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Chapter 4 - A Run in with Dib (literally!)

this is an RP done by me and one of my friends from DA...on AIM...we can't think of a name for it yet, sooo...yeah...XD we had to start this new one, cuz her AIM deleted all the other ones...all 50+ RP'S!!! DX anywho- ENJOY AND REVIEW! ^_______^

Chapter 4 - A Run in with Dib (literally!)

Chapter 4 - A Run in with Dib (literally!)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked but said nothing.She looked around and sighed slightly. (XD sorreh...XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim grinned. Then frowned. "That wasn't funny, right?" Zimasked Kat, pointing to her. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "Um...nonot really...heh..." She said. (XD sorry on da phone...XD im off now)
IAMZiM100: Zim grinned. "That isgood." Zim then turned is frown upside-down. "DEEDOODEEDOO!"Zim said doing a jig in his seat. (XDDDDDDDDDDDDgo)
InvaderKat01: Kat giggled and blushed."Hehehe..." She laughed. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smiled, showing hisjagged Irken teeth. "Your so perfect, you laughwhen I want you to laugh... and when I don't want them… to LAUGH! No onedose that for Zim!" Zim said grinning widely. (go)
IAMZiM100: (he makes no sense mygawd)
InvaderKat01: Kat grinned too, showing herfangs. (XDDDD gO)
IAMZiM100: Zim smirked. "AND- oh..WHEN I DON'T WANT THEM TO LAUGH!? I eh…Zim Make nosense." Zim said pointing to himself nodding. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat giggled and nodded too.(XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's doorbell rang."LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE IS AT MY DOOR." Zim saidlooking up to his ceiling and pointing to it. "Computer!Show me who's at the door?" Zim commanded his computer. "GO SEE ITYOURSELF!" The computer said in a peeved tone. Zim grunted. "SHOW ZIM OR I WILLUNPLUG YOOOU!" Zim said narrowing his eyes and pointing to the ceiling.The computer groaned. "Oh FINE!" It said angrily as a screen on a wall,behind Zim showed a familiar looking guy with red hair and green eyes and arainbow on his t-shirt.
InvaderKat01: (AAAAAAH KEEF!! *hides*)
IAMZiM100: Zim turned around in his seatto face the computer screen behind him. "Filthy METEORS! It's Keef. What the heck is HE doingback here at my house!? I THOUGHT HE FEARED ZIM!!" Zim exclaimed shakinghis fists as he hopped out of his seat. "I'm sorry, Kat, I have to go takecare of KEEF, he's in our class...This...annoying human. Okay See ya!" Zim winked and waved as he accidentlyforgot to turn off his computer and ran off to the upstairs of his house. Thescreen behind Zim showed Keef smiling holding a
IAMZiM100: present box.
IAMZiM100: The screen showed Zim, indisguise, opening the door and yelling at Keef. "I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TOGET LOST!" Zim exclaimed. The sound came from the screen. "But Zim...Thisis not about getting lost! This is an apology present for you." Keef Saidaloud holding up his present. "ZIM NEEDS NO PRESENT!" Zim excalimed. Keef smiled. "Just take itZim!" Keef held up the present to him. "ZIM NEEDS YOU NOT TO BEFRIEND HIM!" Zimyelled, shaking his fist at Keef. Keef just smiled and walked away waving atZim. Keef
IAMZiM100: ran off. "OH I HOPE HELIKES IT!" he yelled to himself excitedly. Zim unwillingly took thepresent box. and closed the door and went inside. (go)
InvaderKat01: kat blinked and looked aroundquickly as Zim came back. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim hopped into hisseat, out of disguise with the present box. "I Don't even wantto KNOW what is in here." Zim said holding the box away from him. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat shrugged. "Then justthrow it away..." she said. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim nodded and then gotout of his seat, about to throw it away, but all of a sudden, Zim quicklyopened the box and took out what was inside of it. "ARUBBER DUCKY!?!?" Zim asked as he sat himself down in his seat,holding up the yellow rubber toy. Zim examined it. Then he took out a note outof the box. "Oh look a note...AHEM...Dear Zim,WE CAN GO TO THE AQUARIUM, wanna go, huh? huh? wanna come? TELL ME AT SKOOL OR BETTER, sooner. Here's mynumber if you want to call me this second and tell me. Love, your
