Chapter 2 - Zim's progress....and BLUSHING!!
Submitted December 6, 2005 Updated December 10, 2005 Status Incomplete | this is an RP done by me and one of my friends from DA...on AIM...we can't think of a name for it yet, sooo...yeah...XD we had to start this new one, cuz her AIM deleted all the other ones...all 50+ RP'S!!! DX anywho- ENJOY AND REVIEW! ^_______^
Cartoons » Invader Zim |
Chapter 2 - Zim's progress....and BLUSHING!!
Chapter 2 - Zim's progress....and BLUSHING!!
InvaderKat01:: Kat narrowedone of her eyes."Lemme guess...that was also...LIES...?" She asked,imitating him butjumping up on the bench and shakingher fist. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim fell off the bench andlanded on his back, in shock. His eyes where wider than ever. He crawledbackwards slowly as he started to sweat and looked from side to side rapidly. (go XDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat sat back down on the bench, snickering to herself.(XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim uncovered his mouth."AAAAAUGH!" He yelled in panic. He then pointed dramaticlyto Kat. "YES, YES LIES! I LIE!!!! I LIE I LIE I LIEEE!" Zim yelledrunning around in circlers as he waved his arms in the air. A girl playing hopscotch stoped to stare at Zim. (goXDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat snickered more, and took out her sketch pad and beganto draw another werewolf. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim Suddenlybanged into the brick skool wall. "YEOW!" he yelled in pain and fellbackwards and hit the floor, outcold. Dib passed byand smiled evily as he pointed and snickered at Zim, unconcious. (go O.o )
InvaderKat01: Kat snickered too, but still drawing. She finallyfinished the picture, and then the bell rang for them to go back to class. Shejumped up and headed back in after everyone else. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim still lay on theplayground floor out cold. Gaz, playing her gameslave,walked ontop of Zim and then walked next to Kat. "Hey,, do you have any batteries?" She asked as she turned her head toKat. Gaz looked behind her, to Zim, still laying there, looking dead. (go XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked andnodded, handing Gaz 4 batteries. "there yago..." She said. (go)
IAMZiM100: Gaz raised hereyebrows and slightly smiled. "Thank you, er..."Gaz opened an eye at Kat. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked."...Kat..." she said. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Gaz nodded as she tookthe batteries from Kat. "Right...Okay see ya...I guess..." Gaz shruged, closing her opened eye, still with her eyebrows raised. Gaz walked ahead of Kat as she opened the back ofher gameslave and threw her old bateriesat the popular girls. The popular girls screeched as the batteries hit theirheads.
IAMZiM100: (go)
IAMZiM100: (make it class time)
InvaderKat01: Kat snickered and followedher in, heading to class. As she walked in, no one noticed that Zim still wasoutside. (XD go)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
InvaderKat01: (poor onecares...*snickers*)
IAMZiM100: Ms. Bitters started tolecture as everyone took their seats. Dib looked over to Zim's empty seat. "Hey, If Zim doesn’t come back ALIVE, that WOULD benice." Dib smiled fiendishly. "Yes, well I'm sure Zim will be backafter lunch,,,or whatever." Ms. Bitters nearlyignored Dib, b/c she was just plain sick of his voice. She then continued herlecture about doomed squirrels. (go XD yeah poor pooorzim)
IAMZiM100: (:0 someone should see if he's okay afterlunch- HINT *HINT*)
IAMZiM100: (XDD)
InvaderKat01: (OOOH I (kat) VOLLUNTEER!!!)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
IAMZiM100: (okay go)
IAMZiM100: (X))
InvaderKat01: Kat almost fell asleep asBitters droned on. When the lunch bell rang, everyone lept out of their seatsand ran to the lunch room. Kat got a lunch, but when she sat down and poked itwith her spork, it ate the spork and growled at her.She then grimaced and threw it away, it making an explosion as it made contact w/the other substances in the can. She then wondered outside to see if Zim wasokay. She walked up to him cautiously. "Ehh..yeahokay...?" She asked, nudging him with her foot. (XDXDXD SPORK!!! go)
IAMZiM100: Zim didn't respond ashe lay there pale looking. (go- what if he died? j/kxD )
InvaderKat01: (XD i would cry XD)
IAMZiM100: (dun cry)
IAMZiM100: (he no DIE!)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat knelt down beside his'lifeless' body. ">?"She asked poking him. She then blinked and rolled him over, and put her ear tohis chest to see if he was breathing. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: "Nngh....ergh..."Zim murmured as he slowly opened his eyes. Kat was a blur to him as he woken."Ugh, Is Earth skool over yet?" Zim asked Kat as his vision startedto come back. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and stood up."'s lunch period now..." She said.(XD g0)
IAMZiM100: Zim sat up and blinked afew times as he heald his head. He stood up and wibbled a little. "Geeze,how long have I been laying here?" Zim asked Kat rubbing his head. (go)
IAMZiM100: *wobbled*
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "Um...sincethe end of about 30 minutes..." She said. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim narrowed an eye."Oh..." Zim unarrowed hiseye. "Ah well." Zim shrugged and marched off, very Irken liketo the cafeteria. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat rolled her eyes andfollowed, but went back to Bitter's class. She sat in her seat and began todraw. The bell then rang. (go)
IAMZiM100: (NO)
IAMZiM100: (O_o)
InvaderKat01: (eh?)
InvaderKat01: (what?)
IAMZiM100: (undo the bell ring)
InvaderKat01: (okiii take back the bell thingy)
IAMZiM100: (pwease)
IAMZiM100: yay!)
IAMZiM100: (^^)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
IAMZiM100: "ATTENTION ALL KIDSIN THSI SKOOL-ER...That was a false bell, you can eat your lunch and stuff.." The secratary announcedon the intercom. Zim sat by himself at a lunchtableand poked his food. "It's very odd...that human girl even CARED aboutZim..." Zim said to himself in a low voice, narroweinghis eyes. Suddenly, his eyes shot wide open. SWEET JUMPING JELLY BEANS!...." Zim excalimed."S-She's inlove WITH ME!" Zim covered hismouth and then made a sickly noise as he flinched. "EWW!!"Zim gagged. (go)
IAMZiM100: (XD)
InvaderKat01: (XDXDXD)
InvaderKat01: Kat was still drawing in Ms.Bitter's classroom, oblivious to Zim thinking that she was inlovewith him. She drew more werewolves, and dragons. (go)
IAMZiM100 signed off at 7:17:47 PM.
IAMZiM100 signed on at 7:21:23 PM.
