Chapter 39 - The Final Pages
Submitted June 13, 2005 Updated February 5, 2007 Status Complete | Kaede Mishua live with her grandparents in Domino City. She loves her school and her friends. But there is a certain guy she finds it impossible to like, but maybe he is the one she will love?
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series |
Chapter 39 - The Final Pages
Chapter 39 - The Final Pages
The Final Pages
Eight cars braked in the driveway of the Kaiba mansion, and each of them matched the people inside them. One was a pink people carrier, the next an old, worn down kombi. Next to that were two brand new, sleek convertibles, one of which was red, the other blue. Then there came a green banger, and next to that pulled up a swish, stylish yellow Lamborghini. Finally came a simple yet stylish navy ford and after that a flash Lotus.
Kaede watched from the front window as all of these cars pulled up, and then smiled as she owners climbed out. Seeing each person made her smile even more, until the little boy whom she was carrying on her hip asked her what was making her so happy.
`Just seeing them all together again, Haru,' Kaede smiled, giving her son an affectionate hug before setting him on the ground.
Kaede smiled at her son, as she always did when she saw him. He was so cute, with soft brown hair and bright green eyes. Kaede would hug him whenever she saw him, and spent half her life playing games with him. He was five years old and extremely inquisitive, but terribly shy at the same time.
He beamed and ran to the front door and opened it. Kaede followed him, and saw him start to run down the steps towards them, but stopped short, and put both his hands to his mouth and started sucking them, a sure sign of embarrassment. Kaede reached him and he hid his face against her legs, and Kaede laughed at him.
`Don't be frightened,' she said, taking hold of his wrists and pulling his hands from his mouth. `They won't hurt you, and if you do they'll have to answer to me.'
Haru looked embarrassed, and hid his face again against his mother's trousers. Kaede took his hand and held it in her own, and they hurried down the rest of the steps towards their guests.
Each of the owners of their cars looked exactly the same, just a little older. Sakura and Yami leaned against the kombi and were chatting to Yuula and Duke, who were stood next to the people carrier, the most unlikely couple you could ever have imagined, but there on Yuula's finger was a wedding ring, and through the open door of the people carrier you could see three little faces peeping out. Takumi also stood with them, without a girl on his arm, and seemingly enjoying it.
The convertibles of course were owned by Ana and Marc, and Marc stood with his arm around his wife, Tea's, shoulder. Ana, who still disapproved slightly of their relationship, was with Honda, her now fiancée, by their convertible, chatting to Yumiko, who leaned against the green banger with her albino brother, Art. The owner of the Lamborghini was Joey, but the car wasn't as much his as it was Mai's, his wife, but he had decided to turn up alone, which was fine for Kaede, as then she didn't have to put up with Mai's sarcasm. And at the end was Ryou with the ford and Marik with the Lotus.
As soon as they noticed Kaede coming towards them they all hurried over, and Kaede hugged everyone of them, some more affectionately than others, but it was still a hug. Yuula ran back to the people carrier to find her kids, all of whom Kaede had already met and adored. The eldest was a seven year old boy called Ryou, who was absolutely adorable, but extremely shy. He had black hair that seemed to be all over the place, and the loveliest blue eyes. After than were the twin girls, Ichigo and Kiichigo. They, too, were extremely cute, dressed in pretty dresses all the time. They had green eyes and their hair was shoulder-length and black, but Ichigo wore hers loose, whereas Kiichigo had hers in bunches. Both girls were very outgoing, and tried to make friends wherever possible, but Ichigo's attention span was slightly longer and would always be polite, and Kiichigo would run off and play and would seem to be impolite. Kaede was the godmother all three of the children and hugged them when Yuula came back with them from their car.
Ichigo immediately grabbed Haru's hand and Kiichigo took his other, and they ran off back up the steps to the house. Ryou, however, stayed with his mother, wary of all the new people.
Kaede leaned them back up to the house, which she had completely taken over since moving in ten years before. She showed them through the house to outside, where there was a large table set up by the swimming pool, and where Seto was sat, enjoying the sunshine with a quiet drink.
`Hello,' said Seto as pleasantly as he could manage after seeing Joey walking out of his house. `How are you all?'
There was a chorus of `Fine, thanks' from their guests, and then Seto turned to Kaede.
`You'd better go and see Esme, she was crying not that long ago.'
