Chapter 38 - O Sole Mio
Submitted June 13, 2005 Updated February 5, 2007 Status Complete | Kaede Mishua live with her grandparents in Domino City. She loves her school and her friends. But there is a certain guy she finds it impossible to like, but maybe he is the one she will love?
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series |
Chapter 38 - O Sole Mio
Chapter 38 - O Sole Mio
O Sole Mio
Kaede opened her eyes and found herself back in her grandparent's dining room. She looked around and saw Sakura standing at the door, having just had her hair and make-up done.
`No, I wasn't asleep,' Kaede said, looking in the mirror to check on her own hair and make-up.
`Good, otherwise the hair people would not be happy with you,' Sakura said, coming in an getting out her things for the wedding.
`Is anyone else finished?' Kaede asked, standing up and putting her chair away.
`Well, Yumiko spent about half an hour trying to get the make-up lady to give her green make-up instead of natural stuff, Tea was having a deep and touching conversation about clothes with hers and Yuula attacked hers because she didn't want any make-up on,' Sakura said, ticking them off on her fingers.
Kaede looked at the clock on the wall. They had an hour and a half in which to get ready. `So she doesn't have her make-up on yet?'
`No, she does, I hit her with a hairbrush until she sat down and let them get on with it.'
When all four of her bridesmaids had gathered in the dining room, they all got changed into their dresses for the wedding. Sakura and Tea helped Kaede into her dress. After slipping it on, she ran and stood in front of the mirror.
Her dress was pure white, with diamonites studding her torso. The material was slightly gathered at the bust and it was completely strapless with a hidden corset inside the dress. Kaede beamed when she saw herself in it, and even more so when she put on her necklace and earrings. She had single pearl, silver earrings and a silver chain pear necklace, each pearl held in place by two diamonds on either side of it and ending with a pear shaped pearl at the end. Then the hairdresser came and fitted her tiara that was to hold her veil in place into her hair. The tiara was made of lots of diamonds swirling in different designs and the veil was in a circular shape laid out, so when it was set in her hair it formed an upside down cone shape and the edges of it were studded with diamonds.
Then, finally, she stepped into heeled sandals with diamonites sparkling along the strap across the toes and either side of the two around her ankles. She then grabbed her bouquet of white roses out and held it to her stomach. She took a deep breath, and looked in the mirror again, and found that she didn't recognise herself at all in the woman that stood looking back at her.
Kaede's grandmother entered the room when Kaede was finished and beamed when she saw her. She rushed over and hugged Kaede, kissing both her cheeks.
`My dear,' she smiled, `you're now a woman!'
Kaede couldn't find anything to say, and was glad when her grandmother lined her up against the wall with her bridesmaids. They were all wearing beautiful red satiny strapless dresses and all had their hair curled and loose. Kaede stood between Yuula and Sakura, in the centre of their group, and didn't have to try to smile when their picture was taken.
They were just about to set off when the doorbell rang. Kaede's grandmother went to open it and she returned followed by Duke, who was wearing jeans, his sleeveless red shirt and old, smelly trainers.
`Woah, you guys are dressed up,' he said when he entered the room. `I thought the wedding was tomorrow.'
There was silence that followed this. Then Kaede stepped forward to attack Duke, but Yuula got there first.
`YOU. ARE. SUCH. AN. IDIOT!' she shouted, bashing him over the head with her handbag. `HOW COULD YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN!'
She continued hitting him with her bag until it became apparent that she was actually hurting him quite a lot, and Yumiko had to come and pull her off of Duke. He sported the most brilliant nosebleed and his hair was a mess.
`Get him cleaned up right now!' Kaede said, stepping forward. `And don't you dare get blood on my dress, otherwise I will never speak to you again.'
Kaede looked so angry that Duke whimpered slightly, got up and ran to the kitchen to be cleaned up, whilst Sakura called Joey and told him to fetch Duke's suit from his house. Half an hour later, they were piling Duke back into his car, cleaned up and dressed in his suit, still telling him what an idiot he was. Then the Rolls Royces arrived.
Kaede shivered as she climbed into the back of hers, followed by Sakura and Yuula. As they drove through the city to get to the Kaiba mansion, Kaede was thinking furiously about whether or not she should actually go through with this. Sakura noticed her shredding a tissue into confetti, and asked her what was wrong.
`Should I do this?' Kaede asked furiously, throwing what remained of the tissue onto the floor. `I mean, am I too young? Should I wait until I've finished school? Should I marry Seto?'
All this came out it such a rush that Sakura took several seconds before answering.
`Yes, no, no, and yes,' Sakura said, beaming once she'd said it. `Well, I mean, the last one is a bit iffy, but I suppose…'
`Do whatever makes you happy,' Sakura said quickly.
`I knew you'd say that!' Kaede said, slumping back in her seat. `So I should marry him?'
