Chapter 6 - The Counselor
Submitted May 27, 2005 Updated December 18, 2005 Status Incomplete | Shiv is taken into Dakota's newest center for metahumans. Things don't go as well as planned. Shiv background fic.
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Chapter 6 - The Counselor
Chapter 6 - The Counselor
Disclaimer: Idon't own Static Shock. It belongs to Dwayne McDuffie, Milestone, DCComics and WB. Shiv would speak perfectly crappy Thai and Japanese.Warning: Willcontain slash, drugs, violence and one sided relationships. This willbe a bit riskier than my average fics. Knowing me it'll be okay but Ionly thought it fair to place a warning. I hope everyone enjoys therendition of Shiv by a third author. I want to be original and hopethis is.A/N:Sorry for the delay. I havebeen hearing a lot of the same. The chapters are too short. I thoughtto myself how can I solve this. So I tripled the size of thischapter. The chapter is nine pages long compared to the usual three.Lots of angst, character development and of course, Shiv.~text ~ is a flashbackTakenLightlyChapter6: The Counselor"Homeis a place where, when you have to go there, they have to take youin." ~Robert FrostVirgil spent the next day at the Freeman Community Center wherehis father worked. He had promised to help with a charity that wasbeing put on. Static duty had been at a continuous low. One of themany reasons was that Hotstreak had been sent off by his grandmotherto some school a ways north. Something about the city air making himcranky and overly aggressive. The Breed was still nowhere to be seenand had, in all of the present parties' guesses, officially abandonedShiv. Virgil had been surprised actually but he ran the idea byRichie and he assured him that it was true. Richie would know.Speaking of which Richie was also at the center. He had been haulingin boxes with Virgil all morning. He hadn't asked about the case withShiv and Virgil was glad. It was easier not to worry about it. "I think that's the last box, V." Richie said puttingdown several bags placed inside a cardboard box. "Do you think Haiti really needs allof this stuff?" Virgil said irriatibly."Well, the average income of aHaitian family is between 200 to 500 American dollars and judging byour current economic deficit.""I see, you're point.""I thought you would." Richiesaid, grinning.Virgil picked up the box stacking itwith the rest of them in the large gymnasium. "So, when were yousupposed to be back home?"Richie groaned slightly and took offhis glasses to clean them. "My dad wanted me back after lunch. Idon't see why, really."Virgil groaned slightly. It was nearlyone in the afternoon. They had been up working on the project sincenine. Richie had gotten sick of the entire ordeal by eleven and hisasthma hadn't helped the situation. However, the minor attacks hadgotten both of them several breaks throughout the course of themorning. All in which Sharon and Adam had nagged Virgil about. True,he didn't have to take a break with Richie. It wasn't mandatory buthe had convinced himself it was for moral support. "How youfeelin', Rich?""Fine." Richie said slightlyannoyed. Virgil was overly protective about little things wrong withRichie. It was sweet. He had to admit but not without being deathlyannoying. "Well, I better get going. My dad'll probably blameyou if I'm late and I'll be the kid who acts like a hood again.""So, he still hasn't changedmuch.""He's a success story in slowmotion, V." Richie left on his scooter shortlyafter leaving Virgil to continue working by himself. Well nottechnically alone. A fair number of volunteers including Frieda,Daisy, Sharon and even Adam were present, as well. The boxes had tobe arranged by around three in the afternoon for some trucks comingto pick them up. The center wanted gather as much as possible so thedrop off date was extended to the day before pick up. This leftRobert Hawkins and the rest of his family scrambling to geteverything together before the trucks arrived. Virgil looked at thebox Richie brought in before he had left. It was put together like somany had been. Bags and goods were thrown into the box haphazardlyand had to be organized before being taped and sorted. Virgilgroaned. He had been lucky and Richie had agreed to organize thesemesses earlier. However, he wasn't here and Virgil was, leaving ithis responsibility. He looked at the label to see whohad packed it. A label on the side read: SOLADA CHEN. Virgil gruntedand pulled out the missing child flyer. Jomei Chen. He shook his headstuffing it into his pocket. It had to be a coincidence. There mustbe at least a hundred Chen's in Dakota. It wasn't an