Chapter 9 - Kat’s First Date
Submitted May 29, 2005 Updated December 6, 2005 Status Incomplete | Forgive the interruption, my tallest. Said the Irken. Her eyes were emerald green, and her antenna curved much like that of Taks...
Cartoons » Invader Zim |
Chapter 9 - Kat’s First Date
Chapter 9 - Kat’s First Date
Ch. 9: Kat's First Date
Zim sighed and immediately went into explaining. “Now, I understand completely about your choice, and- wait… what did you say??” Zim blinked.
“…I said yes…” Kat said slowly.
“Oh… Eh heh heh…VICTORY!!!!!!!” Zim yelled, and then blushed.
Diamond came up to both of them and put her arms around Kat and Zim. “Oh, it's a Kodak Moment!!” She exclaimed happily pulling out a camera.
Kat's eyes went wide. “What… Wait, Dia-” Kat was cut off by the camera's flash.
“Oh, you moved!! Here…” Diamond pushed Kat and Zim REALLY close together. Their cheeks were touching, and there antenna were almost tangled. “Say CHEESE!!” Dia said happily while snapping the picture.
Kat began seeing colorful dots everywhere. “Gah… look at all the pretty colors…” Kat said as she swayed back and forth dizzily.
Zim turned to Kat. “Kat? Are you feeling okay…?” he asked.
“Yeah, never been better…” Kat said as she was still swaying back and forth. She looked at Dia.
“You know, you should really warn someone before taking pictures Diamond… You too, Diamonds… twin…??” And with that, Kat passed out.
A few hours later, Kat woke up. She slowly opened her eyes to see Diamond standing above her.
“You know Kat; you really shouldn't drink so much…” Diamond said sarcastically.
Kat glared at Diamond.
Kat stood up slowly, but then fell back on the floor. Zim ran over and helped her up.
Kat glared at Zim. “Duntouchmeeeh!!” She said as she pulled back her arm. By doing this, Kat then fell over once more.
Diamond walked over and helped Kat up off the floor. When Kat was up, she glared at whoever it was helping her. “Now, I can't see, but if you're Zim, you better step on back…” Kat said warningly.
“Kat, I'm you best friend, so don't you be warning me, kay?” Dia asked putting her hands on her hips.
Kat looked embarrassed. “Sorry, Dia… Thought you were Zim…” Kat apologized.
Zim looked hurt. “What? Why don't you trust ZIIIIIIIIIIM?!?!?!” He yelled up at the ceiling.
Kat turned to where she thought Zim was standing. “Well, I can't really trust just anyone right off the bat. You see a few years back-” Kat was cut off by Diamond tapping her on the shoulder.
“Uh, Kat? You're talking to a chair…” She said.
Kat blushed then turned around. “Oh, uh… Where's Zim?” She asked looking around, though she couldn't see that well.
Dia watched Kat randomly walk around the room, waving her arms to feel were she was at.
“Uh, he had to use the restroom.” Diamond said as Kat ran into a wall.
Kat once again fell backward onto the floor. “I give up.” She said flopping down on her back.
Zim walked into the room. He saw Kat lying on the floor, and then turned to Diamond. “Uh, why is she lying on the floor…?” He asked.
Diamond got another evil plan in her mind. A smirk crossed her face. “Uh, Kat had a heart attack, because she ran into the wall… and she's not breathing…!” Diamond said panicky.
Zim's eyes widened. “What?!?!” He exclaimed. “What should we do? We can't call the human medical force…” He said worriedly.
“Wait, you know CPR, right?” Dia said shaking Zim by the shoulders.
“Yes…” Zim responded.
“Well, then do it already!!” Dia said nudging Zim over to Kat.
“But, I don't know were to start…” Zim said worriedly once more.
“Well, you put your mouth over hers, and then breathe… got it?” Diamond said pushing Zim next to Kat.
“Yes, alright!!” Zim said. He knelt down beside Kat and did what Diamond instructed, putting his mouth over hers, and started to breath in air to Kat.
