Chapter 5 - Dib semi-kiss, spaghetti, and drunk Tallests, Oh m
Submitted December 6, 2005 Updated December 10, 2005 Status Incomplete | this is an RP done by me and one of my friends from DA...on AIM...we can't think of a name for it yet, sooo...yeah...XD we had to start this new one, cuz her AIM deleted all the other ones...all 50+ RP'S!!! DX anywho- ENJOY AND REVIEW! ^_______^
Cartoons » Invader Zim |
Chapter 5 - Dib semi-kiss, spaghetti, and drunk Tallests, Oh m
Chapter 5 - Dib semi-kiss, spaghetti, and drunk Tallests, Oh m
InvaderKat01: Kat yelled bye back as theywalked out. As they walked, her fangs poked out slightly from her mouth. Shekind of did look Vampire-ish, but she wasn't reallypale at all. (go)
IAMZiM100: Dib closed his front doorbehind him and walked with Kat onto the sidewalk. "So, um...Do you believethat aliens exist?" Dib asked, looking down at the sidewalk with his handsin his trench coat pockets. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked."Eh...actually, yeah..." She said. (XDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib smiled with a glintin his eye. "WOW, I mean...Really now?...Me too!I have a question though. I hope you don't think I'm crazy, like the kids inour class, but...." Dib paused as he looked to the side and then to Kat,sheepishly. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat glanced at him."...go on..." She said cracking a smile, fang poking out. (XDaww...go)
IAMZiM100: Dib took a deep breath."I-I have known for a long time that Zim is an alien, I even know whatkind ofalien he is, scinceI study aliens and other planetary see I've seen him outof disguise and stuff..and uh..what is he..uh...OH YES, Irken, to be precesis.Do you study the universe?" Dib asked. Blush was coming upon his face thistime. (go XDXDXDXD)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "Well,um...kinda...i know alot about it, yes..." Shesaid. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib grinned. "WOW!SOMEONE FOR THE FIRST TIME BELIEVES ME HERE!...Oh waita minute...Tak was the first..ahwell." Dib said, shurgging off the 'Tak' subject.. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked."Eh...'kay..." She said continuing to walk. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib looked behind him,then to the side, and then to Kat. "Um...Kat...uh...You know I, I think Ilike you...alot..." Dib blushed furiously. (go XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat turned toward him."Eh...why...?" She asked confused, and alittleaprehensive. (XDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib looked around,smiling, then looked at Kat in the eyes. "Because. Your the only onethat seems to care. And your so kind! I've never met akind person like you!" Dib said as they both walked into Kat's front yard.(go)
InvaderKat01: Kat felt blush creep acrossher face...but from emberassment. She walked up herfront steps and stood infront of the door, thenturned back to Dib. " at Skool tomarrow...?" She asked. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib blushed like a maniacin love...well,he was amaniac in love. Dib put his hand on Kat's door and leaned closer to Kat." know, your eyes are so pretty...and your hair too..." Dibsaid blushing, preparing himself for his fitst kiss.(XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD go *rofl* )
IAMZiM100: *first
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and blushed alittle."Eh...thanks...heh..." she gave a nervous laugh. (XDXD go)
IAMZiM100: (ppfftbwaaha!)
