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Chapter 4 - The Cell Room

Shiv is taken into Dakota's newest center for metahumans. Things don't go as well as planned. Shiv background fic.

Chapter 4 - The Cell Room

Chapter 4 - The Cell Room
Disclaimer: Idon't own Static Shock. It belongs to the glorious man who is DwayneMcDuffie, Milestone, DC Comics and WB. If I were to own it thoughAqua Maria would be present more often and speak with her accent inher native tongue.Warning: Willcontain slash, drugs, violence and one sided relationships. This willbe a bit riskier than my average fics. Knowing me it'll be okay but Ionly thought it fair to place a warning. I hope everyone enjoys therendition of Shiv by a third author. I want to be original and hopethis is.A/N: Itold myself not to write this chapter. I told myself that I soundpractice my drawings and take a break until I got some readers andreviews. I lie to myself obviously. TakenLightlyChapter3: The Cell RoomVirgilwas lead by Doctor Lin into a room much like the average prison. Thedifferences were superficial. It was cleaner with glass walls insteadof barred doors and a control panel on the side of each cell. Shelead him to a cell approximately three cells from the end. Shestopped before going in front of it and turned to Virgil. "He'sin that cell there. You'll have to use the intercom to speak withhim." the doctor began to walk away. "Hey!"Shestopped and slowly turned to Virgil. "Yes?""Aren'tyou staying?""No.Oh yes, one more thing.""Great,I thought for a minute, I was on my own.""Goodluck.""What?""Isaid good luck." she said and walked away down the hall.Virgilgroaned and stood for a moment. He had never really liked Shiv thatmuch. He was unnervingly maniac and constantly trying to kill him. Itdid not make for a good friendship. It was then it hit him thatRichie was still on standby on the communicator. He took out thesmall microphone and ear piece setting it up to give Richie the newsof what was going on. "Rich, you there?"Heheard what sounded like Richie almost falling out of his chair anddropping the keyboard of his computer. "ARE YOU ALL RIGHT!!?!!WHAT'S HAPPENING!!??!! WHAT'S GOING ON?!!!"Virgilwinced as the ear piece was in his ear and Richie was screamingrather loudly. "Chill, Rich. Everything's fine. I just thoughtI'd tell you what's going on since the doctors aren't around."Thesound of Richie sighing and picking up his keyboard could be heardthrough the ear piece. "Alright try not to scare me again, Ithink I almost broke the keyboard."Virgillaughed into the mike. "Fine. I'll give anI'm-not-in-mortal-peril warning next time.""That'sall I ask, Zappy. So what's the news? Do they want to cut you intoitsy-bitsy pieces and sell it as protein bars."Virgilmade a disgusted noise. "You have to stop watching SoyliteGreen.""Itspeople, Static, its people. So what's going on on the third floor.""I'msorry but that tracker is going from being a useful tool to a devicefor your amusement." "And.Can't super genius abuse their powers once in a while?""Nevermind.What do we know about Shiv?""Shiv,eh? Should have known." the sound of flurried typing and papersbegan almost instantly. Richie was more efficient than any computerwhen it came to bang baby info. "Shiv is a metahuman who usesmedium to high frequency visible light energy as means to fuel acomplex, and in my opinion overly draining, system to create weaponscomposed entirely of proton ions. He's a sprinter with fastestclocked time of 21 mph on foot lasting fifteen minutes. He also usesa combination of long range and short range combat specializing inkeeping a good amount of space between himself and his opponent. Thebest strategy is short range combat as he has minimal strength andendurance.""Okay,what else?""Okay..."the sound of typing and papers whipping filled the communicator. "Thestructure of his bones were significantly altered in the big bangsmaking them hollowed for speed much like the bones of a bird.""Notfacts, Rich. Like what's his name?""Shiv.""Hisreal name, Rich.""Whocares? Shiv works just fine for identification.""Rich,these doctors caught him and they want me to talk to him.""What?""I'mnot kidding.""...I don't know what to tell you. You're better at this than I am. Youactually talked to the Metabreed before. Use your instincts.""ThanksRich." Virgil said sarcastically."Lookif it get to rough, leave him. He's not our business.""Howvery caring, Rich.""I'mserious. I don't get attached.""Fine.Static Out."Virgilwalked over to the intercom. He took a deep breath to himself. It wasnow or never. He pushed the button. "Shiv, you in there?"Shivhad been sitting on the floor by the end of the cot. The familiarvoice sounded inside the cell. He wasn't in any mood for this anddecided against encouraging the superhero. He sat as quietly aspossible.Virgilhadn't expected a welcome but he had expected something. He triedagain and again and several more times with no luck. Shiv was notgoing to talk with him. Virgil sighed. He was too stubborn to leavebut wasn't going anywhere talking to Shiv either. Hesighed and reached into his pocket. Inside were several pieces ofrather old paper. Virgil frowned at them for a moment trying toremember what they were. He opened them. They were flyers for missingchildren his father had given him. He had told him to tell him ifVirgil were to ever see any of the kids. They were given to himbefore the Big Bang. He had consistently carried them with him forprobably a week then quickly forgot. Richie must have shoved him intohis Static costumes pocket and hoped that he could pick up a few lostkids. Virgil unfolded them looking through them one by one to passthe time. Until he arrived at the bottom, he looked at it shocked fora moment. It read as:"JomeiChen, answering to the name of Joe, 16 years old, Asian, male,pierced on both ears. Hair often spiked with a goatee. Excitable,active and friendly. Missing since: April 24th ,Dakota MI,suspected runaway."The picture was of the lean Asianboy described on the flyer. He was identical to Shiv in every aspectexcept for the hair color. The boy's hair was black. Virgil didn'tknow for sure that it was Shiv but his instincts told him it was andRichie had told him to go with his instincts. Hepushed the button again. "Shiv, are you there?"Therewas no answer. "Come on, Joe. I just want to talk."Hecould hear stirring in the cell and Shiv moved enough to look outform behind the glass at Virgil. He appeared almost as shocked asanyone could. "What did you call me?"DunDun DUN!! I have to say I was going for something different but thisis good. I hope you review. I need ideas.


Comments (1)

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Nightbird on September 19, 2005, 7:53:13 AM

Nightbird on
NightbirdOoooh Suspenseful! I like how you added some things that are in the show to it like Milestone St. and the personality is on que too. PS I also love Aquamaria! Here's a picture I did of her linked here! Plese comment!