Chapter 1 - Prologue
Submitted February 10, 2006 Updated October 25, 2006 Status Incomplete | This is a book that i am making. it has all the original characters. I will add a chapter everytime i add to the book. Well hope everyone likes it.
Books » By Author Name » Erin Hunter |
Chapter 1 - Prologue
Chapter 1 - Prologue
My Warriors Book
Prologue Razer sharp talons gripped his fur as the hawk carried him away across the sky. He squirmed and wriggled helplessly as he tried to get free, but it was no use. The hawk had a good firm grip and would not let go of it's meal.
The last thing he remembered seeing was his mother launching herself at the hawk only to fall off leaving him to be taken away.
As the hawk flew him away from his home he noticed a big long black path with monsters roaring past with twolegs in they're belly, and rocky mountains as they passed.
After a while he closed his eyes to wait for what he knew was coming. He did not care if he died anymore, he couldn't hear anything even if he got free. He thought to himself after a moments pause and said to himself if i'm going to die, i'll die bravely.
He opened his eyes only to find himself alone with darkness all around him. Then a voice deep inside his head called to him and it said do not give up young one, you are strong and your clan needs you. StarClan is with you. Then the voice was gone and the darkness faded.
When he reopened his eyes he saw the light of day and felt the breeze in his white fur as he was being carried by the hawk's powerful talons. He remembered the voice inside his head telling him not to give up and that his clan needed him. What would his clan need him for, he was deaf and useless.
Inturupting his thoughts, he felt the the sharp talons release him as he fell into a bird's nest. In his mind he was still thinking to give up, but his heart told him he needed to go on to help his clan, whatever that may be. He was just a kit but StarClan, whoever StarClan was, was going to help him get through this.
With the strength and courage of StarClan by his side he leaped at the hawk and scored his claws down it's face. The hawk let out a scream of surprise and anger as the kit leaped again with claws outstretched and clawed the birds wing. The hawk, so furious and mad, scored it's powerful talons down the kits back. The kit screamed in agony as the talons dug in his back, but he turned around and bit the hawks leg. The hawk released the kit, and the kit jumped on the hawk's back and bit down on it's neck. The hawk was screaming in agony as the kit bit harder and harder. The kit did not let go until he tasted the hawk's blood in his mouth. The kit watched as the hawk gave a convulsive shudder, then die.
The kit sat there for a while licking his wounds and resting from the battle. After a while of resting in the nest he got to his paws and started clawing his way down the tree. When he got down on the ground he saw beautiful lush forest all around him. But it was not the forest he came from. After a while he started to cry. All he wanted right now was to be back in his own forest with his mother.
Then the world around him faded into darkness again as another voice came to him. The voice said Do not be sad young one. StarClan will give you something to help you on your journey. The kit, a little terrified that this thing kept talking to him, tried to run but his paws were stuck in place. The voice returned and said StarClan will grant you the power to feel the ground. Whenever something is nearby you will be able to feel it and know what it is. The kit was still a little scared by this thing but now he new it was trying to help him. He still didn't understand who StarClan was and he wanted to know. StarClan, as if reading his thoughts, told him who they were. After they finished telling him who they were, he felt better. It was cool for Warrior ancesters to be watching over him. The darkness faded away leaving him all alone.
He opened his eyes and saw the lush forest all around him again. Then he felt his paws tingling as a mouse ran by. He didn't even see the mouse until he felt the tingling feeling in his paws. All at once he jumped on the mouse and killed it with one swift bite. This was the gift StarClan gave to him. So happy to have caught his first mouse all on his own he ran in circles til he was dizzy. His paws tingled again but this time it was a cat. He couldn't see the cat but his paws told him it was coming from the bush next to him. He moved a couple pawsteps back from the bush and sat down.
The cat in the bush stepped out and sat down in front of of him and gave him a questioning look. She was a beautiful she cat with white fur and she had black boots on her paws, a black tipped tail, black tipped ears and black around muzzle. She didn't look that much older than him either. He saw her lips move as she began to speak but as usal he couldn't hear anything. He tilted his head to show he didn't understand her and tried the best he could to speak to her but the words were so distorted and and messed up. She got to her paws and came over to him with a sympathetic look on her face. She gave him a lick on the forehead then rubbed his fur. She linked tails with him and led him into the forest.
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Spottedflower118 on December 18, 2007, 6:14:13 AM

chei on July 5, 2007, 10:30:33 AM
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Nyar on April 21, 2006, 1:04:31 AM
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Hawkfrost on March 7, 2006, 6:36:38 AM
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