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Chapter 10 - The Breed : Part 1

Shiv is taken into Dakota's newest center for metahumans. Things don't go as well as planned. Shiv background fic.

Chapter 10 - The Breed : Part 1

Chapter 10 - The Breed : Part 1
var nopopup = 0;rsi_hints = 'Cartoons,Static Shock,Drama'; Disclaimer: I don't own Static Shock. It belongs to MisterDwayne McDuffie, Milestone, DC Comics and WB. However if I won it ina round of Trivial Pursuit, Shiv would have a back story and a sexyheroic villain episode.Warning: Will containslash, drugs, violence and one sided relationships. This will be abit riskier than my average fics. Knowing me it'll be okay but I onlythought it fair to place a warning. I hope everyone enjoys therendition of Shiv by a third author. I want to be original and hopethis is.A/N: Ilied obviously. I decided to break up this chapter into two. I hopeno one minds. Also I have a gift for everyone. I posted a thank youat: LightlyChapter 10: The BreedVirgil sat unturned against the outside wall as Shiv finished. Hefelt uneasy sitting there. Shiv, however, seemed unfazed. He lookedup at the open cell. Nothing was stopping an escape and he knew it.There was an urge, a savage one, to kill and escape. It was an uneasyfeeling for him. For the first time in three years, he couldn't acton it. He felt a resistance to it and a strong one. He threw back hishead and began to laugh. It was maniac, no denying it. "Whathave you done to me, Hero? What have you done?"Virgil turned slightly. The outburst had rattled him. "Trying to bring back the dead, I see." Shiv was nowunable to not laughing. "Its silly to try. What's dead is dead."Virgil was confused and growing more nervous. "Joe. Joe, whatare you talking about?""I was Shiv, earlier. So, who is it? Shiv or Joe? It doesn'tmatter to me." Shiv grinned widely. He was back to the games.Virgil didn't know if it was safest with the gate open now. It seemedrisky. He turned slightly to look behind him. Shiv was alreadystanding up. He appeared to be looking forward, not really atanything though. "You were invited into the Breed. You were!"Virgil didn't move. He was trying not to startle Shiv. For somereason, he appeared to be far too animal-like. He was acting like aplayful predator."I remember!" Shiv walked out of the small cell in frontof Virgil. His blades were not out and he wasn't really doinganything. This only made Virgil more nervous. "You were!"Virgil began to stand up slowly. He looked at Shiv for a moment.He felt an awkwardness he had never been this close to him withoutbeing in mortal peril. "Yeah. It was three years ago."Shiv looked at him confused for a moment. He was staring atVirgil. Shiv's head cocked slightly to the side as if, he was reallyfocusing on something. "You still have somewhere to go. That'swhy you didn't join."Virgil felt a wave of guilt. "Its not that you couldn't goback.""Go back. Go back!" Shiv looked angry. "I'm afreak! I'm on the news four times a day!! My father only would skinme!! I could have gone back as Joe! But I'm not him anymore!!"Virgil shot him a stubborn look. "What are you talking about?You're still Joe. I mean you're still you. You're never going to stopbeing you! What are you talking about?!"Shiv standing rigidly. It was as though he didn't know how toaddress the question. He did not fidget and it worried Virgil. He hadbeen comparing Shiv, in his only mind, to a predator increasinglymore often and predators were always most still right beforeattacking. It was unnerving but Virgil remained calm. It was anuneasy trust he had with him. Something that could be easily severedbut had to be broken to do so. Shiv had not and Virgil had toacknowledge that. "Maybe... you don't... didn't...." Shivwas half muttering but it was directed at Virgil."Didn't what?" Virgil said standing now. Shiv seemedunfazed by it. Almost as though, he wasn't paying attention. "Whatdidn't I do?" he was speaking as calmly as possible. He washoping it would, in some way, mentally sedate him."You didn't live with two names." Shiv wasn't reallylooking at him. It was a stare and it was in his direction but it wasnot to him. It was blank. His eyes were wide and dilated almostunseeing. "You take off that mask and you aren't Static. You'resomeone else."Virgil was silent. He didn't understand much about what he wassaying. It was foreign, or maybe not. He had felt the loss ofidentity associated with having another name. He felt he had tobehave a certain way under the name of "Static" that Virgilwas completely free of. He supposed that was what he was talkingabout. "You lost yourself?"Shiv began to chuckle which erupted into a heavy maniacally laugh.Virgil backed up slightly. Shiv was now laughing louder than before.He had extended his blades and was in what seemed like a mania. Hebreathed heavily lowering his blades to his sides, panting. Heappeared tired as he stood there. The entire situation seemed to beemotionally exhausting him. "You think I was always like this! Iwas sane, Hero! I was