IAMZiM100: ONCE BEST BUDDY, Keef.P.S: Sorry about being annoying last time! I'll be the best un annoying buddyever, so I make it to you with a rubber ducky!" There was a longpause. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat's eye twitched, and thenshe started laughing hysterically, and she fell off of her chair, just likeMitch did. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked at the rubberducky and then to Kat who fell off her chair. "What's so funny??" Zimasked narrowing an eye and bulging out the other. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat was rolling on the floorin laughter. "It's just that-heheh-hehe- that YOU....pfffffffft! Werefriends with...hehe...KEEF....and he-giggle- gave you a little rubberDUCK!!" She exclaimed in laughter. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim frowned. " I was NOT ever friends with any human before! I usedhim as a 'friend' so that I looked normal to the human socials at skool. Theysaid It was 'inhuman' to not have friends. I used Keef,that's all. Then he got too excited about it, b/c the poor human didn't haveany friends. Too bad for him. I forced him to go away from me, by giving himnew eyes...and he didn't bother me ever science!...NowI don't know why he comes back..." Zim shuddered, putting the rubber duckdown on the console, which
IAMZiM100: basically was a table. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat was still laughing whenshe finally pulled herself up on the chair again, wiping a tear away."Well, it just seemed....*giggle* funny...hehe..." She giggled again,but covered her mouth to prevent anymore giggles. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim sighed. "I got togo." Zim frowned a bit. "I have things to do." Zim said a bitsadly. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "Eh...'kay...."She said blinking. (go)
IAMZiM100: "Bye bye!" Zim slightly smiled and waved and shut off his monitor.(go )
InvaderKat01: Kat waved back and smiled ashe did. She then shut off hers, and went elsewhere in the base. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim then stared at thescreen for 30 minutes. "You've been standing there for a HALF AN HOUR! Didn't yousay you had things to do?" The computer asked. Zim nodded. "Yeah well Iforgot." Zim said as he hopped out of his seat and went somewhere eles in his base. (go make it thenext day)
InvaderKat01: ~Thenext Day~

Kat walked into Bitter's class room and sat down next to Zim. She hid her MP3player before Bitters could see it. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked over to Kat andsmiled. Keef, who sat behind Kat tapped Zim on the shoulder. "Hey Zim, canyou come to the aquarium with me?" Keef asked happily. Zim grunted. "No." He said,turning to face ms. Bitters. "Why not,Zim?" Keef asked frowning. Zim turned sharply to Keef. "BECAUSE I WISH NOTTO GO! I HATE AQUARIUMS!" Zim growled. Keef smiled. "Well maybe wecan go somewhere else, liiike-" "KEEF! KEEP QUIET!" Ms. Bittersyelled at Keef. Keef nodded and sat up straight, looking at Ms. Bitters. Zim
IAMZiM100: turned to face Ms. Bitters. Ms. Bitters ranteda lecture about planetary explosions. Zim showed at least SOME interest. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat could have cared less.She really wanted to know more about planetary IMPLOSSIONS...and star implosions.(XD go)
IAMZiM100: Then the bell rang."Okay class, you have art now." Ms. Bitters pressed a button and theround desks emerged from the back of the classroom. The kids ran to the back ofthe class to take their seats. Zim sat at a desk by himself and took out somecrayons and started to draw something with a black crayon. Zim was pretty engrossedwith whatever he was doing. Dib sat at a desk with the popular girls and someother kids sitting there. "Oh no, Dib is sitting near us again! Common guys..."Jessica said as
IAMZiM100: she got up from herchair along with everyone else and went to another desk. Dib sighed as henarrowed his eyes. He took out his laptop and typed away. (Go)
InvaderKat01: Kat was sitting by Zeta andher friends, rapidly drawing and sketching...*siiigh* werewolves. But thistime, she titled one, 'Me as a werewolf'. It was her best yet, and was VERYrealistic. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked to Kat andthen to his drawing. He then colored his drawing. "HEYA BUDDY! WATCHACOLORIN'?" Keef said as he took a seat next to Zim. Zim ignoredKeef. "HEY that's pretty good!...hey is that anAlien? HEY YOU DREW YOURSELF AS AN ALIEN! Dib would like that!" Keef said happilly. Din didn't bother looking up to see Zim or Keef,even though he heard them. Zim nodded. "Yes, nice isn't it...NOT THAT IT'S THE REALME, but yeah it's okay I guess." Zim said smiling as he started to drawanother character
