Chapter 3 - toa memories
Submitted May 21, 2006 Updated September 25, 2006 Status Complete | When friends get super powers they meet their counterparts
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Chapter 3 - toa memories
Chapter 3 - toa memories
Toa memories
Naparu: Metru Nui is a city of our world, one time it came under attack from the& the& Visarak
Darkness: what?
Naparu: Its going to one of those days isnt it?
Meters: ouch
Toa: Im a le toa, or toa of ice need some help
Meters: thanks
Speed: Hahli
Hahli: yes
Speed: Ive been wondering, why are we here?
Hahli: everything has a purpose
(Speed hears something)
Speed: FLASH!