Chapter 2 - Raven
Submitted August 1, 2005 Updated November 7, 2005 Status Incomplete | A story from diffrent members of the team (or a villan's) point of view about Raven's and slades growing love life. (to find who's point of veiw it is, look at the chapter title) *long
Cartoons » Teen Titans » Couples/Pairings |
Chapter 2 - Raven
Chapter 2 - Raven
I was beside myself. I couldn't come to terms with it. I- in love. And with my arch foe! (Well, I guess that isn't fair. Slade is more Robin's foe- Mumbo mine, but that's besides the point. I didn't sleep at all that night knowing that if I did I would dream of him.
I fell asleep despite what I had told myself. Sure enough, I dreamt of him. We were fighting and he was winning. Slade knocked me down, but instead of falling into oblivion, like it is with most dreams, I fell into him. (He pushed me to the ground, and somehow I ended up leaning into him. Weird huh? Anyway-) How Gravity did that I don't know, but he leaned into me and- I woke up. I knew I wanted to say something to him. But my voice was stuck in my throat.
I shook myself. But it just couldn't be shaken off. I was in love with Slade. I had to do something. I had to tell someone. I couldn't let Love stay bottled up in me. Anger learnt of my fight and drive. I can control her. Love, however, I have no experience with. I don't know when she'll strike and I don't know how to fight back.
Love, unfortunately, realized this rather quickly. I realized that she realized during breakfast. I was pouring syrup on my waffles when I noticed that I had only covered half with the stuff. There were two squares- and only two squares- filled in on the opposite side too. It didn't take much imagination to imagine Slade. I had never eaten so quickly.
Everywhere I looked I saw Slade. In food, in my books, in my meditations, and somehow in my eyelids. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Slade there. This lead to complications. I would be looking into my Cheerios, and the whole grain spheres would swim together to form Slade's face. My face would go glassy, and I would remember his voice, his scathing remarks, the fierce grip on my arm, his breath in my ear, his-
I would jerk out of thought and Beast Boy would be standing over me looking quite agitated.
“Normally, you at least listen to my jokes! You, of course, always tell me how `mediocre' they are, or how I need to transform into turtles more often or something.”
“Maybe you're getting better?”
Absolutely false, but it got him to be quiet and let me continue to fantasize about Slade.
I traveled into my emotional state more and more, always visiting Love, and talking to her. I had finally `admitted' to her that I did feel love for Slade, but being Love, wouldn't she already know? The whole issue always made me feel a little woozy, so I let it drop. I knew I had to tell someone. She meant for me to tell someone. If I didn't, I would fall deeper and deeper into her spell. Something I could not afford to do. After the whole end of the world episode, I had been being monitored incredibly closely. It was as if any moment Trigon would erupt from me once again- something I had to urge over and over again that it would never happen. They needed to calm down. Anyway, our conversation was as following:
“Why are you doing this to me? I can't focus. I can't concentrate on anything but him. I've been becoming paler and paler. They all think I'm sick. I-“
“Well, you're love-sick!”
“When will you stop tormenting me through my cereal?”
“Built up love isn't healthy. You need an outlet. You must tell someone. You have to get the feeling off your own chest, and trust someone else with the information.”
I scoffed. “I can't tell anyone!! I can just imagine me going up to Robin `Have you found Slade yet? Why so interested? Oh, well it just turns out I'm in love with him.'??”
She did NOT get the point. “Why not?”
“This team is my home! It's my family! If I told them I was in love with someone that has been trying to destroy that for months, years, I would never be able to come back into the city, much less back home, here!”
“There has to be someone you can trust won't talk. Starfire?”
I snorted.
“Beast Boy?”
“The last person that told him she had any association with Slade is now st-“
And it hit me. The person I could tell. The one person I knew wouldn't be talking any time soon. Terra. Yes, I still despise her, yes, I will never trust her again if there is some way to revive her, and yes if she does come back, I'll have to find a way to turn her to stone permanently, but SHE WON'T TALK!! I could tell her anything, and she wouldn't be able to utter a word. But she is technically still alive, so I would be telling a person. Ah it was perfect. Not to mention the fact that I had milked the sorrow a bit, to make everyone else feel better. I wanted to celebrate, but it was like the world had ended to everyone else, so I faked it. But no one knew, so they would find no suspicion in me going out to visit her. Ha ha- it was perfect!
I went the next day. I brought flowers for effect. It didn't take to long to shake off Beast Boy who wanted to come along. I just told him, I really needed to see her alone. His eyes watered and said he understood and left me alone.
I left the flowers on the plaque that we had left her. I was a little in the dark about how to start though, so I said what I felt.
“Terra you traitor!”
I felt a little better so I continued.
“However much I stand to that concept, I came here for a reason. I just need to tell someone. Someone who won't tell anyone. So here I am!”
I sighed. Even telling a (to my mind) inanimate object was hard.
“I- I've… fallen in love. I know if you were real you would be laughing at me but it's true. You'll never guess who it is either. Do you know that so many people think I'll end up with your boyfriend? Yeah, Beast Boy and me- funny huh? It's not him don't worry.”
I sighed again. I just had to get this over with.
“I've… fallen in love with- with-…….. Slade. I can hardly believe it. I know if you were real, you'd be in shock, but it's the truth. I can't stop thinking about him. It's like everywhere I go, he's there. I can't meditate with out seeing him. He's in my dreams too. I don't know what's come over me, but it's true. I am in love with the super villain of the Titans- Slade.”
“Really? Why that's quite interesting Raven. I never would have guessed.”
My insides turned to ice. I had prepared for this moment. When I said to- but it wasn't supposed to happen like this. I must have looked like such an idiot, talking to this statue. I flushed as I turned slowly to face Slade.
“How long have you been there?”
“Why don't we go on a nice long walk and… chat?”
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shamenteen on August 9, 2005, 10:37:04 AM
shamenteen on