Chapter 1 - That Fateful Night
Submitted September 17, 2006 Updated September 17, 2006 Status Incomplete | The real reason why none of the original characters are in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. It happened one fateful, stormy night, at St Katharine's school, England, when a group of friends were watching Yu-Gi-Oh. They never imagined that the events of that night would change their lives, forever.
Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series |
Chapter 1 - That Fateful Night
Chapter 1 - That Fateful Night
Chapter One
On one very dark and stormy night, a group nine of girls huddled around their house common room at their school, St Katharines. All of them were in their pyjamas and had their duvets wrapped around them. Having just been reunited after the long summer holidays, each other them had stories to tell. They warmed their hands on mugs of tea and chatted about the time theyd been apart.
How was Australia, Alice? Sophie asked.
It was good thanks! Alice said happily, sipping her tea. Must better than Cumbria!
What was it like seeing the biggest pencil in the world? Manning asked with an evil grin on her face.
Well, words just fail to describe it! Alice laughed.
You certainly brought the rain back with you, Annie said, looking out of the window.
Yeah, lets all blame Alice for the weather! Katy snickered.
How was Disney Land? Penny said, hiding her laughter.
Amazing! Katy giggled. Dyou know, Mannings dad flew me to and from Paris?
We all know! everyone groaned.
And I left my hat at Paris airport! Katy whined.
We know!
Aww, I loved that hat, Mel complained.
We know, Manning nodded, patting Mel on the head.
What time is it? Kara asked.
Its nine thirty, Maria said instantly, looking at her watch quickly.
YAY! Mel said, jumping up and running over to the television. Yu-Gi-Oh time!
Mel turned on the TV and then ran back and sat down. The theme tune started up and Mel groaned.
Ive already seen this one, she said, as it episode started.
Well, none of us have, Annie said.
Want me to tell you what happens? Mel grinned at Manning.
No, and if you tell me, youll regret it for as long as you live, Manning glared back.
Oh yeah?!
Shut up you too! Annie said, as she poked Mel in the stomach and Kara grabbed Manning and pulled her away from Mel.
Sit with me Manning, Kara said, doing her winning smile.
Id rather not, Manning said, trying to get away, but was unable to move.
Shut up! Katy said nastily. I cant hear it.
Turn it up then! Alice said simply.
Mel! they all ordered.
Ugh, slave girl, Mel said as she stood up and turned up the volume on the TV. There, happy now?!
Thats better, Penny said.
Wheres Merry? Mel said as she came back and sat down.
She doesnt board, remember, Katy said, raising an eyebrow at Mel.
Oh yeah, Mel said stupidly.
They were quiet for a while and just watched the episode where Yugi ends up losing a Duel Monsters game to Kaiba.
Ha ha! Mel sniggered at him. Look at him crying!
How could it have hurt Kaiba anyway? Alice asked. Arent the monsters holographic?
Now thats a mystery that will just never been solved, Manning said sadly.
Those Duel disks look pretty rubbish, Penny said. Who made them?
Kaiba did. Theyre his latest invention, Mel said with a snort.
Outside the window storm clouds rolled dangerously and the flashes of lightning seemed to be coming closer, but this was unnoticed by the friends, who were watching Mel laugh hysterically at Anzus friendship speech.
Anzu is such an idiot, Mel said, snorting with laughter. She just makes far too many friendship speeches.
I thought her name was Tea, Kara said, confused.
Thats her name in this, Mel, the expert, said. In the mangas shes called Anzu. And in the mangas Joey is called Jonouchi, and Tristan is called, ha ha, HONDA! she collapsed with laughter again.
Suddenly there was a deafening crack as a lightning blot hit the television aerial and the nine were plunged into darkness.
Several people screamed in shock, but Maria pulled a mini torch out of her pocket and switched it on. She pointed it at the television, which now sported a cracked screen and was emitting smoke.
Oh & crap, Alice muttered.
Um, bedtime, Kara said, jumping up.
No way, its too early to go to bed! Mel complained as she was dragged up to the dorm.
Weve had enough excitement for one evening, Penny said.
