Chapter 1 - After The Dance
Submitted March 15, 2006 Updated March 15, 2006 Status Incomplete | Ron worries that the night of the prom was just a one time thing. He loves Kim but can't tell her. Will Dr. Drakken and Shego act as unwitting cupids?
Cartoons » - Disney Cartoons » Kim Possible |
Chapter 1 - After The Dance
Chapter 1 - After The Dance
After the DanceAfter the Dance Ron Stoppable lay in his bed, the events of the past few hours rushing around in his mind. It was prom night at Middleton High, Ron didn't have a date because the one he dreamt of taking had gone with another. Then things got crazy. He and the intrepid Kim Possible had thwarted the plans of Dr. Drakken and Shego. Afterwards Kim had taken Ron back to the prom. They had actually danced and as he held his best friend, she did the impossible, she kissed him. It turned out that the date Kim had for the prom was an evil robot created by Dr. Drakken to fool her.Ron tossed and turned the feel of Kim's soft sweet lips still fresh on his mind. It felt so right, like they were made to fit together like that. The look on her face was incredible, she had the softest look he'd ever seen, and it was for him. What did this all mean? Did Kim really love him? Or was it just a thank you for being a good friend for all of these years. The worst case was, did she just feel sorry for him. All the other students had cheered when they arrived hand in hand. It was like they knew something that he and Kim should have known for years.Kim lay in her bed, she couldn't sleep. Everytime she closed her eyes all she could see was the face of the blonde man who had been by her side since preschool. Ron had always been her best friend; she could always count on him when she needed him. Then she would see a good looking face, and run off without a second thought leaving Ron standing in the dust. "Kimberly Ann Possible you're a complete dog," She snarled at herself. "Ron has always been there for you, he's forgiven you no matter how badly you treated him. You're so not deserving of his love, yet there it is everytime you look at him." Hot tears flowed down her cheeks, her sobs muffled by her pillow. "I'm so sorry Ron, I'll never do that to you again. I love you Ronald Dean Stoppable and I'm proud of it." She said firmly. "I'll tell you the first chance I get. When I kissed you tonight it was the most intense kiss I've ever had. At that moment I realized that not only are you my best friend, you're my soulmate."Ron was in agony, did the kiss mean as much to KP as it did to him? She did kiss him again when he took her home. In fact they had stood on her front porch for almost a half an hour kissing and holding each other. She didn't want to go inside, he finally had to insist because she was getting a severe chill. KP had made him promise to call her the next day, he of course agreed. His problem was he had been fooled on so many occasions. He had been sure she felt one way only to find out he was wrong. He had built up hopes of a life with her only to have them crushed by the next hot guy at school. "I can't take it again, not after tonight. Now I know what she feels like in my arms, I know the intoxication of her lips. If I lost her now I'd die." Ron moaned. Rufus his naked mole rat tried to comfort him but even his best little buddy's antics couldn't help tonight.Morning came and two very tired teens dragged themselves out of bed. One a perky redhead, who was anxiously waiting for the phone to ring. The other a scared blonde man, who was terrified to talk to the woman he loved. Kim found herself staring at the phone willing it to ring; she wanted to hear Ron's voice more than she ever had before. The bell on the phone sounded Kim dove for the receiver. "Ron?" she said. "No sorry Kim it's Monique," her freind said. "I was wondering how it went after you two left the dance last night." Kim sighed and told her friend about the kisses and the hugs on the front porch. The restless night, and even her own self-awareness. "Girl you sound totally hooked on Ron," Monique said. "Yes I am," Kim said softly. "Monique I love him so much, I just want to tell him as soon as he calls." The girls talked all afternoon. Kim's mom called her for dinner; KP looked at the clock and realized she hadn't heard from Ron all day. She silently ate her meal wondering why she the man she loved hadn't called.Ron fretted all day; he wanted to hear KP's voice so badly. He was terrified though that she would blow off what had happened the night before as a 'just friends' thing. He felt bad not calling her but his fear had him captive. Finally