IAMZiM100: on the paper next to his Irkenself-portrait. Keef went out of the class room with a hall pass. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat was going to town so tospeak, with her newly drawn werewolf self portrait. One of the girls sitting nextto her glanced at it, and then 'eeped' and fell out ofher seat. "N-nice drawing...." She stuttered out. Kat grinned, showing herfangs. "heh thanks..." She said. one of the girl's eyes buggedout while the other one narrowed. "...HEY...are you a Vampire?" Sheasked pointing to her teeth. "YAHEAR THAT?!?! THE NEW GIRL"S A VAMPIRE!!" Some kid yelled. (XD go...)
IAMZiM100: Dib's head shot up fromlooking down at his laptop screen. He stared at Kat and saw her obvious fangs.Dib walked up next to Kat. "IT ISN'T NORMAL FOR THE AVERAGE HUMAN TOHAVE FANGS LIKE THOSE!" Dib exclaimed pointing at Kat. Zim looked up fromhis artwork. "What's wrong with your teeth, KAT?" Dib asked, attackingKat with his paranormal inquires. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat looked at him strangely."...nothing..." She said (XD gO)
IAMZiM100: Zim shot a death glare atDib. "WILLYOU QUIT CALLING HER A VAMPIRE DIB! YOUR STUPIDPARANORMAL STUFF IS...STUPID!" Zim excalimed.Dib gave an odd look to Zim. "But I didn't call her a vampire." Dib shrugged ."DON'T DENY IT I HEARD YOU!YOU DID!" Zim excalimed."Ididn't I was just asking...hey why do YOU care?" Dib asked Zimsuspiciously. Zim gave a look that was like a 'deer in headlights' kind oflook. Zim's eyes widened, then narrowed. "ME!? PPFFFTT, CARE!? THATS A LIE, DIB!" Zim exclaimed. Dibsihghed.
IAMZiM100: "why do I even bother. FINE! KAT YOUR NORMAL!...Iguess.." Dib said kicking his foot. "UNLESS YOU SUCK BLOODEVERYNIGHT, THEN IT'S NOT!" Dib exclaimed pointing to her, then walking tohis seat. Zim went back to coloring. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat rolled her eyes, then got an evil thought in her head. She took her drawingand walked over to dib, fangs gleaming as she grinned evilly at him." you think this is good...?" She asked handing him the drawing.(XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib looked at thepicture. "Uh, yeah?...what is it?" Dib askedKat. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. " do you think i got so good at it...?" She smirked,leaning closer to him. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib backed up. "Okay-OKAY! YOUR NORMAL! DON'T KISS ME ORSOMETHING!" Dib yelled flailing his arms in the air. Everyone stopped whatthey where doing, even Zim. Everyone stared at Kat and Dib. (goXD)
InvaderKat01: Kat's eye twitched."...okay...EW...not even if you PAID me..." she said. That goteveryone in class laughing. Kat then turned back to Dib. " do youthink i got so good at drawing them...? Werewolves i mean...i have to look atpictures of 'em......that right there....look at the title..." (XD go)
IAMZiM100: "Then....YOU ARE AWAREWOLF!?!?!? Dib said asked scratching his head. Zim narrowed an eye, a bitconfused.(go)
InvaderKat01: Kat just snatched back thedrawing and snapped at the air, showing her fangs. She sat back down shakingher head and snickering to herself. (go)
IAMZiM100: Dib rolled his eyes."My god, your weirder than ZIM!..." Dib saidsarcastically. "If you want me to stalk you, I don't want yournumber," Dib said narrowing his eyes. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat tried to contain herlaughter. "Believe me, if you stalked me, i wouldkick...your...@$$..." She said. (XDXDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim started top laughmenacingly. The kids in class looked at Zim in horror as he laughed. Dib wentto sit down quietly. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat then did something thatgot the class to laugh harder. She turned and 'winked' at Dib, and thensnickered and continued to draw. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib shuddered and lookedaway. Zim pointed at Dib. "DIB IS A COWARD!! BWAAAHHAHAH!"Zim laughed. The class laughed along with Zim. (gomake it lunch time)
InvaderKat01: The bell rang for lunch andall the kids rushed out, and Kat Dib and Zim walked out. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib walked in front of Katand Zim. Zim looked up as he handed his drawing to Kat. It was of him and Katas Irkens, holding hands, there was a heart drawn around them. the bottom of the picture there was a picture of anexploding ball, and next to it, it said 'imploding/exploding earth!'. Blushcrept upon his face as he began to whistle. (go)
IAMZiM100: (XD aww yay!)