even normal!! I wasn't Shiv. Shiv was part ofthe Breed. I wasn't him until the Breed."Virgil stood trying to understand. "The Breed? The Breednamed you Shiv? You weren't...""Ebon gave me that name. He thought it fit me. He doesn'tlook at people as people. I was a shiv to him. A tool at hisdisposal." Shiv appeared almost to regret something. He stillhad that maniac grin but something wasn't right and it was noticeablein his eyes."What happened after the Big Bang, Joe?""I shouldn't even let you call me that.""What'd you like being called?""I said I shouldn't. Youcan, though but only you. I'm not letting everyone get to know mypersonal aliases.""You make it sound like there aremore than two." Virgil said jokingly."Did you just make a joke?"Shiv appeared amused.Virgil realized he had. It wasn'tunusual for him but a non-malicious joke to Shiv seemed iffy.Shiv chuckled to himself. "So youwant to know what happened?""Yeah.""Fine, its a long story though. Ididn't become Shiv overnight."***Joe spent the next few days sleeping anywhere he could find, whichwas almost everywhere with his new abilities. He was losing weightvery quickly and gaining muscle on his upper body. This camenaturally as the chemical ran through his blood. He was flexible,fast and balanced. It was amazing for Joe who had never been toolight on his feet. He felt a sense of newfound freedom in it. Theability to go anywhere he wished was a dream come true.He had resorted to stealing to get food. It wasn't nearly as hardas he thought it should have been. He could fit into any of theventilation systems of any restaurant easily. This made his choicesfar from limited. However, he seemed to prefer fastfood. This systemhe had set up worked well for the first two days. But as he lostweight, he went from being able to live on two small meals to needinga minimum of six full meals to have any energy at all. With this newdevelopment, Joe had decided to spend almost all of his time nearfood. However, it was a rare joy when he was not hungry and could justplay in an empty alley. He finally had one of those rare joys. He hadjust bumped off nearly seventeen candy bars from a small gas station.As he needed so much food, he had begun relying more and more oncandy for energy. It was small, easy to carry, and full of sugar. Hewalked into a small alley and after eating around five, he stood upand tightened his belt, an old seatbelt he had stripped from a car inthe junkyard, around his heavy oversized pants. He had grown far toosmall for his old belt and pants around the waste but had no way ofgetting new one's. He had grown almost four inches in the past weekand the ends no longer dragged on the ground. He had discarded hisold tee-shirt because it had gotten in the way in vents. He only worea white sleeveless undershirt that now fit snugly on his newlydeveloped upper body. He had almost gotten a new body in a week. Heraced across the alley and jumped almost twenty feet up flat onto anapartment landing. He smiled widely. He enjoyed the liberatingfeeling of being so agile. He continued to climb and scale thebuilding, jumping from rain gutters, windowsills, and sometimes outthe walls themselves. He somehow knew instinctually where to put hisfeet and hands. He didn't know how but he loved it. After finishedclimbing, he sat on the top of the brick building in Paris Row eatinga Snickers bar. He simply stared into the smoky sky. He felt acalmness and liked it. When, it was rudely interrupted. "Hey,Hotshot!"Joe turned quickly. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. It wasa giant armadillo. He subconsciously decided, he was eating way toomuch sugar. "What?""Yeah, you! You got enough chocolate for everyone." hesaid irritably. "I'm eating it." Joe knew he was short with the possiblehallucination, but he was feeling increasingly more protective of hischocolate."I don't think you understand.""Its my chocolate. What's to understand?" "Look, Chan, I'm a bang baby. You give me anything I want.""Bang what?" Joe said unenthusiastically. He was gettingannoyed with his new imaginary friend. However, he wasn't reallythinking straight because if he were, he would either be very scaredright now or wouldn't be talking to it at all."You're not too sharp, are you? I'll have to beat it intoyou." With that the bang baby rolled into a ball and spiraledtoward Joe. Joe did what instinct dictated and jumped as high as hecould landing on the side of a perfectly smooth water tank which hungprecariously over the edge of the building. He knew instantly hecouldn't survive a fall off a building like this. He claweddesperately at the metal trying to get a hold on the metal and trieddesperately to dig into the side with his wide skater shoes. It wasno good. He had nothing to hold on to. He was scared, very scared. Hewas slipping and was going to die. His eyes were shut tight as hecontinued to claw and wish for his short nails to take. Suddenly witha sudden rush of tingling from his hands, they did and he could heara shriek from the armadillo man. "You're