Chapter 36 - Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll
Submitted June 13, 2005 Updated February 5, 2007 Status Complete | Kaede Mishua live with her grandparents in Domino City. She loves her school and her friends. But there is a certain guy she finds it impossible to like, but maybe he is the one she will love?
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series |
Chapter 36 - Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll
Chapter 36 - Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll
Glamorous Indie Rock & Roll
`Okay, so we want a limousine to take us to the restaurant, then go to a club and have a really good band to play for us, maybe even a stripper,' Yumiko said, ticking things off of their list.
`No!' Kaede suddenly lent forward, grabbed the pen off of Yumiko and scratched out the stripper idea. `No strippers! No way!'
`But it'll be fun!' Tea interrupted.
`No it won't! I don't want some oily twenty something year old guy in a sailor suit shaking his @$$ in front of my face, thank you very much!'
`Okay, okay, no strippers,' Yumiko sighed. `But what are we going to have as the entertainment?'
`The band!' Kaede laughed. `But I'm sure that it is actually illegal to hire strippers when you're under the age of 18, so we can't do that even if I wanted to.'
`What about what everyone else wants?' Yuula asked.
`Who cares what everyone else wants? It's my hen night,' Kaede shook her head. `When it's your hen night, you can have a stripper. But I personally would rather we didn't.'
`Okay, fine,' Tea shook her head. `But what else are we going to do?'
`How about we go to the club, do a bit of dancing, drink a bit and then go back to my house and sleep?' Kaede suggested.
`That's boring!' Tea and Yumiko whined.
`And? Do you guys want to have huge black bags underneath your eyes when we go down the aisle?' Kaede said, tucking her legs up beneath her.
`But why -'
`We should just do what Kaede wants,' Sakura said irritably. `We can have fun at the reception party anyway.'
`Fine!' Tea slumped back in her chair. Then she brightened. `Who've you chosen for your maid of honour?'
Kaede groaned. The five of them were sitting around Kaede's kitchen table making plans for the wedding and hen night. So far they hadn't done very much because they kept arguing.
`Can't you guys fight it out between you?' Kaede said wearily. `I don't want any arguments.'
`Why not me?' Tea suggested. `I could be a good maid of honour.'
`Definitely not you, Tea,' Kaede shook her head. `You'll forget the something.'
`Well, if it's all down to responsibility, then I can't be it,' Yuula muttered.
`Sorry Yuula, dude,' Kaede said. `But I think it should be Sakura.'
`YAY!' Sakura said punching the air as Tea shouted back, `Why not me?!'
`You two are the only people who really care about it,' Kaede said, getting up to pour herself some more tea. `I, personally, couldn't care less, but when it comes down to it I'd rather it was Sakura or Yuula than you.'
`Because we're just nicer!' Yuula laughed.
`Sorry Tea,' Kaede shook her head, `but I'd rather you weren't my maid of honour.'
Tea looked slightly miffed, but then brightened.
`What kind of dresses do we get to wear?'
`Strapless and red,' Kaede picked up a file and flipped through it. She found the photograph of the bridesmaid dresses and passed it across the table. `Some sort of satiny material, I think. You have to go and get measured as soon as possible. On the day I want you to have your hair slightly curled and the bouquets you're going to carry are red roses.'
`Woah,' Tea said as they looked at the photo. `When are we having them fitted?'
`Tomorrow, if possible,' Kaede found the card of the dress shop. `At the same place where I got my dress.'
They just went back to their plans when Marik entered. He looked over Kaede's shoulder at the plans and saw the photo for the bridesmaid dresses.
`Wow,' he said, snatching it up. `Is this what I'm wearing to the wedding?'
Kaede giggled. `No, unless you want to be a bridesmaid!'
`Oooh, yes please!' Marik beamed.
`Tough, only women are allowed to be bridesmaids,' Kaede laughed at him posing to an invisible camera.
`Aww,' he sighed, dejected. `But I get to wear a dress, right?'
`Whatever you want,' she said, pushing him out of the kitchen.
`Do I get to come to the hen night?' Marik cried, trying to stop Kaede from forcing him out of the room.
`Why not?'
`You're not a girl!'
`I can be a girl!' He said as the door slammed in his face.
When the day of the 19th of July dawned, Kaede and her friends got up as early as they could bring themselves to. They took all of their things that they would need for the wedding in the dining room in Kaede's grandparent's house. Kaede laid her dress and all of her accessories on the table ready for her the following day.
After a quick breakfast the six of them (Marik came as well) piled into a car and drove to the mall.
`Um, why do we spend half our lives here?' Yumiko asked, thoroughly bored.
`Because I always need new clothes,' Kaede answered, leading them into a bag shop. `And because now I need a suitcase.'
