Chapter 3 - The Clinic
Submitted May 27, 2005 Updated December 18, 2005 Status Incomplete | Shiv is taken into Dakota's newest center for metahumans. Things don't go as well as planned. Shiv background fic.
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Chapter 3 - The Clinic
Chapter 3 - The Clinic
Disclaimer: Iown nothing. I do not own Static Shock. It belongs to DwayneMcDuffie, Milestone, DC Comics and WB. All I own is the necessaryequipment to change it into something I can understand.Warning:Willcontain slash, drugs, violence and one sided relationships. This willbe a bit riskier than my average fics. Knowing me it'll be okay but Ionly thought it fair to place a warning. I hope everyone enjoys therendition of Shiv by a third author. I want to be original and hopethis is.A/N: Iam so sorry if I make Richie too cranky. I'm trying not to. But it isa hard business making Richie worried and happy. This is about twolines over my limit. I hope no one minds. Oh and before a forget.Thank you so much for all of the reviews. This is my highest reviewedfanfic yet. Its in the double digits. I am so grateful and I hope youenjoy this chapter as well. TakenLightlyChapter3: The ClinicShiv had been drugged or he thought he had been. Hehad at one point gone unconscious but couldn't remember when but thenagain, he couldn't remember much from the past day at all. He hadbeen moved but unlike what they had planned, he hadn't beenrebellious in the least. In fact, he had fainted from hunger shortlybefore they had gone in. Doctors had been near to faintingthemselves, some out of concern and others by the idea of a specimendying before being properly examined. He was however unaware of this,his memory was still fogged over. He had been caught by the clinicafter a plan by the Breed had failed. This was apparently the end ofit for Ebon. He abandoned Shiv for the police with no intent of anybreak out. He had been left for dead basically. He had been veryworried about the whole ordeal for he had been hurt in the struggle.He knew very well how dangerous it was to be a wounded, abandonedmetahuman in the inter city. He was a fugitive which counted out anyhelp or security in the almost nonexistent police. He also had Staticto worry about who had wounded him in the first place. However thegreatest danger was not the authorities at that point. Being arrestedwould be one of the best things that could happen. It gave him timeto rest and recover. It was the human gangs that posed the greatestthreat. The gangs of Dakota had developed an almost instinctualhatred for metahumans. He remembered it well from shortly after thebig bang. Shiv pulled himself up and looked around. He waslying on a cot in a small room of neutral color with one glass walland no windows. He collected himself for a moment. An escape would besimple. He had obviously been fed. He was no longer hungry and hisbruises had healed for the most part. He was in a fit state for abreak out. He got up and walked over to the glass wall. He lookedaround. No one was around. He giggled maniacally. It was so easy. Hebacked up and tried to create blades. Nothing happened. He quicklybecame confused. He tried again and again and yet again with no luck.He looked around the room. It was well lit or lit well enough for himto use his powers. He looked down at his hands. They were off colorwith a reddish hue. They almost appeared burned. His skin was peelingslightly and he had now realized that they stung severely. Thatexplained why he was in such a primitive cell and why no other bangbabies were around. He had been drained of his powers, cured orsomething. He was helpless at this point. He had minimal bodystrength and little to no tactical abilities. It was becomingblatantly obvious why he had been the scapegoat of the Metabreed. Hewas quick, more acrobatic than most and had powers. Shiv wasbeginning to think this was a very bad situation.Virgil decided to go to the clinic the next day. Hecame clad in his Static gear wired by Richie who had been barking outrules since the moment he had left the gas station. Virgil had beentempted to turn it off twice but had decided against it. "LookV, try not to get into any situation where you can't get out.""I told you Rich, I won't. Stop worrying, I'm asuperhero remember.""Yeah, I remember, V.""Anything else, I'm standing right outside ofit. I have to go in.""Yeah, I know I put a tracker on you a long timeago."Virgil pretend to think this was sweet and not creepyfor a moment. "So anything else or not?""Just... be careful and don't get yourdissected."Virgil laughed. "I'll remember that one. Talklater Rich."Virgil turned off the communicator and walked intothe building. The entrance was a large waiting room with severaldoors, an elevator and a front desk. He stood for a moment notknowing what to do. Some things were easier in his Static gear thanin his street clothes. However it worked the other way as well, hewould feel perfectly comfortable dressed down as Virgil in his streetclothes sitting in this waiting room reading a magazine from one ofthe racks. However the idea of himself clad in his Static costumereading a medical journal or teen magazine made him feel almostdisgusted. However, he couldn't help but staring at a bright well litcover of a National Geographic sitting on the table. Richie hadoriginally subscribed shortly before his powers had kicked in forhomework reference and he liked the pictures. However he hadabandoned