`If he makes you happy,' Sakura said carefully.
`Oh, that's a rubbish answer. Yuula,' she said, leaning over Sakura to see Yuula, `should I marry Seto?'
`Excellent,' Kaede grinned as she leaned back in her chair. `So, using the philosophy that you should always to the opposite to what Yuula says, I have decided to go through with the wedding.'
`Good for you!' Sakura beamed.
They pulled into the Kaiba mansion driveway and swept up the drive. When they stopped, Kaede climbed out and nervously smoothed the creases out of her dress. Sakura and Yuula followed and then they made their way up the front steps. They opened the doors and were shown through to the waiting room for the bride. Then they were called to go outside to where the wedding was taking place.
Firstly Yumiko and Tea walked up the centre aisle, and then Sakura and Yuula followed. And finally, taking a deep breath, Kaede stood between her grandparents, turned the corner, and looked around her.
The congregation were sat in two rows facing forwards, but all of them turned around to see Kaede walking down the centre aisle with her grandparents. Kaede didn't know where to look, so she looked down at her feet, and saw that the isle was covered in white rose petals. She looked up and saw Seto was standing at the front watching her walk towards him, with his best man, Takumi, on his left and Kaede's bridesmaids on his far right. He caught Kaede's eye and smiled at her, making her smile even more. When she reached the front, she kissed her grandmother, and then her grandfather, on the cheek, and walked right to the front.
As she reached Seto, she saw that they were standing in front of the most perfect maple tree she had ever seen. She beamed at Seto, and then turned to face the marriage official, who would be marrying them.
Kaede looked around the crowd. In the front row were her grandparents and the Ishtars, and in the row behind them were the boys (Joey, Duke, Ryou and Yami) and Mai. In the front row on the other side sat Mokuba and Tenshi, but also Cira. Kaede beamed at her when she saw her and then turned back to face Seto.
`We are here today to join this man, Seto Kaiba, and this woman, Kaede Mishua, in holy matrimony,' the wedding official began. Then he waffled on some more about love and Kaede could barely hear the words that he was saying, partly because of the fact that her blood was pounding so hard in her ears, and partly because the sound of his dull voice was sending her to sleep. She managed to say yes at the correct times and to repeat what he said when needed.
`If any of you here present today know any reason why this man and this woman cannot be married, speak now or forever hold your peace…' the official said, still bored and dull.
Suddenly there came an eruption from the bridesmaids that sounded very much like a whole load of French swearwords that Kaede recognised as the ones Ana had taught her before she had gone to French. Kaede turned to face the bridesmaids and saw Yuula holding a mobile phone.
`Um, sorry,' Yuula squeaked. `I thought Ana might want to know. Hey, Ana,' she said, holding the phone to her face. `Yeah, I've gotta go now. By-eeeee,' she hurriedly said down the phone before hanging up. Kaede raised her eyebrow at her and made a silent vow to kill Yuula later. But she had to turn back to Seto to say their vows, so she put it to the back of her mind and continued.
Kaede took a deep breath, and then began. `It is so strange to think that this time last year, Seto and I couldn't stand to be in each other's presence. Neither of us could look each other in the eye nor even have a civilised conversation together. But that all changed one night, when I turned to a friend for comfort, and what followed was the start of the most wonderful relationship I have ever had. You're my friend, my companion and my lover. We've been through ups and downs, good and bad, events that neither of us ever which to mention again, and we've stuck together. I love you, and I can't wait to begin my life with you today.'
Kaede finished and sighed, and then waited for Seto to start. He looked up at the maple, and then turned back to Kaede, before taking a deep breath.
`Kaede,' he said, smiling broadly, `there was never a time when I didn't want to be with you, when I didn't wish you were mine. Even when I thought you hated me, I would always long for you. I guess our true relationship started about a year ago, when I held the Kaiba Corporation sit down dinner, and forced you to dance with me. After that, it seemed that our relationship improved every time we met, to the point where you would even remain at the same party as me.
`It is funny how your name, Kaede, is so appropriate to you. Kaede means maple, and as you see, we are standing in the shadow of a maple today. Maples flourish red in the autumn, and we first got together as a couple in the middle of October. And the first time I ever met you, I past a maple tree of the way back home, and thought that it was the most beautiful tree I've ever seen. Kaede, my dear maple, I'm so glad that know I can truly call you my own.'
Kaede reached forwards and hugged him, and whispered in his ear, `Yours in way longer than mine!'
`You're obviously just not that passionate,' Seto said as they pulled apart.
`And now, with the exchanging of rings, you shall be bound in matrimony,' said the marriage official, and Takumi and Sakura leaned forward and gave them both their rings. Kaede took Seto's hand and placed a silver ring on his wedding ring finger, and Seto did the same for her, except her ring was studded with diamonds.
