Chapter 1 - three times hell was unleashed those waking moments
Submitted May 11, 2008 Updated May 11, 2008 Status Complete | milar, a cat with extrordinary powers, no idea how to stop them, and bugsy, a human who doesnt have a clue that he was supposed to save the world, and therfore doesnt. id probably have to class this as a horrer comedy
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Chapter 1 - three times hell was unleashed those waking moments
Chapter 1 - three times hell was unleashed those waking moments
Accursed Catastrophe
Milar was a strange cat, kept inside for every waking hour. But then again that was his own choice, and perhaps for the better. His human Bugsy was his dearest friend and closest companion. Now as the two of them were romping along through the house like you might see any playful cat and their human do, Milar accidentally rolled outside through the open doggy door. And suddenly the world started to shatter. Milar started having what seemed to be weird root type things growing from him that were growing at an astonishing rate and in the process destroying everything. Bugsys last thoughts were what the? before he fainted. When he awoke he found he was perfectly fine and every thing seemed normal. That is until he found out it was 7 days later and he looked a bit hairier and with slightly more pointy ears but hey who doesnt like pointy ears. As he went about his business that day he noticed other peculiarities. Like for instance that more people had pointier ears, and more people were eating meat. Trivial he knew but it didnt really mean anything at the time. When he got home again Milar slipped out the door to greet him.
This time when he came to it was a century ahead in time and the entire universe that he knew had been shattered. This time he really noticed something strange was going. A) he wasnt anywhere near his home B) the place he was in was the downtown district, or what was left of it at any rate and C) it smelled a great deal like fish. This is when things got really weird. He spotted an ancient ruin off in the distance that he knew definitely wasnt from his period in time. thats when it hit him, he was either cursed or tethered to something cursed and he was darn near dead to boot because of it. He figured he had only 1 last chance before the universe crumbled around his ears. Thats also about when he noticed he was half way transfigured into a cat. Now this was a very disturbing development indeed because it told him exactly what he was tethered to. He was tethered to his cat Milar.
Bugs decided to crawl around and see what he could find that he might possibly figure out how to operate thanking his lucky stars that he was still able to move normally to a human. By sheer coincidence he found what looked to be a vehicle similar to that in crash bandicoot tag racing, only instead of orange it was a deep purple, almost black. He hopped aboard, revved the engine, which massively surprised the hell outta him, and took off over the barren landscape that had once been his city toward the freaky ruins that were sitting approximately where his house was when he last saw it.
Upon reaching the ruins he found that it was a far more vast area then he had anticipated and far more ruined too. When he started down the incline, thats when stuff got hairy. A living boulder popped out of the earth and picked up speed. As Bugsy and the boulder raced toward the center the route got increasingly treacherous. Hillettes, ditches, insanely steep grading, downed pillars, water pits, what have you. Bugsy started pulling the most incredible skillful navigation of what was presented to him like it was a videogame. And in his mind thats exactly what he was doing. Just as he was about to reach the center though, he slipped up and mistimed his jump over a really long pit that went down a couple hundred thousand feet. The living boulder started to overtake him in the sky and thats when he decided to pull what he really hoped was in his arsenal of tricks. Catlike agility. And incredibly it worked. After standing on the vehicle he jumped to safety over the last part of the pit, the boulder hit the vehicle and both dropped like stones down the pit. thats when he saw the portal home. After stepping through he found he was home, in his own original time when this whole crazy fiasco began, and no longer catlike in any way, shape, or form. thats when he saw that Milar instead of being the adult cat he left behind was now a kitten and in the process of slipping out the backdoor. Bugsy blacked out for the last time with the realizations that he had failed, that the cat was now irretrievably lost, and that he was now quite definitely null and void. His expiring thoughts were man there is gonna be hell to pay for this, I just wiped out the planet, I think
Milar was a strange cat, kept inside for every waking hour. But then again that was his own choice, and perhaps for the better. His human Bugsy was his dearest friend and closest companion. Now as the two of them were romping along through the house like you might see any playful cat and their human do, Milar accidentally rolled outside through the open doggy door. And suddenly the world started to shatter. Milar started having what seemed to be weird root type things growing from him that were growing at an astonishing rate and in the process destroying everything. Bugsys last thoughts were what the? before he fainted. When he awoke he found he was perfectly fine and every thing seemed normal. That is until he found out it was 7 days later and he looked a bit hairier and with slightly more pointy ears but hey who doesnt like pointy ears. As he went about his business that day he noticed other peculiarities. Like for instance that more people had pointier ears, and more people were eating meat. Trivial he knew but it didnt really mean anything at the time. When he got home again Milar slipped out the door to greet him.
This time when he came to it was a century ahead in time and the entire universe that he knew had been shattered. This time he really noticed something strange was going. A) he wasnt anywhere near his home B) the place he was in was the downtown district, or what was left of it at any rate and C) it smelled a great deal like fish. This is when things got really weird. He spotted an ancient ruin off in the distance that he knew definitely wasnt from his period in time. thats when it hit him, he was either cursed or tethered to something cursed and he was darn near dead to boot because of it. He figured he had only 1 last chance before the universe crumbled around his ears. Thats also about when he noticed he was half way transfigured into a cat. Now this was a very disturbing development indeed because it told him exactly what he was tethered to. He was tethered to his cat Milar.
Bugs decided to crawl around and see what he could find that he might possibly figure out how to operate thanking his lucky stars that he was still able to move normally to a human. By sheer coincidence he found what looked to be a vehicle similar to that in crash bandicoot tag racing, only instead of orange it was a deep purple, almost black. He hopped aboard, revved the engine, which massively surprised the hell outta him, and took off over the barren landscape that had once been his city toward the freaky ruins that were sitting approximately where his house was when he last saw it.
Upon reaching the ruins he found that it was a far more vast area then he had anticipated and far more ruined too. When he started down the incline, thats when stuff got hairy. A living boulder popped out of the earth and picked up speed. As Bugsy and the boulder raced toward the center the route got increasingly treacherous. Hillettes, ditches, insanely steep grading, downed pillars, water pits, what have you. Bugsy started pulling the most incredible skillful navigation of what was presented to him like it was a videogame. And in his mind thats exactly what he was doing. Just as he was about to reach the center though, he slipped up and mistimed his jump over a really long pit that went down a couple hundred thousand feet. The living boulder started to overtake him in the sky and thats when he decided to pull what he really hoped was in his arsenal of tricks. Catlike agility. And incredibly it worked. After standing on the vehicle he jumped to safety over the last part of the pit, the boulder hit the vehicle and both dropped like stones down the pit. thats when he saw the portal home. After stepping through he found he was home, in his own original time when this whole crazy fiasco began, and no longer catlike in any way, shape, or form. thats when he saw that Milar instead of being the adult cat he left behind was now a kitten and in the process of slipping out the backdoor. Bugsy blacked out for the last time with the realizations that he had failed, that the cat was now irretrievably lost, and that he was now quite definitely null and void. His expiring thoughts were man there is gonna be hell to pay for this, I just wiped out the planet, I think
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fireangel72 on October 16, 2008, 2:29:47 PM
fireangel72 on