Chapter 1 - Meeting Johnny and Zim
Submitted October 19, 2005 Updated October 29, 2005 Status Incomplete | this is a current RP done by 'yours truly' and Elen!! *glomps Elen* heh heh...ahem... She controled herself, Johnny, and Zim...oh yeah...and Dib...heh...
Cartoons » Invader Zim |
Chapter 1 - Meeting Johnny and Zim
Chapter 1 - Meeting Johnny and Zim
[color=#ff0000" LANG="0]InvaderKat01[/color][color=#ff0000" BACK="#010101]:[/color] [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]HI ELEN!! ^^[/color][color=#0000ff" FACE="Times]ElenOlita:[/color] YAYElenOlita: I did it!InvaderKat01: [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]XDD[/color][color=#ff0000" FACE="Times]InvaderKat01:[/color] [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]go you!![/color][color=#0000ff" FACE="Times]ElenOlita:[/color] i feel so proud!InvaderKat01: [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]XD[/color][color=#0000ff" FACE="Times]ElenOlita:[/color] heheInvaderKat01: [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]soo...whats new?[/color][color=#0000ff" FACE="Times]ElenOlita:[/color] not much, i finally got the time to work on some requests! ^^ElenOlita: how about you?InvaderKat01: [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]^^ same....hey, sometime, do ya wanna RP?[/color][color=#0000ff" FACE="Times]ElenOlita:[/color] whats that? *ehem*InvaderKat01: [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]Role Play[/color][color=#0000ff" FACE="Times]ElenOlita:[/color] ohElenOlita: coolInvaderKat01: [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]^^[/color][color=#ff0000" FACE="Times]InvaderKat01:[/color] [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]yeah[/color][color=#ff0000" FACE="Times]InvaderKat01:[/color] [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]ya know how?[/color][color=#0000ff" FACE="Times]ElenOlita:[/color] i don't think so..InvaderKat01: [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]You control a/some characters, and you and the other person like...make a story...[/color][color=#ff0000" FACE="Times]InvaderKat01:[/color] [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]and...stuff[/color][color=#0000ff" FACE="Times]ElenOlita:[/color] ohoInvaderKat01: [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]its like..interactive Fanfiction...heh [/color][color=#0000ff" FACE="Times]ElenOlita:[/color] sounds funInvaderKat01: [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]yep it is.[/color][color=#ff0000" FACE="Times]InvaderKat01:[/color] [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial][/color][color=#0000ff" FACE="Times]ElenOlita:[/color] heheElenOlita: how is it done?InvaderKat01: [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]well, eh...want me to demonstrate?[/color][color=#0000ff" FACE="Times]ElenOlita:[/color] [color=#800000" BACK="#000000]okay![/color]InvaderKat01[color=#ff0000" BACK="#010101]:[/color] [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial]keydokes[/color][color=#0000ff" FACE="Times]ElenOlita:[/color] [color=#800000" BACK="#000000]wohoo[/color]InvaderKat01[color=#ff0000" BACK="#010101]:[/color] [color=#8080ff" FACE="Arial](eh...after you finish writing, put yourself in parenthesies, k? now...should i do an IZ, i suppose?)