`And you left her to cry?' Kaede nearly shouted.
`No, I left Mokuba and Tenshi with her.'
`Dear God!' Kaede said, turning and running back through the house, Sakura, Ana, Tea, Yuula and Yumiko at her heels. Kaede lead them at a pace to the nursery next to Haru's room, in which she heard the giggles of Ichigo, Kiichigo and Haru, and peaked inside and saw them playing with his teddy bears. She smiled, before quickly moving in to the next room and opened the door. She saw Esme in her cot, awake but not crying, and Mokuba and Tenshi in the corner.
`What do you think you're doing?' she demanded, interrupting them. `If you're going to do that, then don't do it in front of the baby!'
Tenshi scowled, but Mokuba stood and lead her out of the room. Kaede shook her head and went to Esme's cot, picked her up, and walked her back to her friends.
`Aww!' Tea immediately squeaked as soon as she saw Esme. Kaede held her in her arms, so proud of her daughter. Esme was the most perfect little thing Kaede had ever seen, with her tiny little fingernails on her baby fingers and her nearly transparent eyelids. Kaede was always amazed at how tiny she was, being only a month old.
`Can we hold her?' Sakura asked, and Kaede beamed, and handed Esme into Sakura's arms. Sakura was one of Esme's godmothers, and had never yet met her goddaughter, but now she beamed down at her with such love Kaede recognised it as the way that she herself looked at her children.
Esme was past around the group of girls, and when Kaede got her back she tucked her safely in her cot. She stood and turned around to leave, when she saw her grandmother standing in the doorway, looking in and smiling at them. She smiled back at the old woman, she and Kaede's grandfather had moved in with the Kaibas and her grandmother had become Haru's and Esme's nanny.
`How is she?' the old woman asked.
`She's good,' Kaede sighed. `She's just gone back to sleep though.'
Kaede's grandmother smiled at the cot. `I never thought I'd live to see my great-grandchildren, and now I have two. What more could an old woman want? I'm in the most fantastic house with my darling granddaughter, my husband, a new family and two young ones.'
Kaede beamed and hugged her grandmother, and then, bidding her goodbye, left to go to Kaede's room.
`Why aren't we going back to the pool?' Yumiko moaned. `There was food there!'
`Ah, but telling you would ruin the surprise,' Kaede grinned, and they eventually come to hers and Seto's bedroom. They went inside and Kaede ran to the wardrobe and opened it. As it was a walk-in wardrobe, she walked in and riffled through the various racks of dresses until she found what she was looking for. She pulled out six dresses covered in their plastic protective cover and hung them up on a rail that hung from the ceiling of the wardrobe. This was extremely useful because Kaede could then pull out several dresses when trying to decide what to wear and it made it all the more easier.
As she hung them up, her friends saw for the first time what they were in full. They were six specially made, fitted especially for the one who was going to wear it, early 1900s English tea party dresses. And whilst they were all staring at them in amazement, Kaede pulled out six hat boxes from next to her hat stand and handed five of them out to her friends. She gave each girl the appropriate hat, as each had been made to fit their heads, and then she put on her out. They were the huge old tea party hats, and Kaede had also had special bags, shoes, gloves, parasols and even underwear made for her guests.
`What do you think?' she grinned, so happy that they had all been stunned into silence, but desperate for a answer.
It was Yuula who broke the silence. `WOW!'
Yuula pulled her hat out of its box and crammed it onto her head, and then ran to look in the mirror. The others warmed to the idea more gradually, and eventually Kaede got each of them to do their hair and make-up properly and then get into the clothes.
`So, what's going to happen to these afterwards?' Sakura asked, after putting on all of the clothes and turning in front of the mirror. She looked exactly as if she'd stepped out of an early 20th century book, and looked elegant and beautiful at the same time.
`Well, you get to keep them of course,' said Kaede, standing in front of another mirror as she put on her hat.
`What?!' Ana exclaimed, having gotten into a dress that could only have been worn by an olive skinned, tall French girl. `But aren't they extremely expensive?'
`Yes,' Kaede said, adjusting her dress slightly. `But they won't fit anyone else. I got all your measurements especially for these dresses, so they fit you perfectly.'