`I now pronounce you husband and wife,' said the official. `You may kiss the bride.'
Seto put his hand on Kaede's cheek and Kaede smiled up at him. Then he leant forwards and Kaede felt his lips against hers as she closed her eyes, and then she heard a massive cheer erupt from the crowd. Kaede pulled back from Seto for a second and looked around them, and saw everyone had gotten to their feet and were all beaming at them. Kaede blushed and turned back to Seto.
`Fry an egg!' he laughed, pressing the back of his hand to her cheek.
`Oy, show some respect for your wife!' Kaede laughed, kissing him again. They turned and posed for some photographs, and then walked back down the aisle.
They went back up to just outside the mansion where a veranda had been set up, with a top table for the Kaede, Seto, their family, maid of honour and best man. Kaede sat down next to Sakura and Seto and listened to the speeches, most of which were boring, and then had the wedding food. It was, obviously, superb, having been made my the best chiefs Seto could find, and there were loads of Kaede's favourite foods, including Chinese.
Afterwards, the veranda was cleared of table to make a dance floor, and Seto took Kaede's hand and lead her down onto the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife. Seto took her hand and spun her out as the music began, `(Everything I Do) I Do It For You” by Bryan Adams. Kaede spun back in again and they danced, slowly, as gradually the rest of the dance floor filled. Sakura danced with Yami, Yuula with Ryou, Yumiko with Takumi, Joey with Mai and Mokuba with Tenshi. Tea was standing on the side talking to Cira, who looked as though she would love to talk to anyone else at that precise time, and Duke was watching Yuula dancing with Ryou, scowling.
After the first dance, they all gathered to one side and Yuula phoned Ana again. Kaede grabbed the phone to talk to her.
`I can't believe you didn't tell me!' Ana yelled down the phone at her.
`Well, it's not exactly the thing that is especially easy to say to people down the phone, is it? “Oh hi, how are you doing? By the way, I'm getting married soon! Enjoy the rest of your stay in France; sorry you won't be able to make it.”'
`Hmph. Congratulations.'
`Thank you!' Kaede beamed, and handed the phone around. As soon as Ana had congratulated Seto, Kaede and Seto returned to the dance floor, and left her chatting to Sakura, who was slightly tipsy and happy, as she had been dancing with Yami for a long time.
Gradually, her friends returned to the dance floor, until eventually a Rolls Royce appeared to take Kaede and Seto to the airport.
`But where are we going?' Kaede asked as they were about say goodbye to everyone.
`Well, I had no idea where you wanted to go, so I bought these,' he produced to tickets. Kaede took them and she saw that for destination it was blank.
`Um, so, where are we going?'
`Anywhere,' Seto shrugged.
Kaede beamed and hugged him, and then turned to say goodbye to everyone else. She found Sakura and gave her an especially big hug, and told her good luck with her and Yami. Then she hugged Yuula and Yumiko (against their wishes), then Tea. Then she found the boys and gave them all brief hugs, even Joey, who looked as if he had swallowed something extremely unpleasant. She found Mokuba, Tenshi and Cira standing by the front door of the house and hugged Mokuba and Tenshi, and then turned to Cira.
`Are you going to look after them whilst we're away?' Kaede asked.
`Yeah,' shrugged Cira. `And the house.'
`Make sure there is still a house here when we get back,' Kaede grinned.
Seto heard this as he was coming to say goodbye to Mokuba and grimaced. `And please don't have any parties or break any thing, or let anything be stolen, lock all the doors at night, make sure-'
`Come on,' Kaede said, dragging him away. `The servants will help her look after everything. Bye Cira. Bye everyone!'
And with that, they ran down the steps and into the Rolls Royce, and everyone watched and waved as it swept off down the driveway.
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Lanathae on March 29, 2006, 4:23:13 AM
Lanathae on

setokaibaslittlesis on March 28, 2006, 10:32:16 PM
setokaibaslittlesis on March 28, 2006, 10:25:00 PM

And you know how you were suprised to find out I didn't live in England?
Well I live as far away from england as you can possibly get.
I live in Texas!
Very far north in Texas, but still.
Okay, now I will read your chapter
AHHH! There is a poor little fish flapping outsdie the bowl on an advertisement!
*resistes urge to click here*
I'm a vegetarian too.
Tillyenna on March 28, 2006, 4:47:11 AM
Tillyenna on
Eoara on March 28, 2006, 4:30:29 AM
Eoara on

NAD IIIIII WAS IN IT...but shes not back yet..*cries*..and i'm nearly sort of...half a still!!!!!!!!!
gooey would like to say that he is not weird...and strange.
OW...he hit me...because he really is, and i told him so. so he hit me. say MY story is cheesy???
but itb was very good....i enjoyed it lots. now all you have to do is the few years later thingy...