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Chapter 5 - Way Too Easy

A few years after Harry drops out of Hogwarts. What will it take to finally destroy Voldemort? He needs and wants to take down Voldemort, but how, and what to do with the death eaters after...

Chapter 5 - Way Too Easy

Chapter 5 - Way Too Easy
He headed through the eerie graves, expecting to run into some death eaters, but all was quiet. He then ventured on through the fields. Still nothing. Had he imagined everything? Was his mind messing with him? Was Ron- an of them gone!? He then made it to the dark gray building. He went inside.
For what seemed like hours inside walking along the corridors, nothing, empty with the exception of mice.
He came out. He didn't even find Ginny or Hermione. Now what, now where to go. A thought came to his mind. Grodrick's Hollow. Of course. Like Hermione always said, Voldemort and his servants would be waiting for him to go visit his parent's grave. He smiled a dark smile, "It was time I paid some respects..." He decided to Apparate.
The cold, ungrateful, unpleasant feeling came, and a second later he was standing in the infected inferi and cursed cave. The chills went up and down his body and through and out. he didn't care. He was ready to take on Voldemort at last again, for the last time. One of them were to die. It was going to Voldemort. all of a sudden black figures came circling in. Perfect.
Harry smiled as he looked around the circle to see who were there to watch or bring him to Voldemort. A laughter came out loudly over near Bellatrix and Lucius. Of course the manical laughter had to be from Bellatrix. "Finally caught you now!!" She said wickedly.
"HA! Caught me? Yeah right..." Harry said smiling.
"You know, he's right, he came here on purpose." Lucius said frowning at Bellatrix.
"W-What? Why?" She frowned and looked furious. "I thought...we...ARGH! JUST GRAB HIM!"
"SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE I SHUT IT FOR YOU!" Harry yelled at her and at everyone else," I'll come on my own, mind you. Just tell me where..."
"HA!" She smiled viciously," Yeah righ' c'mon then, come with Onty' Bella." She laughed and smiled sickly.
Harry did the same,"Alrught' ruddy good it'll do you..." He came with his wand to her throat. "Now, where is he..." "Potty, potty, potty...You can't kill me, you don't have the gu-" And she fell, without finishing. "Anyone else want a go?" He said. Silence and shock looks came.
"No?...i didn't think so. So tell me, WHERE IS HE!?"
Everyone looked around...Satisfaction came to Harry's face. None of these people can take him down, if they did, they'll come with right after.
Finally, someone spoke up. "He's...He's..He-He's at the 'ogwart's castle..." A familiar Stanley Shunpike.
"Thanks Stan. Now you lot. STAY." And Harry disappeared like that, and landed in Hogsmead. He never knew how easy was this going to be. But for how long?
He started up toward the castle, guess the enchantments weren't lifted even though Voldemort took it over.
He made it, and entered through the large doors for the first time in a few years. It was cold, dark, bleak..silent. His steps echoed as he walked. He then heard a sound, a chill ran up his back. He brought his wand out,"Lumos."
A small chuckle came from behind. "Harry Potter. What a...well can't say surprise..." A dark figure with red eyes that had slits and small slits where his nose should be, and other snake like features emerged. He chuckled again.
"Voldemort..." Harry smiled saying this. " i am. Where you want me I guess. What next?" He taunted
"The words I should've spoke last time instead of having a chat! Ad-" Harry was sooner, better perhaps ," EXPELLIARMUS!" Voldemort actually caught off gaurd, his wand flying, Harry summoned it to him and laughed. "Now what?!" He then broke the wand in half. This all seemed way too easy. Harry then turned around and the real Voldemort stood. He backed off in alarmance."Hm...was too easy wasn't it?" He said calmly grinning.
Harry glared back,"I give you credit..." He then held tightly to his wand, blocking his mind from anything and held steady. "So what made you...come again to me...hoping to destroy me?" He and Harry walked in a circle like form.
"Cut to the point.."Harry said,"I don't have time for any information, lectures, or chats as you have presented in the past." Harry was irritated, he had made himself a fool for the last time.
" know, just wanting to destroy you of course. You ruined my reputation from the start you know. Plus being a loyal companion to Dumbledore didn't help, but what was the difference, I still got to you. And now here we are again. To finish what was started, correct?" He chuckled again pointing his wand at Harry. "Stupifey." Harry was stunned, his wand fell, he couldn't feel or move. "Now that I have you, Accio wand-" Harry's wand flew right in Voldemort's hand, he took that and threw his off to the side,"-I can toture and then finish this...nah, you'll probably escape from it somehow, so i'll just finish you. Goodbye Harry Potter." He raised Harry's own wand," ironic." He smiled. There was no way Harry could escape. This was the end.
All of the sudden, a bellow of a sort came, there were pounding footsteps,"NOO!" It yelled. "What the devil?!" Voldemort said, he then decided to hurry and kill harry, "Avada Kedevra!" "NOO!" The figure jumped in front of HArry, it then was laying limp in front of him. The only other person that had anything to do with Voldemort and Harry. Neville Longbottom laid there. Lifeless. Causing Voldemort to lose concentration and Harry was free. He was shocked and angry though. The only words to break the silence was, "Accio wand! Avada Kadevra!" a thud was heard.


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