after dinner he knew he had to call. Her dialed the number and when her mom answered he asked for Kim. "I'm sorry Ron she just stepped out with Monique. I'll tell her you called." Her mother said gently. "Is there anything you want me to tell her?" her mother asked. She was hoping Ron would work up the courage to tell Kim how he felt. She liked Ron and had always imagined he and Kim getting married. "No Dr. P just tell her I called," Ron said a sad tone in his voice.Kim returned home with Monique, they walked in and flopped on the couch in the living room. "Oh Kim Ron called while you were out," he mother said. "HE DID," Kim said happily as she jumped off the couch. "What did he say mom?" she asked. "Nothing he just wanted me to tell you he called," her mother replied. "Kim is there something you'd like to tell me?" her mother asked. Kim looked nervous but keeping things from her parents wasn't something she liked to do. "Mom I'm in love," Kim said. "Oh?" Mrs. P said. Kim smiled a shy little smile, "No mom it's not like the other times, this time it's for real. I must admit you were right too. The man I'm in love with is Ron." She said. Her mother smiled and hugged her daughter. "I'm so very glad to hear that Kimmy. You two are so good together and Ron worships you. I can't tell you how many times I've helped put his heart back together after you've tossed it into the blender." Her mother said with a reproachful look. Kim winced at her mother's words, she knew she was right."I swear mom never again. I've learned my lesson and the only man I want is Ron." Kim said firmly. "Well call your guy before he thinks you don't care," Her mother said giggling. Kim smiled and reached for the phone. Just then her kimmicator went off. "Wade what's the sitch," she asked. "Dr. Drakken and Shego have escaped. I've located where they are and I've got air transport on the way." Wade said. "Let Ron know will ya?" "I already have he should be there any minute now." Kim smiled Ron would be here soon, her Ron, the one she loved. She grabbed her gear bag and headed to the living room just as Monique was letting Ron in. "Hey KP," Ron said shyly. "Hey Ron," Kim answered. They both looked at each other waiting for the other to speak. Just as Ron was getting ready to answer Kim, the jet arrived and landed in front of the house.Kim and Ron rode in silence as the plane headed towards the new secret hideout of Drakken and Shego. Kim wasn't sure why Ron was so quiet, she saw him trying to look at her without her noticing. Why is so nervous? She asked herself. Rufus climbed out of Ron's pocket and onto her leg. "Hey Rufus what's wrong with Ron?" Kim asked the little rodent. Rufus smiled at Kim and hugged her. Kim smiled, "He likes me?" Rufus frowned and shook his head. The little mole rat scampered up her arm and kissed her on the cheek. Kim blushed, "He loves me?" she whispered "Uh huh... Uh huh," Rufus nodded happily. "Why won't he tell me?" Kim asked softly. Rufus got a very sad look on his face. He placed his little paw on Kim's heart and then made a motion like it was being shredded up. Kim looked at the her small friend, "He's scared I'll hurt him again isn't he?" Rufus nodded. "Well I can't blame him, I've hurt him so many times in the past." She said softly.Kim Stood up, she was going to tell Ron right now how she felt. He needed to know and she needed him with all of her heart. Suddenly the jump lights went on, "Well gotta go," Ron said as he stood up. "Ron?" Kim said. "Yeah KP." "I need to talk to you, it's really important," she said. Ron's heart dropped, he was certain she was going to tell him that they were best bud's but that was all. He smiled and shook his head, "No big KP it'll wait, bad guy's now, big news later."Kim and Ron stood in the door waiting for the jump signal. Kim turned to Ron; she leaned in and gently kissed him on the lips. "Be careful big guy, I'll see you on the ground." She turned and jumped. Ron followed his mind racing. Did she just kiss me again? Did she just tell me to be careful? Ron watched Kim's chute and angled his so they would land close together. On the ground they ditched the chutes and headed for the hideout. Kim knocked out the security system; she and Ron entered the building. "Hey KP is it just me or is this a little too easy?" Ron asked.Kim had noticed and was on alert; Suddenly Shego blasted green energy from her glowing hands barely missing the duo. "Well princess back for an encore?" Shego said. "Ron, I'll handle green and ugly here. You find Drakken." Kim said. "UGLY," Shego yelled as the two women battled. "Well your