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Chapter 2 - Love?

this is a current RP done by 'yours truly' and Elen!! *glomps Elen* heh heh...ahem... She controled herself, Johnny, and Zim...oh yeah...and Dib...heh...

Chapter 2 - Love?

Chapter 2 - Love?
ElenOlita: Me:are everybody happy now? *biggo smile*
ElenOlita: Zim:......*looks at you*
InvaderKat01: Me: eh, i dunno...i guess. *grin*
ElenOlita: Dib:*from outside* ....I'll will sit out here and....WAIT!!!
ElenOlita: Me:HAHA! well you can TRY
InvaderKat01: Me: he's OBSESSED...
ElenOlita: Zim:SO OBSESSED!!! *shakes fist*
ElenOlita: Me:Oo uhu...
InvaderKat01: Me: yeaaaaaah...*to Zim* so why did youwant to know if i wanted to spend the night?
ElenOlita: Zim:*glare*
ElenOlita: Me:....ehee.....*sits down*
InvaderKat01: Me: *stares*.....RIIIIIIIIIIIIGht........
ElenOlita: Me:*looks at Zim* Whaat? it's not like you're saying differently....
ElenOlita: Zim:well, I...
ElenOlita: Zim:See?
ElenOlita: Me:Huh?
ElenOlita: is Gir?
InvaderKat01: Me: *shrugs* i dunno...
ElenOlita: Me:hehehe...
ElenOlita: Me:Who cares I wanna hear more of this...
ElenOlita: Zim:Ehem....I must...check my disguise for tomorrow...uh...
ElenOlita: Me:Don't change the subject
InvaderKat01: Me: Eh? What subject?? *sits downbeside you*
ElenOlita: Me:Yeah...this subject about *in dramatic voice* LOOOOOVE!!
ElenOlita: Zim:Eh? what? Zim needs no love!!!
InvaderKat01: Me: Uh........*blank stare*
ElenOlita: Me:.....still you asked us to stay and stuff....and YOU HELD HER HAND!!
ElenOlita: Zim:....And your point is??
ElenOlita: Me:......*frustrated* YOU TELL HIM KAT!! you love him don't you?
ElenOlita: Me:You
ElenOlita: Zim:.....*looks around*
ElenOlita: Me:Kat...Tell him! Tell him that you love him
InvaderKat01: Me: O_o;; eh...okay...? *walks up toZim.* -ahem- I love you! *happy*
ElenOlita: Zim:*blinks*
ElenOlita: Me:*stares at the whole thing with a big grin*
ElenOlita: Zim:Love? I guess you too then!....
ElenOlita: Me:*sighes all romantic-like*
ElenOlita: Zim:*small smile*
InvaderKat01: Me: *shy smile* heh...really?
InvaderKat01: Me: *blush*
ElenOlita: Zim:*blush*
ElenOlita: Me:*stands up and gives Zim a push towards you*
ElenOlita: Zim:Aah! eheem.....*hugs you*
InvaderKat01: Me: *blush* *hugs him back*
ElenOlita: Me:WEEEEH! THIS IS SOOOO CUUUTE!! *sighes* Doesn't anyone have a camera? *looksaround*
InvaderKat01: Me: there should be one in yourpocket...*points*
ElenOlita: Me:Pocket...*looks* Oooh! hehehe...okay then! SMIIIILE!! *takes photo*
ElenOlita: Zim:*blinks*
InvaderKat01: Me: *sways back and forth* eh...lookitall the pretty colors...*falls over onto floor*
ElenOlita: Zim:*O.O* ARGH!! *kneeling down and starts to shake you* wake up Kat... KAT? *tome* WHAT DID YOU DO?
ElenOlita: Me:Eh...
ElenOlita: Zim:*snatches camera and throughs ot away*
InvaderKat01: (XD)
ElenOlita: Me:Noooo...*pout*
ElenOlita: Zim:
ElenOlita: Zim:She's not waking up
ElenOlita: Zim:is she allergic to cameras?
ElenOlita: Me:Pfff...yeah right...
ElenOlita: Gir:*shows up from nowhere and throughs water at Kat's face* YAAAY
ElenOlita: Zim:Gir No!!
InvaderKat01: Me: *sputter sputter* GAHH!!! ALRIGHTIM AWAAAAKE!!
