Chapter 5 - The Compromise
Submitted May 27, 2005 Updated December 18, 2005 Status Incomplete | Shiv is taken into Dakota's newest center for metahumans. Things don't go as well as planned. Shiv background fic.
Cartoons » Static shock |
Chapter 5 - The Compromise
Chapter 5 - The Compromise
Disclaimer: Idon't own Static Shock. It belongs to Dwayne McDuffie, Milestone, DCComics and WB. Shiv would not be the first of the Metabreed to godown every time.Warning: Willcontain slash, drugs, violence and one sided relationships. This willbe a bit riskier than my average fics. Knowing me it'll be okay but Ionly thought it fair to place a warning. I hope everyone enjoys therendition of Shiv by a third author. I want to be original and hopethis is.A/N:Thank you so much for all ofthe reviews. You have no idea how grateful I am. I am so sorry if hisname is wrong. I haven't seen Power Outage and can't seem to find anyreference to it. I did a fair bit of research before doing his ficand it never came up on any of the communities or websites. The newname is going to stay. I hope no one minds. TakenLightlyChapter5: The CompromiseVirgilpushed the intercom again nervously, "Joe. That's your nameright?" Shivwas still staring at him but now standing. He didn't move as hestared. He appeared shocked, confused and on some level slightlyamused. However he always looked at least slightly amused. "Howdid you know about that?"Virgilthought for a minute wondering if he should tell him the truth orpretend he knew him. Virgil's heroisms kicked in about then andbetter logic. He'd never be able to maintain the old buddies ideaafter almost electrocuting him to death every other day. It would beillogical for someone to continuously try to kill an old friend thensuddenly stop and make up like nothing had happened. Plus, Richiewould laugh at him for even trying. He decided the truth was thesafest route to take. He pushed the intercom and took out the flyerholding it up to the glass. "I saw this flyer. Its you, isn'tit? Your parents were looking for you before the Big Bang."Shivlooked at the flyer. The boy appeared happy without a care in theworld. He looked like the last person to run away from home for anyreason but looks were often deceiving. He knew that. "Yeah,that's me before the Big Bang." Shiv said almost as though hewere thinking about something. He didn't look at Virgil while sayingit. "Ijust wanna talk.""No,you want me to cooperate." He said looking up with only one eyefrom the flyer."I'mnot trying to force you into something. I just want you to have thedoctors question you. So you can get out of here. I talked to one ofthem. They're not trying to hurt you."Shivlooked at him angrily. He didn't want to be lectured by that. Staticdisgusted him and he quickly snapped back from the shock of hearinghis previous alias. "Get out of here, Static. I'm none of yourbusiness.""Comeon, Joe. If you can stand there and talk to me for this long withouttrying to cut me in half, you're not that angry at me.""Idon't have a knife.""Don'tgive me that! You can make weapons with your hands. Its not likeyou're some normal street thug.""Ican't work my powers! They drugged me with something!" Shivyelled growing angry."Whatdo you mean?" Virgil looked at him absolutely confused.Shivraised his hands. They were still a red hue. "It doesn't work!"Virgilmade a slightly disgusted sound. However, he was more shockedinternally. He had just met the sweet tiny little woman that had leadhim to the room. He had quickly brushed aside Richie's conspiracytheory into the Roswell category. He couldn't imagine that sweetdoctor or the good-natured man at the entrance burning someone'shands in some way to disable a metahuman's powers. It was like Sharonbeing nice to him. It wasn't natural or right somehow. "Who didthat?"Shivgave him a look. It wasn't a happy look. It was irritated andimpatient. He had noticed the impatience of Shiv's personality. Hewas too active to wait. He must have been going stir crazy in thatcell. "The doctors. Who do you think Ebon?"Virgilwas still trying to make himself understand the situation. How couldthose doctors do this? Dr. Lin was so concerned about Shiv and Dr.Jackson seemed indignant about how he was in the clinic. Theycouldn't have done that. It just didn't add up. "Look! I want totalk to you. How about a deal?"Shivappeared to relax and slightly amused. He liked deals. "Whatkind of a deal?"Virgildidn't like the look in Shiv's eyes. It was too amused. It was thesame look as when he was out fighting. It was like an animal. "Iwant you to give me a chance to talk to you and you want to get thatstuff off your hands, right?"Shivappeared amused. Maybe too amused. He was getting excited, excitedfor the first time in several days. His maniac nature could only besubdued for so