Chapter 32 - Pool Party
Submitted June 13, 2005 Updated February 5, 2007 Status Complete | Kaede Mishua live with her grandparents in Domino City. She loves her school and her friends. But there is a certain guy she finds it impossible to like, but maybe he is the one she will love?
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series |
Chapter 32 - Pool Party
Chapter 32 - Pool Party
Pool party
Seto's reaction to the news about the crash was pretty much the same as Kaede's. He vowed to kill Joey, or die trying, and even Kaede didn't see any point in arguing with him. But she did tell him to wait, because they had other, much more important stuff to think about.
They had decided to have their wedding in the summer, and hold a large reception in the garden of Seto's mansion. But Seto had left it to Kaede to decide what day, and where.
`July is good,' Kaede mused, flicking through wedding catalogue, lying on her stomach on Seto's four poster bed in his mansion the day after finding out the truth about the crash. `But where…'
`That's up to you,' Seto muttered, whilst writing some stuff on a piece of paper. `You want an engagement party, don't you?'
`Yeah, and some time soon,' she thought about it. `What's happening on Friday?'
`Nothing, as far as I'm concerned,' Seto pushed back his chair and rested his feet on the desk. `Got work then?'
Kaede shook her head. `I might has well resign, what is the point of being a lifeguard when I'm married? That would just be pointless.'
`No it isn't,' Seto came and sat down next to her. `If it's what you want to do-'
`It isn't, trust me,' Kaede shook her head. `I don't want to spend the rest of my life sitting on that lifeguard's throne and moping up the changing rooms.
Seto sat there, watching her looking at the catalogue. `Anyway,' he said, changing the subject. `Where do you want to get married?'
Kaede shrugged. `My parents all always wanted me to get married in a church, but I never really liked that idea. I thought maybe in a garden or something.'
`What, like our gardens?' Seto laughed.
`No, unless they are SERIOUSLY done up,' Kaede pushed him slightly.
`Well, I'll get it sorted then,' Seto stood up again and went back to his desk, picked up a pen and wrote quickly on a piece of paper.
`What?! We're getting married in the gardens? You serious?' Kaede sat up and stared at him.
`Yeah,' Seto said absentmindedly as he wrote.
`But, it needs so much doing up,' Kaede struggled to her feet, tripping over the duvet. She straightened up and jogged over to Seto. `And when do we have the time to-'
`WE'RE not going to do it,' Seto looked at her, raising an eyebrow at her. `I'll get a landscape gardener to do it.'
`How much money are you spending on this wedding?' Ebony asked, leaning against the desk.
`It doesn't matter,' Seto smiled at her, and put his arms around her waist. `Just as long as we do get married.'
He kissed her and hugged her to him, and she leaned her head against his chest.
`Do you know what you're wearing?' he asked suddenly, and she jumped.
`No, I have absolutely no idea,' she laughed. `Seto, you asked me to marry you three days ago, I haven't planned that much yet.'
`Well, you should,' Seto said, turning back to his work. `Because it will be July before you know it.'
Kaede sighed and sat back down on the bed.
`Just go shopping with your friends,' Seto called over his shoulder.
Kaede thought about this, and then jumped up. `Cool, I'll go home and organise I shopping trip, you sort out that engagement party.'
Kissing him quickly on the cheek, Kaede grabbed her jacket and left, hurrying down the steps to her van. She jumped inside and sped home.
`I'm home,' she called, and her grandmother came out of the kitchen, a dish and a tea towel in her hand, clearly in the middle of drying up.
`Hello Kaede darling,' she said, and kissed her quickly on the forehead. Kaede grinned at her and ran to the foot of the stairs, but her grandmother called her back.
`Um, Kaede, have you given thought to your dress at all?'
Kaede sighed and retreated her steps. She stood in front of her grandmother and sighed again. `Yeah, Seto said I should start planning, but we have ages until the wedding.'
`Kaede, you want to get married in July, which is just over a month away. Please start thinking about it.'
Kaede nodded and went up to her room, dumping her stuff and grabbing the phone next to her bed. She dialled Yuula's number first.
Takumi answered the phone with a random, `Heeeeeeeeeeeeello.'
`Um, hi, Takumi, is Yuula around?' Kaede said, nearly dropping the phone in fright. Takumi was so weird.
`Sure, wait there,' he dropped the phone with a clatter, almost deafening Kaede, but not as much as when he roared at the top of his voice, `YUULA! PHONE!'
To make it worse, Yuula shouted back at him, and the two of them started a full on shouting match.
`TAKUMI!' Kaede yelled down the phone. He must have heard her because he picked the phone up again.
`It's Kaede.'
`Oh, right okay,' phone drops with clatter. `YUULA, IT'S KAEDE!'
The sound of footsteps running down the stairs sounded so blissfully quiet, even though they were anything but that. Kaede heard Takumi retreat to the living room or somewhere as Yuula picked up the phone.
`Hello,' she said. She sounded loud even as she said that.
`Hi, is it possible you and Takumi could be slightly louder?'
`Because I am sure that there are people the other side of the world who might not have quite heard you!'
Yuula began muttering angrily and then asked irritably, `So why are you ringing me anyway?'
`Do I need an excuse to ring you?'
`Fine, I won't tell you then.'
`Why are you being so impatient?'
`Only if you calm down!'
`Alright, calming down.'
`Okay, are you free this Saturday?'
`Yeah, sure, why?'
`What to come and help me choose a wedding dress?'
`Ooookay then, I'll meet you at the mall at 11.30 on Saturday. See you then, bye,' Kaede hung up and then repeated this call to Sakura and Tea, but the difference was they were slightly quieter.
Kaede grabbed her uniform after sorting out the shopping trip and drove to the swimming pool. She arrived and ran into the reception, preparing to sign in.
But as soon as she walked through the door she was immediately seized by several pairs of hands and dragged into the staff room. It was full of the lifeguards she worked with and over to one side was a huge table of food, and on the other side there was a sound system and a DJ. Overhead were the words, `CONGRATULATIONS KAEDE!' in huge red letters of a banner across the room.
Kyoko grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a circle of space amongst her friends and beamed at them all. `And here she is, the woman of the hour, Kaede Mishua!'
They exploded with cheering and Kaede blushed, wanting to shrink away from the limelight.
`She may be leaving us soon, but we will never forget the times we have shared with her and will always be here for you and,' she leaned closer to Kaede and said in a mock whisper, `if you ever want a party on the Monster Island, you know who to ask for favours!'
Everyone laughed, and a glass of orange juice was pushed into her hands. `No alcohol yet, wait until the reception,' people said, grinning at her, all holding their own drinks of orange juice. She took a sip and immediately smelt the sharp but delicious smell of champagne.
`Well, maybe a little!' they grinned.
Kyoko banged on the table, and there was a hush again.
`Well, we can write a series of books about all the fun times we've had with Kaede; her training when she managed to pass the test by falling into the pool and swimming as fast as she could to the other side; the time that she saved at boy from drowning and it turned out he was only pretending to get her to do CPR on him; and the time she brought all over her friends to the pool!'
Everyone snickered and Kaede blushed even more, her face almost as red as her hair. She tried to hide but Kyoko pulled her arms down.
`So, let's raise a toast, to the new Mrs Kaiba!'
`MRS KAIBA!' everyone toasted and drank, and Kaede felt that, even if Seto didn't manage to organise an engagement party, she wouldn't mind, because this meant more to her, this party that probably cost about 10,000 yen (about £50) at most, than anything that even Seto could have come up with.
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Lanathae on March 29, 2006, 2:07:57 AM
Lanathae on