ElenOlita: ME:YAAY! *hugs you*
ElenOlita: Zim:.....
ElenOlita: Me:*still hugging you* YAAAAAAAY!
ElenOlita: Zim:eh....
InvaderKat01: Me: not...breathing...*passes out*
ElenOlita: Me:What the...?
ElenOlita: Zim:*grabs my collar and shoves me off* NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!!
ElenOlita: Me:....sorry
ElenOlita: Zim:*rolling eyes and picks you up*
ElenOlita: Zim:*puts you on the couch* *to me* Just....go and do something in the kitchen andSTAY THERE!
ElenOlita: Me:*pout* fiiine
ElenOlita: Zim:Kat? Kat?
InvaderKat01: Me: *not waking up*
ElenOlita: Me:*from kitchen* ooh...look at all the knifes....
ElenOlita: Me:...and sausepans!!
ElenOlita: Zim:*ignoring* up...please?
InvaderKat01: Me: *STILL not waking up; notbreathing*
ElenOlita: do I do now?
ElenOlita: Me:*shouting* Yeah, she does that sometimes....
ElenOlita: Zim:*leans over and kisses you on the forhead*
ElenOlita: Me:*peeking out* ooh
ElenOlita: Zim:Did it work?
ElenOlita: Zim:ITS NOT WORKING!!
ElenOlita: MEAAAAARGH!! *runs in circles*
ElenOlita: Zim:*doubting for a second then he leans over again and kisses you on the mouth*
ElenOlita: Me:YAY! Keep it like that*
ElenOlita: it working?
ElenOlita: Zim:*looks up* I don't know.... *starting to panic*
ElenOlita: Zim:Its not working!!
ElenOlita: Zim:*shakes you and blows air in you mouth* DON'T DIIIE ON ZIIM!!
ElenOlita: Me:*paralyzed*
InvaderKat01: Me: *eyes open WIDE and gasps for air*
ElenOlita: Me:*sighes of relief*
ElenOlita: Zim:*Big smile and hugs you*
ElenOlita: Zim:I thought you died
InvaderKat01: Me: eh...*panting* no...don't thinkso...
ElenOlita: Me:.......sorry! I WONT DO THAT AGAIN I SWEAR!!! *tears*
InvaderKat01: Me: *waves it off* ah its alright...itsbetter than getting STABBED by Johnny...
ElenOlita: Me:*giggle*
ElenOlita: Zim:Who's Johnny? *jelous*
InvaderKat01: Me: ah, just one of my friends...he's ahomicidal maniac ya was my fault...i said the 'W' word infront ofhim...*giggles*
ElenOlita: Me:*giggles with you*
ElenOlita: Zim:eh?
ElenOlita: Me:nevermind!
InvaderKat01: me: The word that you NEVER want to sayinfront of him is...*glances around franticly* ....*leans over to him*...*whispers* ...Wacky...
ElenOlita: Zim:WACKY?
ElenOlita: Me:shshsh
InvaderKat01: Me: speaking of him, wonder how he'sdoing...? We DID leave him...sitting...
ElenOlita: Me:*laughs*
ElenOlita: Zim:hm? huh?
ElenOlita: Zim:I don't understand what's so scary about "Wacky"?
InvaderKat01: Me: oh, if you say it infront ofhim...he'll kill you...REALLY..
ElenOlita: Zim:.....NOONE CAN KILL ZIM!!
ElenOlita: Me:...yes he can
ElenOlita: Zim:eh?
ElenOlita: Me:*rolls eyes*
InvaderKat01: Me: really, he can... *looks to you*should we at least go tell him that we're spending the night over here?
ElenOlita: Me:*looks back at you* I dunno...maybe we should....we don't want him to go allcrazy and..stuff...
InvaderKat01: Me: *nodds head* yeah...*looks at Zim*Eh, we'll be back. *waves walking out the door w/ you*
ElenOlita: Me:we'll be back soon
ElenOlita: Zim:...okay...
InvaderKat01: Me: *runs up to Johnnys house andknocks on door* (eh...make him like meh..heh...)
ElenOlita: *dooropens*
ElenOlita: J:*holding up an axe* Oh...*lowers it* It's just you....
InvaderKat01: Me: *waves* yeah...