fashion sense is hideous at least," the redhead said. Kim tripped and fell to the floor, Ron heard her go down and turned just as Shego took aim for a lethal blast. Without a second thought the young man launched himself at the villainess. The deadly blast hit him in the chest and head. He dropped unconscious to the floor."RON," Kim screamed as she ran to him. She saw the seriousness of the injuries, her vision clouded over with a red haze. Standing she turned towards Shego, "You lousy dog you've hurt Ron. You better pray he recovers or there will be nowhere you and Drakken can hide that I won't find and kill you." She launched a furious attack that drove the startled woman back. A vicious sidekick dropped Shego to the floor. Kim pounced like a lioness. She pummeled the woman with hard blows and kicks; she didn't stop until Shego was bloody and limp on the floor. She saw Dr. Drakken come charging out of his hiding place, but instead of attacking her he scooped Shego into his arms and held her.Kim grabbed her kimmicator and had Wade call an ambulance for two and the police. She hurried to Ron and found his pulse very weak. She stood and moved towards Dr. Drakken, If he dies, you die you blue faced scum. Drakken tried to pull Shego closer to him, "Stay away you fiend, you've hurt Shego badly what more do you want?" Kim smiled a cold and evil smile, "Your life if Ron dies and that doges too." She said.Kim paced the waiting room of the hospital. Finally the doctor came out, "Miss Possible, your friend is in critical condition. He's suffered a serious injury to his brain as well as other injuries. I'm not sure what we can do." Kim grabbed her kimmicator and got Wade, "Call my mom and tell her I need her right now, Ron is in critical condition with a brain injury. Wade tell her to hurry." The doctor looked at the young woman for a moment. "Is your mother the Dr. Possible who is a brain surgeon?" Kim nodded. "Well if she can't help him I don't know who can." The doctor said. "May I see him doctor, he's my Uh... fiancee." She said. "Yes of course, come with me."Kim walked into the room and saw Ron hooked up to a host of medical machines keeping him alive. She took his hand and held it, her tears flowing from her eyes. She heard a faint squeak and remembered Rufus. She went to the closet and pulled the naked mole rat from Ron's pocket and placed him in hers. She pulled a chair close to Ron's bed and sat down, her place was with him from now on.Dr. Possible rushed into the room She hugged Kim and began examining Ron. "I won't lie to you Kimmy, this is very bad but I'll do everything I can." Her mother said. Kim went to the waiting room while they rushed Ron to the operating room. Seventeen hours later Dr. Possible gently woke her daughter up. "Mom how is he?" She asked fearing the answer. "He'll live Kimmy, I don't know what damage or side effects he will have. I won't know more until he wakes up but I can tell you he'll live." Kim hugged her mother tightly. "Thank you... thank you...thank you," she said over and over. "I can't lose him not now." "Did you tell him what you wanted too?" her mother asked. "No mom I didn't, I tried but we were always being interrupted. I promise I will as soon as he wakes up.""I'm having him moved to my hospital in Middleton," her mother said. "Do you want to travel with him sweetie?" Kim nodded, "I'm not leaving his side until he wakes up and I can tell him that I love him." Kim said. "Honey it may be days until he wakes up..." "I don't care mom, would you leave dad if that were him in there?" she said firmly. Her mother smiled and shook her head. "No honey I wouldn't and you stay right here by him it's where you belong."Ten days later Ron stirred, he felt funny his head hurt and he couldn't move well. He tried to move his left arm but it felt as though it was being held down. He opened his eyes and looked down; the reason he couldn't move his arm was the fact that Kim was sleeping on it. She was holding his arm and resting her head on it. "Hey KP what's happening?" Ron said as Kim opened her eyes. Kim sat up and stared at Ron. "Oh god Ron you're awake," she said tears filling her eyes. She began kissing his face and holding him closer. Dr. Possible walked in and smiled "So my troublesome patient is awake at last." She said. "Kimmy give him some air," he mother said giggling. "Look honey go get a soda or something, I need to check over this nice young man for a few minutes. I promise he'll still be here when you get back." Kim looked sadly at Ron and then slowly left the room."She hasn't left your side since you were hurt," her