They entered their dorm and got into their pyjamas under the light of the torch. Brushing their teeth and getting ready for bed was slightly more difficult in the pitch black, but they managed it, and all of them found their way into the correct beds.
Ugh, its too early, Mel whined. I know I wont be able to sleep for ages. Waa, I want to go on the computer.
Will someone please shut her up, Manning muttered, and the thump that came a couple of seconds after, followed by a Ow, what was that for?! let her know that someone had, indeed, shut her up.
They heard a purr as the school cat, Alonzo, entered the dormitory. He leapt onto Mels bed and curled up beside her.
Ha ha, Mel laughed evilly. Suckers.
Only coz youre the only one who doesnt call him Destruct-o-cat, Alice said sleepily.
Shh, sleepy time, Kara said.
What time do we have to wake up tomorrow? Katy asked.
Err, I think seven, Annie said.
Ill never wake up that early, Manning groaned.
Ill set my alarm clock, Maria said helpfully.
What?! Maria asked defensively.
I think that Mr Pansy is supposed to come and wake us up, Sophie said. He is our head of year.
But this is an ALL GIRL dormitory, Manning said, horrified.
Shh, just go to sleep, Mel growled.
I thought you wanted to stay up? Manning snickered.
Shut up!
Oy, dont tell me to shut up, cretin!
Waa, look what you did! Mel snarled as Alonzo got up and stretched, and then jumped off of Mels bed onto Alices.
I think its a sign, Kara said. Telling us to shut up and go to sleep.
Fine, Mel said grumpily.
Night everyone, Penny called.
Night, everyone called back, and then closed their eyes and, one by one, went to sleep.
The next morning Marias alarm clock went off, rattling like a Geiger Muller tube held next to a gamma source. Manning woke up, and waited for it to be turned off, but it carried on for ages.
Ugh, turn it off, she muttered.
But no one else was awake, so she tried rolling over to go and turn it off.
Except there was someone in the way.
If it wasnt Mannings scream waking everyone up, then the alarm clock was finally doing its job. But I think it might have been Manning screaming.
Manning, on contact with the person on her right side, screamed and tried to get as far away from them as possible. But she bumped into another person on her left, causing her to scream even louder and jump up and out of her bed.
MANNING! SHUT UP! Sophie said, throwing a pillow at her.
Everyone sat up and screamed. All around the dormitory were people who really shouldnt have been there. And the scary thing was they were ALL boys. In an ALL GIRLS dormitory.
One of them was sat beside Karas trunk eating some emergency supplies of chocolate. Another was playing with Annies Top Trumps cards. Beside Mels bed one boy was applying make-up to his already make-uped face, and another was kneeling on the floor worshipping Alonzo. One of them was kneeling beside Sophies suitcase stealing all of her bandanas, and one was sitting on her bed reading her books. One was sitting on Katys bed brushing his overgrown hair, another was sitting on top of the shelf above Alices bed, crying for his big brother, one was blowing stuff up with Marias chemistry set and one was kneeling by the windowsill beside Pennys bed inspecting the bugs that ran over it.
Manning stared around her, and then back at her bed. The two boys had sat up in it, shook their heads to clear them, looked at each other, and jumped out of either side of the bed.
KAIBA! one of them said in an annoying American accent. Whadaya doing here?
Shut up you dog, the other snapped at him. They glared at each other for a couple of seconds, the tall brown haired one and the shorter dumb blond. All around her, Manning heard arguments breaking out and her head was buzzing.
SHUT. UP! she shouted, and, to her amazement, they shut up.
Um, okay, she said, looking around. Firstly, who the hell are you all?
Who are we? the one doing his make-up snorted. Dont you mean who the hell are you?
Well, its you who have landed in our dormitory, Manning said, hands on hips. So you need to explain who you are first.
Excuse me, Miss, the boy playing Top Trumps said, getting up. He was unbelievably short; he came up to Mannings midriff, and that was including his hair, which must have accounted for half a foot of his overall height. My name is Yugi Motou, could you please tell me how my friends and I could get back to Domino City?