InvaderKat01: (want me to repaste?)
IAMZiM100: (yup- )
IAMZiM100: (dun worry i saved evrything)
InvaderKat01: (me too)
InvaderKat01: InvaderKat01: Kat was still drawing in Ms.Bitter's classroom, oblivious to Zim thinking that she was inlovewith him. She drew more werewolves, and dragons. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim threw his cafeteriafood out in teh garbage and walked up to hisclassroom ,which was pretty desolate, except Kat was there in her seat, Zim siged and sat down in his seat and took out a digital pad.It looked different than the one from before, it looked like a palm piolot. Zim jotted things down in his pad in irken with a stylus. (go)
IAMZiM100: *thje
InvaderKat01: Kat barley noticed Zim comeback, she was having too much fun drawing her battle scene with werewolves anddragons. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim stopedfrom his jotting and then leaned over to Kat's desk. "Hey, that's a spiffywarewolf your making,there." Zim slightly smiled. "Is it going to tear up some human fordinner?" Zim stiffled asnicker. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat shook her head as shemade the quick scetchy marks, and then going overthem darker. "No...thedragons are trying to kill the werewolves...and vice-versa..." She said.(Go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smiled."Oh...Yes, well they look like they are gonna kill eachother...Wellit is very nice, your very talented." Zim nodded."Keep up the good work soldire." Zimsaluted and then went back to his jotting. (go XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat shot him an odd glancebut shrugged it off and went back to her drawing. (XDDD go)
IAMZiM100: (im gonna make the daypass quickly i got something awsome planned)
InvaderKat01: (kk^^)
IAMZiM100: 15 minutes later, the bellrang. everyone came back to calssand Zim put away his orginizer. andhour later the dismissal bell rang when the clock above the blackboard showed 3:00. Zim hopped out of his seat while kids ran to jump out thewindow. Dib walked passed Zim and shot a death glare at him. "Man, I was hopingyou wouldn't come back ALIVE from your smashing 'HIT' against the skool wall,Zim..." Dib said almost spitting. Zim narrowed his eyes. "Yes, well it was a'smashing hit' huh? I really am
IAMZiM100: AMAZING!" Zim grinnedpointing to himself. "Oh shut up, Zim! No one cares." Dib said narrowing hiseyes as he walked out of the classroom. Soon, Zim walked down the stoop andonto the sidewalk. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat had already walked outbefore him and was already walking home. Her house was only a few blocks away,so she didn't have to go far. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim walked up to his doorstep and opened his door. Gir was laughing at the TV screen ignoring Zim. "Hello Gir, I will bein the base if you need me." Gir ignored Zim,who walked accross thecouch and into the kitchen. Gir was laughing like crazy at the puppet showbeing shown on TV. Zim sighed and shook his head. "Why do I evenbother?" Zim asked himself as he walked into his toilet and went down hiselevator. "I HAVE AN IMPORTANT SPEECH...thing for ALL THE INVADERSAND...FELLOW IRKENS AND ESPECIALLY THE
IAMZiM100: TALLEST!" Zim excalimed to himself as he walked into the making stuffroom. There was a console on the wall and Zim sat down infront of his consol as he cracked his knuclesand twitched his anntenaes. His red eyes gleamed ashe reached for the big blue button on the console. "NOW...togive the Irken empire a CALL OF AMAZINGNESS!" Zim yelled as heshook his fists. "Who are you talking to?" Zim's computer asked rudly. Zim shugged."Eh...Ahdunno." Zim said as he pressed the blue button. (go-hey-
IAMZiM100: kat is an invader so she'sgonna listen to what zim has to say to the tallests...dunworry she gotta call the tallest-i have a plan go)
InvaderKat01: (kk)
InvaderKat01: Kat walked home, and thenafter she walked in the door, her cat Tibby blinked up at her and thenfaded...leaving a little robot in her place. It smiled up at Kat. "Hiya,Kat!" She said waving. Kat smiled at her and pressed her necklace, and shetoo, faded away, leaving a Female Irken standing there. She blinked and shookher head slightly, antenna twitching. She had two antenna peircingsin her left antenna, and she had Emerald Green eyes. She marched to a picturein her hallway, moved it slightly, and an elevator popped up, which she climmed into, and it lead her to her base. She jumped in aseat infront of her computer console and rapidlytapped keys...(go...should she call the Tallest? Oo)
IAMZiM100: (yes )
IAMZiM100: (typing**)
InvaderKat01: (kk)
IAMZiM100: At Planet Irk, there was awhole staduim looking kinda place. There where manybig screens, which on top had digital labels that had the names of the invaderson it. The audience was the Irken empire in seats.There where as much irkens there as there where whenthe great assigning was, a long time ago. On a high stagemthere was the tallest, Red and Purple talking to the irkens. "And SO, Invaders, We're having this GREAT MEETING sothat we can laugh at Zim's HIRRIBLE PROGRESS!!...and stale doughnuts..."
IAMZiM100: the purple tallestsaid aloud and the audience cheered. many of them where holding up signs thatsaid "ZIM ROCKS" and another that said "Marry me InvaderZim" "ZIM'S SO HOOOOOOOOOOOTT!" A random felamleIrken screamed among the adience. "ZIMSSOO FREAKIN' COOL!" A guy yelled from the balcony of the seats.Purple narrowed his eyes and looked to Tallest Red as Invaders one by oneappeared on their respective screens, besides for Zim. (go)
IAMZiM100: (XDDD *excited*)
IAMZiM100: (gawd ppl love Zim)
InvaderKat01: Kat finished typing, and shetoo, appeared on the screen, and everyone cheered as they saw her. Some guy cat-whistled when she came on and Kat felt blush creepacross her face. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Purple nuged Red in the arm, who was sucking on a brainfreezy,spacing out. Then Zimappeared on a really large screen. There was a roaring of cheering and thestadium shook with cheering as Zim came on. Zim smiled confidently at theaudience and then looked at each of his fellow invaders. HEYLOO EVERYBODY, INVADERZIM HERE! MY TALLEST, so glad to see you, I am ZIIM!" Zim yelled as heshook his fists in the air and his anntenae twitched.The crowed roared much louder than before. Invader Skoodgeapplauded.
