Chapter 6 - Volleyball
Submitted May 29, 2005 Updated December 6, 2005 Status Incomplete | Forgive the interruption, my tallest. Said the Irken. Her eyes were emerald green, and her antenna curved much like that of Taks...
Cartoons » Invader Zim |
Chapter 6 - Volleyball
Chapter 6 - Volleyball
Disclaimer: Heey y'all!! Hey I uhm… don't own Zim, Gir, or anyone else, `cept Kat, Tibby,
Ch. 6: Volleyball
Zim sat on the couch up in the `house' level. “She…. She's Irken…” He said still in disbelief.
Gir jumped up and sat beside him. “Heeey Master!! What's wrong?” Gir asked tilting his head at a 90 degree angle.
Zim turned to his `bot companion. “Kat. She's… You couldn't possibly comprehend it, Gir.” Zim said narrowing his eyes at Gir.
“Oooookaaay…” Gir said turning his head the other way. “TAQUITOS!!! He screamed running around the living room, then ran into a wall. He cracked it a bit, but then continued his rampage after getting in his dog suit and running out the door screaming about tacos and taquitos.
Zim sighed and shook his head.
Kat walked in and sat at her desk with a sigh.
Zim shifted his eyes to look at her, hopefully without her noticing. She didn't notice at all. That is until Ms. Bitters yelled at Zim for not paying attention at the lesson of Doom.
“ZIM!” Ms. Bitters screeched at Zim.
Zim shot upright in his seat. “YELLOW!!” Zim yelled as an answer to Bitters.
“Zim, I'm sure that you can avert your attention from Kat, FOR AT LEAST 2 MINUTES!!” Ms. Bitters eyed Zim as she yelled this.
Zim blushed and then stared down at his desk sheepishly.
Kat snapped out of her `little own world' to look at Ms. Bitters confused. Kat shrugged then went slowly got out a folder from her desk that had drawings and sketches in it.
Zim couldn't help but glancing over at her. He saw her take out a piece of paper with a light half sketch of a werewolf on it.
He leaned over slowly. “That's really good.” He said to her.
Kat glanced over to him. “Oh, yeah. Thanks.” She said. She got out an artist pencil and started doing the other half of the werewolf.
Zim walked outside with the rest of the filthy earth monkeys. He looked around for Kat. When he didn't spot her he began to get anxious. He finally spotted her under the elm tree, which surprisingly wasn't dead… YET.
He walked over to her. “Sooo…” He began.
Kat looked up from her drawing to look at him. She looked to her right and left, then pointed at herself. “Me?” She asked.
“Yes, you.” Zim said to her.
“What?” She asked.
“Well, I uh… your new here, right?” He asked.
“Yeah…” Kat said like he was stupid.
“Uhm, well. I uh…” He couldn't spit it out fast enough.
Just then, some lady hurried over to Kat. “Are you Kat?” She asked cheery-like.
“Uhm, yeah…” Kat said taken aback.
“Oh, good!! Come with me!!” The lady said grabbing Kat's hand and pulling her away from Zim. Kat dropped her art stuff in the process of being pulled away.
Zim looked at Kat being pulled away, and then to her things lying on the ground. “Hmm… Better hold on to these things until she gets back… from… wherever.” He said out loud.
“ACK! Were are you talking me?” Kat asked walking along with the lady, who's name tag said “Lori”.
“Oh, well, you have been accepted in numerous things here, Kat.” Lori said.
“Liiiiike…?” Kat asked.
“Well, for starters, Volleyball!!” Lori said.
“Uhm, okay…” Kat said. “And the others?”
“Oh, well, uh… hmmm… oh, the play!!! Yes, the play at the Lied Center, you know, down town? The one entitled, “Up the Down Staircase”? You made a spot in the play!!” Lori said happily.
“Oh, cool…” Kat said smiling.
After a few more minutes, Kat was dragged into the gym, were some girls were chatting, in Volleyball uniform.