Kat was just opening her eyes when he was doing this. `Is he…KISSING me…?' Kat thought. Her eyes went wide and she pulled away from Zim gasping for air.
“WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!?!” She practically yelled whipping off her mouth.
“Eh? You weren't breathing…” Zim said confused.
“Yes I was…” Kat's eyes opened wide. “…DIIIIAMOOOOND!!!!” She yelled.
Dia sweatdropped and blushed. “Uh, heh heh… I thought you really were passed out or something… you didn't move.” Dia said starting to back away.
Kat clenched her teeth tightly together. She balled her hands into fists and glared at Diamond. She then turned her attention to Zim. “Did you ever take CPR class?” She asked tilting her head to one side innocently.
Zim blushed. “Uh, yeah… it was standard for all Invaders to know…” He said.
“Well, then you of all Irkens should know that you have to CHECK FOR A PULSE BEFORE JUMPING TO A CONCLUSION!!” Kat said loudly.
Zim blushed once again. “Uh, erm... sorry.” He apologized.
Kat calmed down quite quickly. “Uhm, uh… s'okay.” She said shuffling around.
There was a moment of awkward silence. Dia smiled and walked over to Kat and Zim.
“Awww!! This is just too kewt!!” She said happily.
Kat looked at Zim, and Zim gave the same confused look back to Kat.
“KODAK MOMENT!!!” Diamond pulled out a camera from behind her back.
Kat immediately grabbed it from her and threw it out the window, which went up automatically, then came back down closed.
Diamond sheepishly grinned. “Heh heh… you know I can't help myself…” Diamond said clasping her hands behind her back.
Kat just rolled her eyes. “So, where and when do you want to hang out?” Kat sat on the couch looking at Zim.
“Uh, I dunno… maybe the movies?” Zim asked nervously.
Kat thought for a moment. “Yeah, sounds cool.” She said.
Dia forced a fake smile. “Be right back, kay?” She said to Kat pulling Zim away, not waiting for Kat's reply.
“GAH!” Zim hollered being dragged into the kitchen.
“What's wrong with you? I said go out for smoothies!! Movies are a date place.” Diamond said to Zim like she was paranoid.
Zim gave another one of his famous looks, the one were one of his eyes is half closed while the other is bugging out one. (Let's just call that the EHCWOBO look…heh heh if you can think of something better, which I'm sure you are capable of, please tell me when you review. That would help my story a lot. Thanks!)
“But, I thought this was a date…” He said confused.
“No, it isn't!! It's a hang out. There's a difference, ya know.” She said staring Zim down. Zim returned the glare.
“Well, she doesn't have a problem with it, does she? So everything's okay.” Zim said satisfied.
Diamond slapped her forehead exasperated.
Just then Diamond's cell phone rang. She answered the phone. “Hello?” She asked into it.
“Hey, Dia?” It was Dib on the other line.
“Oh, hi Dib!!” Diamond said happily.
“Uh, smoothies aren't gonna work, because I just found out that I'm allergic to them… it's not very pretty… can we just go to the movies instead?” He asked nervously.
Diamonds face lit up. “Of course!! We can double-date with Kat and Zim!” She said jumping up and down a little bit.
“…WHAT?!?!?! BUT ZIM'S AN ALIEN!!” you could honestly hear Dib yelling and babbling away on the other end about how Zim's an alien… *sigh* what does Diamond see in this guy??
Diamond suppressed a laugh. “Don't be silly, Dibby. Zim's normalish… for the most part….” Diamond added quietly. (XD already has a pet name…)
“*sigh* whatever… so what movie do you want to see?” Dib asked.
“Hmmm… I was thinking “The Cave”.” Diamond said.
“Okay. That's a horror movie…isn't it?” Dib asked.
“Yes. Don't be scared, though. But if you get to scared, just tell me and we can leave.” Diamond said sarcastically.
“…” was all that came from the other line.
“Heh, any who- what time?” Diamond asked.