a bang baby!"Joe opened his eyes. His hands were glowing a pale purple and werein the shape of two long swords. He was half terrified and halfrelieved. He pulled one out of the water tank and a thin stream ofwater poured out. It was a perfect cut. The blades extended to hiselbows where it changed gently into his bronze skin. This wasimpossible. It had to be. Still stunned, he jumped down onto therooftop. He looked at the armadillo man hunched his shoulders andmoved his blades forward. He had watched a total of three WildDiscovery's in his life. He was taking note. "Yeah, I am! I'm...uh of the toughest bang babies you'll meet." Joerealized how horrible his bluff was.Carmen, however, did not. He appeared heavily shaken which wasunderstandable since he had never met another bang baby before andJoe was looking pretty intimidating with his two sharp blades. Carmenappeared to think that he had obviously been toying with him and wasgoing to gut him like a fish. "L-look M-mr. Blades... Knives...I-I was j-just passing by. I was never gonna take your chocolate. Asa matter of fact, have mine." Carmen was now on the ground infear emptying all the candy from his pockets. "As a gift."Carmen then ran away as fast as possible. Joe was standing there sweating. He was scared out of his mind butthe worst part was the realization of what he had just done. Hecouldn't believe he had just threatened someone. He wasn't a cruelperson. He did talk back a lot but it was all in fun. He wasn't likethis. He began to run down from the building. They wouldn't go away.Light swiftly faded from the streets and suddenly, they were gone. Hesighed in relief. They only showed up in the light. He could handlethat. The next few days dragged on painfully slow as Joe continued hisraiding for food by night. He went from alley to alley, throughabandoned subways, and in unlit factories. He didn't dare risk comingout during the day for fear that his powers would emerge again. Hefeared them. Probably more than he had ever feared anything. He oftenslept from five in the morning to around dusk. He became so accustomto the darkness he could hardly believe had lived in sunlight.However, this was only a temporary solution and Joe knew it.Something was inside him and it working its work out. He had noticedit a few times now. He had stolen a pair of hoop earrings for noreason but that they looked nice. He had felt terrible but he haddecided to keep them and wore them now almost everyday. He didn'tknow what was getting into him.It had been nearly a week since he had stopped living in sunlight.This particular day, Joe was sleeping in a small heap curled in onhimself inside an abandoned subway car. He positioned himself underthe seat to avoid any light at all. He rolled over onto his stomachand felt something up against his face. It felt like hair. Joe letout a shriek and backed up quickly into the top of the seat. Herubbed his head and looked at it. It was hair all right, short blackhair. Joe whimpered slightly realizing it was in fact, his hair. Heimmediately felt the top of head. His hair was dramatically morerisen than usual but it was all there. He slid out from under theseat and walked out onto the open tracks. He looked up at the smallopening he had made from the caved in subway entrance. It was dark.He could go out to look for food. He crawled out and hurried down anabandoned street. He had chosen a less than desirable side of town tolive in because the street lights were often broken. He raced downthe empty streets looking for anything that could be a possible meal.He found it. A food packing truck was driving slowly along side theempty street. He raced over and jumped onto the platform on the backof the truck. His past few weeks on the streets had taught him how tobe unnaturally silent or perhaps it was his abilities. He couldn't besure. He jumped onto the top of the truck and looked for an entrance.He crawled to the front and looked at the driver. It was a large manonly half paying attention to his surroundings. He supposed this madesense. The buildings were so old in the neighborhood no one livedthere and not even the resident gangs of Dakota used the area. Itisn't nice but it wasn't dangerous either. Joe glanced in at his options. He saw that the window on thepassenger's side was open slightly and a small window to the back waswide open. If he could open the window, he would be fine. Joe crawledover to the passenger's side on the roof truck. He drew himself asclose as he could to the edge without being seen or falling off. Heleaned over slightly. The truck was traveling at around 25 miles anhour. Joe could run around the same speed, with full control ofcourse. However, any faster made it hard to breath and turn for thatmatter. He had run thirty for a short time once but he was nevertrying that again. He hung over waiting for a moment. It was all upto the driver now. It was odd how instinctual this was. He knewexactly what to do like second nature. The driver turned for a moment. Joe saw his chance and