Chapter 2 - Meet Ayami Hyuga
Submitted July 2, 2007 Updated July 6, 2007 Status Incomplete | An Innocent heart, demonic blood, detested by those whose fathers, sons, and husbands fought the EightTailed Demon Wolf 12 years ago and survived, Ayami Hyuga is a troublemaker along with Naruto Uzumaki, this is her story.
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Chapter 2 - Meet Ayami Hyuga
Chapter 2 - Meet Ayami Hyuga
Previous Chapter: The Beginning
Meet Ayami Hyuga
Ayami! Naruto! Wheres Ayami Hyuga and Naruto Uzumaki? Iruka-sensei shouted as he hurried down a hall inside the Hidden Leaf Village Ninja Academy. His hair was pulled up into a ponytail, and an old scar crossed his face near the middle of his nose.
I have a reeeeeally bad feeling about this! And before the graduation exams, too, He worried.
Suddenly Iruka heard a loud ruckus from outside.
Look at the Great Stone Faces! somebody screamed.
The Great Stone Faces were on a cliff at the edge of the village. The head of every Hokage in history had been carved there. The Hokage were the village chiefs and the strongest shinobi of all. Besides the Third, who was still alive, every previous Hokage had given their lives for their village so the monument was considered holy ground.
Irukas sinking feeling sunk even lower. He dashed out of the Academy and onto a nearby building for a birds-eye view of the Faces.
What the hell?
Red blood gushed from every delicately carved nostril. Or was that supposed to be snot?
The First Hokage had a nasty swirl scrawled on his left cheek, while a steaming pile of crap decorated the Third Hokages right cheek. More graffiti was scribbled everywhere.
Narutooooo! Ayamiiiii!
Iruka clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and took off running.
A girl in a purple and black dress with a black Hyuga symbol on the front and on the back in purple, surrounded by a black circle was hanging from a rope, holding a paintbrush. She wore a pair of black shorts and her arms and legs were wrapped in gauze. Her dark violet hair just passed her shoulders, and now it was tied up in a messy bun.
The boy wore an orange jumpsuit hung from another rope. His hair poked up in jagged tufts, as if it had been hacked at with a sword. His jacket was tied around his waist, revealing the black shirt underneath. He wore goggles on his forehead. Both had huge grins plastered on their faces.
No one else was smiling. They all just shook their heads and watched the two from below.
Ayami Hyuga wasnt tall and she wasnt short but she was very popular. She had all the boys going goo-goo over her. She could really care less. She just loved pranking and pulling gags. She giggled quietly, winked at Naruto and went back to her masterpiece.
Naruto Uzumaki was small compared to the other kids his age. But he handled the rope deftly as he drew with a big brush.
Hee hee! This next one will get em! Naruto snorted as he drew. Go for it bud! Ayami shouted enthusiastically as she moved to the next Face. Both paused and looked down at the wave of villagers as they heard an angry voice.
Hey, you two! Cut it out! All you two ever do is pull pranks! A Chunin yelled.
Ah shaddup! Ayami screamed down to the angry Chunin. Yeah! None of you lamebrains would never even think of pulling off something like this! Naruto sneered.
Naruto was dead right. No one would ever dare doodle on the Hokage faces. The monument was sacred to all the villagers, it wasnt something to touch.
That made it the perfect place for Naruto and Ayamis crime spree. Theyd had a tough time causing trouble because almost all of the villagers had their guard up.
Check it out lamos! Ayami called down as she dipped her brush back in the paint can. We win as usual wannabes! Naruto bragged.
Just then the Third joined the crowd. He was the villages most important man, but neither Naruto nor Ayami had talked with the Hokage much. But there was something about him that made him different to them from other adults.
The Hokage had a sour look, but he didnt seem all that angry. He just stood there, observing, until a shadow crossed his path
I apologize Lord Hokage. Its all my fault, Iruka said nervously.
Ah! Iruka, The Hokage said, turning to him.
Oh man . . . Ayami said with a worried look on her face. What? Naruto said looking at her. Senseis here . . . She gasped. Both lost their grip on the rope. Ayamis rope began to break, and Naruto clung to his for dear life. Too late! With a pitiful scream, Ayami clutched her frayed rope and grabbed Narutos outstretched hand.