`Why?' Yuula asked absentmindedly.
`I'm going on a Honeymoon, dunce,' Kaede laughed at her. `And my own suitcase is really, really old.'
They bought the suitcase and then went on an errand to buy clothes to fill it. When Kaede was satisfied that they had enough things to last them for a lifetime wherever they were going on the Honeymoon, the six of them went to lunch.
`So, am I coming to the hen night?' Marik asked again.
`NO WAY!' Kaede shouted. `It's girl's only, remember?'
`But I wanna,' Marik moaned.
`I'll tell Seto to ask you to his stag night,' Kaede suggested. `You're not coming with us though.'
Marik sulked as the girls discussed their plans for the evening, and after lunch they climbed back into Sakura's kombi and dropped Marik off at Seto's. Kaede jumped out as well and dragged Marik up to Seto's front door.
She knocked with on hand whilst the other was keeping hold of Marik's collar to prevent him from running back to the kombi. `You're not coming alright!'
`But that's so mean!'
`Tough, you can't change tradition!'
The door opened and Mokuba looked out, scared by the shouting. When he saw Kaede he relaxed, but then tensed again when he noticed Marik struggling in her grip.
`Look after this cretin for me, will you?' Kaede said as she shoved Marik through the door. `And ask Seto if he will please allow him to go with him tonight.'
`Um, Seto won't be very happy about this,' Mokuba muttered under his breath.
`Well, he's not coming to mine,' Kaede said, and walked away, leaving Marik staring after her until the door shut, hiding her from view. Marik ran to the nearest window and looked out as the kombi drove away.
`Right,' Kaede said after she'd climbed back into the car, ignoring Yuula's moan of `Awe, I told you to drive away!' and sitting back in her seat next to Sakura. `So, we're going home and then getting ready for going out tonight.'
They sped home and grabbed some food before heading upstairs to get ready for the hen night. Kaede shotgunned the shower first and then went back to her room. She slipped on a beautiful aquamarine spaghetti strap dress that was collected at the bust and had an asymmetric, layered skirt that came down to the floor at the back and up to just below the knee on her left leg. She stepped into two inch heeled strappy shoes and put in some silver earring studded with light blue jewels. When her hair was dry, she coiled it up behind her head so that it was out of the way and applied some extremely natural make-up. Then she sat on her bed and manicured her nails as she waited for everyone else to hurry up and finish.
Just as they were finishing the limousine arrived and they all climbed into the back. Inside the seats were plush and comfortable and there was a bottle of champagne waiting for them inside.
`Great service,' Sakura grinned as she grabbed the bottle and poured out four glasses of champagne (only four because Yuula had just said `If you dare give me any of that I'll murder you!') and they sat back and relaxed to the gentle music that they discovered was playing.
As they drove through the town they saw people staring after them, pointing as they swept down the street, as only the rich and famous usually drive around in limos. Kaede sighed and leaned back, watching the lights go by, laughing with her friends and enjoying her last night as an independent woman.
They arrived at the restaurant they were to be having their dinner at and were shown to table. They were treated to the most wonderful five course meal and all the girls were clutching their stomachs and were unable to continue eating or drinking anything else after eating as much as they could of the meal.
After paying the bill, they climbed back into the limousine and made for a club that had only opened a couple of weeks previously and had some very good bands playing there. They descended the stairs into the club and the music hit them as though they had run headlong into a brick wall. The five of them opened the door into the club and (if possible) the music volume doubled. They hurried in and closed the door and saw the band on a raised platform, with an enormous crowd gathered around them, completely lost to the music. To their right was a retro style bar and to their left was an area of sofas that were enclosed in a circle.
`Where to first?' Tea had to shout over the volume of the music.
Kaede pointed to the crowd of people and they pushed through until they were as close to the platform as they possible could get. There, they let themselves loose to the music, letting it take control of every fibre of their being. Kaede felt some hands on her waist and turned to see an attractive young man standing behind her, smiling at her. She looked over at Sakura, who was dancing away with some random guy, as was Yumiko, Yuula and Tea. Kaede grinned and turned back to this guy. He smiled at her and Kaede laughed, and the tried to keep her face straight and dance properly.
After what felt like an hour dancing with that guy Kaede motioned that she was going to get a drink and she headed off towards the bar. Yumiko saw her going and tapped the others on the shoulders and they followed her. Kaede perched on one of the bar stools and waited until they had arrived.
`What do you want to drink?' she shouted above the music.
`Vodka cranberry!' Sakura yelled back. Tea and Yumiko nodded and Yuula rolled her eyes.
`You want a coke or something?' Kaede yelled at Yuula, who nodded. Kaede grinned and turned back to the bar and saw the bartender had turned his attention to her now and was waiting for her to order.