uncommonname on the Asian side of town. He was just being paranoid. He lookedinside the box. It was mostly clothes and some old toys. Virgilsighed in relief. It showed no signs of being anything out of theordinary. Then rummaging through the box, he saw something. It was ashirt. It was baggy, loose and black with a red design on the front.It seemed familiar. He removed the flyer from his pocket again andwas shocked to see the same shirt being worn by the boy in thepicture. Virgil mentally slapped himself. It was a coincidence. Helooked at the shirt and noticed something. Inside the collar of theshirt in silver marker was the word: JOE. This was not a coincidence.Virgil picked up the box and carried it over to his father'soffice. He thought to himself how insane this was. However, heexpected everything dealing with Shiv would be. He knocked on thedoor. "Hey Pops!"Mr. Hawkins opened up the door wondering what it was Virgilwanted. He could guess. Most likely to get out of something. Hehadn't been working as hard as he could have. Mostly due to Richie'sasthma which Mr. Hawkins had only begun taking serious after acamping trip which they had taken Richie on. To make a long storyshort, it hadn't gone well. "What is it, son?""I was organizing this box and I think its a bunch of stuffthat belongs to one of those missing kids." Virgil said itbrokenly trying to figure out how much to and not to let out.Mr. Hawkins looked at him surprised and a little bit suspiciously.Virgil unfolded the flyer and gave it to him. "This guy. Ithink this is his stuff."Mr. Hawkins wasn't necessarily listening. He was looking at thepicture with what appeared to Virgil to be regret. Though, hecouldn't be sure. "I remember this boy.""You knew him." Virgil said surprised."He was a kid who came into the center for counseling. Poorkid.""What do you mean?""It all happened about a year before the big bang."~Joe sat in the waiting room of the Freeman Community Center. Hislegs shook and swung back and forth as we waited. He had never been acalm boy. He was always moving and fidgeting in some way. One of themany reasons his parents had chosen to send him to so manypsychiatric centers. He got up from the chair and began walkingaround. He was told to wait in the waiting room. However this hadbeen a half an hour ago and forty minutes was his limit for limitedmobility. He walked into the empty gymnasium and picked up a ball. Hewas soon dribbling and shooting on both ends of the court. What couldhe say, he had a lot of energy and enjoyed being up and busy. Mr. Hawkins walked into the gymnasium. It was not uncommon forteens to run off, after getting bored with waiting, to the gym toplay basketball and this one seemed like no exception. The fifteenyear old boy was running up and down the court in loose baggyclothing dribbling and shooting the basketball. He was apparentlytalking to himself or more accurately giving a full commentary on theimaginary game. Mr. Hawkins smiled. The boy reminded him of his ownson a bit odd but harmless. "Jomei! Its time for you to comein!" he yelled loud enough for Joe to hear him.Joe dropped the basketball and walked over. He knew how to workwith shrinks. You tell them some stuff, they nod and you get pills.It was a simple operation and one Joe wasn't at all displeased with."Hi there. So I guess, you're my new one. Just call me Joe. Ihate my full name. It sounds girly. I have no idea what made mymother name me that. I guess, it was a judgment lapse or something.Are you really a doctor? Can you give me meds? Cause I already have alot. They don't work real well. Well, they did for a while but..."Mr. Hawkins stood for a moment trying to take everything in. Itwas like a storm of continuous dialogue. He didn't even stop tobreath. "Yeah, so my meds made me weird for a while and I lost allthis weight. So they switched me to something else which doesn't helpmuch. They say I need it because I'm hyper. I don't think I'm hyper.Do you?" Joe said looking at Mr. Hawkins in the gym waiting fora reply."Maybe, we should go to my office." he said leading Joeout of the gym and into his office. Joe jumped clear from behind the seat into it. He then beganadjusting from the landing into a better sitting position. "So, your parents say you're having trouble in school, actingout and they suspect that you may have a drug problem. Do you haveanything to say about that, Joe?""I don't like school anymore, I'm too loud and I don't thinkits a problem.""Why don't you like school, Joe?""Its hard and I don't like it.""What's hard about it?""Paying attention to the teacher.""You go to a private school, is it mostly lecturing