Chapter 1 - First Sight
Submitted December 29, 2007 Updated May 31, 2008 Status Complete | I had never thought of actally loving someone.Let alone thinking of death.I had allways thought love never came with a price to pay,but death by loving someone seemed to cruel to me.
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Chapter 1 - First Sight
Chapter 1 - First Sight
I looked out the car window, wishing my mother would hurry.It was raining slightly but I wanted to see my father.My mother had tried to get me to stay, but I refused.I was headed San Fransco, it would be a two hour plane flight and then a twenty minute car ride.As I got on my plane, mom asked me again if I wanted to stay.I said no.As the plane ride dragged on I noticed heavy rain falling.I sighed I didn't like the rain.The plan soon landed after that and I met up with my dad.
He smiled as allways and took my stuff and lead me into the car.We talked a little bit and we reached the house.He left me alone as I headed up the stairs.I looked at my old room.It was light black paint and red around the bottom.Nothing had changed at all.I glanced at some old photos still hanging.I sat my clothes in my black dreeser and brushed though my tangled hair.I looked competely like my mom.Hallow black eyes and long black hair and very pale skin.
I would be attending school here.Just what I needed.I hated going to school.As I went downstairs to say goodnight my dad smilled and I headed to bed.
However I couldn't sleep.I just couldn't.It felt like forever before I fell asleep.When I woke in the moring I quickly brushed my hair and got dress and sliped on a black hoodie.My father was waiting for me and I ate.I quickly ran out the door and into my black convertable.After all I was old enough to drive.
As I headed to my school I attracked unwanted attention by every guy in my new school.As usally.They couldn't get over my car and looks.I sighed slighty and walked out of my car and headed to the office.
The blonde headed person looked up and she smilled and handed me a map.
"Hikari Maaka right?"she said.
I nodded and took the map and walked to the cafe.I quickly memorized the map and put it away.As I walked inside almost everone had the same skin color as me.I hung up my hoodie and headed to a history class.I glanced at the door number and walked in.The teacher looked up and i saw his name on the board.He smiled and said "Hikari Maaka?Right?"he asked.
I nodded again not saying anything.He pointed to an empty seat and I sat down.While he dragged on about Japenese History.I looked at the clock and noticed there was still twenty minutes.Everyone keept looking at me as if I was hated.They seemed that no one had seen someone with a Japenese name.The bell rang soon after and I got up and headed to my next class.I had adavaced Math which I hated.After an hour in the dreaded period, I headed to lunch and walked outside with a vitiam water and a small salad.
I hated having attention and most of the time I skiped Biology.I hated that class.As I looked up to see if anyone was around me, I noticed a group of kids talking near me.The girl looked up at me.She had ivory skin and was talking to a very pale boy.I glanced away and the girl sat down."Do you want me to move"? I asked.
"Are you new?"asked the girl.
I sighed and got up.Then I threw my tray away and sat back down."Yes" I said not wanting to.
"Whats your name?"she asked.
"Hikari Maaka."I said.
"I'm Isbella Swan."she said glacing back at the boy.
"What do you want?"I snapped.
"I'm sorry.I'll leave you"said Bella.
"Wait who's the boy?"I asked wondering.
"Edward Cullen"she said walking back with him and going to another table.The bell for next period rang and I headed unhapply to Biologly.I saw Bella and Edward follow me.I sighed annoyied knowing they were in the same class.I went inside noticing micoscopes on black tables and I smelt blood.I fell over and felt dizzy.Homophobic.I hated the slight smell or even seing blood.I felt my stomach give out and I felt sick.Another reason why I advoided this class.Bella and Edward saw me fall and they helped me up.
"You alright?"asked Bella.
"N-no blood".I said.I fell again.Then I coughed up vomit.Bella took my hand and helped me up.Mr.Banner noticed me in a shaken state.
"Bella why don't you take her to the nurse?"Mr.Banner said.
"Oh god I'm gonna-"she fell on the floor fainted.
"Another one?"questioned Mr.Banner.
"Edward take them to the nurse.I'm sure Hikari can walk."he said walking in the class.