IAMZiM100: (go- you controll red)
InvaderKat01: (kk)
InvaderKat01: Red blinked. "Ah yes,thank you Invader Zim!" He said, tossing his brainfreezyinto the trash. The control Irkens dove for it and made a huge pile of themselves. THe audience cheeredand roared even louder now that Red had aknowlagedZim. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smiled at the aduience. "Yes, Yes, thank you audience, that I quiteenough, I must hear the tallest. Thank you." Zim said as he then eyed Kat."Err- My tallest?" Zim asked as blush creeped upon his face. "ISthere a new invader that you have added to the INVADERS?" Zim asked,eyeing Kat. (go)
IAMZiM100: *is quite
InvaderKat01: Red blinked. "Whyactually yes... There's Invader Diamond..." he said gesturing to a FemaleIrken with blue diamond-like eyes. She smiled and waved at the audience, whocheered. "...and we have Invader Mitch..." He said pointing to a maleIrken with Orange eyes, who saluted. Some of the girls in the crowed sigheddreamily. "...and Invader Kat..." He said pointing to Kat, whoblinked and smiled sweetly and saluted. Some of the male irkens cheered, and the girls too. Invader Mitchlooked to up and saw Kat and smiled and waved at her. Kat looked down and wavedback smiling. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim blushed at Kat andthen shook his head off. "well, anyways youwanted me to show you something correct, my tallest?" Zim asked tiltinghis head. "YesZim, we certainly would! We would like to see your progress today!!!!"Purple smiled and collapsed his hands together. He then poked Red and thenleaned to him. "I can't wait to see how much stupid things he dosei n a day!" Purple snickered. The audience stayed scilent in interest of watching whatverthey had to Watch. ZImnodded on screen. "Yes, well
IAMZiM100: NOT MUCH happened today onEARTH, but ehh. Here I'll show you...One sec..."Zim said as he took a wire from under his console and attached it to his IDpack. He then pressed a button on his console and the wire glewneon green. On Zim's screen, Zim disapeared.The screen showed Zim sitting in Human disguise in class. Then Kat walked intothe room. "EH TOO BORING..." Zim yelled in the background. The crowedstared at the screen with interest. Then on screen, in the classroom Kat tookher seat. (OMG XDD GO)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
IAMZiM100: (why arethey freakkin interested I DUNNO)
IAMZiM100: (go)
InvaderKat01: Red blinked and stifled hislaughter. Katblinked up at the screen and froze. "What the hell..?!?!"She thought. It then showed Bitters yelling at Kat to take off her head set andsuch. She glanced around and looked down at Mitch and whispered something tohim. His eyes widened and he looked up at her with a 'YOur kidding me!' look. She nodded and sat back inher seat. She chose not to say anything, not yet....unless she could help it.(XDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim pressed a button onhis console and the screen showed him again, live. "EHH...." Zimlooked around nervously. "PUT IT BACK ON ZIM!" Purple excalimed. Zim shook his head. "BUTIT'S NOT INTERESTING!" Zim excalimed,blinking at the audience. "YEAH PUT IT BACK ON!" Some guyyelled out in the stadium. Zim rolled his eyes and pressed a button and thescreen resumed. It showed Zim walking to the front of the class. Then readinghis embarrasing notes he wrote on his digital padthat day.
IAMZiM100: ." H-Human a-abilities: Possible talents. Spacialimaging may be e-exceptionaly," Zim pressed a button and thenclenched his fists. "IT IS ALL LIES BY THE WAY!!! Whatever Zim said onEARTH is entirely NOT TRUE!" Zim excalimed.Purple narrowed an eye and bluged the other and thenlooked to Red .(Go xD)
InvaderKat01: Red was having troublecontaining his laughter. Soon he erupted with laughter, and when he did, theaudience also laughed. Even the Invaders onscreen laughed. Kat, being as goodof an actress as she was, pretended that it was someone else, and irupted in laughs just like her friends and fellowinvaders. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim blinked. "Yes,Yes I AM THE MASTER OF COMEDY!!" Zim excalimed.The crowed then turned their laughter into cheering. Zim nodded and thenresumed the screen to his day on earth. The audience watched with greatinterest. Zim's screen got up tp the part when Zimsat on the same bench as Kat and then whistled. Then after Zim did his yellingat Kat about him being an invader and mentioning the tallest, zim paused the screen and the screen resumed to him. There was along scilence. "Uh, heh heh-I uh...A little
IAMZiM100: boo boothere...yup...not that that human cares anyhow, b/c human memory is quiteterrible, to be precise." Zim said pointing upwards. He then stared atInvader Kat for a long time as blush creeped upon his face. Zim shook it offand then looked to the tallest. (go)
IAMZiM100: *humas
IAMZiM100: *humans
InvaderKat01: Red's eye twitched."...let's hope you're right, Zim..." He said shaking his head."Eh, Let's hear it for Invader ZIM!" Redyelled. The crowed cheered and applauded, and some even chanted Zim's name. Katand her friends looked at each other and giggled slightly. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked to Kat. "Ehh..heh..HEY I don't have YOURnumber in my phone book...ehh. CAN I HAVE YOURNUMBER!?" Zim asked blushing pointing to Kat. (GO XD)
InvaderKat01: The crowed burst intolaughter, as did the other Invaders. Kat's female friends burst into a fit ofgiggles. "aww wait to go Kat!" Leanne said smirking at Kat,who was blushing, and slowly sinking in her chair. Mitch looked up at her andlaughed. Kat glared at him. "Shut it Mitchel..." She said. He justlaughed harder and fell out of his chair. THat gotKat and the others to laugh. He then shakily got back in his chair, blushing."Heh we love ya Mitch..." Kat said smiling at him. (XDXDXD aww!! go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked at the newerinvaders and blinked obliviously. "EHH!?" he asked. Purple lookedaround, spacing out. (go)
InvaderKat01: Red giggled slightly andnudged Purple. "Looks like Zim likessomeone..." He said mockingly. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked aroundobliviously as he blushed. "Uhh..Ikinda GOT TO UH...go...OH yes and heers my number.Zim shut off his screen and his number appeared on screen. Purple stuck out a toungue in disgust. "I really wanted to see him screwup." Purple said tilting his head. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat sunk low in her chair andshe said good-bye to her friends and signed off. After she did so, she groanedand started to bang her head agianst her console overand over again. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: (gawd dose she hateZim or what?)
IAMZiM100: (XD)
InvaderKat01: (XD no she's just emberrassed)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
IAMZiM100: (okay)
IAMZiM100: (uh,,,,,,,,,,,,,make her call him!)
