Chapter 7 - Taking Down Another
Submitted February 27, 2006 Updated May 4, 2006 Status Incomplete | Slade is back and he's after Lilly, while Cyborg finds Sarah is not what she seems and Red X was evil all along. This is the sequel of Concert
Cartoons » Teen Titans |
Chapter 7 - Taking Down Another
Chapter 7 - Taking Down Another
Terra goes to the jet and sees Shelia and Red X and puts them in a stone cage and makes it fly out of the dome where the villains are. She enters the jet and sneaks into Lilly's room and sees Lilly on the floor.
Terra: Lilly?
Lilly: Terra?! Terra! Get out, before I kill you!
Terra: Listen I know you're under mind control and I know how hard it is to fight it
Lilly: *crying* I've been crying all night only from midnight to one I am good, it's 12:55
Terra: You can get out of this I know it you're so strong!
Lilly: Strong enough to bathe in my friends blood!
Terra: Listen I once did the same thing, then Beast Boy showed me that I had a choice
Lilly: But they didn't die!
Terra: But that was because I wasn't as strong as you!
The clock goes to one o'clock
Lilly: Uhh I'm turning bad! Get out of here go!
Terra: I won't see you lose to this you'll have to kill me!
Lilly: *takes out dagger and stabs Terra* My pleasure
Terra: *takes out communicator* Terra down! Terra down!
BB: Terra! Hang on! I'll be right there!
Lilly: *takes Terra's communicator* Don't bother *stabs Terra again* she's dead
BB: Lilly I swear…'re going down
Lilly: *sarcastically* Oh no! I'm so scared! Why don't you call the Doom Patrol and have them help you, you little grass stain
BB: Y'know I will along with Thunder, Lighting and…and…
Lilly: I did my job well no one else
BB: Cyborg is left
Lilly: He'll die the most painful of them all
BB: Oh yeah?
Lilly: Yes
BB: *shuts off communicator* Cyborg!
Cy: What?
BB: Lilly has taken Terra down
Cy: We need help
BB: I'm calling Thunder and Lightning now
Cy: Good
Back in Paris Lilly stands in front of all the frozen villains with Slade, Red X and Shelia who just had gotten back.
Slade: Lilly put on this bracelet it will make you're wind power stronger who's essence can melt everyone.
Lilly: O.K *puts it on and uses her power to melt all of the villains*
Kitten: Oh my gosh! I'm alive! Woo Hoo!
Rouge: We have conquered
Lilly: I…I did it! Slade I did it!
Villains: Did what?
Slade: Melted you
Fang: Hey you're with the Titans
Lilly: Not any more I killed Robin and others!
Rouge: I do not believe you're story
Lilly: Well do you want me to show you his body?
Rouge: No
Lilly: Well then here is his mask *holds up mask* I single handedly have taken down 4/5 of the Teen Titans
Billy: Well!
Lilly: *interrupts him* let me guess *in a southern accent* butter my backside and call me a biscuit!
Mod: Well lovey I guess you are a villain….jolly good then!
Lilly: One thing though…the Doom patrol, Thunder and Lightning and BB and Cy are still left
Rouge: You plan to defeat them?
Lilly: Oh yes
Rouge: Well here's you're chance to show us…Thunder and Lightning are here
Lilly: Good
Thu: Friend Lilly! Please do not hurt us
Light: We just want to help
Lilly: I told you that if you came back I'd kill you *takes out dagger* that's what I plan to do
Lilly goes at them quickly but they doge and jump up on their cloud things and start to ride around Lilly decides that only acting could kill them. She sits down and starts to cry.
Lilly: Thunder, Lightning please I am so sorry! I can't believe that I could do something so awful!
Thu and Light: *now next to her* Lilly it's O.K
Lilly: *smiles* J.K! *stabs them and they fall down dead*
Rouge: J.K?
Lilly: it means just kidding
Rouge: Well we see you are of great skill…I think that you will be a great addition to the villains
Lilly: Thank you
Lightning's communicator rings and all the villains besides Slade, Red X and Shelia leave for Jump City to go and wreak havoc.
BB: Lightning! Thunder are you there?
Lilly: Long gone
BB: That's it I'm getting the Doom Patrol!
Lilly: Fine
To Be Continued………………………………………………………..
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terry_titanqueen on May 9, 2006, 12:22:06 AM

Nightbird on May 6, 2006, 1:29:22 AM
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Froze8 on May 3, 2006, 10:22:30 AM
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