. I knew Yuula was not schizophrenic. Pweh. And what do you mean "was that way generally" and suggested taking her to a mental asylum?! SHE IS NOT INSANE I TELL YOU, good job she recovered and back to normal, *phew*
YES. You have /tons/ of nice dresses, they cost loads, and you only wear 'em once?! HOW RICH ARE YOU!!?!?
AND ARAGRAG there are your grandparents, plotting your demise I tell you, YOUR DEMISE!!!!
Everyone staring at you and Seto as you are both such freeeaaaks. I don't think Seto likes communication.
Ha ha. Katy being nice to Seto. What is this world coming to, eh?
Kara crying (nearly) ooooh. Dear.
Eoara on November 29, 2005, 5:34:16 AM
Eoara on
Tillyenna on November 29, 2005, 5:34:12 AM
Tillyenna on

*first comment dance*
*my freinds gonna get married dance*
*just a general dance dance*
awwwwww, you two are soooooo cute together, congratulatios, awwwww. im so pleased for you, aw i was just like, awwwww, and even more awww,
ah im actually bursting with happiness now
ps i know i said i wanna be nice, but NICE TO SETO!!!! thats just ott