IAMZiM100: Dib leaned closer to hersmiling, then closing his eyes. ( make her SLAM THEDOOR IN HIS FACE ER SOMTHIN! go)
InvaderKat01: (XDDDDDDDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat glanced around andquickly opened the door, slamming it in his face. "EH SORRY GOTTA GET TOWORK ON HOMEWORK!!!" She exclaimed running inside and locking the door.(XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib leaned to much, and then fell on his face. He grunted, then got upand brished himself off. "Maybe I waited toosoon?" Dib asked himself then walking back home, slightly dissapointed. In Zim's base, Zim was banging his headagainst his console, the one where he was talking to Kat by. "AERG AGH ERGH!"Zim excalimed hitting his head eachtime. "I BET SHE'S KISSING HIS YECH, DISGUSTING BIG STINK BEASTHEAD RIGHT ABOUT NOW!!! I DON'T KNOW WHY SHE WOULD EVEN THINK OF LIKING AHUMAN! The thought of it
IAMZiM100: disgusts me..." Zimyelled out angrilly. "How do you know she kissedDib?" The computer said to Zim. "I DON'T KNOW!...Maybeshe didn't...I hope she didn't...Irkens don't naturalylove anyone outside their species." Zim said, narrowing his eyes. "I Thought youonce said, 'Invaders need no oneeeeeeeee!" Thecomputer said, nearly immitating Zim. (from the Keef episode)
IAMZiM100: Zim blinked angrilly. "YES, That is true,INVADERS NEED NO ONE!" Zim excalimedshaking his fists high. "Then why do you fawn over Invader Kat for?" Thecomputer asked curiously. Zim grunted. "Whatver...I-IJust...DO, OKAY!?" Zim yelled out. " Ooooh...Zim and Kat, sittingin a tree- K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" the computer mocked. "QUIET!" Zimyelled. "Firstcomes love..." The computer sang. "I SAIDQUIET!!!!" Zim screemed.(go XDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat breathed out a sigh of realif as Dib walked away. She then went down to her base,and sat infront of her console. She hesitated beforeshe tapped some keys, and then called Zim. (XDD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's console went on. "AAAAAAAAAAAAUGH STOP MOCKING ZIM!" Zim excalimed, but the computer went on. "Zimand Kat, sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G! FIRST COMESLOVE-" The computer sang louder. "GAH! SHUDDUP! SHUDDUP!!" Zim exclaimed distressfully. "SHE'S ONTHE LINE!" Zim said flailing his arms in the air. The computer suddenly stoped, and then laughed. "DON'E MAKEME UNPLUG YOOU!" Zim excalimed,shakinghis fist upward. The computer Went scilent.Zim turned sharply to face his screen. "I-I'm sorry...Ehh..
IAMZiM100: YEEES?" Zim askedgrinning to Kat. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and visiblyshuddered. "gah that big headedkid...he...GAAAAAAAH!!" She said shuddering again. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim frowned. "Are youalright? What's the matter?" Zim asked, concernly, narrowing one eye. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat calmed down."Nothing happened, he just...guyah....triedto..." She gagged. "kiss me..."She then gagged some more. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's eyes widened. "WHO!?!!?...tell Zim..." Zim said narrowing hiseyes. His eyes then shot wide. "OH IS IT THE DIB!!!??!!?!?!?" Zimasked veeeeery disgusted.. (XDXDgo)
InvaderKat01: Kat nodded, still shivering."I think i'm gonna be sick..." She said covering her mouth. "i DID make him fall on his face though..." She somwhat smirked. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim didn't smile."I.......I wanted to WARN you about him. He's dangerous. If he finds out your my kind, he will turn on you, just like he did onTak...I think..." Zim looked up. "Oh, never mind, I don't think youknow Tak...dosn't matter anyways..." Zim lookedaway. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked."Eh...Tak...yeah...she's my sister..." Kat blinked. (XDXDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim blinked. "WHAT!?" Zim shook his head offffrom disbelief. "Are you serious? is thatpossible?" Zim asked curiously. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat shrugged. "Weweren't born from the same tube...all i know is, we have DNA from the sameparents..." She said. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim nodded. "Isee." Zim said. "Your unlike yoursister...very far from even 'like' her at all." Zim said quietly, craking a slight smile. (go XDAWW)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "...howso?" she asked. (dawwwhe so cute!! XP go)
IAMZiM100: Zim blushed."B/c...b/c your so beautiful..andshe is drop dead ugly..." Zim looked away, embarrased.(go XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat let out a laugh, andblushed slightly. "Well, she doesn't have any peircings,either...she was too chicken...ehheeh..." shegiggled. (XDXDgo)
IAMZiM100: Zim laughed. "Heh, and you are so warm...and kind and special. I met noone like you before! Umm...Kat, would you like to come over fordinner....................................ehh..."Zim blushed furiously at the screen, (aww go XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat's antenna drooped."Eh i can come over later, but im really busy right sorry...i cancome over around 8-ish, maybe..." She said. (awwgo)
IAMZiM100: Zim's anntenaesperked. "WOW! WOO!" Zim jumped out of his seat. "one second..." Zim said as he ran off screen."WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he yelled. "SHE LIKES ME SHE LIKESMEEEEE SHE LIKES ZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!" Zim yelled LOUDLY as hecrashed somethings. "OH NO!!!" Zim shouted."COMPUTER FIX THAT!" Zim yelled out. "NO ITS YOUR FAULT, MAN!" The computer yelled. "LISTEN TO ME ORELES!" Zim screamed. The computer sighed. "OH alright..." it said,peeved off. Zim ran back to his seat and sighed and
IAMZiM100: smiled. "That's great, eheres my address." He pressed a button on his consoleand his address appeared on Kat's screen. (Go XDDDDDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat memorized it, herphotographic memory coming in handy once more. "Eh 'kay...i'll be there around...8-ish...'kay?" She askedsmiling sweetly again. (go...XDDDDDDDDDD he's just toodamn cute XD)
IAMZiM100: Zim nodded. Zim grinned."OH YES AND MEESEZES!" Zim excalimed,widening his eyes. (GOXDDDDDDDDDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat narrowed an eye at himconfused. "Eh...'kay...see you then..." she saluted and then signedoff. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim turned off his screen.Then fell off his chair. "heeheeheehee...."Zim giggled. "HEHEHEHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHBWAAAAAA AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA IAM THE MAN!! WHEEEEEEEE- I AM ZIM!!! WHEEEHEHEHHEEEAHHEEE!"Zim squealed. "ZIMS GOT A DATE!! I HAVE A DATE AT EIGHT!!!" Zim thengot up from the floor. "Hey that can be a song...." Zim's antennaes perked. He started to Sing the tune of 'PrettyWoman''...."doodeedoodoo..Igot a date at 8- pretty woman...deedeedoodeedoo......ARGH!how come I don't know this song!"