Iruka covered his face with his hands and sighed.
What do they think there doing? The graduation exam is tomorrow! he muttered to himself. Luckily, a tree branch caught the two on their way down. Iruka lassoed them both with a rope and dragged them back to the Academy.
Irukas classroom had stadium-style seating, with several tiers rising from the teachers podium. Naruto felt cold eyes glare at him and Ayami felt both cold and love struck eyes stare and glare at her. Iruka royally chewed both of them out.
Iruka faced Naruto. Youve flunked the graduation exam twice already Naruto! You shouldnt be fooling around! Naruto looked at the blackboard. Yeah, Whatever. Naruto mumbled. Iruka turned to Ayami And you have been a star student since you were seven! S-E-V-E-N!!! I expect more of you, Iruka scolded.
Yeah, yeah. Like I even care, Ayami muttered. Naruto tried to turn around to face her, but they were tied back-to-back. Both were way too scared to make eye contact.
Iruka sighed heavily and turned to face the class.
Line up, kids! Time for a pop quiz! he said firmly.
The class booed in unison. Iruka totally ignored them all.
Today to will do a Transformation Jutsu. You will transform into me, now line up!
Eventually the students staggered to the front, pausing to glare at Naruto and Ayami (The fanboys smiled at her). She glared at them. You are soooooo lucky that Im tied up . . . She had a hint of troublemaking in her eyes. The fanboys scurried away.
Both slouched against each other and refused to get up.
Get in line you two! Iruka barked, unwinding the lasso. Both got up and went to the back, sulking all the while.
The Transformation Jutsu isnt really that hard. With a bit of practice, anyone can transform themselves. Fighting or using another jutsu while transformed is another story. But a simple, no-frills transformation? Piece of cake!
Ayamis turn came and went, then it moved onto Naruto.
Naruto stepped in front of Iruka and made the Transformation Jutsu hand sign.
All of a sudden Iruka felt something bad was about to happen. Naruto was acting as innocent as a newborn baby, but his eyes told a different story.
Transform! Naruto yelled.
He cloaked himself in smoke while Iruka waited in anxiety. Soon a vision emerged from the dark cloud.
I call it the Sexy Jutsu! Naruto laughed.
A completely naked girl, like a model from one of those magazines, was posing prettily on one leg. Ayami attempted to suppress her laughter. The weird thing was, Iruka thought he recognized her.
Iruka felt hot liquid in his nose and instantly cupped his hands over his nose. Almost immediately, his palm brimmed over with bright red blood.
Hey, baby! The naked girl said in Narutos voice. A giggle escaped Ayamis mouth. She struck another pose. Irukas nose bleed erupted in full force and he passed out.
Finally, Ayami fell on her back, laughing, tears streaming down her face.
Aint she cool Iruka-sensei? Naruto laughed.
Just hearing Narutos voice bought Iruka back from planet chick. Instantly he started on his warpath.
You fool! Dont invent a stupid jutsu like that! Iruka roared, jerking Naruto away by his collar, and he dragged Ayami off by her dress tail, with her still giggling.
But what about the quiz sensei! Kiba Inuzuka shouted after them.
Iruka turned back, facing his students.
Were done for today! He snapped. Study on your own until the end of class. Awesome!
The class erupted in cheers as Iruka dragged the two away.
Iruka dragged Ayami and Naruto back to the Great Stone Faces.
Youre not going home until you clean off that mess. Iruka shouted angrily. Ayami and Naruto looked at the Faces.
Silently, Ayami grabbed a cold rag and a bucket from Iruka and was raised on a foothold, to the Firsts Face.
Soon both were scrubbing the doodles off with a cold rag, pausing to glare at Iruka, then getting back to scrubbing.
Why are they both like this? He asked himself for the millionth time. Iruka was deep in thought when he heard some grumbling from below.
So what if I cant go home? No one would care, Ayami mumbled.
So what if I cant go home? No ones waiting there for me anyway, Naruto muttered.
Iruka felt a double-bladed sword pierce his heart. Both were right. They were both alone. The Hokage and others secretly took care of them, did their duty. They took care of the two not out of love. They worried that the seal that held Ayamis demon and Narutos demon would break. They were afraid.