ElenOlita: Me:HAH! yeah if you just knew what we done oh and THE THINGS WE SAAAW!!!
ElenOlita: Me:Oh right...we wasn't supposed to tell anyone...
ElenOlita: J:Tell what?
InvaderKat01: Me: *slaps the back of your head*NIIIIIICE..... (eh...sometime make J like meh...XDDD)
ElenOlita: (XPoki) come in then?
InvaderKat01: Me: *shrugs* sure...*walks in*
ElenOlita: Me:*rubs head* yeah *walks inside*
ElenOlita: Me:*sits on couch*
ElenOlita: J:*closes the door* So...where have you been then?
InvaderKat01: Me: *sits beside you* a friendshouse...
ElenOlita: J:Friend? are you gonna see her again?
ElenOlita: Me:Him, and yeah we are
InvaderKat01: Me: yeah.
ElenOlita:Johnny: *raises eyebrows*
ElenOlita: Me:What?
InvaderKat01: Me: what??
ElenOlita: J:Oh, *offers*
ElenOlita: Me:hell yeah! *takes one*
InvaderKat01: Me: Eh...sure...? *takes one too* *staresat it* you didnt poison it, did you?
ElenOlita: Me:*Spits it out*
ElenOlita: J:*grin*
ElenOlita: J:don't worry, not today
InvaderKat01: Me: Oo ....okay......... (XD u shouldmake him like...start to make out w/ me...XDDDDDDD)
ElenOlita: (hhehheXDD)
ElenOlita: J:*leaning on against the door-frame*
ElenOlita: Me:hehe...ehem...
ElenOlita: J:*stares at you*
InvaderKat01: Me: what?.....OMG...your gonna kill mearent you...? *frantic glances from side to side* *grabs you, pulls you infrontof me* TAKE HER NOT MEEEEEEEE!! *dramatic*
ElenOlita: J:*rolls eyes*
ElenOlita: J: Doyou have a "boyfriend" Kat??
ElenOlita: Me:*stares surprised*
InvaderKat01: Me:
ElenOlita: Me:*whispers to you* no? NO? What about Zim?
ElenOlita:Johnny: I see...
InvaderKat01: Me: *whispers back* eh...he's not aboyfriend... i was kidding when i said i loved him...he's cute, yeah... but...ick, no.
ElenOlita: Me:*stares* whaaat?
InvaderKat01: ME: *stares back* eh?
ElenOlita: Me:*up at johnny* ehheheheee....
ElenOlita: J:*raising one eyebrow then smirking* Saaaay Ellen, I have a surprise in thebathroom if you wanna check it out...
ElenOlita: Me:ooh?
InvaderKat01: Me: *stiffles giggle*
ElenOlita: Me:Wohoo! *runs off*
InvaderKat01: (XD)
ElenOlita: J:so...alone at last
InvaderKat01: Me: heh...yeah....
ElenOlita: J:*sits down beside you*
ElenOlita: Me:*from Kitchen* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGGHHH! !!!!!!!!
ElenOlita: J:hehehehe yees
InvaderKat01: (XDDDDDDDDD)
InvaderKat01: Me: Oo;; eh? Are you oka- (make Johnnycover my mouth or sumthin)
ElenOlita:J:*covering your mouth* Don't! I SAID THE BATHROOM!!!
ElenOlita: me:AAAARGH!
InvaderKat01: (XDD)
ElenOlita: Me:*runs to the bathroom and closes the door* Safe at last.....*looks behindshoulder* AAAAAAAAARGH!!!
ElenOlita: J:*laughs and relieses you* Isn't that fun?
InvaderKat01: (XDDDD)
InvaderKat01: Me: uh...heh...yeah...*starts togiggle*
ElenOlita: J:are you.....very fond to her or....? *smirk*
ElenOlita: J:*picks up knife*
InvaderKat01: Me: *stares* uh...yeah....SHE'S MY BESTFRIEND!!! of my ONLY FRIENDS!!!
ElenOlita: J:*stares* oh fine! *puts it away dissapointed*
InvaderKat01: Me: *relaxes*
ElenOlita: J:*Puts an arm around you* It's like music, isn't it? *Me screaming*
InvaderKat01: Me: *still relaxed*eh...kinda...*smile*
ElenOlita: Me:Um...I think the door is stuck...
ElenOlita: does that sometimes...
