Chapter 8 - Zim’s Alien Appearance
Submitted May 29, 2005 Updated December 6, 2005 Status Incomplete | Forgive the interruption, my tallest. Said the Irken. Her eyes were emerald green, and her antenna curved much like that of Taks...
Cartoons » Invader Zim |
Chapter 8 - Zim’s Alien Appearance
Chapter 8 - Zim’s Alien Appearance
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone except Kat, and Diamond, and Tibby… although Tibby's not in this chappie… oh well… thanks for the positive reviews everyone!!
Ch. 8: Zim's Alien Appearance
Kat motioned for Zim to sit down on the couch. Kat and Dia exchanged glances, and then returned their attention to Zim. Kat shot Zim a skeptical look.
Zim grew nervous and shifted in his seat.
Kat gave him a look that said, `well? Go on…'
“Eh… ready?” He asked.
“Yeah, go.” Dia said already bored.
“What's your name again?” Kat asked narrowing her eyes at Zim.
“Zim. And could we close the blinds? I don't want anyone seeing anything…” He said glancing around.
Kat nodded and her and Dia closed all the windows and pulled the blinds. Kat locked the door also. “There. Now, continue.” Kat said putting her hands on her hips looking at Zim expectantly.
Zim took off his eye lenses reveling red eyes, and then removed his wig which revealed his antenna. He didn't know what to do next. “Uhm… Ta-da?” he said unsurely.
Kat and Dia's eyes went wide in astonishment.
Dia shook her head to get her thoughts back to normal.
“So, Zim; can I call you Zim? Yeah… not much of a disguise there, is it?” Dia asked putting her hands on her hips. Kat covered her mouth as she giggled. Zim felt blush creep across his face. “Eh? HOW DARE YOU INSULT THE AMAZING ZIIIIM!!” he yelled jumping up putting his arms in the air.
“PFFFFTT…” Kat and Dia went.
“Hmmm??” Zim narrowed one eye, looking at them.
“GAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Diamond and Kat couldn't contain their laughter any longer. The each fell to the floor laughing until their sides hurt. Zim's arms swung down and made a squeaky sound as they swung back and forth.
Kat and Dia calmed down and sat up, still giggling. Kat wiped a tear away while sighing.
Dia pressed the button on her necklace and came into Irken form. Kat did the same. Zim saw the beautiful sight of Diamond and dreamily sighed. Dia gave Zim a weird look. “What?” She asked.
“Eh?” Came Zim's usual `Eh'. He began trying his best to impress her. “I'm an unstoppable Doom Machine, you know. Want to destroy the humans?? And eh… go out with me…?” He asked meekly.
Kat and Dia looked at each other, and the expression they wore said, `Did he ask what I think he just asked…?' Dia turned around to face Zim. Zim was blushing up a storm right now.
“…NO…Never in a MILLION YEARS!!” She hollered at Zim.
Zim wore a hurt expression on his face, and his eyes started watering. “But…But…”
“NO buts, Zim.” Dia said.
“Her word is LAW.” Kat said sarcastically.
Diamonds eyes grew large with a brilliant plan in her ingenious mind. She smirked evilly. She pulled Zim into a corner, while asking Kat if she could go get them a drink. Once into the corner, she looked Zim strait into the eyes.
“Okay, in the note, you said that you liked Kat, right?” Dia asked.
“Yes.” Came Zim's response.
“Sooo, why don't you ask HER out?” Diamond asked Zim.
Zim's antennae perked up at this idea. “Hmmm… But what if she rejects me like you did?” He asked worriedly.
Dia shrugged. “I don't think she will.”
Zim had a temporary burst in confidence that is, until Kat returned into the room with sodas. “Alright, here are your beverages, DIAMOND.” Kat said sarcastically.
Diamond walked over to Kat, and returned the sarcasm. “Thanks, sweetie!! Here's a tip.” Dia flipped a nickel to Kat, who caught it and exclaimed. “Oh my god!! A WHOLE NICKLE!! I'M RIIIIICH!!!”
Zim meanwhile stood in the corner watching this whole episode of sarcasm. He then burst out laughing. Kat and Dia stopped there sarcasm to stare at Zim who was rolling around on the floor in laughter. Zim then accidentally did a summersault in his laughter fit.
Dia looked back at Kat. “Wow, he's really `fippin for you, Kat!” She half laughed.
Kat blushed slightly and replied, “Well, looks like he's showing off for YOU, Dia.”
Diamond was stunned.
Zim suddenly stopped. “Well, actually, I was really flipping for you, Kat.” Zim blushed.
Diamond burst out laughing and fell to the floor once again. Kat felt blush creep across her face. “Uhm, sure, you were…” She said sarcastically to Zim.
Zim walked over and pulled Diamond off the ground and asked politely to be excused. Kat nodded and walked back into the kitchen.
Zim had to shake Diamond to get her to stop laughing. When Dia finally calmed down, he began asking her a question. “Gah, I can't do it Diamond!! How can I ask her??” he asked on the verge of hysteretic.
“Just go up to her and say what you said to me, I guess…” Dia answered.
Zim slapped himself in the forehead. “But she'll think I'm a complete fool!! Give me another idea!! What have guys done in the past to ask girls out??” Zim asked desperately.
“Well, my boyfriend asked me out by inviting me to hang out, have a smoothie.”
“Wait, you have a boyfriend?? Tell me…TELL ZIIIIM!!” Zim shouted.
“Well, Dib asked me out today.” Diamond smiled.
Zim's eye twitched. “WHAT?!?! BUT THE DIB-HUMAN IS THE ENEMY!!” He screeched.
Dia smacked Zim upside the head to shut him up. AND IT WORKED!! *gasp*
Zim rubbed his head, and then continued. “So, should I ask her to `hang out' or something??” He asked stupidly.
Dia shook her head. “You really don't know much about dating, do you?” She asked Zim.
Zim only shrugged. Kat walked back into the room. “Are you two done yet??” She asked sarcastically.
Dia slightly nudged Zim. “Go, ask her…” She whispered.
Zim blushed and hesitantly walked up to Kat. “Eh, Kat?” He asked blushing.
“Yes?” Kat responded looking to Zim. He noticed how sparkly her emerald eyes were.
“Uh, eh… would you want to… I dunno... hang out sometime?” he asked slowly. He then braced himself for a supposed kick or punch.
Kat blinked slowly and said nonchalantly, “Yeah, sure.”
A/N: Heeey!! I hope you liked it!! Oooh Dib's gotta giiiirlfriend!! BWAAHHAHAHAHAHHA!! Pleez don't flame meh for that. My BFF once again helped meh write this chappie, so some complements go to her!! ^^ R&R.
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pixiepumpkin on December 4, 2006, 8:55:03 AM
pixiepumpkin on

InvdrDana on August 24, 2005, 8:07:23 AM
InvdrDana on

Your first zode (story) is way better than mine.
Check out my pictures and stories! I don't have that many up there now. I've seen yours and they're awesome!
malonlonlon on August 19, 2005, 8:37:48 AM
malonlonlon on
Elen on August 17, 2005, 11:15:50 PM
Elen on