IAMZiM100: Zim exclaimed, walkingaround in his base. (XDDDDDD Go)
InvaderKat01: ~8 O'clock~
kat walked up past the gnomes in the front yard, eyeing them slighlty. She then knocked on Zim's door. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim was sitting on hiscouch, eyeing the door the whole time. He was out of disguise. He walked overto the door and opened it. "Hello there!" Zim said as he closed thedoor behind him as Kat walked in. (go)
InvaderKat01: kat waved. She looked aroundthe room and at the high celing. "Eh...nice baseunit..." She said blinking. She pressed the button on her necklace, andher disguise faded, revealing her in Irken form. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smiled. He walked intohis kitchen, and motioned a 'come over here' motion. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and walked overto him. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim pulled out a seat fromthe table. On the table was a plate of green spagetti.(That is the color of spagetti for irkens, i guess....XD go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and smiled as shesat down. (XDXD green...i wonder if they have green eggs and ham...??? XDXDXDgo)
IAMZiM100: Zim sat himself down,accross from Kat and pickedup his fork and fiddled with it. "Do you like spagetti?"He asked putting his fork into that one big plate in the middle of teh table. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat did the same. "Eh yeah, actually." She smiled. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked up. "Ehh...Did you ever ride a megadoomer?"Zim asked. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat nodded. "Yeah...ihad to, b/c it was part of one of my missions..." she said. (gO)
IAMZiM100: Zim's eyes widened for asecond. "Uh...that's neat." Zim said, gulping his food. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat smirked and ate also, butnot fast. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked from side toside. "Heh, I used -stole one............." Zim smirked. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked, stopping in midchew. "...." She swollowed."Eh...why...? did you steal it from thetallest?" She asked. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked around."N-no why would I do that?..." Zim lookeddown. "Okay...I did...I stole it from the eqquipmenthall...and I used it durring Impending doom 1 anddestroyed...stuff...BUT THE DESTRUCTION WAS NICE!" Zim excalimed,then taking a drink of soda. (go)
IAMZiM100: *steal
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "Ah...soTHAT was you..." She said continuing to eat. (XDXDXD gO)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked to Kat. "are you a trouble maker?" Zim asked, curiously.(go)
InvaderKat01: Kat smirked. "Weeell...used to be...." She said glancing around."....i was the Queen of Pranks in Invader College...." She said smirking.(XDXDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smirked. "Really? Heh, I was called KING of CHAOS...andDESTUCTION!!...." Zim smiled. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat laughed a bit."Yeah...i used to duct-tape my fellow students in their rooms...put anentire wall of ductape up on their doors, so whenthey walked out they got tangled up in it..." She laughe.d(XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim laughed. "HAHAHA! Did you ever cause a chemical explosion in alab before?" Zim asked. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat looked abit emberrassed. "eh...yeah...afew times...the first was by accident but the 8 others following were...intentional..."She blushed. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim blushed. "Really!..ME too..Except..I made about 15lab explosions on purpose!" Zim smiled. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat rolled her eyes. "heh somehow i'm not surprised..." She laughed. (XD oG)
InvaderKat01: (*go)
IAMZiM100: Zim blinked, wide eyed. "EEH!?"Zim ate quietly looking the other way. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat ate quietly too, lookingthe opposite way, around the kitchen. (XD go...)