mother said. "How am I Dr. P?" Ron asked. Ali Possible looked seriously at the young man. "I don't know Ron, your EEG's are strange but that's what we will find out." "Look Mrs. P if I'm disabled after this, I want Kim to find a new sidekick, I don't want her wasting her life on a best friend who can't help her any more. Will you tell her for me... please." "Oh no Ronald Dean Stoppable, If you're breaking up with my daughter you'll damn well do it yourself." "What breakup I'm just her lame sidekick that always screws up, She keeps me around because I'm her freind not because I really help her or anything." Ali looked at Ron seriously, "Is that what you think?" She asked. Ron nodded his head. "Ron you're the most important person in her life. She damn near killed Shego after you were hurt, I wouldn't call that a casual relationship. Tell me Ron how do you feel about my daughter?" "God Mrs. P you know how I feel I've told you enough times. I love her with all of my heart; I just can't get her to see me as anything other than a best bud. I guess that's all I ever will be." Ali shook her head. "Damn it Ron if you love her so much tell her." Ron looked at the girl's mother with terrified eyes. "But what if she rejects me or laughs at me. I won't even have my illusion of being her best friend anymore or until the next hot stud comes along." He said."I know she's done that in the past but I think she's changed. She realized she could have really lost you, for me... please... give her a chance... tell her how you feel?" Ron nodded slowly. "Alright Dr. P, I owe you my life the least I can do is be honest with Kim... for you... I'll do it." Kim walked in just as Ron finished speaking."Hey KP," Ron said softly. "Hey big guy," Kim said nervously. "Uh... Kim I wanted to tell you something since the prom and I didn't have the nerve." Ron looked at her mother fear creeping back into his eyes. "I'll just go now," Ali said quietly. "Dr. P please don't go, I want you to hear this too. I'm only going to be able to do this once so here goes. Kimberly Ann Possible, I love you with all of my heart." Ron closed his eyes waiting for her to laugh at him. Instead he heard her gasp. He opened his eyes and saw her staring at him tears running down her cheeks. "Sorry Kim but I had to tell you, I'll understand if you tell me to get a life. I'll still be your sidekick if you want an...." Kim rushed to him her lips found his in a deep loving kiss. "Will you shut up please," She whispered. "I love you too, Ronald Dean Stoppable. I was just too chicken to tell you. I was afraid that after all the times I'd hurt you, you wouldn't want me. I'm so sorry for all the stupid things I've done but from now on you're the only man in my life... If you'll have me?" she said. Ali smiled and quietly left the room. She was sure the two of them could handle it alone now. Ron surprised everyone by not having any loss of movement from his injury. In fact he was better than ever. His co-ordination was more precise and his balance and speed was greatly improved. Ron was working out in his basement when he felt a pair of warm arms wrap around his waist. He smiled and turned into Kim's embrace. "Hi KP," he said. "Hi sweetie," she purred. "I'm glad you're able to go back to school tomorrow. It'll be good to finish these last two moths and graduate." She said. Kim was idly tracing her hand over the new muscles on his chest. "You're looking good Ron, feel good too." She said snuggling closer. "I miss you when I'm gone," the redhead said softly. "I miss you too KP but that's the way it is." Ron answered confused.Kim looked up into his blue eyes a strange smile on her face, "Ron will you stop calling me KP when were alone?" She said tenderly. "I'm your girlfriend, isn't there something else you would rather call me than just KP?" Ron swallowed hard and looked into her beautiful green eyes. "Yeah there is, I'd rather call you my fiancee." Kim froze in his arms. Ron closed his eyes in fear, "Well Stoppable you screwed up again." he said to himself. "Ron are you asking me to marry you?" Kim whispered. Ron worked up his courage and looked into her eyes again. "Yes Kim I am." Kim grabbed him and held on tight. He could feel her trembling in his arms. "If you want to say no it's alright I'll understand..." "Ron I'm saying yes," Kim answered as she kissed him deeply. Ron looked like he was going to faint as they stepped back from the kiss. Kim had to giggle at his expression. "Did you really think I'd tell you no about anything anymore?" she asked. Ron reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. He