InvaderKat01: (XDXDXD)
InvaderKat01: (XD but what will she say?!!XD)
IAMZiM100: (make up somehting, make her shy or smthin)
IAMZiM100: (go)
InvaderKat01: (XD kk)
InvaderKat01: Kat sighed and turned on herscreen-phone thingy and dialed his number after taking a long deep breath. Itstarted ringing and she sat there, and her antenna twitched. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's antennaes perked. "EHH!?..." Zim inquired. ZIm pressed a button. It showed Kat. "WHYHELLO THERE! YOU DECIDED TO CALL ZIM, HUH!?" Zim smiled gleefuly and blsuhed like an tomato. (go)
IAMZiM100: (XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat glanced around. "Ehyeah..." she said nervously/ shyly. (awwtoo cute! XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smiled. "Soooo...YOU LIKE SANDWiCHES?"Zim asked tilting his head. (Go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked."Um...sure...." She said. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smiled."Hey...uh...I hate humans." Zim narrowed an eye. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat shifted around. " what planet are you currently on...? For yourmission, i mean..." She inquired. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smiled. "Earth...that stinky planet far FARaway from ours." Zim said almost in disgust. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat cracked a smile. "yeah..." She said. Her antenna perked up as she heard acrash. "eh?" She turned around. "TIBBY!!" She exclaimed. "NOOO!!I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH THAT! YOU'LL EXPLODE!! ...or...IMPLODE!!" Sheexclaimed running off screen. You could hear her and Tibbickering and Kat finnaly return to the chair andsit, peeved at Tibby. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's eyes widened."Sir unit?" Zim asked in a low voice. (Go)
InvaderKat01: Kat nodded. 'Yeah...sheum...has some issues...i need to fix her, but never got around to it...she CANbe intelligent, but still..." She rolled her eyes. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim nodded."Uh...yes, my sir unit also...DON'T TELL pelase....thanks...uh...maybewe..can ehh...goout...SOMETIME!?" Zim asked blushing like crazy. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat narrowed an eye."'m kinda" She glanced around. (aww XDD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim frowned and his anntenaes drooped. "y-you havea boyfriend already?" Zim said nealy closs to depression. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat shook her head."No...but...earlier, like...a few weeks ago iasked out someone..." She said. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim sighed and lookeddown. "Okay...Look I got to go...bye." Zim sadly sighed and weaklysaluted. The screen turned off. (go awww man pooor zim)
InvaderKat01: Kat felt horrible now. "uh okay....,bye....." She said after he had signed off.She turned around and called the guy she had asked out....and it happened to beInvader Mitch. "Hey an answer, from ya..." Shesaid. Mitch sweatdropped. "Eh..." Katsmiled. "It's okay if ya wanna stay friends...just as long as you call meand we SOMEHOW keep in touch..." She smirked. Mitch nodded and saluted.Kat laughed and she saluted back and signed off. (go)
IAMZiM100: ~NEXT DAY AT SCKOOL~ thebell rang. Zim sat in his seat, in disguise of course,DUH. And looked around the room.He had a sulk look on his face. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat walked in and sat down. In her disguise of course also. (doy...XD) She then glanced at Zim. "Eh...what'swrong?" She asked. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked to Kat sadly."Uh...this gril turned me down...yesterday...OHWHAT DO YOU CARE. I hate humans and Iwish not to talkto you." Zim said as he slammed his head against his desk. (go)
IAMZiM100: *girl
InvaderKat01: Kat leaned away."Er...'kay..." She said. She felt really bad, so she decided to callhim later on that night. (go...can we make the day goby fast...? pweeeze? ^^)
IAMZiM100: ~that night~
IAMZiM100: Zim was at his consoletyping. (go)
IAMZiM100: (make her call him)
IAMZiM100: (or wtvr)
IAMZiM100: (^^)
InvaderKat01: Kat was now sitting at herconsole and called Zim again. She took a deep breath. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim picked up."Yes?" Zim frowned slightly. "Oh..." He said as his anntenaes drooped. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat let out a nervous laugh."um...hey...just wanted to tell called the guyyesterday...and...we agreed to just thought you'd wanna know..." She said. "'ll let ya go then..." She said blinking and gettingready to hang up. (aww!! ^^go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's antennaesperked. "YEAH!? HEY! I UH...HEH! THAT MAKES ZIMHAPPY!...ehh...How could Imeet you?" Zim asked scratching his head. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "um...dunno...where do you wanna meet...?" she asked. (go)
IAMZiM100: ''I have no Ide- wait Are you close to earth? Maybe we can meet where Iam?" Zim asked tilting his head. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat glanced around. "Umactually, I am......where on Earth?" she asked, mentally laughing at thesemi-pun she just made. (XDgo)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked around. "wait......uh...there is no other planets with lifenext...are- you ON earth POSSIBLY?" zim asked narrowing an eye, nervously.(go)
InvaderKat01: Kat glanced around. "...Maybe..."She said. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's eyes widened andthen fell off his chair. "THIS CANNOT BE!" Zim weakly got up. "YOU! YOU CAN NOT BE THAT GIRL IN MS. BITTERS CLASS!!YOU CAN'T!" Zim yelled in disbeliefe,shakinghis head from side to side. (go XDDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat gave him a weird look."Um...there are ALOT of other Kat's you know...that are Human..." Shesaid. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked around. " your not that Kat,huh?" Zim looked to Kat. (Go XDDDDD SHE LIEYING)
InvaderKat01: (she' sjust messing with his head tho)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
IAMZiM100: (bwaha)
InvaderKat01: Kat shook her head. "nope..." She said rolling her eyes. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked Kat in the eye."I know your lying. Your guestures don't foolme. JUST TELL ZIM your........Oh forget it." Zimrolled his eyes. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "eh...riiiiiiiight...." Shesaid. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim tilted his headsideways. "Your voice sounds like her. Stop playing me. "Zim smiledand winked at Kat (go-ooh he smart)
InvaderKat01: Kat laughed and smiledsweetly. "Aww darn it..." she muttered, snapping her fingers. (XD too cute!)