I looked at the pale boy with disgust.What was his problem?He was so quiet.Edward looked at her.
"If your insulting me say it."he said hiding emotion.
"How?- How did you know?"I wondered.
"I'm not dumb and hurry more blood will be shead."he said carring Bella.
"Do you have siblings?"
"Yes and end the questions".he said running off faster than I could.He seems familer for some reason.Maybe I saw him once.I went into the nurses office and saw Bella waking as I entered.Edward was still there standing.I looked at the nurse and she handed me some medication to help and I smiled and then headed outside the room.Bella soon followed me with Edward soon afterward.The he noticed something I was carring.I was hoping he wouldn't notice it.He slowly gripped my drawing pad and flipped it open as a reflex.His face changed so quickly as he a unfinshed vampire.
His golden eyes settled on this drawing and it seemed like forever.He the noticed the name scribbled at the bottom.No one was supposed to see that.I tried yanking it from his grip,but he wouldn't let go.As his eyes saw the name he dropped the pad.His face paled more and he ran off.Bella looked at me as if I did something wrong.I glanced at the name.It read Kouki Cullen.My memory came flooding back to me.I had just done something horriably wrong.I had to give
back the drawing to him.It would reveal that the Cullens were vampires.
I ran after him leaving Bella.I didn't care about my classes this was important.
I ran though the halls down to the parking lot and found him siting in his car the door open.He looked up and saw at once and flashed his white teeth.I can't believe I had forgotten about there serect.It was there bigest one to.I got in the passager's side and he shut his door.I shivered I had forgotten ever since I left him."Where's Kouki?"I asked.
He laughed at the statement."Kouki been wating for you to return and trust me he's not in the best mood."he said laughing still.
"Why?"I asked as he began driving.
"You've been gone he has been wanting to make you immortal."he said.
"Immortal like you?"I asked.
"Exactly.He hasn't forgotten about you."I gave him my car keys knowing I'll be at there house awhile.
"When will we be at your house?"I wondred.
"Now!he stopped the car in front.We both steped out of the car and headed inside.
"Has Alice and Jasper changed?" I asked looking around the house.
"Nope.There the same.Kouki's room is upstairs next to mine."he said going upstairs to his room.As I climbed up the stairs, I began to remember how it used to be with me and Kouki.As I opened his door he looked up.His pale face along with black and red highlights,reminded me how much I loved him.I ran up to him and hugged him.He smile came upon his face.
"How are you?"he asked.
"Great.I'm staying with my dad.What's the deal with Edward and Bella?"I asked.
"So you caught on?"he asked.
"Yeah and do you go to school?"I asked.
"Yeah.Bella likes Edward.How's your mom?"he asked.
"Fine.I'm so happy to see you."I said.
"Did Edward tell you what I wanted to do?"he said becoming serious.
"Yes.I want it to happen.So has Bella asked him about it?"I asked.
"Yeah he refused.He thinks it too early even for me."he said.
"Its not.Anyway I'll see you at school right?"I asked.
"Yeah see ya."he said.Quickly I ran up to him and kissed his cold lips light.He smiled and walked me downstairs and Kouki lead me to my car.
"Well I better go.I said.
"Yeah see ya."he said.
As I left him, I saw Edward walk Bella to her car.I hurried and drove home and saw my dad wating.
"Where were you?"he asked.
"Kouki Cullens house.he said.
"You saw him today?"he asked.
"Yeah,he was happy to see me."I said.
"Well head to bed.Its almost ten.he said.I nodded and went upstairs to bed.As I did i thought of Edward and how he had reacted to my drawing.I couldn't why he reacted that way but there had to be a reason.My thoughts were clouded by it.Did he like me? Kouki would know.I was ripped from my thoughts as I heard a tap on the window.
"Kouki?I questioned walking over to the window.He climbed in my room as I opened it.Why are you-"I heard my dad walk in.I scrambled to the bed,Kouki hiding.
"Goodnight"he said walking downstairs.I smiled as he left shuting my door and I saw Kouki back by me.
"Couldn't wait?"I asked him.
