Chapter 7 - Diamond
Submitted May 29, 2005 Updated December 6, 2005 Status Incomplete | Forgive the interruption, my tallest. Said the Irken. Her eyes were emerald green, and her antenna curved much like that of Taks...
Cartoons » Invader Zim |
Chapter 7 - Diamond
Chapter 7 - Diamond
Disclaimer: hiya!! I don't own Zim, or Gir, or anyone except Kat, Tibby, Diamond. SO THERE!! BWAHAHAHAHHAH!!! -cough cough hack- hehehhheheheh…. ^^;
Ch. 7: Diamond
“CLASS!!” Bitters hissed. “We have ANOTHER poor excuse for a student joining us today.” She finished.
A girl walked into the room and stood there shyly. She had green eyes, shoulder length brown hair, with blond highlights in it, and she wore blue jeans, and had a red shirt with diamond sparkly shapes on it. She also had her ears pierced 3 times. Even her eyes shown like diamonds.
“Hi!!” She said happily. She looked around at the class. “I'm Diamond… You can call me Dia for short.” She smiled shyly.
Zim's eyes got big and he drooled a little.
“Wow…” He thought. He realized that he was drooling, and wiped it away.
Kat narrowed an eye at Diamond, and then smiled. “Dia?!?!?” She exclaimed.
Dia immediately looked over at Kat. “KAT!!” She exclaimed back.
Kat jumped up out of her seat by Zim, and hugged Dia. “Oh my gosh!! I haven't seen u for ever!!” She said happily.
`They know each other??' Zim thought. `Hmmm… she must be Irken, too…' his eyes got wide. `That means… that I don't have crushes on humans!!' he thought excitedly.
Ms. Bitters pointed to a seat behind Kat. Poonchy was in it. “SIT!” She screeched at Dia.
Dia looked confused. “Uh, someone's in that seat…” She said pointing to Poonchy.
“Oh, right…” Bitters said scratchily.
She hit a button on her desk, and Poonchy screamed and got transferred to the `Underground Classroom'.
Dia looked to Kat fearfully. “Will we die in this class?” She asked as she sat down behind Kat.
Kat only shrugged and turned back to the front.
Dia caught Zim looking at her.
“Can I help you?” She asked Zim.
“Uhhh….” Zim was confused, like always.
“Don't bother talking to him. He's an alien, you know. An Irken to be exact.” Dib said as-a-matter-of-factly.
Dia took a long look at Dib. ““You're crazy. Why is your head soooo big?” She asked Dib.
Dib's eye twitched. “MY HEAD'S NOT BIG!!!” He exclaimed.
Dia leaned away from Dib.
Zim glared at him. “Go away DIHB.” He spat his name. “You're frightening the girls here.” He said pointing to Kat and Dia.
Dib returned the glare. He walked over and sat at his desk, and started jotting down notes while glancing at Zim now and then.
Dia shot a thankful glance at Zim. “Thanks for uh… Making him go away.” She thanked.
Kat rolled her eyes. “It's not too hard to make someone who's paranoid go away, Diamond.” She said giggling.
Zim blushed. They were acting… cute. “Uh, no problem… Diamond.” He said blushing again.
Dia smiled again at him and then wrote something down on a piece of paper. She folded up the paper, and tossed it at Kat. It hit her in the head.
Kat turned around quickly while putting her hand on the back of her head, and found the note. She glared at Diamond, who returned at sheepish grin. Kat rolled her eyes and unfolded the note, reading it. Here is what was on it:
Uhm, I think that green kid that sits near you likes you… he keeps glancing our way…
Kat got out her pencil and jotted down:
How do you know he's not looking at YOU?? Hmmmm??
She handed the note back to Dia when she acted like she was stretching. Dia grabbed it and immediately read it eager to see what her friend had replied. Dia read over the note, gave a puzzled look, and wrote something down, and handed it back to Kat.
Kat took it and read.