reacheddown into the truck through the opening in the window. He flicked theswitch next to the seat allowing the window to roll down. The driverturned quickly but not fast enough. Joe was already sitting in themiddle of the hood on the truck. Now all he needed was the hope thatthe driver wouldn't roll it back up. He didn't. Joe grinned widely.It was taking a lot of self-control just to stop him from laughing.However, he remained reserved and waited. The driver was more wearynow. Obviously, he had heard about these mutants running around andwasn't taking any chances. Joe was undeterred. The driver turnedlooking on the other end of the street. This was his chance. Hepositioned himself over the hood of the truck with his fingeredbraced around the rim and flung himself into the window and throughthe small opening, landing silently inside the bed of the truck. Itwas easy. Joe looked around hungrily, rubbing his hands together. Itwas easy from here. He tore open a box and began to gorge on thecontains. It was junk food, chips mostly. He ate an entire shippingbox of them. It was complete bliss. He looked around for a moment to find a possible escape. It was nogood. He had to wait for a stop which was no big deal to Joe. Hecould easily help himself to something to eat and wait for the driverto stop for gas. The driver probably continued for twenty minutesbefore stopping. He got out of the truck leaving his new stowawayalone. Joe crawled out through the small open window into thedriver's seat. He looked around for the driver. He was nowhere to beseem. Joe looked at his setting. He was in Paris Row. He recognizedit. This was bad. He didn't know the neighborhood nearly as well ashe would have liked and he needed to find a dark place to hide beforedawn. Joe took a deep breath. He had to stay calm. It couldn't be asbad as it seemed. He looked looked around as he stood crouched inbetween the driver and passenger seat. Then something count his eyein the rear view mirror. He looked behind him quickly. The truck wasempty except for him. Joe looked up at the mirror and lowered it sohe could see himself. He had three notable purple streaks in hishair. He backed up quickly. This was impossible. His hair was purple.How could it be purple?Joe opened the door and ran out without even closing the door. Heran. He didn't know where he was going or how fast he was running. Hedidn't know how long he ran. He didn't care. He just wanted to getaway from all of it. He was a freak. He knew what the armadillo hadmeant by Bang Baby now, and he know what that gas had done. He wasbecoming some type of monster. He thought living in the dark couldsave him but obviously not. He ran until his body ached, his lungsburned and his heart felt like it was going to burst. He couldn't runanymore. He simply fell in the alley. He was on his knees now in thedirty alley. He could feel his head throb. However, it was nowherenear how it would feel that morning. Joe heard someone. Then, herealized it was several people. He turned slightly and tried to move.He staggered to his feet but somehow was helpless to move. He was tootired. He wasn't sure exactly what they were saying or who they werebut he knew they were trouble. He was restrained by two larger thanhim and beaten. He was helpless to defend himself and even if he hadaccepted his powers he was too weak to use them. He blacked out afteronly a few minutes of the beating. He knew he had had his first runin with the anti-metahuman gangs of Dakota.It was light in the alley as he lay on his side. He feltsomething. He wasn't sure what was going on exactly. He also had noway of knowing what time it was or how long he had been out. Howeverhe did know one thing, someone was poking him. "Hey! Hey!"Joe felt someone smack the side of his face. He groaned and openedhis eyes slightly. "You alive?"Joe's pupils dilated. He wasn't used to light and groaned. "Are... you ... alive?" the voice was louder now.His eyes adjusted. Hunched over him was a man with pure black skinin a purple vest with pure white eyes. He recognized him. It wasIvan, the drug dealer. He was changed like him. "Ivan?" Ebon's eyes widened. He was firstly surprised the boy was alive.He had watched the beating and it hadn't been a pretty sight.Secondly, how did he know his name? He was almost positive he didn'tknow him. He wasn't a notorious banger. He was sure of that. He knewall of them and had made deals with many. This was not a banger andso obviously had no gang. If he had, he wouldn't be in this state.Ebon decided to play it by ear. If he knew him, that was fine andpossibly beneficial. "Yeah but its Ebon, now. Can you ge'up?"Joe thought on it for a moment. He wasn't sure. He groaned as hestruggled to a sitting position. He was surprised that was far easierthan it should have been. However, Joe was not the type to look intothings too thoroughly and why fight it?"Good." Ebon rose to standing. He always felt besttaller than someone when talking to them. It was a bad habit he hadhad since he was young. It was the