InvaderKat01: (brb)
IAMZiM100: (EE)
IAMZiM100: They ate untill there was one string of spaghetti left. Zim waslooking at his wall, then his eyes narrowed as Zim sucked on that one string ofspagetti, he didn't get the end of the speggeti yet...(GO XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat was on the other end ofthe spaghetti, looking at the other wall, and she narrowed her eyes as she couldn’tget the end of it yet either...she slowly leaned across the table...(XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim started to lean accross the table. He tried to eat the end of the speggeti, and slowly he turned his head to face Kat. Hiseyes widened as his lips met hers. He blushed and closed his eyes and put hishands on her face and continued to kiss her. (XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD YAAY! go)
InvaderKat01: Kat's eyes widened too, butshe in return closed her eyes and kissed back. (AAWWW!!!!^^ GO)
IAMZiM100: Zim drew his face back andlooked into her eyes. He then smieldwarmly. (XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and then smiledback sweetly at him. She then blushed and glanced around, but then looked backinto his eyes and smiled agian. (AWWW go)
IAMZiM100: Zim leaned to her againand kissed her again. (go XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD eee go)
InvaderKat01: Kat smiled, and kissed back,slowly the kiss began to deepen....(goXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!)
IAMZiM100: Zim then grabbed Kat'shand and then ran with her towards the couch. "My table is no place forCOMFORT!" Zim excalimed as he hopped onto thecouch. (go XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat giggled and hopped upbeside him smiling. (XDDDD goooo...XDDDDDDD)
IAMZiM100: Zim then pounced onto Katand then was about to lean into her, but instead tugged on her anntenaes, lightly. "WAIT!...........WHYDID YOU COME TO EARTH FOR!" Zim asked, suspiciously. (GO>_L )
IAMZiM100: (XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and shrugged."Eh i wanted another mission...and my Sister said that Earth was a goodplace to the Tallest said that you needed help, but i had NO idea whatthey were talking about...they had eh...gotten 'wasted' so to speak..."she giggled. (XDXD TALLESTS GOT DRUUUUNK!! XDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim frowned. "Excuseme, ZIM DOSE NOT NEED HELP! Your lying! YOU LIE!"Zim exclaimed pointing to Kat. (go ...O_o)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and rolled hereyes. "That's what they said...but then again, they were drunk...quite asight, had a lampshade on his head...." she said narrowingone eye. (XDXD i would DIE laughing...XDXD gO)
IAMZiM100: Zim narrowed an eye."Your telling me, Tallest Red head a LAMPSHADE onhis...head?" Zim asked un-narrowing his eyes. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat nodded, giggling andcovering her mouth slightly. "...the best part was...I TAPED IT!!!"She exclaimed waving her arms and falling back laughing. (XDXDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's eyes widened."C-Can I see it?" Zim asked, really wanting to see. "I never sawthem drunk before..." Zim said putting a finger to his mouth. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat nodded, and she grabbedthe tape from her pak. She handed it to him. "h-here! i've got it saved on myconsole at m-my base..." She said in-between laughs and giggles. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim took the tape fromKat's hands and hopped off the couch and slipped it into the vcr.He then hopped back to the couch and grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. (go XD you controll what happens tored there)
InvaderKat01: (XD kk)
InvaderKat01: The tape showed the tallesttalking to Kat, and Red DID have a lampshade on his head. "WEEHEEEE...WHOOHOOO!!"He exclaimed, waving his arms around, what looked like a martini in his lefthand, antenna's perked up. "Now-now then're doingq-quite your"He stuttered. Kat blinked. "...missions...?" She inquired. "YESthat's it!!" He exclaimed pointing to a chair, whomhe thought was Kat. (XD go... XD)
IAMZiM100: Zim put a hand to hismouth and let out a giggle. On the screen purple was banging his head against awall. "Soyou see, Invader Kat, DOUGHNUTS!..uh um um um um um THIS IS HOW WE DO HEAD BANGS!..."Purple exclaimed. There was fast heavy metal music running in the background."AND ALSO UHM EARTH IS MADE OF POOP!" Purple exclaimed holding up asnickers bar. "LIKE SO!" Purple exclaimed unwrappinga snickers bar and then shaking it a he spoke, making a high pitch noise."wheeehooo, we are earth.
IAMZiM100: We are dumb like poop!AND WE ARE POOP, yaaay!" Purple exclaimed waving the snickers bar. Thenpurple threw the snickers bar into a bowl and swished the bowl around."FAAAARGGHT POOT!" Purple said making a toilet farty noise."PLOP- SPLASH" "Aww no, we earthanoids are all gonna DIEE!"Purple exclaimed. "FLLLUUSH." .There was a silence. "BWAHAHAAHHAHAHA!!!" Purple exclaimed. Zim staredat the screen in horror. (GO XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat's eye twitched slightly."...i think Red was the -ahem- better portion of it..." She said."Buuut there's always...." She glanced around and leaned over to him."...BLACKMAIL...." She whispered and smirked.
