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Hay Hiei

think of tony the tiger mix's with yu yu hakusho (VERY DUMB)



Chapter 1 - Hay Hiei
Submitted: April 4, 2004 • Updated: April 4, 2004
Word count: 72 • Size: <1k • Comments: 13 • views: 447

Chapter 2 - Punk Rock Show
Submitted: April 11, 2004 • Updated: April 11, 2004
Word count: 242 • Size: 1k • Comments: 5 • views: 284

Chapter 3 - i've got a lovely bunch of.......
Submitted: May 20, 2004 • Updated: May 20, 2004
Word count: 423 • Size: 2k • Comments: 4 • views: 198


Comments (22)

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gaaraluv on November 29, 2006, 7:56:00 AM

gaaraluv on (Chapter: 1)
gaaraluvOMG SO funny do more like these

eclipsedmoongoddess482 on September 24, 2004, 10:29:08 AM

eclipsedmoongoddess482 on (Chapter: 3)
eclipsedmoongoddess482LMFAO! OMG! This is frickin' FUNNY! ^-^ I'm so happy that I read this. I wish I found it sooner! This chappie like made my day. Its so funny. What a clever song! I'm gonna sing that in school on Monday and see how long it takes before my friends pretend to disown me. Lmao! ^-^ Excellent job Sally! Keep it up! ^-^ *Givez ya the Random Hiei Cookie of the Day*

a-drawer-4ever on September 16, 2004, 4:13:18 AM

a-drawer-4ever on (Chapter: 2)
a-drawer-4everLiz: LOL ah so fun to read! ^_^ i'm still working on my story I might even have a name for it! get this "Fox Tails!" what'cha tink? ^,^ I like it it's better than the original one "Heart" anywho i'm bored, as usual um.. I got a kewly black leather jacket ^_^ it lookys so Kewlness! and I found the problem in my scanner my comp ish missing a program that makes it work with the scanner -.- that makes no sense to me but bla blah blah lol any who hi'es!

ShadowGal50 on July 26, 2004, 9:02:58 AM

ShadowGal50 on (Chapter: 2)
ShadowGal50very funnay!

ShadowGal50 on July 26, 2004, 9:01:35 AM

ShadowGal50 on (Chapter: 1)

keikoyukina on July 22, 2004, 10:38:26 PM

keikoyukina on (Chapter: 1)
keikoyukinahey i talked to u yesterday in the chatroom!!I like it dont eat purple chicken its mean lol thanx for reveiwing

a-drawer-4ever on July 14, 2004, 12:56:13 AM

a-drawer-4ever on (Chapter: 1)
a-drawer-4everloved it!

a-drawer-4ever on June 18, 2004, 5:03:37 AM

a-drawer-4ever on (Chapter: 3)
a-drawer-4everMe: your not unloved *huggs coke* you've got friends ^^
(this is the part where we have roup hug)
Hiei: *twitch, twitch* no f******' way!!!!
Me: OOHHH hiei said the f word!!!!
Kurama: (not getting invovled)
Ren: Liz your SOOO sheltered.
Me: what's dat supposed 2 mean?
Ren: that's when you think friggin' is a bad word!
Me: oh no ren said the f word *faints*

coca-cola on May 28, 2004, 3:21:42 PM

coca-cola on (Chapter: 2)
coca-colago right on ahead i could care less he's not mine :D i'm gald you like it :D

coca-cola on May 28, 2004, 3:18:57 PM

coca-cola on (Chapter: 3)
coca-colaokay i fell unloved

coca-cola on May 20, 2004, 12:09:44 PM

coca-cola on (Chapter: 3)
coca-colahay please comment, o'ya Silver i hope you don't mind i used you and the Riku Clones in this well if you do mind and want me to deleat(sp?) this i will just tell me kay

Kouji on May 20, 2004, 10:24:58 AM

Kouji on (Chapter: 1)
Koujihahah lol that is great, very creative way to put it :) btw thanks alot for the comment on my kurama and hiei plushie pic, i really appreciate it :D

Ban_Boredom on May 9, 2004, 2:29:44 PM

Ban_Boredom on (Chapter: 1)
Ban_Boredomahhh this is a good idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!

coca-cola on April 30, 2004, 9:15:16 AM

coca-cola on (Chapter: 2)
coca-colatanks :-D

XxFadedDreamxX on April 18, 2004, 2:33:59 PM

XxFadedDreamxX on (Chapter: 2)
XxFadedDreamxXLol, you have the weirdest fanfics, but weird in a good way! Lol, they're pretty funny!

coca-cola on April 9, 2004, 2:39:51 PM

coca-cola on (Chapter: 1)
coca-colathankies i'm so happy you guys/girls like it

eclipsedmoongoddess482 on April 8, 2004, 10:31:48 AM

eclipsedmoongoddess482 on (Chapter: 1)
eclipsedmoongoddess482Me: *singing (rather badly)* Hay Hiei! I like the things you do...

Me: *singing louder*: HAY HIEI! IF I COULD I WOULD BE YOU.

Hiei: *Hands cupped over his ears*: STOP SINGING!!!

Me: No. *Starts singing again* If I could I would be you.

Hiei: *shrugs* Oh well. If you can't beat them...*sings along with Silver* I'm the one and only demon...

a-drawer-4ever on April 7, 2004, 10:14:05 AM

a-drawer-4ever on (Chapter: 1)
a-drawer-4evermuwa hahahhahahah!!! !*laughs off her tail* wah!! my tail at least I still have my cute twichy ears!^^ oh great no awsome ingenius fanfic do another!! *laalalala*

Koolkat6968 on April 6, 2004, 4:58:32 AM

Koolkat6968 on (Chapter: 1)
Koolkat6968funny! I like alot!

Key_The_Iced_Neko on April 4, 2004, 1:01:13 PM

Key_The_Iced_Neko on (Chapter: 1)
Key_The_Iced_NekoxDDD It's only funny cause it's like....stupid funny in a good way. xDDDD haha.

KenshinLover on April 4, 2004, 10:40:44 AM

KenshinLover on (Chapter: 1)
KenshinLoverhehehheh this is funny! ^ _ ^
I wish I were Hiei *get's smacked by Hiei* okay maybe I don't o.o