“How about 7 tonight?” Dib asked.
“Sure. Well, I got to go. I'm over at Kat's place.” Diamond said.
“Oh, okay. Bye!” Dib said.
“Bye!” Diamond hung up and then sighed happily.
Zim's eye twitched. “That's just… WRONG…” He said shaking his head.
They both walked into the living room were Kat was still sitting. “So, what time will we go, Zim?” Kat asked.
“Well, we can `double-date'. Dib and I are going to the movies at 7 tonight, so why don't you and Zim come along?” Dia asked.
“Uhm, yeah sure… that okay with you, Zim?” Kat asked.
“Uh, yeah, I guess…” Zim said shuffling around uncomfortably.
“Well, I got to go get ready for tonight!! It's only 3 hours away, you know!! Eeeeee!!” Diamond squealed as she walked to the door. “See ya later Kat!” She said. “Come on, Zim. We can walk together.” Diamond finished.
Zim nodded and followed Diamond. “Bye, Kat. See you around 7.” Zim said blushing.
“Uh, yeah. Bye.” Kat said also blushing. Zim walked out the door and followed Diamond.
~`~`~`~7 O'clock~`~`~`~
Dib walked up to Diamond's door with a red rose behind his back. He gulped nervously and rang the door bell. Within 5 seconds Diamond opened the door in her disguise and walked out onto the porch. “Well, how do I look?” She asked.
Diamond had on pink sequence halter top, and a black mini skirt. Her hair was pulled back in a French braid. Other than that, she still wore her boots, and her regular earrings.
Dib's eyes went wide. “You look… wonderful, Dia.” He said almost drooling.
“Hey, are you okay?” She asked.
Dib shook his head fast. “Uh, yeah. Oh, I uh, got this for you…” Dib took out the rose behind his back and handed it to Dia. Dia's eyes lit up.
“Oh, Dib! You didn't need to do anything…” She said delicately holding the flower in her hand. “Hang on a sec.” She ran back into the house and put it in a vase with water in it. She then came back outside. “Shall we?” She asked. They then started walking toward the movies.
~*~*~*Kat's house*~*~*~
Zim hesitantly walked up to Kat's doorstep. He gulped but reluctantly rang the door bell. He hid the red rose behind his back.
There was a humongous CRASH, and quick footsteps, and Zim could hear Kat yelling at her SIR, Tibby. The door then opened, and Kat stood there in her disguise. “Sorry about that… SOMEONE had a little accident…” Kat said throwing the word `someone' at Tibby.
Tibby glared at Kat in her disguise. “Mrrrow.” Tibby purred in amusement at her master's distress. Kat glared and pulled a squirt gun from behind her back. She then aimed it at Tibby's head and fired. A cold jet of water spewed out from the `barrel' and made direct contact with Tibby's head.
“MRRROOOOW HIIISSS.” Tibby hissed while retreating under the couch.
Kat smirked evilly and tossed the gun on the couch. She then turned back to Zim and smiled sheepishly. “She WAS asking for it…” Kat said walking out onto the steps, closing the door behind her.
“I uh… got this for you…” Zim said pulling out the rose from behind his back. Kat smiled as she took it.
“Oh, Zim! You didn't have to do anything…” She said. “Lemme go put this in some water…” She ran back into the house. She then came out, and that is when Zim noticed what Kat had on.
His eyes went WIDE. (And I mean REALLY wide!) He stared at what she had on. She had on a teal/green dress that shimmered every time she took a step, and she had on sandals that matched. Her hair was her normal hair, with purple streaks in it.
Zim looked at Kat again. “Kat…why you're…you're…you're…you're…” He sounded like a broken record.
Kat gave him a very strange look. “Well, uhm… thanks…yeah… that's a really great compliment, coming from you… yeah…” Kat said.
Just then, Diamond and Dib walked up the sidewalk. Dib stopped in his tracks when he saw Kat. “Whoa…” He breathed.