Ayamis mother died sealing the Wolf inside her. Her father always favored Airo and Hanabi, leaving her and Hinata alone. She had no on except for Naruto. Thats why they often cried. Hed heard Ayami and Naruto crying in the bathroom on more than one occasion.
Why didnt I notice it before! Iruka asked himself, anguished, beating himself up on the inside.
Uh, Ayami, Naruto? When youre all done . . . Iruka began.
Then what? Ayami and Naruto groaned. Their arms ached to no end.
Iruka looked at them sheepishly.
When youre all done, Ill buy you a bowel of ramen each.
All right! Naruto yelled
Talk about some motivation! Ayami smiled.
Both looked ready to leave right then. Iruka smiled despite the situation.
But only if you clean up EVERYHING! Iruka reminded them.
Dont worry sensei! Ayami and Naruto promised.
When the two were finished, it was already dark out. The three ambled over to Ichiraku Ramen, the all-time favorite of the academy students. Ayami and Naruto were well beyond hungry after all of the hours of Irukas slave-driving, hard labor. Both attacked their ramen with wild ambition.
Ya know sensei, Ichirakus ramen is the best! Ayami said in between slurps. Naruto nodded, noodles were poking out of his mouth. In truth, Ayami and Naruto hadnt met a noodle they didnt love. They were hopelessly addicted to them.
Iruka watched them both greedily slurp down their dinner for a bit. Finally he spoke.
Whyd you two do it? You know how much the village respects the Hokage.
Naruto and Ayami looked up in surprise.
Of course! We both know sensei! Ayami spit out, her mouth crammed with ramen. She took a big gulp and smiled.
People who earn the title of Hokage are the best of the best, Naruto said earnestly. Ayami nodded as she shoveled more ramen into her mouth.
And Im gonna be the best of the best! Naruto Uzumaki! The Next Hokage! Naruto shouted.
Ayami gulped down her ramen. And Im gonna be the best ANBU Black-Op Captain ever! Ayami smirked
But whyd you do it Ayami? Iruka asked. ANBU Black-Op Captains arent up there.
She shrugged. I wanted to go along for the ride. She said and shoveled more ramen into her mouth.
What should Iruka do? Should he encourage their impossible dreams or keep his trap shut? Iruka weighed the options, Naruto chuckled nervously and Ayami rubbed the back of her neck and put her hair up in a short ponytail.
Um . . . sensei? Ayami asked nervously.
Can we kinda ask you a favor? Naruto asked.
Now what? Iruka looked them both in the eye. Ya two want another bowl? He asked
No its not that, Ayami said nervously.
Iruka looked very surprised. They must want something more important. Iruka looked at them. Then what do you want? Iruka asked.
Pleeeease let us wear your headband! Just for a bit! They begged.
Ninja wore headbands for protection. But to Naruto it meant Look at me everyone! Im a ninja! Ayami only wanted it cause she was anxious to pass the exams.
Nope, Iruka said plainly. If you two want one so badly, pass the exam tomorrow. Then youll earn your own. Aah! Pretty selfish for a teacher! Ayami pouted.
Iruka chuckled as Naruto and Ayami squabbled over who gets to treat who tomorrow for ramen. That ended in them wrestling on the ground. Their heads popped up when they heard Iruka slurping up the last of his ramen. They looked at their empty bowels and then to Iruka.
WE WANT ANOTHER BOWEL!! They shouted and scrambled onto their seats.
Hey I never promised you guys two bowels! Iruka shouted.
In the end Naruto ate three bowels while Ayami ate S-I-X!!!! Huge helpings no less and the bowels were left bone dry. And Iruka paid for every one!!!
They left Ichirakus and Ayami left with Naruto cause the Hyuga Compound was the way Naruto had to go. Ayami waved to Iruka earnestly before turning around and heading toward the Compound. Bye Naruto! Bye Iruka-sensei! She called and rounded the corner and was lost from sight.
Bye Iruka-sensei! Naruto shouted before heading toward home. Iruka watched until he was out of sight. Then he sighed. How was he supposed to handle them now? Tomorrow the graduation exams began.