"No its not that.It's Edward's reaction that's worring me.I think he dosn't like you knowning.he paused looking at my expression.Even though I've know you for four years, he doesn't trust you."he said.
"I thought that when he found the picture.He had an odd look in his eyes."I half smiled.
"Then again Bella been with him for only three years."he said.
"Do you think he thirsty for human blood?"I asked.
"Yes"with that he left me.Soon after I found myself become tired and fall asleep.
He smiled as allways and took my stuff and lead me into the car.We talked a little bit and we reached the house.He left me alone as I headed up the stairs.I looked at my old room.It was light black paint and red around the bottom.Nothing had changed at all.I glanced at some old photos still hanging.I sat my clothes in my black dreeser and brushed though my tangled hair.I looked competely like my mom.Hallow black eyes and long black hair and very pale skin.
I would be attending school here.Just what I needed.I hated going to school.As I went downstairs to say goodnight my dad smilled and I headed to bed.
However I couldn't sleep.I just couldn't.It felt like forever before I fell asleep.When I woke in the moring I quickly brushed my hair and got dress and sliped on a black hoodie.My father was waiting for me and I ate.I quickly ran out the door and into my black convertable.After all I was old enough to drive.
As I headed to my school I attracked unwanted attention by every guy in my new school.As usally.They couldn't get over my car and looks.I sighed slighty and walked out of my car and headed to the office.
The blonde headed person looked up and she smilled and handed me a map.
"Hikari Maaka right?"she said.
I nodded and took the map and walked to the cafe.I quickly memorized the map and put it away.As I walked inside almost everone had the same skin color as me.I hung up my hoodie and headed to a history class.I glanced at the door number and walked in.The teacher looked up and i saw his name on the board.He smiled and said "Hikari Maaka?Right?"he asked.
I nodded again not saying anything.He pointed to an empty seat and I sat down.While he dragged on about Japenese History.I looked at the clock and noticed there was still twenty minutes.Everyone keept looking at me as if I was hated.They seemed that no one had seen someone with a Japenese name.The bell rang soon after and I got up and headed to my next class.I had adavaced Math which I hated.After an hour in the dreaded period, I headed to lunch and walked outside with a vitiam water and a small salad.
I hated having attention and most of the time I skiped Biology.I hated that class.As I looked up to see if anyone was around me, I noticed a group of kids talking near me.The girl looked up at me.She had ivory skin and was talking to a very pale boy.I glanced away and the girl sat down."Do you want me to move"? I asked.
"Are you new?"asked the girl.
I sighed and got up.Then I threw my tray away and sat back down."Yes" I said not wanting to.
"Whats your name?"she asked.
"Hikari Maaka."I said.
"I'm Isbella Swan."she said glacing back at the boy.
"What do you want?"I snapped.
"I'm sorry.I'll leave you"said Bella.
"Wait who's the boy?"I asked wondering.
"Edward Cullen"she said walking back with him and going to another table.The bell for next period rang and I headed unhapply to Biologly.I saw Bella and Edward follow me.I sighed annoyied knowing they were in the same class.I went inside noticing micoscopes on black tables and I smelt blood.I fell over and felt dizzy.Homophobic.I hated the slight smell or even seing blood.I felt my stomach give out and I felt sick.Another reason why I advoided this class.Bella and Edward saw me fall and they helped me up.
"You alright?"asked Bella.
"N-no blood".I said.I fell again.Then I coughed up vomit.Bella took my hand and helped me up.Mr.Banner noticed me in a shaken state.
"Bella why don't you take her to the nurse?"Mr.Banner said.
"Oh god I'm gonna-"she fell on the floor fainted.
"Another one?"questioned Mr.Banner.
"Edward take them to the nurse.I'm sure Hikari can walk."he said walking in the class.
I looked at the pale boy with disgust.What was his problem?He was so quiet.Edward looked at her.
"If your insulting me say it."he said hiding emotion.
"How?- How did you know?"I wondered.
"I'm not dumb and hurry more blood will be shead."he said carring Bella.
"Do you have siblings?"