InvaderKat01: Me: *busts out laughing*
ElenOlita:J:*pulling you closer*
ElenOlita: J:*laughs too*
ElenOlita: J: Doyou mind if she's in there for a little while?
InvaderKat01: Me: *shrugs* nah, i don't care...
ElenOlita:J:*suddenly grabs you and kisses you*
InvaderKat01: (whoooo!!)
InvaderKat01: Me: *shocked*
ElenOlita: Me:Um.....what's happening? KAT ARE YOU DEAD? PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU ARE?
InvaderKat01: (XDDDDDD)
ElenOlita: J:*lets go* eeehehehe....
InvaderKat01: (wait did he kiss my cheek?)
ElenOlita: (nothe mouth, but just a small one XP)
ElenOlita: Me:*bangs the door* OPEEN!
InvaderKat01: (XDD kk)
ElenOlita: (^^)
InvaderKat01: Me: *blinks* uh....*blush*
ElenOlita: J:*sighs*
ElenOlita: Me: Ithink I saw he's leg moving!!!
InvaderKat01: Me: *annoyed* WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???
ElenOlita: J:Nononono...he's dead
ElenOlita: J:What? *to you*
ElenOlita: J:think we should open?
InvaderKat01: Me: *shrugs* i dunno....u could justbound and gag her in the closet... *points to closet*
ElenOlita: Me:What are you talking about?
ElenOlita: Me:Helloooo?
ElenOlita: J:*twitches*
ElenOlita: J:she's starting to get on my nerves...seriously
ElenOlita: J:*twitch*
InvaderKat01: Me: *blinks* hmm...throw her out thewindow...? *Smirk*
ElenOlita:(...what happened?)
InvaderKat01: (huh?)
ElenOlita:(oh....maybe it was nothing..ehe...carry on then ehem)
InvaderKat01: (its your turn...)
ElenOlita: (ohhahahaha)
ElenOlita: Me:uh....false alarm....yeah he's dead....
ElenOlita: Me:REALLY dead...
ElenOlita: J:*chuckes* hehe...yeah....
ElenOlita: J:so..are you gonna stay over the night?
InvaderKat01: Me: *glances around*
ElenOlita: J:uhu...and I suppose your little friend in the bathroom....
InvaderKat01: Me: uh...heh...well, uh...we hadactually planed to spend the night at another friends house...
ElenOlita: J:........
ElenOlita: J:really?
ElenOlita: Me:Can we go now?
ElenOlita: J: IsHE a very GOOD friend of yours?
InvaderKat01: Me: *to J* eh... yeah...
ElenOlita:Johnny: So it is a HE?
ElenOlita:Johnny: I see....
ElenOlita: Me:Kat can we PLEASE go now?
InvaderKat01: Me: yeah...but he's only a friend. *toyou* FIIIINE!!
ElenOlita:Johnny: Oh...don't go yet! we were having so much fun!
InvaderKat01: Me: huH?
ElenOlita: Me:fun? No fun!!
InvaderKat01: Me: ....well, your locked in a roomwith dead me of a movie...heh...*giggles* *toJ*aaand...what fun were we having??
ElenOlita: J:*grin* you want a repeat?
ElenOlita: J:*before you answers, pulls you close for a deep kiss*
ElenOlita: (aaw)
InvaderKat01: (awww)
InvaderKat01: Me: uh....
ElenOlita: J:Still leaving?
ElenOlita: Me:*shouting* YES!!
InvaderKat01: Me: *about 2 inches away from his face*eh....i dunno....
ElenOlita: J:*not moving* well?
ElenOlita: Me:KAT WAKE UP!
InvaderKat01: (eh?)
ElenOlita: Me:Open someone?
InvaderKat01: ( i asleep?? i confused...)
ElenOlita:(nono, i was just trying to "wake you up" from the romance XP)
InvaderKat01: (oooh...ehh XD)
InvaderKat01: Me: uh....*stares into his eyes*
ElenOlita: J:*smiles*
ElenOlita: Me:whats happening? *finally succeeded to break through the door*
ElenOlita: Me:woho!
ElenOlita: J:*looks up*
ElenOlita: J:NOOO MY DOOR!!
ElenOlita: Me:*stares at you, and you looks all confused*
ElenOlita: me:what the hell happened?