You will all do the Clone Jutsu first, Iruka told the class before he entered the examination room. Each student would be called in order, one by one. Ayamis name was called first. She stood up from her seat and made her way to the exam room. Showtime. She muttered to herself and opened the door.
Iruka and a new Chunin kunoichi sensei named Mena sat at a table in the back of the room. Ayami never even saw her before, but she had a good vibe around her. She had never shunned her like the other senseis . . . except for Iruka, that is.
Ayami gulped nervously. The Leaf headbands were spread out on the table where the teachers sat. One in specific caught her eye. It was identical to the rest, but it was black.
Ayami Hyuga, begin. Iruka said in a serious tone.
Ayami made the correct hand sign. Then concentrating so hard her head might explode, she did the required jutsu.
Clone Jutsu! Ayami shouted when she was ready.
A white, airy cloud covered the front of the room. When it cleared, around twenty perfect Ayami replicas were standing or sitting in the front of the room. They all had that trademark smart-@$$ goofy grin on their faces.
Ayami Hyuga, you pass! Iruka boomed. The Ayami clones disappeared, leaving the original. Ayami walked to the front of the room. Iruka handed her the black headband. Iruka felt two small arms wrap around him.
Thank you! She squealed and left the room. She sat down next to Naruto.
Good luck bud! Ayami punched him playfully.
Naruto chuckled. Thanks for the motivation. He said nervously. Soon Narutos name was called. Ayami watched him disappear into the exam room. Soon Ayami dozed off.
Ayamis head shot up when she heard the door squeak open. She rubbed her eyes and looked toward the door. She saw Naruto, but no headband. Ayami looked at Naruto and Naruto looked at Ayami. Feeling a blush come to her face, she averted her gaze.
Outside, the students who had passed the exam were happily celebrating, except one. Ayami felt more alone than she ever had felt in all her twelve years. She didnt want to be anywhere near the wet-behind-the-ears students and their snobby parents. She tied her new headband around her neck and plopped herself in a fork of a tree near the edge of the schoolyard.
Oh! Thats her, isnt it? she heard a mother hiss in her direction.
Yep, thats her, another mother hissed back. Can you believe they let someone like her graduate?
You are so right! Someone like her cant become a ninja!
I know! If her true nature ever emerges, well all be
But before they could go on, a third mother quickly interrupted them.
Shhhh, you two! Were not supposed to talk about her, remember! she chided.
Ayami heard more than enough. Wiping away a tear that rolled down her cheek, she jumped off of the limb, her head hanging. Slowly she trudged home, pausing to glare daggers at the three mothers, and continued away from the schoolyard. Where should she go now? There was no where she felt truly welcome.
There all idiots! Ayami muttered to the ground. Morons! Stupid a
Hello, Ayami A kind voice said. Ayami slowly pulled her head up, wiping away her tears. Mena stood in front of her, smiling in sympathy.
Cmon, lets get out of here, she said.
Soon they were sitting on the balcony of a tall building nearby, enjoying a panoramic view of the entire village. The villagers hardly came here, but Ayami was glad Mena had suggested it.
They sat in silence for a while, until Mena finally spoke.
Dont hate them, Ayami, she said.
B-but they always shun me.
Thats OK, you want to impress the villagers? she asked.
I have an idea. Do this, and they will definitely accept you.
Wh-what is it? Ayami asked nervously.
Mena glanced around to see if anyone was listening, then she whispered something in Ayamis ear.
Ayami suddenly grinned. She grinned so wide that the people the next land over probably saw her teeth from the sharp canines to the molars, that is if they happened to be looking that way.
The Third Hokage was very old, but he wasnt feeble. In fact, most of his skills were still as sharp as shuriken points.
So it as no surprise that late one night, while he was writing in his journal, he heard someone sneak up to his house.
The Third Hokage lowered his eyelids and focused his attention on the intruder. No evil vibes there. The stranger had no intention on murdering him. Judging from the size, she was either a young woman or adult.
Ayami? Is that you? The Hokage called out.