only way Adam used to listen tohim. It gave him a greater sense of power and he enjoyed this power."I've been watching you with interest."Joe folded his legs and looked up at Ebon. Not many could hold hisunabided attention this way. "I have a proposition for you."Joe smiled naively. He felt some degree of comfort in Ivan. "Whatkind of proposition?"Ebon chuckled to himself. This was easier than he thought. "I'moffering you a place to stay and a crew." Ebon paused for amoment. He didn't remember the boy's name. He had to improvise. Hehad seen him create some type of swords with his hands. He had it."Shiv."Joe looked at him confused. "Shiv?""Yeah, you need a new name, after the way they treated youout there. You'll be called Shiv."Joe didn't understand completely but it was comforting to see afamiliar face. "Alright. Who else is in this crew?""I see you're a smart man. Come with me."Suddenly, Ebon grew into a large black mass and swallowed Joe upinside it, disappearing into the wall of the alley. It was thestrangest feeling and absolutely dark. There was no way to compareit. One would imagine a black hole was like this, void of all light.Joe, however terrified by the sudden assault did not feel in danger.He had been looking for a place this dark. When Joe arrived, he wasin a subway station. He wasn't sure where. It was lighter than hisprevious homes though. He panicked. His comforting darkness was gone.He immediately rose to his feet and stuffed his hands into his pants'pockets. He had to hide them from the light. "Settle down, Shiv.""But... I can't... the light makes....""You stronger. You don't need to be afraid of your powerhere.""But they...""Make you Shiv." Ebon said. There was a finality in hisvoice. "Now, time to meet your new crew."Just then a large bird, or was it a human it was impossible totell, flew down and landed next to Joe. Joe jumped slightly. Shestartled him and no one could blame him. She was quite the sight. "This is Talon. She had trouble with her gift, too."Joe turned to her almost excitedly. She walked around him lookinghim over. She shot a look at Ebon. "Shiv?""Yes, Shiv and don't call him anything else!"Talon winced and mouthed something to him. However, whatever itwas Joe couldn't hear it and wasn't paying much attention. It endedquickly and Ebon turned to Joe. "You go get settled, Shiv."Joe grinned widely and ran into the small broken down train. Hewas happy to finally have a family.However, Talon seemed to feel differently. She flew next to Ebon."He's not a banger, Ebon.""It makes it that much easier.""He doesn't know anything about things, Ebon. He belongs backwhere he was.""Don't worry. I know what I'm doing."Ebon went into the abandoned train to look for Joe who wassurveying the train's interior. He seemed satisfied. "Shiv.""You know, Joe is fine, too.""I told you you're not bein' called that!"Joe flinched. "Okay... Shiv then.""I don't think you understand. I'm your friend, Shiv. I tookyou in, helped you out and you don't seem to appreciate that. Youhave to prove yourself in this crew."Joe felt a wave of guilt and fear. He understood now. He wasn'tbadly hurt because Ivan had saved him. "I'm sorry, Ebon.""Fine. I don't want you talking to Talon. She'll gut youalive.""She didn't seem...""I'm your friend, Shiv. Trust me. Stay away from Talon and Ihave some errands for you.""Errands.... Ebon, I need to go out and get some food. Ihaven't eating since...""ARE YOU QUESTIONING ME?!"Joe jumped. He didn't know how he could have been so stupid."Right. Errands. What kinds?"This became the habit of things. Every night, Joe would go out andrun "errands" for Ebon. The errands involved stealing veryvaluable merchandise of every kind. Joe could do it, of course. Hewas probably one of the most dexterous and agile metahumans in thecity. He knew his way around scores of security systems and how tosplit by any guard. However it wasn't the the security systems orguards that bothered him, it was his conscience. That was the momentit started. To avoid the horrible guilt, Joe simply told himself thatShiv did it. So it went on. Shiv would sneak into almost anywhere andsteal. However, unlike Joe who had stolen free of guilt for food,Shiv happily stole for pleasure. He loved the rush and made it apoint to get too close to the guards and take unnecessary risks.However, the increased activity had its downfalls. When he was on hisown, he basically ate, looked for food, and sleep. Now, he was forcedto exert himself. He was soon far too thin for his old clothes andhad to knot his belt to keep his pants from falling off when Shivrobbed. It was wearing on him. Ebon had noticed this. He knew that ifhe got any thinner, he wouldn't be able to keep his pants on during arobbery. Ebon quickly found new clothes for him and disposed of hisold pants and shoes. He felt cheated somehow but his adoration forEbon overrode the feelings. He was sure Ebon was doing it to help. Hewas his friend after all. He had told him so.Joe had held on to his old muscle shirt. He didn't want to get