InvaderKat01: Kat glanced at him andblushed as she looked at the picture. She snickered as she saw theimploding/exploding earth thing. "Heh niiiice..." She said pointingto it smirking. (XDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smirked. "Youlike it? Really? I'm horrible at drawing." Zimsaid looking away. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat shrugged. "Yeah ilove it...and it just takes practice..." She smiled. (go0
IAMZiM100: Zim smiled looking to Kat."EXPLODY!" He exclaimed. "I like earthExplody." Zim grinned. Zim walked into the cafetirawith Kat. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat snickered. "I thinkit would be cool if it imploded, THEN exploded..." she said. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim chuckled. "YES!AND THEN...MOO!" Zim exclaimed. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat snickered again as theyentered the Cafe'. She glanced around. "Eh...ya know...i gotta go totryouts; so i'm just going to skip lunch..." she said handing him his picand then walking away. (aw XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim frowned. "Wait.It's for you..." Zim held it out to her. Zim looked around.(go ^^)
InvaderKat01: Kat didn't hear him, she was already down the hall, looking around. She thenspotted the gym and smirked taking a peek inside. She saw a poster hanging upand walked over to it. it said that Tennis tryouts were outside in the courts,so she turned to walk out and down the steps, not paying any attention to whoshe ran into...literally...(XD go...make zim be theone she runs into! would probably be funnier if she ran into Diband THEY fell down the stairs...him on top of her and then Zim came out XDXDXDYAYness! XDXD_
InvaderKat01: *)
IAMZiM100: Dib. Dib slammed into Katas he was looking behind him at Zim, who seemed to be following. "YEOW!" He yelled as he tippedover and accidentally fell over Kat down the steps, hard. Zim ran after. "KAT!" he yelledout running down the steps after them. They where tumbling and hitting thesteps. (go xD)
InvaderKat01: Kat let out a groan as theylanded, on the cement. She slowly opened her eyes to find...(XDgooo!! XDXD)
IAMZiM100: Dib on top of her. "I'm sorry!OW," Dib yelped in pain holding his arm. "Are you okay?" Dibasked concerned. Zim came down the steps. "Kat! KAT! Are you alright?Speak to me!" Zim yelled, in panic. (go XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat rubbed her head. "Ehyeah i think..." She said answering Dib. "Yeah im fine..." she repeatedto Zim. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib helped Kat up. "I-I'm really sorry,I think I hurt you, did I hurt you at all?" Dib asked putting a hand onKat's shoulder. (XDDDD go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and shook herhead. "No really...I'm fine..." She said smiling. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib removed his hand fromher shoulder. "Really, if you hurt something just let me kn- HEY!" Dib yelled as Zim pushed Dib aside and madehim slam into a wall. "IGNORE DIB! HE IS BAD AND HIS HEAdSTINKS!....Kat are you hurt?" Zim asked her,looking up and down at her tosee if she injured something.(go)
IAMZiM100: (XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat rolled her eyes and saidno. She then walked away to tennis tryouts. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim walked over to Dib."I am going to destroy you...I SO WILL ANNIHALATE YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVEDONE!!!!" Zim said nearly crying. "What?" Dib asked as he weakly got up."What did I do?" Dib asked narrowing his eyes. "I really don't know Dob," Zim narrowed his eyes at Dib as well. "Ireally don't know..." Zim turned away and walked into the Gym. Dib rolledhis eyes and followed. (go)
IAMZiM100: *Dib
InvaderKat01: Kat ran over to the tenniscourts. Tryouts went well, actually. she made it tothe Varsity team without much effort. (XDgo)