Sometimes Konohamaru, his grandson, played tricks like this, but Konohamaru would be out like a light at this late hour, or would he be using the Sexy Jutsu. The Hokage sharpened his focus on the intruder until he was sure of her identity. Then he heaved a big sigh.
What is she plan He was cut off suddenly when Ayamis hand connected with his neck.
Amazing how well she perfected the Clone Jutsu at her age, the Hokage thought as he slowly sunk into oblivion.
Close . . . way too close, Ayami gulped, rushing away. She tore through the mansion until she found the library Mena was talking about. The shelves were jam-packed with books, on a normal day, Ayami would be more than happy to spend hours upon hours reading their contents. Ayami reluctantly passed up the scrolls that were literally calling her name and headed toward a corner away from the other books.
Hm, this must be it, she thought out loud.
Ayami pulled out a scroll as long as herself and Naruto put together and browsed its contents. Bingo. Smirking, she rolled it back up, tucked it under her arm and paused. Did she hear someone? She ignored it and climbed out the nearest window.
A shadow, hidden from view, had been watching the entire operation. It had gotten nervous when Ayami heard it draw a sharp breath.
They didnt find the Third until early that morning. He was still unconscious, eyes rolled back, he looked like a marionette.
That same night, in another house, Iruka tossed and turned. He couldnt stop agonizing about both Ayami and Narutos fate. What should he do? What could he do? What should he do?
To make matters worse, the Third Hokage had called on Iruka after the exam with a surprising request.
I understand your position on this, but both Naruto and Ayami need your affection, too, the Hokage told him.
Im not saying you shouldnt scold the both of them, the Hokage continued. Naruto and Ayami need a firm hand. But they also need love. Someone who treats them tenderly, like a parent. Not someone who acts like a parent, but neglects to fulfill that role, like Lord Hiashi. Please remember that.
Iruka knew the Hokage was right, He had felt guilty as all get-out with Naruto after the test, and he felt even guiltier listening to the mothers and how they talked about his star student.
But some dark feeling inside him kept him from truly opening his heart. He didnt hate Naruto or Ayami, but he knew they could never be close. Iruka obsessed about this till dawn, when someone started banging on his door.
Who could it be at this hour? he asked, irritated and royally pissed.
Iruka! Hurry! Mena gasped when Iruka opened the door.
What happened? Iruka asked.
We believe that Ayami has stolen the Scroll of Wisdom. Come to Lord Hokages mansion with me.
Ayami did what?
Mena didnt answer, but ran off into the fading black of the morning light. Iruka followed closely behind. By the time the arrived at the mansion, the chief Chunin were already there.
Youre late, Iruka, the Third Hokage said sternly.
Sorry, Lord Hokage.
The Third nodded and cleared his throat.
As youve all heard, the Scroll of Wisdom is missing, he said gravely. We think it may have been stolen some hours ago. If we dont find the Scroll soon, there will be dire consequences.
The Scroll of Wisdom contained dangerous special jutsu that were sealed by the First, Second, Third, and Fourth years and years ago, one right after another. Like any important reference book, it was never allowed outside the library. Only the Hokage were allowed to look inside, but they had never shared its secrets.
A Chunin named Bekko looked grim so did the others. Mena looked sad, but she did not object to punishing Ayami when they found herif they found her.
Our first priority is to get that Scroll, the Hokage directed. We can decide about Ayami later. GO!!!
The Chunin scattered in all directions.
As Iruka jumped from roof to roof, he vowed to be the first to find Ayami.
He had to be the first. There was no telling what the others might do if they caught Ayami red-handed. Besides, Iruka was dying to discover how exactly Ayami found out about he scrolls location. She wasnt even supposed to know it even existed.
I have a sneaking suspicion where she might be, Iruka muttered. But Ill turn over every stone in this village until I find her. Suddenly Iruka had another sneaking suspicion. Was someone following him?
He didnt have time to investigate. He took off for the first place on his list.
A/N: Konichiwa peoples! Let me tell ya now that if you give me any heat at all Ill murderize ya all!!! (Im sorry, but youd be cranky too if youd been typing since 8 and its almost 12:30. Ah well. JA-NE!!!!)
Next Chapter: FriendsOr Foes?!
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finalfantasy on July 5, 2007, 1:48:53 PM
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