Where the hell is Domino City? Penny raised an eyebrow, and then jabbed the boy by her bed, who was now ruffling through her trunk.
Ooooh, I KNOW WHERE DOMINO CITY IS! Mel said, jumping up, waving her arms in the air. All of the boys stared at her, as she was wearing her famous Pikachu pyjamas. But Mel, oblivious to the stares, went on. Domino City is the city is Yu-Gi-Oh!
Most peoples faces went blank, except for the boy who asked Manning the way to Domino City, and the boy brushing his hair on Katys bed. This boy jumped up and somehow ended up next to Mel.
How do you know about Yu-Gi-Oh? he said, grabbing her by the collar.
Its a TV programme, Mel said happily. About Yugi Motou, who is a sixteen year old boy who finds the Millennium Puzzle and manages to put it back together to reveal the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle -
Do you know where the Puzzle is? the boy said, tightening his grip. Tell me, cretin, and your death will be quick.
Ha ha, Monkey Punch! Mel laughed, and punched the boy hard in the stomach. He flew backwards and landed on Sophies bed, crushing Sophies knees.
Hey, get off! Sophie said, pushing him onto the floor.
Chaos resumed around her, and Manning had to shout for silence again. She turned back to this Yugi Motou guy, and tried reasoning with him. Okay, Yugi, are you saying that youre actually Yugi Motou?
Yes, he smiled.
You live in a games shop?
Yes, he smiled.
You go to Domino High?
Yes, he smiled.
So what the hell are you doing a) as a real human being when you are a cartoon, and b) in England at our boarding school?
Im not a cartoon, Yugi said kindly. But I like cartoons. Do you like cartoons?
Shut it! Manning said. You are a cartoon, Mel has the Yu-Gi-Oh movie, which is a cartoon. About Yugi Motou.
Hes lying! Alice said. Make Mel eat him.
So who the hell are all these people? Manning said, turning to look at them all. But somehow, she recognised them from the cartoon, because, although they were all now three dimensional, and human, but they all had the same sort of features and hair. She saw that the two people who had been in her bed were Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler, the boy who Kara was now hitting having realised he was eating all of her emergency rations was Tristan, aka Honda, because of his stupid triangular hair. The boys by Mels bed were Duke Devlen (the one applying make-up) and Marik Ishtar (the cat worshipper). Bandit Keith was now wearing all of Sophies bandanas, and the one reading her mangas was Ryou Bakura (it was the white hair that gave it away). Yami was now back sitting on Katys bed, brushing his hair and trying to regain his dignity. Mokuba, Setos little brother, had been lifted off of the shelf by Seto and was now hugging his big brother and laughing that nasty hobbit children laugh that is in so many movies nowadays. Rex now had a blackened face from leaning too close to something when it blew up and Weevil was being bullied by Penny into trying on some jeans that would have been a foot too long for him.
Okay, Manning sighed. Well take your word for it for now. But we need to get dressed now, so you can all go and wait in the corridor.
What, but, tell me the way to Domino City! Yugi squealed as Alice picked him up and chucked him outside, followed by the others.
The girls dressed quickly and emerged, finding even more chaos outside. Joey and Seto were challenging each other to Duels, Bandit Keith was shouting at Rex and Weevil, Yugi and Yami were playing some gave with little statue things, Marik and Ryou were arguing about ways to take over the world, Mokuba was crying because Honda had stolen his necklace with Setos picture in it and Duke was still putting on make-up.
OY! Kara said, breaking up the chaos. Thats enough, otherwise well feed you to Destruct-o-cat.
Marik was the only one who looked truly terrified, but everyone else just laughed, but was terrified when they were rounded up and taken down to breakfast.
Come on, youll need to eat something, Manning said, grabbing Joey and Seto by their arms and dragging them down the stairs after her. Even if you are cartoons.
On one very dark and stormy night, a group nine of girls huddled around their house common room at their school, St Katharines. All of them were in their pyjamas and had their duvets wrapped around them. Having just been reunited after the long summer holidays, each other them had stories to tell. They warmed their hands on mugs of tea and chatted about the time theyd been apart.
