Chapter 2 - The end of Flamermons story...
Submitted May 20, 2007 Updated May 27, 2007 Status Incomplete | This story is about Veramon's life so far...Hope you enjoy it!
Anime/Manga » Digimon series |
Chapter 2 - The end of Flamermons story...
Chapter 2 - The end of Flamermons story...
"Flamermon?" cried Freezedramon. He looked around at the neighbouring trees. Nothing. "Ok time to look down, Freezedramon" he told himself. He glanced down at the streets below and- Flamermon was was falling closer and closer to the ground. "FLAMERMON!" screamed Freezedramon. He dived down after Flamermon and grabbed hold of her with his claws. He quickly pulled out of the dive and shot upwards and around the old factory to the deserted street below. There was a big old shed in the back garden of an empty semi-detatched house. Freezedramon hastily landed in the garden, went into the shed and made a nest for Flamermon. He lay her down in the nest and whispered "Flamermon can you hear me?". Flamermon made no sign of movement at first but then.."Freezedramon is that you?". "yeah, are you ok?" he replied. "I must have fainted, I went into labour and I fell and I couldnt stop" Flamermon whispered tearfully. "Its ok, your fine now" Freezedramon assured her. Suddenly a yelp and tears of pain signalled that Flamermon was about to have their baby. It went on for 5 long minutes but then...THUD. A large shiny red dragon egg was lying beside Flamermon in her nest. Screams and loud banging could be heard from the street. It was no longer deserted. "Freezedramon, they'll be here soon, I have to let go now. Promise me you'll look after after the baby when the egg hatches. Call the baby Veramon. Take me back to Digiworld with you and lay me to rest beside my parents" Flamermons voice faded away and she stopped breathing. Tears were falling silently down Freezedramon's face. He had to go or they would get him too. He picked up the egg and stored it away safely. Then Freezedramon opened the shed door and lifted Flamermon out carefully. He picked her up and he took off.
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ginathehedgehog on May 24, 2007, 1:47:11 AM