Eoara on December 19, 2005, 12:53:20 AM
Eoara on
setokaibaslittlesis on December 18, 2005, 11:57:32 PM
setokaibaslittlesis on December 8, 2005, 7:34:37 AM
Eoara on December 7, 2005, 3:35:19 AM
Eoara on
Tillyenna on December 7, 2005, 2:04:39 AM
Tillyenna on

okay an extract from your story...
difference was they were slightly quieter
I read that as.....
Difference was they were different
please write more, this is sooooo amazing, and where does the pool come into it, its called pool party, lots of mention of party, oh wait......
not a poolparty
*finally understands*
bye bye
Nemya on December 6, 2005, 6:45:20 AM
Nemya on

Aaaanyways, hee hee, Seto go kill Joey. Everyone should kill Joey. Seto has waaay too much money. It's like there's no limit... o.O
I don't think it's a question of you working, it's SETO. He works non-stop. Heh heh. His love. His work. (And his darling little Mokie, of course.) What's wrong with the Kaiba mansion gardens?! I can imagine they'd be immaculate already. Heh heh. Call Bob the landscape gardener. La la la.
Oh no. An excuse to buy yet ANOTHER dress. I think there'll be no more room in your thousand wardrobes. Give 'em to me! You only use 'em once xP OH NO. "Hello Kaede darling", direct translation from evil grandparent language is "I'm planning your murder and it will be very soon" THEY ARE UP TO SOMETHING! A big plot twist in your story is that you find out Seto is a girl and he is having an affair with Joey, and your grandparents kill you bwahahahaaa just you wait I know that they are up to something...
And ha ha ha ha ha the conversation on the phone to Yuula/Takumi made me laugh so much xDDD Ah, they get on so well, but so weirdly xD Ak. It's my dad's Heeeeeeello thing *hides* Yes, they are so weird siblings. I love their little shouting match xD Lucky they get on so well x3 And the thing conversation with Yuula and Kaede is so like me and you conversation xD
Ha ha. Pity the staff at the swimming pool cannot even spell. And at a time like this."Congradulations" Tfeh. (Random word of no point) What is CPR? Sounds bad... Bleh. Oh deareth. Ha ha. Mrs. Kaiba. *snick* *sncik snick* Kaede Kaiba. xDDDDDD
*Recovers* Aaaanyways. Manning, a £50 part is /expensive/! xP Hey, do you not appreciate anything Seto does for you?! How ungrateful. Shall have to eat you. Just you wait. If the grandparents don't get you first.