Chapter 1 - Losing It
Submitted October 4, 2005 Updated October 7, 2005 Status Incomplete | Anderson is finally starting to lose it. Maxwell is losing his patients. Dr. Hughbert is actually a name! What next?! (F.Y.I. this is supposed to be funny)
Anime/Manga » Hellsing |
Chapter 1 - Losing It
Chapter 1 - Losing It
Okay this is my firstHellsing fanfic. To be honest with you I've only studied a little onthe anime and looked at fanart. However once I get my hands on theanime I'll show it whose boss!!!(cough) Anyway if you wantto, will you please tell me if I happen to make some mistakes aboutthe Hellsing facts? For example, if I said Anderson lost his arm andsaid he will never be able to get it back would you kindly inform methat he's a regenerator?Okay that's about it. I'll tryto make this as funny as I can. Enjoy. ^_^“Sit down, Anderson,”instructed Maxwell in his, 'oh you're going to get it now' voice.Anderson obeyed withouthesitating, not wanting to make things worse. No matter how much hewanted to, he didn't dare to take his eyes of Enrico's. Maxwell gavehim the,'now you are going to pay for what you've done' expression.“Okay Alexander, let'sjust get to the point, shall we? What in the world were you doing onthe roof?!” he demanded angrily.“Ah, eh, thou't therewas a vampire up there,” Anderson answered.“In the middle of broaddaylight?!”“Aye.”“You do realize you'regoing to have to pay for the damages you've done,” statedMaxwell.While on the roof, Andersonheard a bird, charged at it thinking it was a vampire and clashedinto the giant cross, giving it enough force to fall right off thebuilding. No one got hurt though but still you got to wonder how muchtrouble you'd be in if you go and do a thing like that.“Aye,” heanswered still not taking his eyes off Maxwell's.They two of them stayedsilent after that. Anderson pondered. Usually right after he agreesto pay for damages on whatever he's been doing lately Maxwell wouldgive the word and let him go. Instead, however, he just buried hisface in his hands and shook his head. When he lifted his head up tolook at the crazed priest again, he spoke firmly.“Alexander Anderson, doI need to remind you what all you've done these last several weeks?Face it, if we don't do something about your more psycho moments soonyou are going to snap!”“Ah don' think ah'dactooly snap. Mabe' joose be a littl' out o' it but ah tell ye ahain't crazy,” argued Anderson.“Anderson,”Enrico said in a sharp tone, “Let me tell you something. Nowjust because some man starts saying, 'ILove Lucy' does not mean they are getting ready to say, 'I loveLucipher.'”“ 'im to the hostpital in time,” said Anderson when he sawMaxwell's cold glance he added, “Besides ah gav' 'im flowers.”Maxwellslap his forehead, a sign to let Anderson know he had just saidsomething stupid.“Yesand as kind as that gesture was, it didn't change the fact that hewas allergic and sued us extra, now did it?”Andersoncouldn't think of a comeback on that one. So what if he made a fewthousand dollars in damages? He was the one getting the cut inhis paycheck after all. Anderson looked down on the floor. Did hefinally do it this time. Would Maxwell fire him.'Ohno,' thought Anderson, 'Nothing could be worse than that. Absolutelynothing.'Andersonstirred from his thoughts when he heard the dialing of a phone. Helooked and saw Maxwell on the phone.“Excuseme, I think you will be right for the job,” he said givingAnderson the sinking certainty that he was about to be replaced, “Yeshe will you first thing in the morning. Thank you, goodbye.”AfterMaxwell hanged up, Anderson immediately asked who was meeting who inthe morning.“Thatwas Dr. Hughbert, he's a special doctor I'd like you to meet,”he said soothenly.Andersonshot up, his body shaking in panic.“'t going tae a therapist! No way!” he screamed prepared toburst out the door and run away.“Ohyes you will! And you know why? Because you are on the verge ofcompletely losing your mind! Now on less you want me to fire you...”he threatened before Anderson interrupted.“Nosir, please. Al'ight ah'll go. But please let me keep this job,”he pleaded.“Verywell, now remember you have to cooperate with Dr.Hughbert. Do what ever he says, you got me? Now return to yourduties,” Maxwell dismissed Anderson.AfterAnderson left and his footsteps weren't heard anymore, Maxwellclasped in his chair.“Goodlord,” he said out loud, “I wasn't sure if that trickwould've worked. Thankfully he didn't know I was bluffing.”
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Kamaya_the_Cat on October 4, 2005, 10:04:49 AM