Well, I don't know… but every time I glance his way, he's looking at you. Whatever…
Kat rolled her eyes at this, and put the paper in her desk.
Dia got out another piece of paper and wrote on it, and folded it neatly. “Psst…” She said to Zim. Zim turned around to Dia. He gave a questioning look at her. She held out the note, and Zim hesitantly took it. He opened it up to read it.
I've seen you take quick glances at kat… do you like her?? Just wondering…
Zim blushed and quickly wrote down his answer.
I have no idea what you're talking about… but um… yes I do like her.
He handed back the note to Diamond, while blushing a bit. She read it and stifled a giggle.
Just then, the bell rang excusing Skool. Kids made a rush jumping out of the windows, and running down the halls to escape another boring day of Skool. Kat walked out with Diamond.
“So, were do you live, Dia?” She asked her old friend while walking down the sidewalk. Zim causally followed.
“Right there! See?” Dia pointed to a light blue house with a white picket fence around the perimeter. In front were some very attractive flowers, and a few trees.
“Ooo… pretty…” Kat said stopping at the front gate with Dia by her side. Zim dogged behind a mailbox. Not that that would make a great hiding place, but hey.
“Yeah… were do you live?” Dia asked.
“Well, come on and see!!” Kat said while pulling Dia behind her by the wrist.
Zim gave one of his famous expressions, the one-eye-half-closed-while-other-is-bugging-out-look. He followed, even though he had already seen were Kat lived.
Kat walked up the few stairs there were, and opened the door. She walked in with Dia laughing about something that had happened a few years ago. Zim slipped up to a window behind a bush and peered in. He couldn't read lips that well, so he just watched. Kind of a waste of time, really.
Kat giggled again and pressed her necklace button. The disguise came off, and she stood there in Irken form. Dia pressed her diamond shaped necklace and her disguise came off as well. Diamond's green eyes shone like… diamonds, actually. Her antenna ring gold with real diamonds in it shone. Zim's mouth dropped when he saw that both of them were Irkens. He remembered seeing Kat in Irken form before, but now he proved his suspicions about Diamond being Irken.
Dia looked around Kat's living room curiously, and glanced out the window were Zim came into her vision. She gasped and pointed at him and Kat's green eyes grew wide with amazement at the so-called, `Amazing Zim.' She pressed her antenna ring and came back into her human disguise. Diamond pressed her necklace and her disguise came on.
Kat immediately ran over and opened the door. Zim knew he was caught, so he had moved to her door step. Kat grabbed him by his collar and pulled him inside. She tossed him down on her couch while she and Dia stood glaring at him.
“Okay, you might have thought that you just saw aliens, but you didn't. you have psychotic episodes in which you see things that aren't really there.” Kat said staring at Zim.
Dia leaned toward Zim. “Yeah, you didn't see ANYTHING.” She said widening her eyes at Zim.
Zim just gave a wide grin. “But you don't understand-”
“Actually, I think that we DO understand that you're crazy.” Diamond said.
Kat grabbed Zim by the shirt collar once more and headed toward the door. Diamond opened for her and she was about to toss Zim out on his can, when he all of a sudden screeched, “WAIT!! I'M YOU'RE KIND, TOO!!” he bellowed. Kat stopped in mid heave.
There was an awkward silence, and Zim continued. “If you just let me come in, I'll prove it.” Kat set Zim down and stared at him. She looked at Diamond, who in return shrugged, and Kat looked at Zim suspiciously and then signaled for him to follow her inside.
A/N: CLIFFIE!! BWAHAHHAHAHAAH I AM EVIL!! COWER BEFORE ME!! *LAUGHS MENIACLY* oh, and my BFF help meh right some of this story, u c Diamond is her in the story, so yeeeah….
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Geckon_Lord_of_geckos on December 20, 2005, 6:52:13 AM

Elen on August 12, 2005, 10:29:31 PM
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