[/color][color=#0000ff" FACE="Times]ElenOlita:[/color] [color=#800000" BACK="#000000" SIZE=4>(like this..eheh...ehem)InvaderKat01(wooh)InvaderKat01(and I continue?)InvaderKat01okay...ElenOlitahehInvaderKat01^_^InvaderKat01script format sounds like the easiestElenOlitaokayInvaderKat01ahaInvaderKat01woohElenOlitaXPInvaderKat01heheElenOlitayea okidokiInvaderKat01me: ARGH! um...HELLO!InvaderKat01Me: met him a few times...he sprays water at my cat!InvaderKat01J: What are you doing in the backyard?ElenOlitaMe: um..InvaderKat01J: you didn't bring that cat did you? *glances around*ElenOlitame: no..not this time eheheInvaderKat01me: Whispers back*same here... *to Johnny* HEY! um...I HAVE do i have eh...A SAMMICH! you want? ElenOlitaJohnny: *twitch*InvaderKat01Johnny:*double twitch*ElenOlitaMe: *stupid grin*ElenOlitaMe: What did I say?InvaderKat01Johnny: *takes it and sucks it* Heey, wanna come inside? *evil glance*ElenOlitaMe: hell yeahInvaderKat01Me: *runs after* wait for me! *we go inside*InvaderKat01Me: *picks up a axe from the couch* wohoo! look what I found!!InvaderKat01J: Ehem..*snatch it* that's mine, thank you..InvaderKat01J: Well, I was thinking that you maybe could do me a favour? ehehehe....InvaderKat01J: neighbors are annoying me.InvaderKat01Me: i hate thatInvaderKat01Me: neighborsElenOlitaJ: shut upInvaderKat01Me: fiiineElenOlitaJ: Could you do something about it? I would do it myself...but i have...some stuff to do...InvaderKat01Me: *Pulls out a sword* wohoo! i stole it from my dad! ^^ ElenOlitaMe*runs after you*InvaderKat01Me: *covered in blood* hey, that was quickly done! wohoo! Anything else?InvaderKat01Me: YES!! eh, johnny do you like pizza?ElenOlitaJ: Um..Why?ElenOlitaMe: Because there is someone at the door...InvaderKat01Me: Oh shoot! *tries to wipe off* Johnny you go...InvaderKat01Me: whaaaat? *looks over at Johnny*ElenOlitaJ: *stare*ElenOlitaMe: Fine..InvaderKat01me:*walks up to the door*ElenOlitame: *opens* eh...yes?ElenOlitaDib: (ooh crossover!) *reading from a piece of paper* Hi, my name is Dib and are trying to get people to sign this paper...*holds up* for confirming that Zim *holds up a picture* is an alien, and.........*stares* Is that blood?ElenOlitaMe: .......InvaderKat01J: *shouting from inside* who is it?ElenOlitaDib: What? No I don't! Why does everyone keeps saying that? ElenOlitaMe: DuhInvaderKat01J: WHO IS IT? SHOULD I GET THE SCYTHE?ElenOlitaMe: not yet...ElenOlitaMe: *looks at Zim-pictures* Oh...can I keep those?InvaderKat01Dib: ......InvaderKat01Dib: YOU ADMIT HE'S AN ALIEN!!!InvaderKat01Me: yeah hehehe...i like him....heheheElenOlitaDib: OoInvaderKat01Dib: ....he's an alien....meaning NOT HUMANElenOlitaMe: uhuElenOlitaMe*happy like*InvaderKat01Me: where, WHEERE! I know..InvaderKat01Dib: Why? Just sign right here...