"Yes and end the questions".he said running off faster than I could.He seems familer for some reason.Maybe I saw him once.I went into the nurses office and saw Bella waking as I entered.Edward was still there standing.I looked at the nurse and she handed me some medication to help and I smiled and then headed outside the room.Bella soon followed me with Edward soon afterward.The he noticed something I was carring.I was hoping he wouldn't notice it.He slowly gripped my drawing pad and flipped it open as a reflex.His face changed so quickly as he a unfinshed vampire.
His golden eyes settled on this drawing and it seemed like forever.He the noticed the name scribbled at the bottom.No one was supposed to see that.I tried yanking it from his grip,but he wouldn't let go.As his eyes saw the name he dropped the pad.His face paled more and he ran off.Bella looked at me as if I did something wrong.I glanced at the name.It read Kouki Cullen.My memory came flooding back to me.I had just done something horriably wrong.I had to give
back the drawing to him.It would reveal that the Cullens were vampires.
I ran after him leaving Bella.I didn't care about my classes this was important.
I ran though the halls down to the parking lot and found him siting in his car the door open.He looked up and saw at once and flashed his white teeth.I can't believe I had forgotten about there serect.It was there bigest one to.I got in the passager's side and he shut his door.I shivered I had forgotten ever since I left him."Where's Kouki?"I asked.
He laughed at the statement."Kouki been wating for you to return and trust me he's not in the best mood."he said laughing still.
"Why?"I asked as he began driving.
"You've been gone he has been wanting to make you immortal."he said.
"Immortal like you?"I asked.
"Exactly.He hasn't forgotten about you."I gave him my car keys knowing I'll be at there house awhile.
"When will we be at your house?"I wondred.
"Now!he stopped the car in front.We both steped out of the car and headed inside.
"Has Alice and Jasper changed?" I asked looking around the house.
"Nope.There the same.Kouki's room is upstairs next to mine."he said going upstairs to his room.As I climbed up the stairs, I began to remember how it used to be with me and Kouki.As I opened his door he looked up.His pale face along with black and red highlights,reminded me how much I loved him.I ran up to him and hugged him.He smile came upon his face.
"How are you?"he asked.
"Great.I'm staying with my dad.What's the deal with Edward and Bella?"I asked.
"So you caught on?"he asked.
"Yeah and do you go to school?"I asked.
"Yeah.Bella likes Edward.How's your mom?"he asked.
"Fine.I'm so happy to see you."I said.
"Did Edward tell you what I wanted to do?"he said becoming serious.
"Yes.I want it to happen.So has Bella asked him about it?"I asked.
"Yeah he refused.He thinks it too early even for me."he said.
"Its not.Anyway I'll see you at school right?"I asked.
"Yeah see ya."he said.Quickly I ran up to him and kissed his cold lips light.He smiled and walked me downstairs and Kouki lead me to my car.
"Well I better go.I said.
"Yeah see ya."he said.
As I left him, I saw Edward walk Bella to her car.I hurried and drove home and saw my dad wating.
"Where were you?"he asked.
"Kouki Cullens house.he said.
"You saw him today?"he asked.
"Yeah,he was happy to see me."I said.
"Well head to bed.Its almost ten.he said.I nodded and went upstairs to bed.As I did i thought of Edward and how he had reacted to my drawing.I couldn't why he reacted that way but there had to be a reason.My thoughts were clouded by it.Did he like me? Kouki would know.I was ripped from my thoughts as I heard a tap on the window.
"Kouki?I questioned walking over to the window.He climbed in my room as I opened it.Why are you-"I heard my dad walk in.I scrambled to the bed,Kouki hiding.
"Goodnight"he said walking downstairs.I smiled as he left shuting my door and I saw Kouki back by me.
"Couldn't wait?"I asked him.
"No its not that.It's Edward's reaction that's worring me.I think he dosn't like you knowning.he paused looking at my expression.Even though I've know you for four years, he doesn't trust you."he said.
"I thought that when he found the picture.He had an odd look in his eyes."I half smiled.
"Then again Bella been with him for only three years."he said.
"Do you think he thirsty for human blood?"I asked.
"Yes"with that he left me.Soon after I found myself become tired and fall asleep.
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musicismylife on December 30, 2007, 10:34:58 PM