IAMZiM100: Zim pointed to the screenat Kat. "KNEW IT I KNEW IT WAS YOU, MWAHAHAHAHHA! ehh...okay that laugh dosn'tfit...." Zim looked to the side, as he inturruptedhis maniacing laughter. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat giggled and the smiledsweetly. "heh shall wemeet?" She asked. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim cracked a grin."Hey we see eachother at that stinky earth skooleveryday, so uh, wanna hang out and stuff?...err...youKNOW you are the first person I HAVE EVER asked out. SO FEEL HONORED!" Zimsaid confedently as he blushed. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat rolled her eyes andlaughed. "okay okay...IAM HONORED!!" She exclaimed dramaticly, immitating Zim. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim laughed and blushed simutaniusly. "Your just too pipi thehampster...ehhh an oldclass pet I made into a time in biter's calss."Zim said smirking. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "Eh yes...iremember the Tallest laughing and telling me about it...i couldn't reallyunderstand them...Purple had dounuts in his mouth,and Red was...i think having a seizure..." Kat said, putting a finger toher lip. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim fell off the bench andlanded on his back, in shock. His eyes where wider than ever. He crawledbackwards slowly as he started to sweat and looked from side to side rapidly. (go XDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat sat back down on the bench, snickering to herself.(XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim uncovered his mouth."AAAAAUGH!" He yelled in panic. He then pointed dramaticlyto Kat. "YES, YES LIES! I LIE!!!! I LIE I LIE I LIEEE!" Zim yelledrunning around in circlers as he waved his arms in the air. A girl playing hopscotch stoped to stare at Zim. (goXDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat snickered more, and took out her sketch pad and beganto draw another werewolf. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim Suddenlybanged into the brick skool wall. "YEOW!" he yelled in pain and fellbackwards and hit the floor, outcold. Dib passed byand smiled evily as he pointed and snickered at Zim, unconcious. (go O.o )
InvaderKat01: Kat snickered too, but still drawing. She finallyfinished the picture, and then the bell rang for them to go back to class. Shejumped up and headed back in after everyone else. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim still lay on theplayground floor out cold. Gaz, playing her gameslave,walked ontop of Zim and then walked next to Kat. "Hey,, do you have any batteries?" She asked as she turned her head toKat. Gaz looked behind her, to Zim, still laying there, looking dead. (go XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked andnodded, handing Gaz 4 batteries. "there yago..." She said. (go)
IAMZiM100: Gaz raised hereyebrows and slightly smiled. "Thank you, er..."Gaz opened an eye at Kat. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked."...Kat..." she said. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Gaz nodded as she tookthe batteries from Kat. "Right...Okay see ya...I guess..." Gaz shruged, closing her opened eye, still with her eyebrows raised. Gaz walked ahead of Kat as she opened the back ofher gameslave and threw her old bateriesat the popular girls. The popular girls screeched as the batteries hit theirheads.
IAMZiM100: (go)
IAMZiM100: (make it class time)
InvaderKat01: Kat snickered and followedher in, heading to class. As she walked in, no one noticed that Zim still wasoutside. (XD go)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
InvaderKat01: (poor onecares...*snickers*)
IAMZiM100: Ms. Bitters started tolecture as everyone took their seats. Dib looked over to Zim's empty seat. "Hey, If Zim doesn’t come back ALIVE, that WOULD benice." Dib smiled fiendishly. "Yes, well I'm sure Zim will be backafter lunch,,,or whatever." Ms. Bitters nearlyignored Dib, b/c she was just plain sick of his voice. She then continued herlecture about doomed squirrels. (go XD yeah poor pooorzim)
IAMZiM100: (:0 someone should see if he's okay afterlunch- HINT *HINT*)
IAMZiM100: (XDD)
InvaderKat01: (OOOH I (kat) VOLLUNTEER!!!)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
IAMZiM100: (okay go)
IAMZiM100: (X))
InvaderKat01: Kat almost fell asleep asBitters droned on. When the lunch bell rang, everyone lept out of their seatsand ran to the lunch room. Kat got a lunch, but when she sat down and poked itwith her spork, it ate the spork and growled at her.She then grimaced and threw it away, it making an explosion as it made contact w/the other substances in the can. She then wondered outside to see if Zim wasokay. She walked up to him cautiously. "Ehh..yeahokay...?" She asked, nudging him with her foot. (XDXDXD SPORK!!! go)
IAMZiM100: Zim didn't respond ashe lay there pale looking. (go- what if he died? j/kxD )
InvaderKat01: (XD i would cry XD)
IAMZiM100: (dun cry)
IAMZiM100: (he no DIE!)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat knelt down beside his'lifeless' body. ">?"She asked poking him. She then blinked and rolled him over, and put her ear tohis chest to see if he was breathing. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: "Nngh....ergh..."Zim murmured as he slowly opened his eyes. Kat was a blur to him as he woken."Ugh, Is Earth skool over yet?" Zim asked Kat as his vision startedto come back. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and stood up."'s lunch period now..." She said.(XD g0)
IAMZiM100: Zim sat up and blinked afew times as he heald his head. He stood up and wibbled a little. "Geeze,how long have I been laying here?" Zim asked Kat rubbing his head. (go)
IAMZiM100: *wobbled*
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "Um...sincethe end of about 30 minutes..." She said. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim narrowed an eye."Oh..." Zim unarrowed hiseye. "Ah well." Zim shrugged and marched off, very Irken liketo the cafeteria. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat rolled her eyes andfollowed, but went back to Bitter's class. She sat in her seat and began todraw. The bell then rang. (go)
IAMZiM100: (NO)
IAMZiM100: (O_o)
InvaderKat01: (eh?)
InvaderKat01: (what?)
IAMZiM100: (undo the bell ring)
InvaderKat01: (okiii take back the bell thingy)
IAMZiM100: (pwease)
IAMZiM100: yay!)
IAMZiM100: (^^)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
IAMZiM100: "ATTENTION ALL KIDSIN THSI SKOOL-ER...That was a false bell, you can eat your lunch and stuff.." The secratary announcedon the intercom. Zim sat by himself at a lunchtableand poked his food. "It's very odd...that human girl even CARED aboutZim..." Zim said to himself in a low voice, narroweinghis eyes. Suddenly, his eyes shot wide open. SWEET JUMPING JELLY BEANS!...." Zim excalimed."S-She's inlove WITH ME!" Zim covered hismouth and then made a sickly noise as he flinched. "EWW!!"Zim gagged. (go)
IAMZiM100: (XD)
InvaderKat01: (XDXDXD)
InvaderKat01: Kat was still drawing in Ms.Bitter's classroom, oblivious to Zim thinking that she was inlovewith him. She drew more werewolves, and dragons. (go)
IAMZiM100 signed off at 7:17:47 PM.
IAMZiM100 signed on at 7:21:23 PM.
InvaderKat01: (want me to repaste?)