IAMZiM100: Zim watched just STARINGat Kat only. Dib went to sit next to Zim. "WHY are YOU, here, stink human?" Zim asked angrilly."Just watching." Dib replied. "WHY WOULD YOU WANTTO WATCH A BUNCH OF HUMAN FEMALES PLAY A GAME, HUH!?" Zim asked. Dib gave Ziman odd look. "That'sfunny, I also would like to know WHY YOUR WATCHINGGIRLS PLAY A GAME!" Dib asked angrily. Zim shook his head. "Let meguess, Kat, RIGHT!?" Dib asked as he narrowed his eyes. Zim nodded. Dibnarrowed his eyes. "Whatever." Dib said, still
IAMZiM100: narrow eyed. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat heard them and rolled hereyes. Some of the girls snicker and the whispered to eachother. Kat glanced at one of her newest friends, Ashleigh, and theyexchanged confused looks, lowering their rackets. "FIRE!" One of the girls shouted.The others rapidly served balls at Kat and Ashleigh. Kat dodged some, butmostly hit them back twice as hard, hitting all ofthem on the other side. She smirked as her and Ashleigh started kicking theother's butts. She gave her a high-five. "We kick @$$..." She saidsmiling. (XDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim cheered. "Wohoo KAT!!"Zim yelled out. Suddenly the end bell rang. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat walked out with Ashleigh,still laughing about the other girls trying to hit them with tennis balls. Shetwirled her racket professionally, and kept walking to the dressing rooms to gochange. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib and Zim walked out."Don't go near Kat..." Zim said to Dib angrily. Dib crossed his arms."WHY?So you can destroy her?" Dib spat. Zim shook his head. Zim walked into class andput a note on Kat's desk. (go)
InvaderKat01: When Kat walked in, she wasmessing with her hair, getting it to look better after brushing it again. Shesaw the note and glanced around, taking it and reading it as she sat. It read:(go)
IAMZiM100: "Dear Kat, I thoughtabout taking you to my house for dinner, are you up to it? Love, Zim." The word 'Love' wasunderlined 5 times and had hearts around it. Zim twiddled his thumbs.
(go XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat glanced around and wasabout to write down her reply when someone stole it from her.... (XDgo....DIB!!! XDXD)
InvaderKat01: (XD)
IAMZiM100: Dib took the note out ofher hands, read it and threw it at Zim. It made a squeaky toy noise as ittouched his face. Zim narrowed his eyes and growled. Dib leaned over to Kat. "Zim is not verypolite with ladies..." Dib whispered. "Would you like to come overand play videogames at my house?" Dib asked smiling and winking. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "Ehsure..." She said. (XDXDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim mouthed a curse toDib. Dib noticed Zim mouthing something fowl to him."HEY, SHUTUP, VIDEO GAMES IS BETTER THAN A quote unquote ROMANTICDINNER." Dib said making quotes with his fingers. Zim frowned. "NOT TRUE!" Zimprotested. Zim looked from side to side trying to think of something that mightmake Kat want to come to him instead of Dib. "And I'm available tonight so,Kat would you mind If I walk yahome today?" Dib smiled kindly at Kat. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat shrugged."Sure..." She said. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's teeth clenchedalong with his fists. Suddenly he grinned. "I have a big DVD selection at myhouse." Zim pointed upward. Dib narrowed an eye. "So?" Dibasked. "So, what?" Zim asked. "Sow up your mouth..." Dib smirked, andthen snickered to himself. "Stupid human..." Zim grunted. (go-aww man Zim's out of stuff to win Kat over! ^^ poor Zimmy XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat rolled her eyes. "so, just come over to your house after skool? or what...?" She asked blinking. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib nodded. "Yup. Just simply that. Thankyou so much, Kat. I really don't have a it makes me feel specialthat you kind of care..." Dib slightly smiled, his cheeks started to flusha little. (go aww!)