IAMZiM100: Dib closed his front doorbehind him and walked with Kat onto the sidewalk. "So, um...Do you believethat aliens exist?" Dib asked, looking down at the sidewalk with his handsin his trench coat pockets. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked."Eh...actually, yeah..." She said. (XDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib smiled with a glintin his eye. "WOW, I mean...Really now?...Me too!I have a question though. I hope you don't think I'm crazy, like the kids inour class, but...." Dib paused as he looked to the side and then to Kat,sheepishly. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat glanced at him."...go on..." She said cracking a smile, fang poking out. (XDaww...go)
IAMZiM100: Dib took a deep breath."I-I have known for a long time that Zim is an alien, I even know whatkind ofalien he is, scinceI study aliens and other planetary see I've seen him outof disguise and stuff..and uh..what is he..uh...OH YES, Irken, to be precesis.Do you study the universe?" Dib asked. Blush was coming upon his face thistime. (go XDXDXDXD)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "Well,um...kinda...i know alot about it, yes..." Shesaid. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib grinned. "WOW!SOMEONE FOR THE FIRST TIME BELIEVES ME HERE!...Oh waita minute...Tak was the first..ahwell." Dib said, shurgging off the 'Tak' subject.. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked."Eh...'kay..." She said continuing to walk. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib looked behind him,then to the side, and then to Kat. "Um...Kat...uh...You know I, I think Ilike you...alot..." Dib blushed furiously. (go XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat turned toward him."Eh...why...?" She asked confused, and alittleaprehensive. (XDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib looked around,smiling, then looked at Kat in the eyes. "Because. Your the only onethat seems to care. And your so kind! I've never met akind person like you!" Dib said as they both walked into Kat's front yard.(go)
InvaderKat01: Kat felt blush creep acrossher face...but from emberassment. She walked up herfront steps and stood infront of the door, thenturned back to Dib. " at Skool tomarrow...?" She asked. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib blushed like a maniacin love...well,he was amaniac in love. Dib put his hand on Kat's door and leaned closer to Kat." know, your eyes are so pretty...and your hair too..." Dibsaid blushing, preparing himself for his fitst kiss.(XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD go *rofl* )
IAMZiM100: *first
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and blushed alittle."Eh...thanks...heh..." she gave a nervous laugh. (XDXD go)
IAMZiM100: (ppfftbwaaha!)
IAMZiM100: Dib leaned closer to hersmiling, then closing his eyes. ( make her SLAM THEDOOR IN HIS FACE ER SOMTHIN! go)
InvaderKat01: (XDDDDDDDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat glanced around andquickly opened the door, slamming it in his face. "EH SORRY GOTTA GET TOWORK ON HOMEWORK!!!" She exclaimed running inside and locking the door.(XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD go)
IAMZiM100: Dib leaned to much, and then fell on his face. He grunted, then got upand brished himself off. "Maybe I waited toosoon?" Dib asked himself then walking back home, slightly dissapointed. In Zim's base, Zim was banging his headagainst his console, the one where he was talking to Kat by. "AERG AGH ERGH!"Zim excalimed hitting his head eachtime. "I BET SHE'S KISSING HIS YECH, DISGUSTING BIG STINK BEASTHEAD RIGHT ABOUT NOW!!! I DON'T KNOW WHY SHE WOULD EVEN THINK OF LIKING AHUMAN! The thought of it
IAMZiM100: disgusts me..." Zimyelled out angrilly. "How do you know she kissedDib?" The computer said to Zim. "I DON'T KNOW!...Maybeshe didn't...I hope she didn't...Irkens don't naturalylove anyone outside their species." Zim said, narrowing his eyes. "I Thought youonce said, 'Invaders need no oneeeeeeeee!" Thecomputer said, nearly immitating Zim. (from the Keef episode)
IAMZiM100: Zim blinked angrilly. "YES, That is true,INVADERS NEED NO ONE!" Zim excalimedshaking his fists high. "Then why do you fawn over Invader Kat for?" Thecomputer asked curiously. Zim grunted. "Whatver...I-IJust...DO, OKAY!?" Zim yelled out. " Ooooh...Zim and Kat, sittingin a tree- K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" the computer mocked. "QUIET!" Zimyelled. "Firstcomes love..." The computer sang. "I SAIDQUIET!!!!" Zim screemed.(go XDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat breathed out a sigh of realif as Dib walked away. She then went down to her base,and sat infront of her console. She hesitated beforeshe tapped some keys, and then called Zim. (XDD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's console went on. "AAAAAAAAAAAAUGH STOP MOCKING ZIM!" Zim excalimed, but the computer went on. "Zimand Kat, sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G! FIRST COMESLOVE-" The computer sang louder. "GAH! SHUDDUP! SHUDDUP!!" Zim exclaimed distressfully. "SHE'S ONTHE LINE!" Zim said flailing his arms in the air. The computer suddenly stoped, and then laughed. "DON'E MAKEME UNPLUG YOOU!" Zim excalimed,shakinghis fist upward. The computer Went scilent.Zim turned sharply to face his screen. "I-I'm sorry...Ehh..