IAMZiM100: (yup- )
IAMZiM100: (dun worry i saved evrything)
InvaderKat01: (me too)
InvaderKat01: InvaderKat01: Kat was still drawing in Ms.Bitter's classroom, oblivious to Zim thinking that she was inlovewith him. She drew more werewolves, and dragons. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim threw his cafeteriafood out in teh garbage and walked up to hisclassroom ,which was pretty desolate, except Kat was there in her seat, Zim siged and sat down in his seat and took out a digital pad.It looked different than the one from before, it looked like a palm piolot. Zim jotted things down in his pad in irken with a stylus. (go)
IAMZiM100: *thje
InvaderKat01: Kat barley noticed Zim comeback, she was having too much fun drawing her battle scene with werewolves anddragons. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim stopedfrom his jotting and then leaned over to Kat's desk. "Hey, that's a spiffywarewolf your making,there." Zim slightly smiled. "Is it going to tear up some human fordinner?" Zim stiffled asnicker. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat shook her head as shemade the quick scetchy marks, and then going overthem darker. "No...thedragons are trying to kill the werewolves...and vice-versa..." She said.(Go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smiled."Oh...Yes, well they look like they are gonna kill eachother...Wellit is very nice, your very talented." Zim nodded."Keep up the good work soldire." Zimsaluted and then went back to his jotting. (go XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat shot him an odd glancebut shrugged it off and went back to her drawing. (XDDD go)
IAMZiM100: (im gonna make the daypass quickly i got something awsome planned)
InvaderKat01: (kk^^)
IAMZiM100: 15 minutes later, the bellrang. everyone came back to calssand Zim put away his orginizer. andhour later the dismissal bell rang when the clock above the blackboard showed 3:00. Zim hopped out of his seat while kids ran to jump out thewindow. Dib walked passed Zim and shot a death glare at him. "Man, I was hopingyou wouldn't come back ALIVE from your smashing 'HIT' against the skool wall,Zim..." Dib said almost spitting. Zim narrowed his eyes. "Yes, well it was a'smashing hit' huh? I really am
IAMZiM100: AMAZING!" Zim grinnedpointing to himself. "Oh shut up, Zim! No one cares." Dib said narrowing hiseyes as he walked out of the classroom. Soon, Zim walked down the stoop andonto the sidewalk. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat had already walked outbefore him and was already walking home. Her house was only a few blocks away,so she didn't have to go far. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim walked up to his doorstep and opened his door. Gir was laughing at the TV screen ignoring Zim. "Hello Gir, I will bein the base if you need me." Gir ignored Zim,who walked accross thecouch and into the kitchen. Gir was laughing like crazy at the puppet showbeing shown on TV. Zim sighed and shook his head. "Why do I evenbother?" Zim asked himself as he walked into his toilet and went down hiselevator. "I HAVE AN IMPORTANT SPEECH...thing for ALL THE INVADERSAND...FELLOW IRKENS AND ESPECIALLY THE
IAMZiM100: TALLEST!" Zim excalimed to himself as he walked into the making stuffroom. There was a console on the wall and Zim sat down infront of his consol as he cracked his knuclesand twitched his anntenaes. His red eyes gleamed ashe reached for the big blue button on the console. "NOW...togive the Irken empire a CALL OF AMAZINGNESS!" Zim yelled as heshook his fists. "Who are you talking to?" Zim's computer asked rudly. Zim shugged."Eh...Ahdunno." Zim said as he pressed the blue button. (go-hey-
IAMZiM100: kat is an invader so she'sgonna listen to what zim has to say to the tallests...dunworry she gotta call the tallest-i have a plan go)
InvaderKat01: (kk)
InvaderKat01: Kat walked home, and thenafter she walked in the door, her cat Tibby blinked up at her and thenfaded...leaving a little robot in her place. It smiled up at Kat. "Hiya,Kat!" She said waving. Kat smiled at her and pressed her necklace, and shetoo, faded away, leaving a Female Irken standing there. She blinked and shookher head slightly, antenna twitching. She had two antenna peircingsin her left antenna, and she had Emerald Green eyes. She marched to a picturein her hallway, moved it slightly, and an elevator popped up, which she climmed into, and it lead her to her base. She jumped in aseat infront of her computer console and rapidlytapped keys...(go...should she call the Tallest? Oo)
IAMZiM100: (yes )
IAMZiM100: (typing**)
InvaderKat01: (kk)
IAMZiM100: At Planet Irk, there was awhole staduim looking kinda place. There where manybig screens, which on top had digital labels that had the names of the invaderson it. The audience was the Irken empire in seats.There where as much irkens there as there where whenthe great assigning was, a long time ago. On a high stagemthere was the tallest, Red and Purple talking to the irkens. "And SO, Invaders, We're having this GREAT MEETING sothat we can laugh at Zim's HIRRIBLE PROGRESS!!...and stale doughnuts..."
IAMZiM100: the purple tallestsaid aloud and the audience cheered. many of them where holding up signs thatsaid "ZIM ROCKS" and another that said "Marry me InvaderZim" "ZIM'S SO HOOOOOOOOOOOTT!" A random felamleIrken screamed among the adience. "ZIMSSOO FREAKIN' COOL!" A guy yelled from the balcony of the seats.Purple narrowed his eyes and looked to Tallest Red as Invaders one by oneappeared on their respective screens, besides for Zim. (go)
IAMZiM100: (XDDD *excited*)
IAMZiM100: (gawd ppl love Zim)
InvaderKat01: Kat finished typing, and shetoo, appeared on the screen, and everyone cheered as they saw her. Some guy cat-whistled when she came on and Kat felt blush creepacross her face. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Purple nuged Red in the arm, who was sucking on a brainfreezy,spacing out. Then Zimappeared on a really large screen. There was a roaring of cheering and thestadium shook with cheering as Zim came on. Zim smiled confidently at theaudience and then looked at each of his fellow invaders. HEYLOO EVERYBODY, INVADERZIM HERE! MY TALLEST, so glad to see you, I am ZIIM!" Zim yelled as heshook his fists in the air and his anntenae twitched.The crowed roared much louder than before. Invader Skoodgeapplauded.