then?""Yeah. I just don't stay interested." Joe's eyes werewandering. He was already scanning the contents of the room. Hewasn't comfortable, really. He wanted to skip the personal questionsand go right to the conclusion. Mr. Hawkins looked down at his clipboard. He wasn't going to prytoo far at the moment. It wasn't unusual for boys his age to dislikeschool. "So, how are things at home, Joe?"Joe looked up for a moment. "Fine."The conversation continued for some time. Joe had managed to deterit onto a number of subjects not previously planned. Skateboards,hair dye, and a huge Bull Mastiff on North Street were a few. Hewalked out of the building and picked up his skateboard propped upagainst the side of the building. He got on and skated out into thestreet. It was busy that afternoon. He had been surprised. It usuallywas. He skated quickly avoiding the north side. It was notoriouslyknown for gangs on the north side. He had only gone there a few timesto save time and it hadn't been much fun. His house was almost four blocks away from the center. He stoppedhis skateboard and got off at the front gate. It was a fenced home ina high middle class neighborhood. His father, he supposed, made quitea bit. He was sent to private school and his mother didn't have towork. He picked up his skateboard. Walking in the front gate, he shutit behind him. Across the yard, a dog sprang to life from a lethargic state. Thedog was a brown akita who ignored every human being on the planetbesides Jomei Chen and was an ever faithful companion. The dog becamewildly entertained with just the presence of his master. The dogjumped wildly half strangling himself against the collar and ropearound his neck. He barked and yipped springing up to two feet in theair. Joe dropped his skateboard and ran over to see the dog. The dogbarked jumping up on his hind legs to lick the young man's face. Joeshoved and pet the oversized puppy. "Get down, Spike." hegroaned wiping his face. "Did my mother tie you up, again?!?"The dog barked loudly and let out a deep howl. "I'll have to tell her not to or we'll end up on some showfor animal abuse." he said, cheerfully untying the dog. "Canyou imagine me getting a mugshot?"The dog stared with blank bliss. He really had no idea what amugshot was, but he was sure his master would take a good one.He pat the dog on the head and ran off to the house. Spikefollowed excitedly. His brown eyes never leaving his master's face.Joe walked into the his house and removed his shoes. Spikeimmediately became silent and sat politely on the floor next to hismaster. "You're too well behaved, Spike."Spike made a groaning noise and licked his master's face. Joeshoved him away and threw his shoes into a pile by the door. Hejumped up to his feet and walked from the entrance way of his house.The house was immaculately clean. His mother spent almost the entireday cleaning was his guess. The entrance lead into a hallway whichbranched off into the other rooms of the house. His room was straightahead and up a flight of stairs. The dining room was to the left. Thekitchen to the right. The living room was down the hall. Finishingoff with his parent's room which was on the far right end. He couldsmell food cooking from the kitchen. He tried to ignore it but heknew it was unavoidable. It was his mother. She was in the kitchen.He hated the chore of going in to talk to her. It wasn't as thoughshe cared whether he was home or not. He walked into the room tryingto be cheerful. "Hi mom!"She stood nervously. She trying not to look at him which wasgrowing increasingly difficult with him staring at her. "Sa-wat,Jomei."He forced a grin. Great, Thai. Hismother was from Thailand originally. However, it had been almosttwenty years since she had been in any place where Thai was a neededlanguage. She spoke it frequently. He found it not only annoying andgave him more to remember. "Sa-wat." he said, still forcinga happy face. He did that a lot. Look happy. People liked peoplehappy. "I'm going up to my room, mom. Spike and I are going toplay some video games." She didn't reply.Joe held back a groan. Typical. Helooked over at the counter for the mail. He had a few mail-orderskater magazines that he subscribed to and wanted to know if they hadcome. Nothing. The counter was basically empty except for smallappliances, some books his father was forcing him to read and, ofcourse, pills. He and his mother both took medication for one thingor another. He had ADHD medication which either had no effect or madehim horribly ill. His mother took medication for PPD. He didn't knowwhat it was but he figured it was why she hated him. He walked out