Chapter 1 - discription my chara's
Submitted February 27, 2006 Updated March 4, 2006 Status Incomplete | just the discription of people (there WILL be more content ratings but i guess in a discription can't have any bad things in it x3)
Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Character Fanart » Sesshoumaru |
Chapter 1 - discription my chara's
Chapter 1 - discription my chara's
Name: yoarashi
age: 950 ( looks 19)
Type: part elemental-,part fallen -angel part wolf-,dog demon.
looks: amaya has black straight silky hair with red tips that ends just above her knees.(doesn't has bangs just has it hanging losely at the sides of her face).
Her eyes are normally silver with a dark blue line around it, but change with her emotions.
Red: angry.
Dark blue: sad.
Light Green: tired.
Dark Purple: alone.
Gold(like sesshy): happy.
Yellow: concentraiting hard.
Hazel: proud.
Black: very dipressed/dissepointed
Very light sky blue: scared.
Light pink: ashamed/emberessed.
Dark brown: in pain/hurt(you know bloody etc. Etc.)
Bright silver: cold.
Salmon (you know that kind of collor right? ^^'): ugh ugh..horny.
White/collorless(you know ..transperant like): bored.
Dark green: caged.
Light purple: calm/(care)free.
(i know, i know lot of collors but so you can remembre them i'll put them at the beginning of each chapter ^-^).
lenght: 1.90m(that's meter becaus i dunno how mutch foot that is x3 ^^'')
body: very slim body but not to thin and pretty muscled.
breasts(had to put that in x3): let's say something like cup c.
face: pointy elvisch ears, little thin( like sesshy-sama's face) full light pink lips and a small little bit pointed nose(like most of those anime figures x3)
extra's on looks: has a black wolf's tail witch is red tipped.
also with strong emotion's her elemantel powers will work stronger (you know when she's happy light and earth powers will work better etc etc.)and she can create(sp?) all kinds of wings (devil/dragon like,white/black feather wings those kind of things)
forms: full wolf form,full dog form,normal form,human form(not that she has anything of a human in her but she can hide her scent and other features),angel form and elemental forms.(wow,that are a lot of forms!).
scent:rose,dawn(you know the fresh forest smell),lime and a little bit of lavendel. ( little bit mixed but hé i like it ^-^!).
family: father (kano),mother(kanrei),step mother(takara),little half- brother(kichiro) and -sister(akemi).
history: her mother was killed bye naraku in a death battle. Her father re-married a fox deamon and had Her little half brother and sister.Her father tried to still have revenge on naraku but was killed brutaly before her eyes by (who else) naraku, a year after izumi's little half sister was born(izumi was 50( just think of looking like 6)) Izumi left her little brother and sister in a hidden village with thear mother to take care of them. and ran away in the forest,swaering to kill naraku etc.
personalaty: mostly hides emotions but when having a liking of someone very protective and gentle. Never give's up and very stubbern.
powers: a secred muwaha( you'll find out ^-^)
pets: a black wolf(kurai) and a black fenix(unmei) that can transform in a VERY big bird
type:part wolf- and dog -youkai
looks: black hair with red tips down to small of back.
silver eyes.
very muscled
lenght: 2.25m(that is VERY long trust me!)
forms: full wolf-,dog - form and normall.
scent: beach,lime and dawn.
personalety: hard headed but very gentle with people he care's about.
type: half elemetal- half fallen -angel
looks: silver hair with black tips.
dark blue eyes collor changing just like daughter.
slim beautifull body.
lenght: 1.87m.
forms: angel,human,elemental and normall form.
Scent: rose,lavendell and a little kamille(sp?).
personalaty: very generous and peacefull but when angered:MOVE VERY dangerous!
age: 2010(looks 40)
type:fox youkai
looks: full orange hair that ends at the small of her back,with full bangs(think kagome),emerald eyes and fuzzy fox ears and fluffy fox tail.
lenght: 1.79m
forms:full fox youkai small/big.
scent:vanilla,apple and a little cinamon.
personalaty:a very sunny and loud person,not very strong thue,but will give her life for her children if must.
age:540(looks 11)
type: part fox-,dog- and wolf -youkai
looks: full orange hair with black streeks in it. Silver eyes and a pair of fuzzy fox ears and fox tail,both with black points (you know dipped black).
forms:full fox form small,full dog form but isn't able to change in full wolf form (yet?).
scent:cinamon,beach and a little lime
personalaty: very cheery and hyper but scared very quikly.he love's pranks like shippo x3.
age:289 (looks 6)
type:part fox-,dog- and wolf- youkai
looks:black straight hair with red tips,has full bang(like kagome)
that ends in the mid of her back,big emerald eyes and 2 fluffy black wolf ears.
forms:full wolf form and small full fox rom(both are acualy pritty small becaus she's 6 but fox form is as big as a fox pup and wolf form is just as big as a transformd kirara).
scent:vanilla,lime and a little apple.
personalaty:very loud but brave and very strong for her age,very stubborn and diterment. like's to play but knows when she has to work.
age: 728 (15 in youkai years)
type: half black wolf and half wolf youkai
looks: pure black fur with bright ice blue eyes
forms: big- and small -wolf form.
extra:ages just like a youkai becaus of his youkai side can transform like kirara but is as big as a normall wolf in his small form and can cumunnicate(sp??) thrue his mind with other people.can also run VERY fast even faster then kouga and can do a few shadow attacks.
age: (17 in youkai years)
type: dark fenix demon(yea i just made it up x3 just say dark fenix's are very rare)
looks:black feathers with some red fethers randomly at some places, firery(sp?) red/orange eyes a black beak.
forms:normall,small and BIG youkai form.
extra:has power to heal and can change in 3 just think piggy,pigotto,pigot (you know from pokémon sorry i only know a few bird names in englisch ^^;; gomen). Can do a few attacks and has a few unkown powers.
well, this is the discription of my new story just tell me what you think and i will make another chappy (yea i know i deleted myt other story but it was going nowere so to the people that DID thought it was good (and that would be very few!) sorry but i thought it sucked ^^;;)
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dark_inu_lover on April 24, 2006, 6:54:51 PM