IAMZiM100: (go- you controll red)
InvaderKat01: (kk)
InvaderKat01: Red blinked. "Ah yes,thank you Invader Zim!" He said, tossing his brainfreezyinto the trash. The control Irkens dove for it and made a huge pile of themselves. THe audience cheeredand roared even louder now that Red had aknowlagedZim. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smiled at the aduience. "Yes, Yes, thank you audience, that I quiteenough, I must hear the tallest. Thank you." Zim said as he then eyed Kat."Err- My tallest?" Zim asked as blush creeped upon his face. "ISthere a new invader that you have added to the INVADERS?" Zim asked,eyeing Kat. (go)
IAMZiM100: *is quite
InvaderKat01: Red blinked. "Whyactually yes... There's Invader Diamond..." he said gesturing to a FemaleIrken with blue diamond-like eyes. She smiled and waved at the audience, whocheered. "...and we have Invader Mitch..." He said pointing to a maleIrken with Orange eyes, who saluted. Some of the girls in the crowed sigheddreamily. "...and Invader Kat..." He said pointing to Kat, whoblinked and smiled sweetly and saluted. Some of the male irkens cheered, and the girls too. Invader Mitchlooked to up and saw Kat and smiled and waved at her. Kat looked down and wavedback smiling. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim blushed at Kat andthen shook his head off. "well, anyways youwanted me to show you something correct, my tallest?" Zim asked tiltinghis head. "YesZim, we certainly would! We would like to see your progress today!!!!"Purple smiled and collapsed his hands together. He then poked Red and thenleaned to him. "I can't wait to see how much stupid things he dosei n a day!" Purple snickered. The audience stayed scilent in interest of watching whatverthey had to Watch. ZImnodded on screen. "Yes, well
IAMZiM100: NOT MUCH happened today onEARTH, but ehh. Here I'll show you...One sec..."Zim said as he took a wire from under his console and attached it to his IDpack. He then pressed a button on his console and the wire glewneon green. On Zim's screen, Zim disapeared.The screen showed Zim sitting in Human disguise in class. Then Kat walked intothe room. "EH TOO BORING..." Zim yelled in the background. The crowedstared at the screen with interest. Then on screen, in the classroom Kat tookher seat. (OMG XDD GO)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
IAMZiM100: (why arethey freakkin interested I DUNNO)
IAMZiM100: (go)
InvaderKat01: Red blinked and stifled hislaughter. Katblinked up at the screen and froze. "What the hell..?!?!"She thought. It then showed Bitters yelling at Kat to take off her head set andsuch. She glanced around and looked down at Mitch and whispered something tohim. His eyes widened and he looked up at her with a 'YOur kidding me!' look. She nodded and sat back inher seat. She chose not to say anything, not yet....unless she could help it.(XDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim pressed a button onhis console and the screen showed him again, live. "EHH...." Zimlooked around nervously. "PUT IT BACK ON ZIM!" Purple excalimed. Zim shook his head. "BUTIT'S NOT INTERESTING!" Zim excalimed,blinking at the audience. "YEAH PUT IT BACK ON!" Some guyyelled out in the stadium. Zim rolled his eyes and pressed a button and thescreen resumed. It showed Zim walking to the front of the class. Then readinghis embarrasing notes he wrote on his digital padthat day.
IAMZiM100: ." H-Human a-abilities: Possible talents. Spacialimaging may be e-exceptionaly," Zim pressed a button and thenclenched his fists. "IT IS ALL LIES BY THE WAY!!! Whatever Zim said onEARTH is entirely NOT TRUE!" Zim excalimed.Purple narrowed an eye and bluged the other and thenlooked to Red .(Go xD)
InvaderKat01: Red was having troublecontaining his laughter. Soon he erupted with laughter, and when he did, theaudience also laughed. Even the Invaders onscreen laughed. Kat, being as goodof an actress as she was, pretended that it was someone else, and irupted in laughs just like her friends and fellowinvaders. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim blinked. "Yes,Yes I AM THE MASTER OF COMEDY!!" Zim excalimed.The crowed then turned their laughter into cheering. Zim nodded and thenresumed the screen to his day on earth. The audience watched with greatinterest. Zim's screen got up tp the part when Zimsat on the same bench as Kat and then whistled. Then after Zim did his yellingat Kat about him being an invader and mentioning the tallest, zim paused the screen and the screen resumed to him. There was along scilence. "Uh, heh heh-I uh...A little
IAMZiM100: boo boothere...yup...not that that human cares anyhow, b/c human memory is quiteterrible, to be precise." Zim said pointing upwards. He then stared atInvader Kat for a long time as blush creeped upon his face. Zim shook it offand then looked to the tallest. (go)
IAMZiM100: *humas
IAMZiM100: *humans
InvaderKat01: Red's eye twitched."...let's hope you're right, Zim..." He said shaking his head."Eh, Let's hear it for Invader ZIM!" Redyelled. The crowed cheered and applauded, and some even chanted Zim's name. Katand her friends looked at each other and giggled slightly. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked to Kat. "Ehh..heh..HEY I don't have YOURnumber in my phone book...ehh. CAN I HAVE YOURNUMBER!?" Zim asked blushing pointing to Kat. (GO XD)
InvaderKat01: The crowed burst intolaughter, as did the other Invaders. Kat's female friends burst into a fit ofgiggles. "aww wait to go Kat!" Leanne said smirking at Kat,who was blushing, and slowly sinking in her chair. Mitch looked up at her andlaughed. Kat glared at him. "Shut it Mitchel..." She said. He justlaughed harder and fell out of his chair. THat gotKat and the others to laugh. He then shakily got back in his chair, blushing."Heh we love ya Mitch..." Kat said smiling at him. (XDXDXD aww!! go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked at the newerinvaders and blinked obliviously. "EHH!?" he asked. Purple lookedaround, spacing out. (go)
InvaderKat01: Red giggled slightly andnudged Purple. "Looks like Zim likessomeone..." He said mockingly. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked aroundobliviously as he blushed. "Uhh..Ikinda GOT TO UH...go...OH yes and heers my number.Zim shut off his screen and his number appeared on screen. Purple stuck out a toungue in disgust. "I really wanted to see him screwup." Purple said tilting his head. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat sunk low in her chair andshe said good-bye to her friends and signed off. After she did so, she groanedand started to bang her head agianst her console overand over again. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: (gawd dose she hateZim or what?)
IAMZiM100: (XD)
InvaderKat01: (XD no she's just emberrassed)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
IAMZiM100: (okay)
IAMZiM100: (uh,,,,,,,,,,,,,make her call him!)