opened it and showed the diamond ring to Kim, "It's all I could afford I hope you like it?" he said. Kim was speechless, the diamond was huge at least two carats in a platinum setting. "Oh my god Ron that's spectacular," she gasped. "How did you afford this?" Ron smiled, it seems Bueno Nacho's is very happy with my invention the Naco. I've been getting royalty checks for three years now. I've been saving the money for us sweetheart." He said. "Plus I have a job with them after graduation and they're paying for my college also. I'm to be in the R&D department they seem to trust my instincts on what young people like to eat."Kim hugged him again even tighter, "Ron your amazing, come on we have to show my folks." Kim said dragging him by the hand. Kim's parents were delighted as were Ron's. The next day in school they drew many admiring looks as they walked into school arm in arm. Many of the girls noticed the change in Ron and let their approval be known Ron tried to be polite and smiled back. Kim glared at him and then the other girls. Monique saw then look on her friend's face and whispered in her ear. "Now you know how Ron felt all those times you did that to him." Kim looked ashamed as she held Ron tighter. Monique was right she had this coming. The last straw was when Bonnie began flirting with Ron. "So Bonnie he's not such a loser now is he?" Kim asked. "Well it's not like you own him Kimmy." Bonnie said with a smirk. "Wrong again Bon-Bon." The redhead said as she waved the diamond under her nose. "I'll make sure you get an invitation to the wedding girl." Kim proudly walked to class holding Ron's hand; Bonnie stared without a thing to say. The next two months flew by. Kim and Ron had set a wedding date for the end of June. Monique was the maid of honor and Josh was to be the best man. A week before the wedding news came that Dr. Drakken had escaped again, Shego had recovered and was with him. Wade launched a search to locate them and did five days before the wedding."Kim you be careful honey, I'm marrying you in a few days. I don't want you a no show," Ron said. Kim smiled and kissed her fiancee. "You be careful too, I'm not going to be a widow before I'm a bride." She said seriously. The duo entered the lair and looked for Drakken. Ron heard a noise and turned just as Shego was preparing to fire an energy burst. "Not this time Shego," he said as his own hands began to glow. "I've got a surprise for you," he said as he hit her with an energy blast of his own.Shego was knocked hard into the wall; Kim stared dumbstruck by the scene. "It seems, Shego that you gave me more than a hard jolt last time, you rearranged my mental capacity almost tripling it and giving me your energy ability. Let's go dog I owe you big time." Ron said a look in his eyes that made Shego's blood run cold. Ron and Shego battled neither one gaining a major advantage. Ron got behind her and blasted her off a large crate with an energy burst. She hit the floor hard and was stunned. Drakken ran to her and used his own body to shield hers."Please I'll give up just don't hurt her." Drakken said. Shego looked with surprise at the mad scientist. "I'm sorry Shego but when I almost lost you I realized I loved you. I won't risk you again, forgive me." He said. Shego pulled him down to her and kissed him, she smiled and turned to Kim and Ron. "We'll give up if you can try and get us sent to the same prison," she said softly. "I'll do better than that, if Drakken will renounce crime and return to the world of legitimate science, I'll try and get him a good job. After all at one time he was a good friend of my parents." Kim said. Drakken and Shego both agreed.The day of the wedding arrived and the entire town of Middleton turned out. The VIP section was overflowing, as major business leaders as well as world politicians were on hand to honor the pair that had rescued them all so many times in the past. Ron had arranged for a private yacht to spend their honeymoon on.Ron carried Kim into the master's cabin of the yacht. He kissed her and set her down. Kim was still crying softly, she had been ever since they had placed the rings on each other's fingers and exchanged their vows. "Well Mrs. Stoppable what now?" Ron asked. "Just one thing darling." She said as she closed the blinds and locked the door. Ron smiled as he held the woman he loved. He knew their story was just starting a new chapter and he was looking forward to the adventure.
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maddierules12345 on June 28, 2006, 3:51:16 AM
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