IAMZiM100: YEEES?" Zim askedgrinning to Kat. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and visiblyshuddered. "gah that big headedkid...he...GAAAAAAAH!!" She said shuddering again. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim frowned. "Are youalright? What's the matter?" Zim asked, concernly, narrowing one eye. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat calmed down."Nothing happened, he just...guyah....triedto..." She gagged. "kiss me..."She then gagged some more. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's eyes widened. "WHO!?!!?...tell Zim..." Zim said narrowing hiseyes. His eyes then shot wide. "OH IS IT THE DIB!!!??!!?!?!?" Zimasked veeeeery disgusted.. (XDXDgo)
InvaderKat01: Kat nodded, still shivering."I think i'm gonna be sick..." She said covering her mouth. "i DID make him fall on his face though..." She somwhat smirked. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim didn't smile."I.......I wanted to WARN you about him. He's dangerous. If he finds out your my kind, he will turn on you, just like he did onTak...I think..." Zim looked up. "Oh, never mind, I don't think youknow Tak...dosn't matter anyways..." Zim lookedaway. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked."Eh...Tak...yeah...she's my sister..." Kat blinked. (XDXDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim blinked. "WHAT!?" Zim shook his head offffrom disbelief. "Are you serious? is thatpossible?" Zim asked curiously. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat shrugged. "Weweren't born from the same tube...all i know is, we have DNA from the sameparents..." She said. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim nodded. "Isee." Zim said. "Your unlike yoursister...very far from even 'like' her at all." Zim said quietly, craking a slight smile. (go XDAWW)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "...howso?" she asked. (dawwwhe so cute!! XP go)
IAMZiM100: Zim blushed."B/c...b/c your so beautiful..andshe is drop dead ugly..." Zim looked away, embarrased.(go XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat let out a laugh, andblushed slightly. "Well, she doesn't have any peircings,either...she was too chicken...ehheeh..." shegiggled. (XDXDgo)
IAMZiM100: Zim laughed. "Heh, and you are so warm...and kind and special. I met noone like you before! Umm...Kat, would you like to come over fordinner....................................ehh..."Zim blushed furiously at the screen, (aww go XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat's antenna drooped."Eh i can come over later, but im really busy right sorry...i cancome over around 8-ish, maybe..." She said. (awwgo)
IAMZiM100: Zim's anntenaesperked. "WOW! WOO!" Zim jumped out of his seat. "one second..." Zim said as he ran off screen."WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" he yelled. "SHE LIKES ME SHE LIKESMEEEEE SHE LIKES ZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM!" Zim yelled LOUDLY as hecrashed somethings. "OH NO!!!" Zim shouted."COMPUTER FIX THAT!" Zim yelled out. "NO ITS YOUR FAULT, MAN!" The computer yelled. "LISTEN TO ME ORELES!" Zim screamed. The computer sighed. "OH alright..." it said,peeved off. Zim ran back to his seat and sighed and
IAMZiM100: smiled. "That's great, eheres my address." He pressed a button on his consoleand his address appeared on Kat's screen. (Go XDDDDDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat memorized it, herphotographic memory coming in handy once more. "Eh 'kay...i'll be there around...8-ish...'kay?" She askedsmiling sweetly again. (go...XDDDDDDDDDD he's just toodamn cute XD)
IAMZiM100: Zim nodded. Zim grinned."OH YES AND MEESEZES!" Zim excalimed,widening his eyes. (GOXDDDDDDDDDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat narrowed an eye at himconfused. "Eh...'kay...see you then..." she saluted and then signedoff. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim turned off his screen.Then fell off his chair. "heeheeheehee...."Zim giggled. "HEHEHEHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHBWAAAAAA AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA IAM THE MAN!! WHEEEEEEEE- I AM ZIM!!! WHEEEHEHEHHEEEAHHEEE!"Zim squealed. "ZIMS GOT A DATE!! I HAVE A DATE AT EIGHT!!!" Zim thengot up from the floor. "Hey that can be a song...." Zim's antennaes perked. He started to Sing the tune of 'PrettyWoman''...."doodeedoodoo..Igot a date at 8- pretty woman...deedeedoodeedoo......ARGH!how come I don't know this song!"