“Everyone, this is Kat.” Lori said peppily. (A/N: Uhm, I dun think that `peppily' is a word, but it is now!! ^^)
All the girls glanced at Kat and waved. They then took a double glance, and ran over to her. “Hey! I loooove you hair!!” One of the blonds said. Kat was being smothered with love. “Uh, thanks…” She said.
She spotted a girl kind of, well, at the side lines. Kat walked over to her. “Hi. I'm Kat.” Kat smiled at the girl. “Hi...” The girl said shyly. “What's your name?” Kat asked sitting down beside her on the bleachers. “Molly.” Molly said.
Kat smiled. “Hey since I'm new here… do you want to be my friend??” Kat asked Molly. Molly lit up. “Would I?!?” She exclaimed. “You look so popular, of course!!” She added. Kat smiled and blushed.
The girls had an extra set of knee pads, shorts, and shirt in the dressing room. Kat went in and got changed.
Volleyball practice went pretty good, except Zim had to walk in when they were getting ready to do the `fun' thing at the end. The fun thing really varied. Sometimes they just sat around and talked, others, they got to actually do a game of Volleyball, just for the heck of it.
This time, they were going to play doge ball with the volleyballs. Zim walked in and looked around at all the girls.
“Hmm…” he saw Kat, and smiled. He waved. Kat didn't see him, so he jumped up on one of the bleachers and waved both arms in the air, as if flagging down a plane.
Kat was dodging balls one way and then another. No one could hit her, not even if they all threw at the same time.
“HEY KAT!!!” Zim called waving his arms in the air.
“Huh?” Kat asked raising an eyebrow at Zim surprised. She then got pelted in the head with a volleyball, and fell over backwards. “ACK!” She yelled. The other players laughed.
Zim glared at them and started to run to Kat. “Kat! Are you okay?” He asked kneeling down beside Kat.
Kat groaned and then sat up and rubbed her head. “Gah… that's a first…” She said looking around. “Yeah, I'm fine.” Kat said to Zim.
Molly came over. “Heh heh, sorry, Kat… Couldn't resist!” She giggled.
“Ah, so it was YOU…” Kat smirked evilly.
Zim got a funny feeling in his gut when she smirked. `Heh, she's really cute when she smirks…' he thought to himself.
“Yeah, it was meh.” Molly said sheepishly.
Kat jumped up and chased Molly around the court. “You're gonna REGRET IT!!” Kat laughed evilly. “AAAAAHHH!!! I SAID I WAS SORRY!!!” Molly yelled to Kat.
Kat just growled and continued to chase Molly around. She gained fast, and then pounced on Molly. “Gah!!” Molly yelled as she fell to the ground.
Kat pinned her to the ground, and then just… SAT on her. “Well, hope you learned your lesson.” Kat said with a smirk of satisfactory. “Yeah... NEVER try to outrun YOU.” Molly said panting.
Kat looked down at Molly, who was face-first into the floor. She gave a sigh, and then got off her. Molly staggered up and looked at Kat.
“Whew… you'd make a good football player, Kat.” Molly said smiling. “Yeah, I like to tackle people. So, since your one of my BFF's, be prepared to be glomped a lot.” Kat smiled.
Kat and Molly both walked into the dressing rooms to change. When the came out, Zim was waiting on one of the bleachers. He jumped up and ran over to Kat.
“Hey!! That was pretty good playing.” He complimented.
Kat was taken aback by the complement.
“Uh, thanks, uhm… Zim..?” She asked.
“Yes, I AM ZIIIIM!!” He exclaimed loudly.
Kat and Molly exchanged glances.
“Well, uh nice talking to ya Zim… Gotta get back to class.” She said and hurried out of the gym.
Zim watched her go. `Hmm… I have to tell her that I'm an Irken just like her… but when?? Maybe invite her over after Skool... yesss… that's it.' He thought as he walked out and followed Kat.
A/N: R&R!! Remember to be nice…!! ^^ uhm, I don't own `Up the Down Staircase', either… I was in that play this year though!! ^^ If any of you know what I'm talking about, I was cast as Elizabeth Ellis.
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Geckon_Lord_of_geckos on December 20, 2005, 6:39:58 AM

malonlonlon on August 11, 2005, 7:51:20 AM
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