How was Australia, Alice? Sophie asked.
It was good thanks! Alice said happily, sipping her tea. Must better than Cumbria!
What was it like seeing the biggest pencil in the world? Manning asked with an evil grin on her face.
Well, words just fail to describe it! Alice laughed.
You certainly brought the rain back with you, Annie said, looking out of the window.
Yeah, lets all blame Alice for the weather! Katy snickered.
How was Disney Land? Penny said, hiding her laughter.
Amazing! Katy giggled. Dyou know, Mannings dad flew me to and from Paris?
We all know! everyone groaned.
And I left my hat at Paris airport! Katy whined.
We know!
Aww, I loved that hat, Mel complained.
We know, Manning nodded, patting Mel on the head.
What time is it? Kara asked.
Its nine thirty, Maria said instantly, looking at her watch quickly.
YAY! Mel said, jumping up and running over to the television. Yu-Gi-Oh time!
Mel turned on the TV and then ran back and sat down. The theme tune started up and Mel groaned.
Ive already seen this one, she said, as it episode started.
Well, none of us have, Annie said.
Want me to tell you what happens? Mel grinned at Manning.
No, and if you tell me, youll regret it for as long as you live, Manning glared back.
Oh yeah?!
Shut up you too! Annie said, as she poked Mel in the stomach and Kara grabbed Manning and pulled her away from Mel.
Sit with me Manning, Kara said, doing her winning smile.
Id rather not, Manning said, trying to get away, but was unable to move.
Shut up! Katy said nastily. I cant hear it.
Turn it up then! Alice said simply.
Mel! they all ordered.
Ugh, slave girl, Mel said as she stood up and turned up the volume on the TV. There, happy now?!
Thats better, Penny said.
Wheres Merry? Mel said as she came back and sat down.
She doesnt board, remember, Katy said, raising an eyebrow at Mel.
Oh yeah, Mel said stupidly.
They were quiet for a while and just watched the episode where Yugi ends up losing a Duel Monsters game to Kaiba.
Ha ha! Mel sniggered at him. Look at him crying!
How could it have hurt Kaiba anyway? Alice asked. Arent the monsters holographic?
Now thats a mystery that will just never been solved, Manning said sadly.
Those Duel disks look pretty rubbish, Penny said. Who made them?
Kaiba did. Theyre his latest invention, Mel said with a snort.
Outside the window storm clouds rolled dangerously and the flashes of lightning seemed to be coming closer, but this was unnoticed by the friends, who were watching Mel laugh hysterically at Anzus friendship speech.
Anzu is such an idiot, Mel said, snorting with laughter. She just makes far too many friendship speeches.
I thought her name was Tea, Kara said, confused.
Thats her name in this, Mel, the expert, said. In the mangas shes called Anzu. And in the mangas Joey is called Jonouchi, and Tristan is called, ha ha, HONDA! she collapsed with laughter again.
Suddenly there was a deafening crack as a lightning blot hit the television aerial and the nine were plunged into darkness.
Several people screamed in shock, but Maria pulled a mini torch out of her pocket and switched it on. She pointed it at the television, which now sported a cracked screen and was emitting smoke.
Oh & crap, Alice muttered.
Um, bedtime, Kara said, jumping up.
No way, its too early to go to bed! Mel complained as she was dragged up to the dorm.
Weve had enough excitement for one evening, Penny said.
They entered their dorm and got into their pyjamas under the light of the torch. Brushing their teeth and getting ready for bed was slightly more difficult in the pitch black, but they managed it, and all of them found their way into the correct beds.
Ugh, its too early, Mel whined. I know I wont be able to sleep for ages. Waa, I want to go on the computer.
Will someone please shut her up, Manning muttered, and the thump that came a couple of seconds after, followed by a Ow, what was that for?! let her know that someone had, indeed, shut her up.
They heard a purr as the school cat, Alonzo, entered the dormitory. He leapt onto Mels bed and curled up beside her.
Ha ha, Mel laughed evilly. Suckers.