IAMZiM100: Zim exclaimed, walkingaround in his base. (XDDDDDD Go)
InvaderKat01: ~8 O'clock~
kat walked up past the gnomes in the front yard, eyeing them slighlty. She then knocked on Zim's door. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim was sitting on hiscouch, eyeing the door the whole time. He was out of disguise. He walked overto the door and opened it. "Hello there!" Zim said as he closed thedoor behind him as Kat walked in. (go)
InvaderKat01: kat waved. She looked aroundthe room and at the high celing. "Eh...nice baseunit..." She said blinking. She pressed the button on her necklace, andher disguise faded, revealing her in Irken form. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smiled. He walked intohis kitchen, and motioned a 'come over here' motion. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and walked overto him. (go)
IAMZiM100: Zim pulled out a seat fromthe table. On the table was a plate of green spagetti.(That is the color of spagetti for irkens, i guess....XD go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and smiled as shesat down. (XDXD green...i wonder if they have green eggs and ham...??? XDXDXDgo)
IAMZiM100: Zim sat himself down,accross from Kat and pickedup his fork and fiddled with it. "Do you like spagetti?"He asked putting his fork into that one big plate in the middle of teh table. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat did the same. "Eh yeah, actually." She smiled. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked up. "Ehh...Did you ever ride a megadoomer?"Zim asked. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat nodded. "Yeah...ihad to, b/c it was part of one of my missions..." she said. (gO)
IAMZiM100: Zim's eyes widened for asecond. "Uh...that's neat." Zim said, gulping his food. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat smirked and ate also, butnot fast. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked from side toside. "Heh, I used -stole one............." Zim smirked. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked, stopping in midchew. "...." She swollowed."Eh...why...? did you steal it from thetallest?" She asked. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked around."N-no why would I do that?..." Zim lookeddown. "Okay...I did...I stole it from the eqquipmenthall...and I used it durring Impending doom 1 anddestroyed...stuff...BUT THE DESTRUCTION WAS NICE!" Zim excalimed,then taking a drink of soda. (go)
IAMZiM100: *steal
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked. "Ah...soTHAT was you..." She said continuing to eat. (XDXDXD gO)
IAMZiM100: Zim looked to Kat. "are you a trouble maker?" Zim asked, curiously.(go)
InvaderKat01: Kat smirked. "Weeell...used to be...." She said glancing around."....i was the Queen of Pranks in Invader College...." She said smirking.(XDXDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim smirked. "Really? Heh, I was called KING of CHAOS...andDESTUCTION!!...." Zim smiled. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat laughed a bit."Yeah...i used to duct-tape my fellow students in their rooms...put anentire wall of ductape up on their doors, so whenthey walked out they got tangled up in it..." She laughe.d(XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim laughed. "HAHAHA! Did you ever cause a chemical explosion in alab before?" Zim asked. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat looked abit emberrassed. "eh...yeah...afew times...the first was by accident but the 8 others following were...intentional..."She blushed. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim blushed. "Really!..ME too..Except..I made about 15lab explosions on purpose!" Zim smiled. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat rolled her eyes. "heh somehow i'm not surprised..." She laughed. (XD oG)
InvaderKat01: (*go)
IAMZiM100: Zim blinked, wide eyed. "EEH!?"Zim ate quietly looking the other way. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat ate quietly too, lookingthe opposite way, around the kitchen. (XD go...)
InvaderKat01: (brb)
IAMZiM100: (EE)
IAMZiM100: They ate untill there was one string of spaghetti left. Zim waslooking at his wall, then his eyes narrowed as Zim sucked on that one string ofspagetti, he didn't get the end of the speggeti yet...(GO XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat was on the other end ofthe spaghetti, looking at the other wall, and she narrowed her eyes as she couldn’tget the end of it yet either...she slowly leaned across the table...(XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim started to lean accross the table. He tried to eat the end of the speggeti, and slowly he turned his head to face Kat. Hiseyes widened as his lips met hers. He blushed and closed his eyes and put hishands on her face and continued to kiss her. (XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD YAAY! go)
InvaderKat01: Kat's eyes widened too, butshe in return closed her eyes and kissed back. (AAWWW!!!!^^ GO)
IAMZiM100: Zim drew his face back andlooked into her eyes. He then smieldwarmly. (XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD go)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and then smiledback sweetly at him. She then blushed and glanced around, but then looked backinto his eyes and smiled agian. (AWWW go)
IAMZiM100: Zim leaned to her againand kissed her again. (go XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD eee go)
InvaderKat01: Kat smiled, and kissed back,slowly the kiss began to deepen....(goXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!)