Kaede's own dress was fantastic. She had a wonderful white under dress and a navy top dress that had lapels just like a jacket, but came down to her ankles. It had a lighter blue flower designs on the front of the over dress and a navy, satin sash around the waist, and a pure white shawl to go around her arms and behind her back. Her hat was also navy blue and had a large ribbon running around it, coming to an enormous bow at the front. Her parasol was white and frilly and her gloves skin tight and white. She stepped into some high heeled shoes that were a sort of navy suede and coiled her hair behind her head.
The six of them made their way back to the garden, but this time they went outside a different door. They came to a very sunny part of the garden where an amazing old fashioned tea table had been set up, and it was set with delicious tea party food, many different varieties of confectionary, several pots of tea and little triangle sandwiches with many different fillings.
From behind them they heard a nervous laugh and all of them turned around. There were their husbands, boyfriends, brothers and friends, standing in early 1900s suits with their hair done in pathetic curtains (a lot of them using up a lot of gel), apart from Duke, who had refused to ruin his ponytail. The six of them burst out laughing and then they all sat down together, ready to start the tea party.
`Hey, where's Marik?' Yuula suddenly asked, looking around for him. But it was true that Marik wasn't there. Kaede smiled evilly.
`Marik is … how shall I say this … getting ready,' Kaede grinned, and looked over Tea's shoulder into the house. `Oh, here he comes now.'
Everyone turned to look as Marik bounced out of the house, wearing the frilliest dress, carrying the frilliest parasol and sporting the biggest hat any of them had ever seen. He looked absolutely adorable, and Yuula nearly had a fit when she saw how cute he looked. He curtsied and walked over elegantly in his high heels, and sat down next to Kaede, and proceeded to pour himself some tea.
Everyone looked slightly scared by this, except Kaede. `Oh, yes, Marik said it wasn't far that he didn't get to be a bridesmaid at my wedding, so he demanded to wear a dress today.'
Everyone laughed as Marik helped himself to some confectionary and the conversation began again.
Their meal stretched from being afternoon tea to dinner as the day wore on, with intervals between their courses. Gradually, their party increased, as the children reappeared, as did Mokuba and Tenshi, and Kaede's grandparents.
They were served their evening meal just as the sun was setting, and everyone was given a glass of champagne. Before Kaede would let them eat, she stood up and made a speech.
`Now, I know that friendship speeches aren't my speciality' - here she looked at Tea and raised an eyebrow - `I have tried my hardest to make a speech that does kind of directly link to our friendship. So, let me begin, and don't you dare laugh.
`I have never been happier than I am when I am with my friends. All of you are extremely dear to me, whether you are friends from way back, or friends that I met when I first came to Japan, and none of you are worth more or less to me than another one of you. I wouldn't trade any of you for the whole world. I'm so happy to have you all here today, you have no idea how much it means to me to see all my friends together again after so many years, and with five wonderful new additions' (she waved her hand towards where her grandmother sat, holding Esme in her arms, and where Haru, Ryou, Ichigo and Kiichigo were sitting) `and I thank you for putting up with my lousy hostessing. You are all truly amazing friends.
`And now to capture this moment in time,' she grinned, and whipped a camera from behind her. She raised her to her eye as quickly as she could, and before any of them could move, or remove the slightly shocked, open-mouthed expression from their faces, took a picture.
She put the camera down, and as soon as she noticed people looking murderously at it, picked up her glass of champagne and raised it into the air.
`To friendship!' she cried, and beamed as they all echoed her.
`To friendship!'
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Tillyenna on April 17, 2006, 1:40:26 AM
Tillyenna on
Lanathae on March 30, 2006, 4:20:04 AM
Lanathae on

aww i wish Art was my brother, that would be so cool X3
awww and it has ended... about time too, how long have you been writing it, but then again, how long have i been meaning to read it and not...
ah well, i probably *should* go read your HP story or something.... but no, i think i'v read to much, any more and my head will expode
don't ask my why, it just will...
Eoara on March 29, 2006, 1:50:38 PM
Eoara on

i think she would NOT have come to me. There is the fact that ana doesnt WANT kids because she DEESPISES them...but its all over! thats sad. but. you. made. a. friendship. speech.
other than that, it was good, i suppose.
nah, joking. was very very very good. and the fact that its over is the end of an era.
Great story manny *wipes a way tear*.......I cant beleive its over.......(write an epilogue....another one....go on, I dare you)