ridof it. It was a reminder of who he was. He was Joe Chen and Shiv wassimply a tool. He felt a part of himself irritated at the thought. Hewasn't sure what it was but he had a sneaking suspicion it was Shiv.Wait, that was crazy! He is Shiv. He couldn't be annoyed with himselfthis way. Joe was worried something was wrong. He hadn't spoken with anyone but Ebon for almost two weeks now.However despite the evidence to the contrary, he wasn't lonely. Hehad grown far too attached for that. He wasn't sure what it was buthe felt a growing affection for Ebon. He looked forward to the dailyassignments and any time he could spend with him. Ebon paid moreattention to him than anyone ever had. He was sure he had only hisinterests at heart. Why wouldn't he? This gang was like his family.Family didn't do that to itself. It didn't hurt itself. Use itselffor gain. He was helping Ebon because he wanted to. Ebon had told himthis and it made sense. He wouldn't do anything as dangerous as hehad if Ebon knew he couldn't or if he didn't want to. He was willingand happy to do it. Joe thought this to himself then stopped. He hada thought and it confused him. He didn't like to steal. Shiv did. Hedid not. Shiv liked to steal. He did not. He thought about that. Wasit really as crazy as it sounded? Shiv wasn't real. So he couldn'tenjoy. Joe shook his head as he stood in the small train compartment.He looked at himself in the broken glass. It reflected only enough tosee a vague transparent image. His hair was almost completely purplenow. He hoped that he didn't disappear like his black hair. However worried Joe was he was, he was in far more trouble than hecould imagine. Ebon was hardly the benign friend he had assumed. Hehad been carefully monitoring Joe. He hadn't allowed him sleep inalmost a week now. Joe was running on some type of emotional high hewasn't aware of. Also, Ebon didn't plan on giving him time the chanceto understand what was going on. Shortly after joining the Breed,Ebon had put him on a steady intake of marijuana. Ebon knew he wasnaïve but no one could be that stupid. He was exploiting Joe andhe didn't want Joe to caught on. However, he didn't seem to beanywhere here it. In fact, he seemed to be growing attracted to him.Ebon found the idea ridiculous, to say the least, but it was in hisfavor. The more in the dark the kid was the better. Working himaround the clock and mediocre praise was all it took with this one.There was something wrong with the kid but it wasn't Ebon's problem.His problem at the moment was a little more concrete.Ebon needed a robbery performed. It wasn't that complex but wasnot something he wanted to take on. The best and easiest route wouldbe to get Shiv to cut his way into the vault. He was stealthy enoughto slip by the guards and quick enough to sneak in, cut through thevault, and sneak out. The only catch was Shiv's little problem. Ebonhad actually never seen Shiv use his powers besides that one time onthe roof with Carmen. He didn't know if he had since. He assumed butwasn't sure. He brushed off the detail. It couldn't be a concern. Hehad Shiv wrapped around his finger. He would do anything he asked. Heentered the small compartment. "Shiv!"Joe was lying upside down on an old train seat. His eyes wereslightly blood shot around the outside edge. Below his eyes, it wasslightly greyed. He looked a mix of maniac and exhausted. It dependedon whether you looked him straight in the eyes or were watching hisinability to stop his feet from moving and shaking. His skin was nolonger a healthy bronze like before. It had faded slightly to a dullyellow at best. He grinned widely when he noticed Ebon. It was almosthaunting in a way. It wasn't as happy as it used to be or sane. Hetilted his head slightly. "What is it?" he said, stillbearing the grin."I have a favor."Interested sparked, Joe pushed against the back of the seat,flipping himself to to his feet. Ebon still couldn't get used to thisentirely. He was getting more flexible by the day. The hard he pushedhimself the better he became. He didn't tire or slow down. He wasEbon's perfect workhorse."Shiv, I need you to go get something."Joe had no idea what he was getting himself into at the time. Hewas asked to rob Alva Industries. It was a maximum security factory.He didn't see how he could possibly do it especially without hispowers. Ebon transported him inside then quickly left. He was on hisown. He had been ported to an empty room. He sighed and lookedaround. There had to be one somewhere. He scanned for only a fewminutes when he noticed it. A ventilation duct. It was placed abovethe door frame. Joe backed up and jumped onto the wall holdinghimself up by the air duct. He placed his feet on both sides of thesmall rectangular port. His hands were gripped tightly around thethin metal bars. Then, he heard something. Someone was coming.Please Review. Thank you for reading.


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Nessieluv123 on October 4, 2005, 11:49:01 AM

Nessieluv123 on
Nessieluv123GOOD! add more soon!