them saying that the level was too rudimentary using thoseexact words. Virgil however had grown very much attached to the oldmagazines from the out-of-date subscription and read them cover tocover when Richie wasn't around. He had seen a newer issue from timeto time and had bought them in a sneaky, almost closet obsessive typeof way, hiding them under a pile of comics when they went to magazineracks. He often received weird looks from the clerk as the purchasewas as followed: 'Icon', 'Hardware', 'Batman', 'Green Lantern,'National Geographic: Cover Story Inca mummies'. However this hadcaused no end of joy for his father whom occasionally walked behindVirgil some days who had slipped a National Geographic between thepages of a comic book to read it without Richie noticing. Howeverbefore Virgil had a chance to pick up the magazine to see what thecover story was, two doctors walked out of the elevator. One was thesmall Asian doctor from the clip and the other was a middle agedAfrican American man. They walked towards him giving Virgil his firstgood look at what Richie had dubbed 'the enemy'. The man was builtwell with no facial hair and a white lab coat appearing to be acynical and aggressive but good spirited man and the woman who wasmuch smaller than he had guessed by the tape. She came only justabove the bridge of his nose in height and was built very delicatelybut pressed an air of utmost seriousness. Virgil stood nervously fora moment then smiled. The male doctor smiled back as the femaledoctor simply did a nod to acknowledge the action. "Welcome to the Crane Rehabilitational Clinic,Static." the male doctor said shaking Virgil's name. "I amDoctor Jackson and this is my associate Doctor Lin.""Pleased to meet you Static. I trust the messagewas received well." Dr. Lin said calmly."Yeah. I got it right away.""You must be a very bright boy or have a verygood team helping you." said Dr. Lin staring down at herclipboard."The reason we called you here Static is that wehave a problem with a patient." said Dr. Jackson leading Virgilinto the elevator. "Patient number 9749-3796-3A-12B also knownby a street name of Shiv is..."Virgil turned quickly and interrupted. "Youcaught Shiv. He's one of the Metabreed. How'd you...?"He was stared at by both doctors as though he wereeither going to be attacked or had lobsters crawling out of his ears.Either way, it was not a comforting feeling. Dr. Lin spoke first."Patient # 9749-3796-3A-12B was found alone on Milestone Street.He wasn't accompanied at all.""We never take metahumans in gangs. Its toodangerous. Patient 97..." Dr. Jackson said interrupted."You can just say Shiv?" Virgil saidgetting very annoyed hearing that excessively long number."Fine. Shiv was found wounded as a lonemetahuman. It looked like he had been in a fight."Virgil winced slightly. It wasn't often he felt badabout being a superhero but he had never meant to hurt anyone before.He hadn't been paying attention in the fight with the Metabreed andhad beaten on Shiv rather severely. It was almost instinctive after afew years of crime fighting to shoot electricity at anything that gotup again and was trying to kill you. He had also imagined that theMetabreed would care for itself. He had in no way tried to get anyonekilled. "So what's the problem?"The elevator opened on the third floor. The doctorlead him out taking a sharp left turn. Dr. Jackson continued to speaknot turning to face Static who by now had broken almost thirty fourof Richie's paranoid little guidelines. "The patient, Shiv asyou call him, is refusing to cooperate with anything we ask. We havelimited information on him besides what Dr. Adams had dug up. Wefinally were able to move him after a four day wait which caused agreat deal of distrust to begin with.""You do know that this place has a bad rep withbang babies?"The doctors looked at one another as though wonderingif the other knew anything about this. Dr. Lin looked down at herpapers and Dr. Jackson just appeared as though he wished dearly thathe had some papers to stare at. "Well anyway, " Dr. Jacksonsaid trying to end the awkward moment. "We thought since you haddealt with him before that you could help.""I don't know how good it'll do. He reallydoesn't like me any better than you, guys." Virgil said with agrin.The doctors again groaned to themselves awkwardly.This was not at all going as they had planned. "Could you atleast try?" Doctor Lin said almost distressed. "He hasn'tbeen cooperating at all and has hardly eaten. I know the rumors aboutthis clinic. They have a point about us locking up all of thesechildren. But we are in no way trying to kill anyone. We're trying tohelp people. If you could get some information from him maybe wecould find his parents or a relative to take him in. Could you pleasetry?"Dr. Jackson turned his head rather slowly. He hadn'tever heard her say anything with anywhere near the passion as thespeech she had just given. The tiny withdrawn woman who had never hadan opinion on anything in medical school and had spent more timelearning the mechanics of the human liver than about socializationhad just given a rather heart felt speech. Virgil appeared to have felt the same way. "Alright,I'll try."The Asian woman smiled but only slightly and directedhim to Shiv's cell.I know I'm not getting anywhere in this chapter butI'll have more soon. I also apologize for the minimal appearance ofShiv.
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