*holds up list*ElenOlitaMe:...noElenOlitaDib: why?InvaderKat01Dib: ...okay, but you can't show yourself...ElenOlitaMe: WEEHInvaderKat01Dib:...meaning no screaming....ElenOlitame: WEEEEEEEEHInvaderKat01J:ElenOlitaWhere are you going?InvaderKat01Me: be back soon!ElenOlitaJ: ...oh...okaay..i'll just....sit here...InvaderKat01Me: WO! so where to?InvaderKat01Me: Wheeeeere! eee!ElenOlitaDib: stop's creepyElenOlitaMe: *rolls eyes*InvaderKat01Dib: follow me! *walks off*InvaderKat01Me:*the same*InvaderKat01Dib: *stops and jumps into the bushes then points at the house* In there....ElenOlitaMe: eh...InvaderKat01Me: why are you in the bushes?InvaderKat01Dib: *slaps forehead* Girls...they just don't get itElenOlitaMe: *laps his head*InvaderKat01*sElenOlitaDib: I SAID DON'T SCREAM!ElenOlitaMe: but you are screamingInvaderKat01Dib: I'M NOT SCREAMING!ElenOlitaMe: ARE TO!ElenOlitaDib: ARE NOTInvaderKat01Me: TOOOElenOlitaMe: Woohooo! *squeeks* look at his cute little outfit...and the antennas...weehElenOlitaDib: Don't do that...InvaderKat01Dib: *gsp* NOOOO!ElenOlitaMe: *runs after, picks Zim after you and hugs him to*ElenOlitaZim: What the...?InvaderKat01Zim: HOW DARE YOU?InvaderKat01Me: who can blame, so sweeeet!ElenOlitaZim: WHO ARE YOU?InvaderKat01Zim: WHO ARE YOU?ElenOlitaMe...ElenElenOlitaZIM: WHO ARE YOU?InvaderKat01Zim:.......what do you want filthy human girls?ElenOlitaMe: HUG!ElenOlitaZim: ArghInvaderKat01Zim: AAAAAAAAARGHElenOlitaZim: GIR DEFENSES MODE!InvaderKat01ME: wohoo!ElenOlitaZim: where is Gir?ElenOlitaZim: GIIIIR HELPInvaderKat01Dib: *laughs* Let's see how you handle that space-boy!!!ElenOlitaGir: *jumps on Dib* Weeeeh!InvaderKat01Dib: argh!!ElenOlitaMe: *hugs Zim* I loove you!ElenOlitaZim: Eh?InvaderKat01Me: Ohhh..whats that thing? *runs inside zim's house*ElenOlitaZim* no! girl?InvaderKat01Me: WoohooElenOlitaZim: Nooo! not in my house...*gets hugged by you* what the...let go of me! I must protect my base!!!InvaderKat01Zim: ARGH!!! *escapes and runs into the house* NOT MY BASEElenOlitaMe: base?ElenOlitaMe: There's a base?InvaderKat01Me: Wooh!InvaderKat01Zim: whaddya waaant? Dooon't! I have... um....InvaderKat01Gir: *walks in* WAFFLES!ElenOlitaZim: *grin* YES! WAFFLES! you guys wanna?InvaderKat01Me: YAAAY!ElenOlitaMe: *runs after gir into the kitchen*ElenOlitaZim: ehem...InvaderKat01Zim: not.....breathing.....ElenOlitaZim: ...InvaderKat01Zim: better...soo...what's you buisness here anyway? ElenOlitaMe: *from kitchen* No not soapElenOlitaMe: you can't have soap in waffles!ElenOlitaZim: ehe...InvaderKat01Zim: ....I KNEW IT!!! That horrible dib-monster!InvaderKat01Me: *me and gir walks in with waffles*ElenOlitaZim: *grin*InvaderKat01Zim: what? oh, nothing!! nothing!!ElenOlitaMe. ElenOlitaYAYInvaderKat01Me: *throws a waffle at your face*ElenOlitaMe: YAAAAAYInvaderKat01Me: ARGH!InvaderKat01(XD)InvaderKat01Me: sorryInvaderKat01Zim: Follow, me! I'll show you my baseInvaderKat01Me: Ahh!ElenOlitaZim: yup..*walks away* Me: *still screaming* Aaaah! *runs ahead*InvaderKat01Zim: Is she always like that?InvaderKat01Zim: *walks into the elevator me following*ElenOlitaMe: *stares at him*InvaderKat01Me: *keeps staring at Zim with sheepish smile*ElenOlitaZim: Eh?InvaderKat01Me: me...break...ehe ehe...what? Who? Me?ElenOlitaZim: .....InvaderKat01Zim: have seen me without my disguise....and...umInvaderKat01Me: *looks at the buttons*ElenOlitaZim: .... well there is a catchInvaderKat01Zim: You will have to stay down there...ElenOlitaMe: eh what?InvaderKat01Zim: Whaaat? I can't have some MORE humans to run around knowing my secret so...