long and this was close to its limit. "Yeah.What's the deal?"Virgilwas getting increasingly nervous. Shiv was practically shaking withexcitement and it had come out of nowhere. It was as sudden asturning on a light. He had gone from a brooding inmate to acting likea child about to receive a treat. It was unnerving but he thought itwas better him happy than angry. "If you talk to me and answerhonestly then I'll get that off your hands and find you a way out ofhere."Shivappeared much like a child who had just gotten their treat. He lit upwith a rather maniac smile. He quickly tried to compose himself whichlooked increasingly more difficult than it should be for a nineteenyear. "Hhmmm... that is a good deal. I may actually get to likeyou. But one thing..."Virgilgave a look worry and surprise. He didn't like the idea of Shivhaving a large say in this. It wasn't that he wasn't up forcompromise but Shiv was insane and the insane did not reason well."What's that?""Iwant to get my powers back first and a bigger room. There's no roomto move around in here." he said as seriously as Shiv couldwhich was not very at this point. Virgilalmost laughed with relief. It wasn't illegal. "Alright, Shiv.Whatever you say."Shivnodded grinning rather proudly. He appeared satisfied with thearrangement.Virgilstood for a minute thinking this over. Richie was going to kill himonce he heard about this. He pushed the intercom again. "Onemore thing. I have to question you, so don't kill the doctors."Shivlooked at him maliciously which quickly changed to a grin. "I'lltry. Can't make any promises though, hero. I'm not some saint likeyou."Virgilquickly became very nervous which he brushed off quickly. He couldn'tbe distracted by it. He had to be calm. "Fine, I'll get thedoctors to get that stuff off your hands."Virgilturned off the intercom and left the room. It was awkward in thatelevator. He had bargained with a madman. He had taken quite a riskin letting Shiv have his powers back. However, he had seen humanityin his eyes for those few moments after he mentioned his name. Ithadn't been Shiv looking at him. It was someone else. Just themention of that name had brought something out in him. He felt forhim at that moment. Virgil shook his head. Richie was right. Hecouldn't get attached. That's a death wish if there ever was one. Butstill he was a metahuman as well. He could understand the want forhis powers to return. It was almost a part of himself now and hecouldn't imagine having them taken away without any consent. Heleft the elevator to see Dr. Lin waiting for him. She appearedcurious and a bit worried but also calm. Virgil walked out trying toorganize his thoughts. She walked up to him calmly clinging to herclipboard. She opened her mouth to speak but Virgil was too quick forher. "I talked to him. I made a deal with him. He wants thatstuff off his hands. Its hurting his skin and he wants a bigger room.He said he'd talk to me if I could do that."Dr.Lin appeared surprised. She looked down at her papers. "It'll bedone. Come back as soon as you can. We really need to learn who thisyoung man is."Virgilconsidered telling her about the flyer but decided against it. Hedidn't know why. He supposed it was curiosity. He was curious himselfon how the madman in that cell and the happy boy on the flyer couldbe the same person. "Yeah."Thedoctor almost smiled if you could call it that and walked out of theroom.Virgilleft out the door, took out his saucer and flew off. He wanted tohead home but he knew Richie would like an update and decided to goto the gas station. He flew down and walked into the moderately sizedabandoned station. He yelled out a greeting to Richie telling him hewas back. The sound of Richie tripping over something and severalmetal cans falling over echoed the station. Virgil laughed tohimself. Richie ran over and appearing alert. He was wearing thegoggles from back when he had been known as Push. He wore them whenwas working at his computer. He said they relaxed his eyes. Virgilhad always been unconvinced but never said anything about it. "SoV, what'd you find out?'"Nothin."Richiegave him a look showing pure indignity. "Nothing?'Virgilhad begun taking his costume off. "Nothing. I just did what thedoctors wanted and...""Andwhat?""Imade a little deal with Jo-Shiv.""Youwhat?""Theytook away his powers and he wouldn't talk unless he got them back."Richierubbed his head. He was trying to think this through. It wasn't easyby any means. He wasn't happy with Virgil's decision but he had toadmit to it if it was the only way. "There wasn't any otherway?""No,Rich. He wouldn't even talk to me until... I mentioned it."Richiesighed then smiled. "Alright." He trust Virgil.Lyingto Richie is bad. I hope everyone enjoys.
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