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Chapter 6 - Insurrection

An anthro story I wrote. Told from the first person perspective of a mutant in a future earth. His people are being kept a secret from humanity and he must save them from a dominating human millitary.

Chapter 6 - Insurrection

Chapter 6 - Insurrection
Chapter V: Insurrection

Freedom of information is the only safe guard against tyranny

Prophet Zakarov, Sid Myers Alpha Centauri

We approached Poseidon slowly, keeping low amongst rocks and out of their sonar range. Just like humans, they always ensure against something the size of an aircraft carrier, but fail to see the possible damage done by a lone fighter. The structure loomed before us, a giant tower constructed on the ocean floor.
I nudged my companion awake, she had fallen asleep around a third into the trip. Auna, its time.
She stirred, and then sat bolt upright when she caught a look at what was just beyond the cockpit canopy. Oh my god, so this is where our tax dollars go. Youre saying you lived on that thing for seven years?
I nodded, Home sweet home& sort of
She smirked as I piloted the Manti sub-fighter into a position along one of the outer walls of the complex. I then reached under the seat and tossed a black package back to Auna. Put this on.
She unzipped the water proof bag and pulled out a similar wetsuit to mine, minus the holes for tail and fins. Do I have to? Cant you just dock or something? I mean, theres no where to change in here&
I tried to restrain my grin, Dont worry, I wont look. Besides, if you dont put it on, the water temperature will freeze you within three minutes.
Once Auna was safely in the wetsuit, and breathing from a pair of SCUBA tanks, I opened a valve that would flood the cabin of the sub-fighter. I felt the cold move slowly up from my feet, up the length of my lets and tail, up to my chest and finally passing over my gills and then my head. Once the cabin was flooded, I hit the release button. The canopy of the subfighter pivoted upwards and I was at long last, truly in the open ocean.
I was free, Auna would later comment on how graceful my people were in the water. Unlike humans who swim with an awkward sort of kicking motion, I kept my arms and legs close to my body. Like all fish, I swam with a lazy S pattern, my powerful tail giving thrust, my dorsal fin keeping me on course, and the smaller pectoral fins on my forearms allowing me to turn like a fighter jet.
After a few minutes of what Auna would later describe as Showing off. I got to the mission at hand. Swimming along the outer walls until, using my Sixth sense I discovered a room without the ghostly silowets of humans in it. Removing the laser cutter from my vest and beginning the agonizing process of slicing a hole large enough for us to swim through.
Once the hole was created, it only took a slight push to dislodge the metal plate and allow sea water to flood the cargo bay on the other side. To enter, reseal the hole, and bolt for the exit onto the corridor was the work of an instant. We exited the room, taking a good three inches of water with us out into the corridor.
Auna removed her oxygen mask, So, where to now Mako?
I led her down the corridor, surprisingly we hadnt attracted any attention form the guards, after all, minor leaks in the cargo areas was not unheard of. We continued along the sterile white corridor until I found what I was looking for. A computer terminal built into the wall, I tapped the gell keyboard (An invention that allows the keys to change along with what are displayed) until I found the map of the facility, and the all important You are here sign.
We were on level 21, the floor we wanted was several decks up, that meant one of two things, a long crawl through the air vents, or taking out two guards outside the elevators. I chose the ladder, I was currently in no mood to go crawling through air vents. But before I could go all animal on those two guards (clearly less than they deserved in my opinion) Auna put a hand on my arm. Please, dont kill anyone, at least not yet. I looked her in the eye, and then slowly nodded.
The guards on the lower decks clearly forgot to read the passage of the universal handbook of common sense that clearly states You snooze, You loose. Both guards werent really paying attention to the world around them so it was a simple matter of sneaking around behind them and then performing a quick blow to the pressure point just below the base of their skulls.
Auna looked slightly shaken but she followed me into the elevator. Did you have to make that so& Brutal?
I smirked, Have you ever actually seen a shark attack? If you have you should know that I am capable of much worse, now could you be so helpful as to assist me in moving these& good people into the elevator?
She did and once we were all in the elevator I hit the button marked: L17 LAB. As the doors closed and the elevator began to swish up the shaft, I removed the metal storm rifle from my back and handed it to Auna.
What am I supposed to do with this? she croaked incredulously.
Point it level and look like you know how to fire it. I answered with a completely straight face.
I myself took the two Mag-rail shotguns from their holsters and leveled them at the doors. The doors slid open with a soft hiss, and my weapons were perfectly trained on the two guards just outside the elevator. Your weapons, drop them& NOW!
They both complied instantly, Turn around, slowly. Again they complied. I marched them backwards towards the metal doors of the enclosure. Through the flanks of petrified scientists. Once at the control panel next to the door I issued another order: Enter the unlock code, make it quick. The senior of the two (second lieutenant from the looks of his uniform) stepped forward, and with trembling fingers, doubtless thinking of what he was about to let loose entered the unlock code.
The thick steel door slid back, and for the first time, my people cheered. It was a wave of joyous sound and then they began to exit the little world that had been their home for seven years.
Meanwhile, the two guards and roughly a dozen scientists were cowering in one corner, completely petrified with fear.
I then shouted over the uproar: Form up!
The aquatics formed themselves into ten teams of six, while my two closest companions, Chinook and Darwin walked to my side. I began calling orders: There is an armory on the first storage deck, go two teams at a time and arm yourselves, then round up the humans. Our days of taking orders from them are over!
There was a second mass cheer and the groups began to file out, one staying behind as a sort of body guard. I then turned to Chinook, who was giving Auna a very cold stare. Calm down big guy, shes on our side. I said to the orca.
He looked her up and down, apparently satisfied he made a beckoning gesture to her. Would you mind helping me decipher the aquatic genetic structure. I thought it would be useful to know, incase your government installed a fail safe or two. Said the orca.
Uhhh& Sure answered Auna and followed my friend. Darwin meanwhile was, with the help of the six remaining aquatics to frisk the scientists and the two guards, confiscating anything metallic or electronic.