Only coz youre the only one who doesnt call him Destruct-o-cat, Alice said sleepily.
Shh, sleepy time, Kara said.
What time do we have to wake up tomorrow? Katy asked.
Err, I think seven, Annie said.
Ill never wake up that early, Manning groaned.
Ill set my alarm clock, Maria said helpfully.
What?! Maria asked defensively.
I think that Mr Pansy is supposed to come and wake us up, Sophie said. He is our head of year.
But this is an ALL GIRL dormitory, Manning said, horrified.
Shh, just go to sleep, Mel growled.
I thought you wanted to stay up? Manning snickered.
Shut up!
Oy, dont tell me to shut up, cretin!
Waa, look what you did! Mel snarled as Alonzo got up and stretched, and then jumped off of Mels bed onto Alices.
I think its a sign, Kara said. Telling us to shut up and go to sleep.
Fine, Mel said grumpily.
Night everyone, Penny called.
Night, everyone called back, and then closed their eyes and, one by one, went to sleep.
The next morning Marias alarm clock went off, rattling like a Geiger Muller tube held next to a gamma source. Manning woke up, and waited for it to be turned off, but it carried on for ages.
Ugh, turn it off, she muttered.
But no one else was awake, so she tried rolling over to go and turn it off.
Except there was someone in the way.
If it wasnt Mannings scream waking everyone up, then the alarm clock was finally doing its job. But I think it might have been Manning screaming.
Manning, on contact with the person on her right side, screamed and tried to get as far away from them as possible. But she bumped into another person on her left, causing her to scream even louder and jump up and out of her bed.
MANNING! SHUT UP! Sophie said, throwing a pillow at her.
Everyone sat up and screamed. All around the dormitory were people who really shouldnt have been there. And the scary thing was they were ALL boys. In an ALL GIRLS dormitory.
One of them was sat beside Karas trunk eating some emergency supplies of chocolate. Another was playing with Annies Top Trumps cards. Beside Mels bed one boy was applying make-up to his already make-uped face, and another was kneeling on the floor worshipping Alonzo. One of them was kneeling beside Sophies suitcase stealing all of her bandanas, and one was sitting on her bed reading her books. One was sitting on Katys bed brushing his overgrown hair, another was sitting on top of the shelf above Alices bed, crying for his big brother, one was blowing stuff up with Marias chemistry set and one was kneeling by the windowsill beside Pennys bed inspecting the bugs that ran over it.
Manning stared around her, and then back at her bed. The two boys had sat up in it, shook their heads to clear them, looked at each other, and jumped out of either side of the bed.
KAIBA! one of them said in an annoying American accent. Whadaya doing here?
Shut up you dog, the other snapped at him. They glared at each other for a couple of seconds, the tall brown haired one and the shorter dumb blond. All around her, Manning heard arguments breaking out and her head was buzzing.
SHUT. UP! she shouted, and, to her amazement, they shut up.
Um, okay, she said, looking around. Firstly, who the hell are you all?
Who are we? the one doing his make-up snorted. Dont you mean who the hell are you?
Well, its you who have landed in our dormitory, Manning said, hands on hips. So you need to explain who you are first.
Excuse me, Miss, the boy playing Top Trumps said, getting up. He was unbelievably short; he came up to Mannings midriff, and that was including his hair, which must have accounted for half a foot of his overall height. My name is Yugi Motou, could you please tell me how my friends and I could get back to Domino City?
Where the hell is Domino City? Penny raised an eyebrow, and then jabbed the boy by her bed, who was now ruffling through her trunk.
Ooooh, I KNOW WHERE DOMINO CITY IS! Mel said, jumping up, waving her arms in the air. All of the boys stared at her, as she was wearing her famous Pikachu pyjamas. But Mel, oblivious to the stares, went on. Domino City is the city is Yu-Gi-Oh!
Most peoples faces went blank, except for the boy who asked Manning the way to Domino City, and the boy brushing his hair on Katys bed. This boy jumped up and somehow ended up next to Mel.
How do you know about Yu-Gi-Oh? he said, grabbing her by the collar.