ofthe kitchen and into his room. Spike followed happily.Joe jumped on his bed, turned on hisplaystation 2 and started to play. He had a variety of games: mostlyzombie, fighting and skateboard. He sat on his bed absorbing himselfinto the game. Spike crawled up onto the bed and placed his head onhis master's lap. The dog didn't enjoy seeing his master unhappy butsometimes the affairs of humans were even too great for a dog tohandle. So, he could only comfort and hope for the best. Joe leanedforward as he reached a closed door on the screen. He knew, oh toowell, what was behind that digital door and it was not friendly.Spike moved his head. He knew it, too. As soon as he opened thevirtual door, the creature flew out and Joe jumped to his feet on thebed. The dog knew he was smart to move. He could have went flying orworse yet, made his master lose. Joe pushed buttons maniacally as hestood on his bed playing the game. He muttered to himself. Spikewhimpered as he repeated, no no no and grew excited with happygroans as he chanted yeah, yeah, come on. They were aninseparable duo and they liked it that way.His father arrived home within an hourof Joe. His father was a businessman named Tadashi Chen. He walkedinto the door, removed this shoes and walked toward his son's room.He opened the door. His son was sitting on his bed in his messy roomplaying video games accompanied by this dog. His father sighed. Heshould have known. "Jomei.""What?" Joe said, not turningaway from his game.His father held back the urge toreprimand the boy. "Have you done your homework?""No.""Have you read anything, at all,today?""No. Nothing but street signs."He groaned. "Jomei...""Joe.""Jomei," he repeated louder."You have to study.""Joe, dad.""Jomei, are you even listening?""Yeah," he said leaning intoward the screen. "Uh-huh."He walked over and turned off the game."You have to been sitting in here doing nothing for too long! Godo your homework!"Joe was still in a state of shock thathe hadn't saved since the last zombie mob."JOMEI!""Huh?""JOMEI CHEN! GET UP AND DO YOURHOMEWORK!""Stop yelling at me!"His father was completely indignant. Hecouldn't see how his son had become such a lazy, incompetent bum andworst of all was that he was a bum with a big mouth. "I DON'TWANT TO HEAR IT, JOMEI! NO VIDEO GAMES! NO MAGAZINES! NO T.V! NOTUNTIL YOU GET YOURSELF TOGETHER!"Joe stared half shaken. He lookedaround. His mother was standing in the doorway not saying anything.She had a look of apathy. Joe looked at his father then again to hismother. His father was even now was more comforting. "Yeah,dad." he said dragging himself down to the kitchen to get hisschool books. He was upset and felt utterly alone. Spike followednudging at his master's arm. Joe sat in his room for hours. Hecouldn't do this. He stared at the text book. It was history. Hehated history. He was up until near one in the morning working. Hecould never concentrate and his father refused to help him withanything. He still hadn't finished but he found lying to his fatherwas the only way to get any sleep. Joe turned off the lights in hisroom, turned on his video game with the volume down as low as hecould and lay on his bed wrapped in his blanket. He stared into thescreen as he pushed the buttons on the controller. Spike crawled onthe bed next to his master. Joe pulled the blanket over the dog andput his arm around his neck continuing to play the game. Joe leanedhis head on Spike's neck. He sniffled continuing to play the game.Spike licked his master's face. "You're a good dog, Spike. Youreally are."Spike licked his master's face. Hedidn't like the balance of the house. He found it frustrating how theolder humans treated his master. He wasn't a bad human. He did hisbest. He was sure of it but it was never good enough. Spike looked atthe boy's face. He looked so upset alone in his room. He didn't haveto smile for Spike or for the game. Spike licked his master's faceagain trying to comfort his master. There were some affairs of humansthat not even a dog can solve.