About an hour later, the teams began to trickle back with their human prisoners, also stripped of weapons or electronics. There was about the same number of humans as there were aquatics, General Marchank among them. They were made to stand in rows, like we had been, and then I paced up and down them, as our human captors had done.
I smiled as I approached the surly form of General Marchank. Well, well, well& The high and mighty General Marchank standing prisoner before me, how odd. It seems you werent so infallible after all.
He tried to stare coldly back, but he could not lock eyes with me. Something odd I have discovered with my dealings with humans. They cannot bring themselves to stare into the black marbles that are my eyes, besides the fact that I hardly ever blink.
He spoke at last, What exactly do you plan to do now? I heavily doubt that even you could kill us all without feeling a little guilt. This was a statement he instantly regretted.
I grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and slammed him against a wall, his feet were well off the ground so we were face to face. Be assured General that II have no sympathy for you, or any who serve under or above you. I would dearly love to be able to kill you myself, but that is my human half talking. Sharks only kill if threatened or in need of food. Right now I feel neither so. I turned my head back to my followers, none of whom looked like they would vouch for the general. Im taking suggestions on what to do with all these humans. I called to the crowd.
There were several calls, some gruesome others lenient. For instance Aniken, the young shark who had been one of the first to enter the fray that bought me my freedom shouted. I say we putem in one of those old sub hulls and let them drift out to sea. Chinook on the other hand called, I say we lock them in the habitat, poetic justice at its finest.
I held up my hand and silence fell. Here is what I decide, on the helicopter pad there are three NAVY sea hawk transports. All the human military personnel will board them and head for the closest allied NAVY base. Somewhere in Australia if Im not mistaken. They will not turn around, and they will inform their government to announce to the world what they have unleashed.
Marchank stared at me, Why arent you getting rid of us, I smell a plot.
I smiled back, The great conquerors always leave some to tell the tale.
The humans were marched into the choppers and the three took off, just as I had said, they did not turn around and they did not stop.
We were now in complete control of Posiedon Station. And the world would know soon enough, that a new nation had been born. The nation of Pacifica.


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