InvaderKat01: Kat giggled. "Aw s’okay...idon't have really any friends either..." She said. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim watched helplessly asKat and Dib talked until Ms. Bitters came into the room. Zim didn't botherlooking at Ms. Bitters. He just stared sadly at his desk and glanced at Kat occasionally.Dib waved to Kat during class. Zim looked up from his desk and saw Dib wavingto her. (go aww poor zim!!!!!! I'm gonna cry, man!)
InvaderKat01: Kat glanced at him and wavedback at Dib. She glanced at Zim, but didn't say anything. (awww...poor zimmy!! go)
IAMZiM100: The dismissal bell rang.Zim walked out quietly. Dib walked up to Kat. "Hey, ready to go?" Dibsmiled. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat nodded."Sure..." she said grabbing her sketch book and walking out with Dib.(go)
IAMZiM100: Dib pointed to Kat'ssketchbook. "Hey can I check that out? I like your drawings." Dibblushed a bit. Zim saw Dib and Kat walking together down the steps of the skool.Zim stood all the way at the bottom death glaring Dib. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat nodded and handed it tohim. "sure..." she said. (go)
IAMZiM100: Dib looked through thebook. "WOW your very talented. I can't draw formy life. NOT even if Zim had a laser to my hea-" Dib stopped to look infront of him. He saw Zim glaring at him, creepy like. Dib shuddered and triedto ignore Zim. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat glanced from Dib to Zimand back like a ping-pong match. "eh...hey..."She waved at Zim. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim ignored Kat anddisgustedly walked away. Dib handed Kat her sketchbook back. "I reallylike them all!" Dib smiled. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat narrowed an eye at Zim."Eh thanks..." She said.(go)
IAMZiM100: Awhile later, they bothcame up to Dib's house and walked into Dib's living room. "Hi Gaz, This isKat, from my class, Kat, Meet Gaz, my sister." Dib smiled. Gaz was on thecouch. She looked up from her games slave and opened an eye. "Hey..." Shesaid looking to Kat and waved a bit, then resumed her game. Gaz raised hereyebrows. "Gee, since when did people actually like you?" Gazinquired Dib, showing a smidge impression. Dib grinned. "Since now, I guess."Dib smiled. Dib went over to his game console.
IAMZiM100: "It's Sonic The Hedgehog, We can play 2 player, unless you want to playsomething else? I have a lot of other games too." Dib smiled. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat shrugged. "Do youhave any 'shoot em up' games?" She asked (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib smiled. "Yeah, TONS! how about Mafia 2?Or Haunted House of Killers?" Dib held up two games. Gaz opened her eyeswide. "CHOOSEHunted House of Killers!" Gaz pointed to the game she said in Dib's lefthand. Back at Zim's house Zim was in his base head face down on his console. (go aww XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat grinned. "'kay letsgo with that one!" she pointed to Haunted House of Killers. (XD)
IAMZiM100: For a couple of hoursGaz Dib and Kat played the videogame and had lots of fun. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat yawned and stretched. Shelooked at the clock on the wall. "Eh sorry...I’d better go...gottado some homework...heh..." she said getting up. (go)
IAMZiM100: Dib nodded. "Want me to walk youhome?" Dib asked.
InvaderKat01: Kat shrugged. "Sure ifya wanna." she said. (go)
IAMZiM100: Dib smiled and walked outthe door. Gaz yelled out good bye.


Comments (1)

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Elen on December 10, 2005, 5:42:00 AM

Elen on
Elen^___^ Aaaw! Dibbeh!!!! XDDD