Its a TV programme, Mel said happily. About Yugi Motou, who is a sixteen year old boy who finds the Millennium Puzzle and manages to put it back together to reveal the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle -
Do you know where the Puzzle is? the boy said, tightening his grip. Tell me, cretin, and your death will be quick.
Ha ha, Monkey Punch! Mel laughed, and punched the boy hard in the stomach. He flew backwards and landed on Sophies bed, crushing Sophies knees.
Hey, get off! Sophie said, pushing him onto the floor.
Chaos resumed around her, and Manning had to shout for silence again. She turned back to this Yugi Motou guy, and tried reasoning with him. Okay, Yugi, are you saying that youre actually Yugi Motou?
Yes, he smiled.
You live in a games shop?
Yes, he smiled.
You go to Domino High?
Yes, he smiled.
So what the hell are you doing a) as a real human being when you are a cartoon, and b) in England at our boarding school?
Im not a cartoon, Yugi said kindly. But I like cartoons. Do you like cartoons?
Shut it! Manning said. You are a cartoon, Mel has the Yu-Gi-Oh movie, which is a cartoon. About Yugi Motou.
Hes lying! Alice said. Make Mel eat him.
So who the hell are all these people? Manning said, turning to look at them all. But somehow, she recognised them from the cartoon, because, although they were all now three dimensional, and human, but they all had the same sort of features and hair. She saw that the two people who had been in her bed were Seto Kaiba and Joey Wheeler, the boy who Kara was now hitting having realised he was eating all of her emergency rations was Tristan, aka Honda, because of his stupid triangular hair. The boys by Mels bed were Duke Devlen (the one applying make-up) and Marik Ishtar (the cat worshipper). Bandit Keith was now wearing all of Sophies bandanas, and the one reading her mangas was Ryou Bakura (it was the white hair that gave it away). Yami was now back sitting on Katys bed, brushing his hair and trying to regain his dignity. Mokuba, Setos little brother, had been lifted off of the shelf by Seto and was now hugging his big brother and laughing that nasty hobbit children laugh that is in so many movies nowadays. Rex now had a blackened face from leaning too close to something when it blew up and Weevil was being bullied by Penny into trying on some jeans that would have been a foot too long for him.
Okay, Manning sighed. Well take your word for it for now. But we need to get dressed now, so you can all go and wait in the corridor.
What, but, tell me the way to Domino City! Yugi squealed as Alice picked him up and chucked him outside, followed by the others.
The girls dressed quickly and emerged, finding even more chaos outside. Joey and Seto were challenging each other to Duels, Bandit Keith was shouting at Rex and Weevil, Yugi and Yami were playing some gave with little statue things, Marik and Ryou were arguing about ways to take over the world, Mokuba was crying because Honda had stolen his necklace with Setos picture in it and Duke was still putting on make-up.
OY! Kara said, breaking up the chaos. Thats enough, otherwise well feed you to Destruct-o-cat.
Marik was the only one who looked truly terrified, but everyone else just laughed, but was terrified when they were rounded up and taken down to breakfast.
Come on, youll need to eat something, Manning said, grabbing Joey and Seto by their arms and dragging them down the stairs after her. Even if you are cartoons.
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setokaibaslittlesis on February 10, 2007, 3:41:15 AM
angel_of_beauty_and_light on February 10, 2007, 9:15:49 PM
setokaibaslittlesis on February 11, 2007, 1:38:25 AM
Lanathae on September 18, 2006, 1:43:19 AM
Lanathae on
angel_of_beauty_and_light on September 18, 2006, 3:22:26 AM
Tillyenna on September 17, 2006, 6:23:15 PM
Tillyenna on
angel_of_beauty_and_light on September 17, 2006, 6:32:54 PM

Tillyenna on September 17, 2006, 7:02:01 PM
Tillyenna on
Nemya on September 17, 2006, 8:10:39 AM
Nemya on
Eoara on September 17, 2006, 3:41:33 AM
Eoara on
They were all unneccesarily shiney and the holograms hurt. Still trying to figure that 'un out. Are you going to continue this story?