*to me*DON'T DO THAT!! Me: But the button was so pretty...InvaderKat01Zim: It's just the way it has to be....for now at least... ElenOlitaMe: owwInvaderKat01Zim: *glares at me and then looks up at you* If she touches anything down there I will....beam her lungs out or something....ElenOlitaMe: excuse me?InvaderKat01Zim: BEHOLD MY BASE!!!ElenOlita*base is shown*InvaderKat01Me: all those pretty lamps...ElenOlitaZim: Whaat?ElenOlitaZim: Isn't it...IMPRESSING?InvaderKat01Zim: ....ElenOlitaZim: why are you doing that human?InvaderKat01Zim: *all surprised and nervous*ElenOlitaZim: whats wrong with you eyes?InvaderKat01Me: Aww....look at that! Now you made her sad!!ElenOlitaZim: WHAT DID I DO! *looks at you*ElenOlitaZim: um...ElenOlitaZim: *trying to sound cheerful* um....Kat?InvaderKat01Zim; Eh...Wanna see my latest experiments? It's very fascinating...InvaderKat01Zim: Eh....*no knowing what to do* Where here! *opens door*ElenOlitaMe: *to you*'s my fault right?ElenOlitaMe: IT'S ME ISN'T IT?InvaderKat01Zim: *to me* Why is she doing that?ElenOlita Me: don't ask me ask herElenOlitaZim: ehem...still wanna see my experiments?InvaderKat01Zim: WHAT? well...okay what do you want to see? my ship maybe! see, I am willing to let you see everything! BE HONOREDInvaderKat01Zim: ......why are you crying? TELL ZIM!!!ElenOlitaMe: Uh...zim?ElenOlitaZim: huh?ElenOlitaMe: you're doing it wrong..ElenOlitaZim: what?*starts over* Why are you sad Kat? Can I leave this to you Zim! *runs off with Gir who showed up from nowhere*InvaderKat01(hehe)ElenOlitaZim: eh...*puts a hand on you shoulder*InvaderKat01Zim: so....why?ElenOlitaZim: ....I'm no good at thisInvaderKat01Zim: *kneeling down*ElenOlitaZim: What?InvaderKat01Zim: *sighs* why can't you tell nothing? *sits down besides you* It's that DIB isn't it....I'll KILL HIM!!InvaderKat01Zim: Oh okay then....ElenOlitaMe and Gir: *from other side of base* YAAAAY TACO!ElenOlitaZim: *sighes*InvaderKat01Zim: uh....*puts arm around shoulder* don't have to stay down here ALL the know...InvaderKat01Zim: no....maybe not...but you have to promise not to tell anyone...InvaderKat01Me: *shouting from other side* LOOK AT MY NEW HAT!InvaderKat01(weeh)ElenOlitaZim: Okay, Fine, good *suddenly all nervous*InvaderKat01Zim: *stares into your eyes* .....ElenOlitaZim: ....ElenOlitaZim*wakes up*ElenOlitaZim: Huh?InvaderKat01Zim: ...*doubting a couple of times, then hugs you*ElenOlita(YAY)InvaderKat01Me: HEY DID YOU SEE MY... huh? *sees you hugging* what the?ElenOlitaZim: *stands up with you, holding you hand* Um...nothing...ElenOlitaZim: nothing is going on...ElenOlitaMe: I didn't ask..ElenOlitaGIR: Oooh loooveInvaderKat01Me: *stares at you* okay CHECK OUT MY NEW HAT!!ElenOlitaZim: that's not a hatInvaderKat01Me: yes it isElenOlitaMe: IT'S A HAT I TELL YOU!! A HAT!!ElenOlitaZim:*blink*ElenOlitaMe: *points at head*InvaderKat01Me: Nuh-uhElenOlitaZim: ...ElenOlitaZim: *to you* She doesn't happen to be a sir-unit?ElenOlitaMe: WHAT?InvaderKat01Zim: Just wondering *strares at me and Gir playing with a*ElenOlita(ehe)InvaderKat01Zim: *hasn't noticed it yet*ElenOlitaZim: so....InvaderKat01Zim: I wonder if Dib is still out there...InvaderKat01Zim: *evil look on his face* lets go up and see....ElenOlitaMe: I thought we couldn't leave...ElenOlitaZim: oh Kat can leave so I guess...ElenOlitaMe: SWEET!InvaderKat01Me: *runs into the elevator* I want one of these!! ^^InvaderKat01Me: duh, because it's cool!ElenOlita(oki)InvaderKat01(wohhoo)InvaderKat01Me: I KNOW!!!ElenOlitaZim: what?InvaderKat01Me: you're gonna shot him with that big...meat shooter...machine...ElenOlitaZim: .... IT WAS GOING TO BE AN SURPRISEElenOlitaZim* holds up the weapon*ElenOlitaZim* how did you know it shoots meat?ElenOlitaMe: *point at the GIANT note on it*ElenOlitaZim: oh...InvaderKat01*elevator stops*InvaderKat01Zim: so what?ElenOlitaMe: Runs up to the window*InvaderKat01Me: HAH! He IS still out there!ElenOlitaMe: *laughs*InvaderKat01Zim: *sighes* ElenOlitaZim: This is going to be fun...ElenOlitaMe: ehe?InvaderKat01Zim: Wait! Watch this!!!ElenOlitaZim: *walks to the door with you*ElenOlitaMe: um...zim?ElenOlitaZim: just watch and learn humansElenOlitaZim: *Opens door*InvaderKat01Zim: DIB MONSTER!!!ElenOlitaDib: huh?ElenOlitaZim: *steps outside with you, still not really knowing you holding hands*ElenOlitaDib: What the....Kat?ElenOlitaMe: * hides behing couch*ElenOlitaZim: *Lifts his weapon*ElenOlitaDib: *gasp* HE'S HOLDING YOU HOSTAGE!!!!ElenOlitaZim: eh?ElenOlitaZim: what?InvaderKat01Zim: *looks down and notices the hand-holding*ElenOlitaZim: Oh...*blushes a la irken-style*ElenOlita(haha)ElenOlita(XD)InvaderKat01Dib: and her....her mean..InvaderKat01(XP)ElenOlitaZim: *rolling eyes*InvaderKat01Dib: This is too good!!! *laughs and pickes up camera*ElenOlitaZim: *shoots meat at Dib*InvaderKat01Me: *from behind the couch* BWAHAHAHAHAHAHElenOlitaDib: oweeeInvaderKat01Zim: Indeed it is... lets go inside ElenOlitaZim: *takes your hand again*InvaderKat01Me: *still laughing behind couch* ...AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH*cough* HAHAHAHAHAElenOlitaZim: okaay it's overElenOlitaMe: *peeks up*ElenOlitaMe: oh...InvaderKat01Me: *stares at the hand holding* now what? are you gonna be all happy-like and stuff without me now? *sob*InvaderKat01Me...........WOHOOO CARROT!!!ElenOlitaZim: ....heh....InvaderKat01Zim: yes I noticed...well that should keep Gir busy when I don't need himInvaderKat01Me and Gir: YAY!ElenOlita(^_^)InvaderKat01Zim: was wondering...InvaderKat01Zim: where do you guys live?ElenOlitaZim: cuz if you want ...okay great...hmm...couple of blocks is KIND OF far don't you think...?InvaderKat01Zim: oh...right...InvaderKat01Zim: .......InvaderKat01Me: *sigh*InvaderKat01Zim: yeah, i guess...ElenOlitaMe: Just ask dammit!ElenOlitaZim: You wanna stay here?InvaderKat01Zim: *scraps his foot on the floor*ElenOlitaZim: does that sound?InvaderKat01Zim: *smiles*ElenOlitame: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY *cough*ElenOlitaGir: YAAAAAAYElenOlitaZim: ....InvaderKat01(wohoo I gotta go now... =( ElenOlita=(InvaderKat01
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Draco_chick on December 5, 2005, 12:19:02 PM
Draco_chick on

invader_mez on October 29, 2005, 12:06:25 AM
invader_mez on
Elen on October 19, 2005, 8:12:57 AM
Elen on