Diamond smacked him lightly across the cheek. “Hey…” Dib said rubbing his face. “I was just admiring the piece of art, but you're prettier.” Dib said blushing. Diamond smiled and kissed Dib on the cheek lightly. Dib then blushed more and started mumbling words that aren't real.
Kat rolled her eyes at Diamond and Dib. “Aw, come on, not in public!!” Kat wailed sarcastically.
Zim was still looking at Kat. “You're… you're…GORGEOUS!!!” He exclaimed.
Kat was taken aback by this. “Uh…thanks…” She said blushing up a storm.
There was another awkward silence.
“Well, we should get going if we want to make the movie.” Diamond said leading the way to the movies.
As they were walking, Diamond stopped and fell back to Kat. “Hey Kat? Can you walk by Dib and make sure that he doesn't walk into traffic like he did earlier?” She asked.
“Uh, yeah. Sure.” Kat responded.
Dia whispered to Zim. “Hey, so do you know what you're gonna do at the movies?”
Zim returned the whisper. “Uh, watch the movie?” He asked.
“No, not that! I meant, with Kat…?” She asked again.
Zim shrugged.
“Well, what you can do is when the movie gets REALLY good you pretend you're yawning, and then put you're arm around her shoulder. Kay?” She said.
Zim nodded. “Yeah. But why do I have to yawn?” He asked.
“Because if you don't, she will just move and not let you put your arm around her. Happens all the time.” Diamond stated.
After they got there seats, the movie came on.
“Wow, we got here at the right time…” Diamond said.
The were seated left to right, in the order Dia, Dib, Zim, Kat.
The movie was pretty boring at the beginning. Zim could see this when he kept glancing at Kat. She had one arm on the arm rest supporting her head as she stared blankly at the screen.
Dia reached her arm around Dib and tapped Zim on the shoulder, signaling Zim to put his arm around Kat. Zim did so, but *gasp* forgot to yawn. He put his arm around Kat while blushing, and she looked at him. “Uh, what are you doing…?” She asked.
Zim withdrew his arm and looked embarrassed. Kat rolled her eyes and returned her focus to the screen. She perked up when the team of hikers fell through the floor. She sat up straighter and smirked as she heard there screams. Diamond and Zim did this also. Dib was in the fetal position whimpering.
Dia nudged Zim and told him to yawn and stretch, and put his arm around Kat again. Zim nodded and proceeded to do so. He stretched his arms up a bit and `yawned' and then put his arm around Kat. She didn't even flinch. She just kind of moved a little ways toward him, and cuddled into him. Zim smiled and looked at Dia.
Diamond smiled and gave Zim two thumbs up. As the rest of the movie dragged on, neither Zim nor Kat moved. Actually Kat fell asleep, so she didn't know that Zim had his arm around her…
Kat slowly opened her eyes to find that she was cuddled with Zim, and that his arm was around her. She shifted, and he pulled his arm away.
~Walking Home~
On the way back, Dia was walking with Kat. “Hey, I saw you and Zim together… You two were so cute!” She said smiling.
Kat rubbed her eyes to get the sleep out of them. “Uh, yeah…I fell asleep. I guess I thought I was at home or something…” Kat said. Dia just nodded and fell back to walk with Zim.
“So what happened back there?” Dia asked.
Zim only shrugged. “I don't know…” He said sadly.
“Well, I talked to her and found out that she fell asleep, and didn't know that you had put your arm around her… that's why she moved.” Diamond explained.
“Oh… so it wasn't me?” Zim asked hopefully.
Diamond sweatdropped. “Uh, I didn't say that…” She said rubbing the back of her head.
Just then, Diamond's cell phone rang. She answered it, and it was her SIR, Tang.
“WHERE ARE YOU!??!?!!? I WAS WORRIED SIIIICK!!” Came Tang's voice, screaming on the other end. Diamond had to pull the phone away from her ear because Tang was screeching so loudly.
Kat turned around. “Dia, what's wrong?” Kat asked casting a worried glance at her friend.