~Virgil listened intently as Shiv finished talking. He had left theCommunity Center mid-afternoon and had gone to the center to see ifhe could learn any more. Shiv had told him apparently, happy to havecompany. Virgil paused after Shiv ended his explanation. He thoughtto himself. "Joe.""Yes?""What did you say your mother had medication for?"Static was sure he had heard wrong. It couldn't be.Shiv groaned lying on the cot, his head hanging off the end upsidedown. "Well, I don't know what it was exactly but they called itPPD. My guess is she was addicted to pain killers. Seems the type."Virgil was taken aback. He knew what that was. He had seen atleast a dozen news reports on it and heard a good deal of rantingfrom Sharon. "Joe, that's not a drug addiction. That's postpartum depression."Shiv looked at raising an eyebrow. "Who isn't depressed incities?" he said, grinning. "You watch way too many sitcomsif you think people are happy.""Shiv, post partum depression are all those crazy people onTV who hate and kill their babies. I'm surprised you made it past ayear."Shiv looked vaguely distraught for a moment. It was far more humanthan he thought Shiv could ever be. He suddenly snapped with a grin.The humanity in his face was gone. "Well, I guess I had to getmy crazy genes from someone. Always thought it was my aunt inThailand."Virgil held back a groan and tried to smile. Shiv's sense of humorwas not for him. It was so forced in the small cell. "Well, Ihave to go, Joe. Don't kill the doctors.""It wouldn't be like you hero to take the fun out of life,"Shiv said leaning over the edge of the cot as Virgil started to walkaway. "just when I was starting to like you, too!"Virgil walked into the elevator trying to leave quickly. DoctorLin and Jackson were nowhere to be seen and he was sure Richie, beinga super genius, couldn't be wrong about every doctor. This guesseswere quickly confirmed. Just then an Ethopian doctor namely DoctorAdams. She walked over to Virgil quickly. Her skin was not a far cryfrom Ebon's and her general presence boded the same. "You mustbe Static. I've heard you were lurking around."Virgil didn't know exactly what to do in this situation. She wasthe exact type of person Richie had been ranting about for years. Thecold, uncaring professional with more interest in drugging rats thanthe beneficial drug that was the final product. He began to thinkRichie's conspiracy theories were not the unfortunate side effects ofbeing a genius. "Yeah, doing what I can to help."She looked at him with a half grin filled with delight anddisgust. "Well, I am glad at least one metahuman is trying tomake things right." She walked off without saying goodbye andVirgil was sure he heard her mention "a loose lab rat".Virgil flew to the gas station to find Richie scrambling over hiscomputer equipment. He appeared frantic. He could imagine why. Sure,he wasn't wired this time but he had a tracking in his shock vox. Helooked in his coat and it dawned on him. He had left his shock vox inhis room after he had gone to the community center. Richie, hearing something, turned around quickly. "Virgil!"Virgil felt no end to the guilt he felt at that moment. Richielooked absolutely terrified. "Yeah, its me, Rich."Richie stood up. He had quickly changed from terrified tooutrageously angry. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS YOU!!?!! WHERE WEREYOU!?!"Virgil didn't know entirely what to say. "Rich, I'm sorry. Iforgot my shock vox in my room and...""I know I went to find you and that was all I found in there.Where were you?" he snapped he was ferocious. The developed andundeveloped sides of his brain were at war. His logic told him it wasall a mistake and Virgil was probably rescuing a cat as his teenageremotions protested saying that he was out to drive you mad."I was...out."Richie's logic immediately dropped the cat theory. "You wereback at this center, weren't you?"Virgil grinned rubbing his head. It was obvious that Richie wasright. "You weren't wired, V." Richie said amazed at hisaccuracy. He was hoping he was wrong. He was hoping that Virgil wouldhave gotten indignant and yelled him for thinking he was that stupid.Sometimes being a super genius bites. "Rich,""Anything could have happened and no one would have known athing about it.""Rich, nothing happened.""Yeah, this time! What about the next time you forget yourshock vox? Or the next?" Richie said half yelling. He had a lookof absolute distress."Rich, I don't think you're cut out for tracking me on thisone." he said. "If you wanna help you can but don't trackme Rich."Richie's pupils shrunk. He had never been cut off like this not ina calm moment on Virgil's behalf. "V, I...""I'm sorry, Rich. I was have to find out where Solada Chenlives." Virgil said and left the main room of the gas station.Virgil is getting a bit too caught up in this little case of his.
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Nightbird on September 19, 2005, 8:26:05 AM
Nightbird on
Wow you really made the emotion hit ya! Shiv's parents remind me of mine or at least the dad who yells at him and makes him study all the time also I'm like shiv so I get on his nerves but we're cool. I hate it when I get off subject! Great chapter! You're a awesome writer!