`Four vodka cranberry's and a normal coke please?' Kaede asked, as politely as she could although she was shouting.
`I'll get these,' she heard a voice say beside her. She looked up and saw the guy she had been dancing with handing over a yen note to the bartender. She tried to protest but he put his hand up to stop her. `I insist! I couldn't possibly let you pay for your beverages. I'll have a beer, please,' he added to the bartender, who nodded and found a glass for him.
`So,' said the guy as he turned back to face them. `My name's Atsui, and you lovely ladies are?'
`Hi, I'm Kaede,' Kaede said, holding out her hand and shaking his. `And these are my friends, Sakura, Tea, Yumiko and Yuula.'
`Pleased to meet you,' he said, smiling beautifully at Kaede and reaching out to take him drink from the bartender. Kaede took hers and past them around to her friends and then the six of them made their way across the club to where the sofas were. They all sat down just as the band finished up.
`Okay, we're going to take a 20 minute break now,' said the lead singer of the band. `But we'll be back soon, so don't you go anywhere now!'
As the band walked offstage some other music started playing, but quieter this time. Most of the crowd made their way towards the bar or the seats and the rest were milling around, some still dancing to the music.
Atsui's friends, the guys who had been dancing with the others, made their way towards them from the bar and sat with them. Kaede sat next to Atsui and they were talking as though they'd known each other for years.
`So what are you five doing out tonight?' he asked, taking a sip of his drink.
`Well, it's my hen night,' Kaede said as brightly as she could manage after drinking almost half of her vodka cranberry.
`Oh my God,' Atsui's eyes widened. `You're getting married?'
`Yeah,' Kaede grinned. `Tomorrow.'
`Woah. And, how old are you?' Atsui said, raising an eyebrow.
`Seventeen,' Kaede replied.
`You're getting married?!'
`Yeah, but it's okay,' Kaede said, waving her hand. `I love him and that's all that matters.'
`Who are you getting married to?'
`Seto Kaiba.'
`You're joking!'
Atsui suddenly burst out laughing. Kaede turned to look at the others to see if they were watching but they were too engrossed in their conversation to notice what Kaede were doing. Kaede turned back to him and took her turn to raise her eyebrow at him. `Why id that so funny?'
Atsui grinned. `Isn't he the billionaire who owns Kaiba Corp?'
`Yes,' Kaede said testily.
`Are you only with him for his money?'
`No!' Kaede said angrily. `Of course I'm not! I couldn't stand him when I first met him, and only after I got to know him did I start to like him, and I never once thought about him only because of his money!'
`Okay, okay,' Atsui laughed. `I was just asking.'
He beamed, drained his drink and started to get to his feet. `C'mon, let's dance some more.'
But just that second an extremely tanned man wearing a sailor's costume came walking up to meet them. Kaede saw him and then looked furiously at Tea, who was avoiding Kaede's eye. When the sailor reached them he struck a pose and said, `So, who's the lucky bride?'
Kaede grinned evilly turned to face him. `She is,' she said, nodding at Tea. `The one wearing the pink dress.'
The sailor tipped his hat at Kaede and then strode over to stand in front of Tea. Tea looked absolutely petrified and looked at everyone to save her from him, but everyone was just laughing at her as the sailor began to take of his clothes.
Everyone else got up and left Tea there, being attacked by the stripper, and as the band trooped back onto stage and picked up their instruments, they lost themselves to the music once more.
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Lanathae on March 29, 2006, 4:05:06 AM
Lanathae on

Tillyenna on March 28, 2006, 4:37:04 AM
Tillyenna on
Eoara on March 25, 2006, 9:16:19 PM
Eoara on

anyways, this was a very good chapter, even if poor little 15 year old Ana was nowhere to be found....heh...she'd be just out of hospital roght now....anyways was good as always....write more soon
setokaibaslittlesis on March 24, 2006, 8:50:25 AM
Nemya on March 24, 2006, 7:15:28 AM
Nemya on

I'm so glad that wasn't me in the end *breathes a sigh of relief*
"Who cares what everyone else wants?" My goodness, what a lovely attitude x.x;;;
Why can't Marik be a bridesmaid!?! He would make such a lovely one! Awww he wants to be a girl, he's so sweet x3 I love the things he says, and his un-knowingness? x3 Fwa fwa You meanie leaving him with SETO.
Youshouldhavedrivenaway. That would have been so fun xD
Byooo this all sounds so scary x.x;; loudness, so much loudness xD I guess Yuula would like this more than me at least though ^^
What's this about her dancing with some random scary guy?! Adgarga!
(I looove cranberry juice)
I bet it's only for his money x3 Or his coats. *Steals Seto's coats*
Wyon wyon fun fun write som'ore sooon x3 I guess I'll write some myself now right?^^