InvaderKat01: Me: Oo;; uh...hiiii....*blush*
ElenOlita: Me:*looks at Johnny* YOU DID NOT!!
ElenOlita: J:ehe....did what?
ElenOlita: Me:O.o
ElenOlita: Me:KAAT?
ElenOlita: Me:kat, what the hell? do you fall in love with every guy you meet?
ElenOlita: J:eh? what is she talking about?
InvaderKat01: Me: *confused* huh? what?
ElenOlita: Me:Oh....maybe I shouldn't have said that....
ElenOlita: J:*at you* you' LOVE with me?
ElenOlita: Me:*sings* doobidibidooo
InvaderKat01: Me: huh? i....i dunno....*shrugs*
ElenOlita: J:.....okay fine....
ElenOlita: Me:*sigh* yeah yeah let's go....
ElenOlita: J: soyou're leaving now?
InvaderKat01: Me: uh...*looks at you and shrugs*
ElenOlita: Me:What? *gasp* you're staying here aren't you?
InvaderKat01: Me: uh..........
ElenOlita: Meand Johnny: *stares at you*
InvaderKat01: Me: *slouches on the couch* Whaaat??I'll go if you want me too! *stands up*
ElenOlita: Me:*raises eyebrows* You can stay if you want to...but then I have to figure outsomething to say to Zim!
InvaderKat01: me: *standing there* eh....*glances atJ*
ElenOlita: J:*grinning and putting an arm around your shoulder*
ElenOlita: Me:.....
ElenOlita: J:*toothy grin*
InvaderKat01: Me: *shrugs* uh....i guess i canstay...
ElenOlita: Me:*siiigh*
ElenOlita: J:Great!
InvaderKat01: me: Eh...ill come over tommarow, k?
ElenOlita: Me:Yeah okay, but what am I gonna say to Zim?
ElenOlita: J: Ohjust....tell him she's dead or something
ElenOlita: Me:No way!
InvaderKat01: Me: *sigh* got sick...or wait him that i had anemergancy...yeah...
ElenOlita: J:Yup...I say...
ElenOlita: J:*kisses you*
InvaderKat01: Me: *blush* eh...
ElenOlita: Me:But what.... J: *Grabs me and shoves me out*
ElenOlita: Me:...fine!
ElenOlita: Me:*walks away*
InvaderKat01: Me: *still sitting on couch*uhm....heh....
ElenOlita: J:......oh, if you need to do your....stuff... you better go to theneighbour...because the my toilet
ElenOlita: J:busy
InvaderKat01: Me: *stares* uh...okay....*awkwardsilence* soo..why did you want me to stay?
ElenOlita: J:...just didn't want you to leave that's all...
InvaderKat01: Me:....why??
ElenOlita: J: Idon't know... I have a funny feeling in my...guts...
InvaderKat01: Me: You sick?
ElenOlita: J:Nono...I just feel funny when i look at you..
InvaderKat01: me: oh...*awkward silence*.......
ElenOlita: *backat Zim's house* ZIM: Oh there you's Kat? had a ZIM: Emergency? YOUSPEAK LIES HUMAN!!! ME: *thinking* curse you Kat....
ElenOlita: *backto NNY*
ElenOlita: J:You wanna see your room? Or do ya wanna sleep on the couch?
InvaderKat01: Me: *shrugs* i don't care...whichever...
ElenOlita: J:*nodds* me then
InvaderKat01: Me: *follows*
ElenOlita: J:*walks up to a door and opens it. There is a small room with one bed and atable with a lamp*
ElenOlita: J: Sowhat do you think?
InvaderKat01: me: *smiles* its nice.
ElenOlita: J:*smiles back* Oh excellent!
ElenOlita:*there is a small closet. the door is open and there is lots of blood inside*
ElenOlita: J:*closes the door* hehehe...maybe you should ignore that...
InvaderKat01: Me: uh...okay...
ElenOlita: J:and uh...don't freak out if there is some weird noises or....smells....
InvaderKat01: ME: Oo; uh...okay...
ElenOlita: J:*big smile* great then!
ElenOlita: (igotta go now =(
InvaderKat01: (okayz...)


Comments (1)

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Elen on October 30, 2005, 4:51:13 AM

Elen on
ElenWoohoo! ^^ ah! the good ol' days! XD