IAMZiM100: Zim then grabbed Kat'shand and then ran with her towards the couch. "My table is no place forCOMFORT!" Zim excalimed as he hopped onto thecouch. (go XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat giggled and hopped upbeside him smiling. (XDDDD goooo...XDDDDDDD)
IAMZiM100: Zim then pounced onto Katand then was about to lean into her, but instead tugged on her anntenaes, lightly. "WAIT!...........WHYDID YOU COME TO EARTH FOR!" Zim asked, suspiciously. (GO>_L )
IAMZiM100: (XD)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and shrugged."Eh i wanted another mission...and my Sister said that Earth was a goodplace to the Tallest said that you needed help, but i had NO idea whatthey were talking about...they had eh...gotten 'wasted' so to speak..."she giggled. (XDXD TALLESTS GOT DRUUUUNK!! XDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim frowned. "Excuseme, ZIM DOSE NOT NEED HELP! Your lying! YOU LIE!"Zim exclaimed pointing to Kat. (go ...O_o)
InvaderKat01: Kat blinked and rolled hereyes. "That's what they said...but then again, they were drunk...quite asight, had a lampshade on his head...." she said narrowingone eye. (XDXD i would DIE laughing...XDXD gO)
IAMZiM100: Zim narrowed an eye."Your telling me, Tallest Red head a LAMPSHADE onhis...head?" Zim asked un-narrowing his eyes. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat nodded, giggling andcovering her mouth slightly. "...the best part was...I TAPED IT!!!"She exclaimed waving her arms and falling back laughing. (XDXDXD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim's eyes widened."C-Can I see it?" Zim asked, really wanting to see. "I never sawthem drunk before..." Zim said putting a finger to his mouth. (go)
InvaderKat01: Kat nodded, and she grabbedthe tape from her pak. She handed it to him. "h-here! i've got it saved on myconsole at m-my base..." She said in-between laughs and giggles. (XD go)
IAMZiM100: Zim took the tape fromKat's hands and hopped off the couch and slipped it into the vcr.He then hopped back to the couch and grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. (go XD you controll what happens tored there)
InvaderKat01: (XD kk)
InvaderKat01: The tape showed the tallesttalking to Kat, and Red DID have a lampshade on his head. "WEEHEEEE...WHOOHOOO!!"He exclaimed, waving his arms around, what looked like a martini in his lefthand, antenna's perked up. "Now-now then're doingq-quite your"He stuttered. Kat blinked. "...missions...?" She inquired. "YESthat's it!!" He exclaimed pointing to a chair, whomhe thought was Kat. (XD go... XD)
IAMZiM100: Zim put a hand to hismouth and let out a giggle. On the screen purple was banging his head against awall. "Soyou see, Invader Kat, DOUGHNUTS!..uh um um um um um THIS IS HOW WE DO HEAD BANGS!..."Purple exclaimed. There was fast heavy metal music running in the background."AND ALSO UHM EARTH IS MADE OF POOP!" Purple exclaimed holding up asnickers bar. "LIKE SO!" Purple exclaimed unwrappinga snickers bar and then shaking it a he spoke, making a high pitch noise."wheeehooo, we are earth.
IAMZiM100: We are dumb like poop!AND WE ARE POOP, yaaay!" Purple exclaimed waving the snickers bar. Thenpurple threw the snickers bar into a bowl and swished the bowl around."FAAAARGGHT POOT!" Purple said making a toilet farty noise."PLOP- SPLASH" "Aww no, we earthanoids are all gonna DIEE!"Purple exclaimed. "FLLLUUSH." .There was a silence. "BWAHAHAAHHAHAHA!!!" Purple exclaimed. Zim staredat the screen in horror. (GO XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDD)
InvaderKat01: Kat's eye twitched slightly."...i think Red was the -ahem- better portion of it..." She said."Buuut there's always...." She glanced around and leaned over to him."...BLACKMAIL...." She whispered and smirked.
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pixiepumpkin on December 5, 2006, 12:28:37 PM
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Invader_Mira on January 15, 2006, 11:54:45 AM
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Elen on December 11, 2005, 8:54:28 PM
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