“Well, I just got a call, and it's pretty loud… Wanna listen??” Dia said grimacing at the phone, erupting with sound.
Kat stepped backward, fearfully. “Uh, no thanks… Sounds like Tang's giving you the 3rd degree…” Kat semi smiled.
“Mmmmyep.” Diamond smiled back, with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
~`~5 minutes later~`~
There was still loud yelling on the other end, and then it abruptly was silent. Diamond dared to put the phone up to her ear. “Uh, Tang?” She asked sweetly.
“…Yeeees…?” Came Tang's voice.
“We're almost home, so just calm down, Kay?” She asked.
“…KAY!!” There was a click, and the suffering had ended.
“Who's Tang?” Dib asked, clearly confused.
“Uh, little sister… the pain in my rear…” Dia half laughed.
They continued the walk to Diamonds house. When they got there, Dib walked Dia up the steps, and said good-bye. Just then, Dia turned around to Dib. “Hey, how `bout we walk Kat home?” She asked.
“Sure, fine by me.” Dib agreed. They walked back down to Kat and Zim who were on the sidewalk. Zim had been blushing and shuffling around, because he was anxious. (For unknown reasons!! XP)
On the way back to Kat's house, Diamond nudged Kat. “Hey Kat… I have a good idea about what you should do when we get to your house…” Dia whispered to Kat.
“You mean, while were here?” Kat said sarcastically. They had arrived in front of her house as Dia spoke.
Diamond rolled her eyes. “Whatever… you should give Zim a good-bye kiss.” She said slyly.
“…Okay…?” She said unsurely. “Why?” She added blushing.
“Because he deserves it!! He paid for your ticket, didn't he?” She asked.
“Uh, no… I know the ticket people… they got us in free… remember?” Kat said poking Dia on the nose.
Kat walks up to the counter. “Hey, Ben!” She said to guy at the ticket counter.
“Oh, hey Kat!!! Comin to see `The Cave'?” He asked while leaning on the counter casually.
“Yep. With some friends too!” Kat said happily.
“Heh, okay. Here ya go!! On the house!” Ben said handing Kat 4 movie tickets.
“Thanks!” She said gratefully.
“Can I get some Ultra-Sour-Gummy-Munkys??” Diamond asked.
“…Whatever…” Kat responded.
~End Flashback~
Diamond thought for a moment. “Oh yeah… Hey, I never did get my Ultra-Sour-Gummy-Munkys!!” She exclaimed.
Kat just waved it off. “You really need to get a life…” She said unlocking her door.
Zim walked up as Dia and Dib started to walk back to Diamond's house. “Eh…so did you like the movie?” He asked.
“Yeah…it was alright…I STILL like Freddy vs. Jason better, though..” She said opening the door and walking in. She then turned around, arm resting on the door to keep it open. Zim and Kat looked at each other for a moment, when Zim suddenly leaned into her and locked lips with her.
Kat was shocked when Zim did this, but surprisingly didn't protest. He pulled away quickly, blushing like mad. “EH…” He stared blankly at Kat.
Kat shifted around, eyes wide. There was an awkward silence. (There are a lot of those in here, haven't you noticed??)
Zim jumped off of the porch. “Well, uh see you at Skool tomorrow, Kat!” He called behind him.
“Eh, yeah… BYE!” She called after him, closing the door.
Zim happily blushed as he ran. “ZIM IS SO HAPPYYYYY!!!” He exclaimed triumphantly running down to his base.
A/N: Eh…sorry `bout the wait…and the length…eh…don't worry, Diamonds not going to be in it forever…then the story will be good…heh… R&R!! *smiles*
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pixiepumpkin on December 6, 2006, 12:36:37 PM
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Chizzy on December 4, 2005, 1:52:42 PM
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Elen on October 1, 2005, 8:28:58 PM
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InvdrDana on October 1, 2005, 11:39:56 AM
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InvdrDana on October 1, 2005, 11:39:27 AM
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