InvaderKat01: (XDXDXD)
InvaderKat01: (XD but what will she say?!!XD)
IAMZiM100: (make up somehting, make her shy or smthin)
IAMZiM100: (go)
InvaderKat01: (XD kk)
InvaderKat01: Kat sighed and turned on herscreen-phone thingy and dialed his number after taking a long deep breath. Itstarted ringing and she sat there, and her antenna twitched. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's antennaes perked. "EHH!?..." Zim inquired. ZIm pressed a button. It showed Kat. "WHYHELLO THERE! YOU DECIDED TO CALL ZIM, HUH!?" Zim smiled gleefuly and blsuhed like an tomato. (go)
IAMZiM100: (XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat glanced around. "Ehyeah..." she said nervously/ shyly. (awwtoo cute! XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smiled. "Soooo...YOU LIKE SANDWiCHES?"Zim asked tilting his head. (Go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked."Um...sure...." She said. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smiled."Hey...uh...I hate humans." Zim narrowed an eye. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat shifted around. " what planet are you currently on...? For yourmission, i mean..." She inquired. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smiled. "Earth...that stinky planet far FARaway from ours." Zim said almost in disgust. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat cracked a smile. "yeah..." She said. Her antenna perked up as she heard acrash. "eh?" She turned around. "TIBBY!!" She exclaimed. "NOOO!!I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH THAT! YOU'LL EXPLODE!! ...or...IMPLODE!!" Sheexclaimed running off screen. You could hear her and Tibbickering and Kat finnaly return to the chair andsit, peeved at Tibby. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's eyes widened."Sir unit?" Zim asked in a low voice. (Go)
InvaderKat01: Kat nodded. 'Yeah...sheum...has some issues...i need to fix her, but never got around to it...she CANbe intelligent, but still..." She rolled her eyes. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim nodded."Uh...yes, my sir unit also...DON'T TELL pelase....thanks...uh...maybewe..can ehh...goout...SOMETIME!?" Zim asked blushing like crazy. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat narrowed an eye."'m kinda" She glanced around. (aww XDD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim frowned and his anntenaes drooped. "y-you havea boyfriend already?" Zim said nealy closs to depression. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat shook her head."No...but...earlier, like...a few weeks ago iasked out someone..." She said. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim sighed and lookeddown. "Okay...Look I got to go...bye." Zim sadly sighed and weaklysaluted. The screen turned off. (go awww man pooor zim)
InvaderKat01: Kat felt horrible now. "uh okay....,bye....." She said after he had signed off.She turned around and called the guy she had asked out....and it happened to beInvader Mitch. "Hey an answer, from ya..." Shesaid. Mitch sweatdropped. "Eh..." Katsmiled. "It's okay if ya wanna stay friends...just as long as you call meand we SOMEHOW keep in touch..." She smirked. Mitch nodded and saluted.Kat laughed and she saluted back and signed off. (go)
IAMZiM100: ~NEXT DAY AT SCKOOL~ thebell rang. Zim sat in his seat, in disguise of course,DUH. And looked around the room.He had a sulk look on his face. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat walked in and sat down. In her disguise of course also. (doy...XD) She then glanced at Zim. "Eh...what'swrong?" She asked. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked to Kat sadly."Uh...this gril turned me down...yesterday...OHWHAT DO YOU CARE. I hate humans and Iwish not to talkto you." Zim said as he slammed his head against his desk. (go)
IAMZiM100: *girl
InvaderKat01: Kat leaned away."Er...'kay..." She said. She felt really bad, so she decided to callhim later on that night. (go...can we make the day goby fast...? pweeeze? ^^)
IAMZiM100: ~that night~
IAMZiM100: Zim was at his consoletyping. (go)
IAMZiM100: (make her call him)
IAMZiM100: (or wtvr)
IAMZiM100: (^^)
InvaderKat01: Kat was now sitting at herconsole and called Zim again. She took a deep breath. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim picked up."Yes?" Zim frowned slightly. "Oh..." He said as his anntenaes drooped. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat let out a nervous laugh."um...hey...just wanted to tell called the guyyesterday...and...we agreed to just thought you'd wanna know..." She said. "'ll let ya go then..." She said blinking and gettingready to hang up. (aww!! ^^go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's antennaesperked. "YEAH!? HEY! I UH...HEH! THAT MAKES ZIMHAPPY!...ehh...How could Imeet you?" Zim asked scratching his head. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "um...dunno...where do you wanna meet...?" she asked. (go)
IAMZiM100: ''I have no Ide- wait Are you close to earth? Maybe we can meet where Iam?" Zim asked tilting his head. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat glanced around. "Umactually, I am......where on Earth?" she asked, mentally laughing at thesemi-pun she just made. (XDgo)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked around. "wait......uh...there is no other planets with lifenext...are- you ON earth POSSIBLY?" zim asked narrowing an eye, nervously.(go)
InvaderKat01: Kat glanced around. "...Maybe..."She said. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's eyes widened andthen fell off his chair. "THIS CANNOT BE!" Zim weakly got up. "YOU! YOU CAN NOT BE THAT GIRL IN MS. BITTERS CLASS!!YOU CAN'T!" Zim yelled in disbeliefe,shakinghis head from side to side. (go XDDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat gave him a weird look."Um...there are ALOT of other Kat's you know...that are Human..." Shesaid. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked around. " your not that Kat,huh?" Zim looked to Kat. (Go XDDDDD SHE LIEYING)
InvaderKat01: (she' sjust messing with his head tho)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
IAMZiM100: (bwaha)
InvaderKat01: Kat shook her head. "nope..." She said rolling her eyes. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked Kat in the eye."I know your lying. Your guestures don't foolme. JUST TELL ZIM your........Oh forget it." Zimrolled his eyes. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "eh...riiiiiiiight...." Shesaid. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim tilted his headsideways. "Your voice sounds like her. Stop playing me. "Zim smiledand winked at Kat (go-ooh he smart)
InvaderKat01: Kat laughed and smiledsweetly. "Aww darn it..." she muttered, snapping her fingers. (XD too cute!)
IAMZiM100: Zim pointed to the screenat Kat. "KNEW IT I KNEW IT WAS YOU, MWAHAHAHAHHA! ehh...okay that laugh dosn'tfit...." Zim looked to the side, as he inturruptedhis maniacing laughter. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat giggled and the smiledsweetly. "heh shall wemeet?" She asked. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim cracked a grin."Hey we see eachother at that stinky earth skooleveryday, so uh, wanna hang out and stuff?...err...youKNOW you are the first person I HAVE EVER asked out. SO FEEL HONORED!" Zimsaid confedently as he blushed. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat rolled her eyes andlaughed. "okay okay...IAM HONORED!!" She exclaimed dramaticly, immitating Zim. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim laughed and blushed simutaniusly. "Your just too pipi thehampster...ehhh an oldclass pet I made into a time in biter's calss."Zim said smirking. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "Eh yes...iremember the Tallest laughing and telling me about it...i couldn't reallyunderstand them...Purple had dounuts in his mouth,and Red was...i think having a seizure..." Kat said, putting a finger toher lip. (XD go)
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pixiepumpkin on December 5, 2006, 12:36:06 PM
pixiepumpkin on
Elen on December 7, 2005, 6:38:26 PM
Elen on