Chapter 2 - Love and Hate
Submitted October 4, 2005 Updated October 7, 2005 Status Incomplete | Anderson is finally starting to lose it. Maxwell is losing his patients. Dr. Hughbert is actually a name! What next?! (F.Y.I. this is supposed to be funny)
Anime/Manga » Hellsing |
Chapter 2 - Love and Hate
Chapter 2 - Love and Hate
Anderson walked into the building he saw as a manmade fiery underworld, not once liking anything about it. He hatedthe smell of the inside which had a coconut scent. He hated the lookof the inside which had paintings of fruit on practically every otherwall. Paintings of fruit, how original. He hated how quiet it was.Like this Hell was meant to be a silent, sinister epitome of torture.After confronting the clerk, he walked upstairs untilhe got to the fourth floor. Ignoring the elevators because he wantedthe exercise and to take as much of his time getting up there. Helooked at the door which led to the therapist. The possessed demonthat thought it could make Anderson wrong a right. He took a deepbreath and entered.“Hello Mr. Anderson,” said the man in theroom, “I am Dr. Hughbert. Please, have a seat.”Anderson hesitated before getting the nerve to sitdown on the couch. He never took his cold glare off the man and eventhough the therapist was aware, he acted like this was no big deal.“Okay, Mr. Anderson. To start off I think weshould do some tests. First, I'm going to show you blobs of ink onpaper and I want you to tell me what it looks like to you. Tell methe first thing that pops into your mind, all right?”“Yeah soore, whitever,” Alexander saidquickly hoping this wouldn't take long.Dr. Hughbert nodded and held up the first paper. Itonly took Anderson a second to respond.“Vampire,” he said.The therapist nodded and showed him the next one.“Demon,” was the answer.Another was shown.“Vampire,” repeated Anderson.“Hold on, Mr. Anderson, you just said vampire,”stated Dr. Hughbert with a little bit of concern.“Yer point?”The therapist shrugged then showed another blob ofink.“Vampire.”Another.“Vampire.”Again.“Vampire.”Once again.“Vampire.”()()()()()^_- (I got tired of typing practically thesame thing over and over again)“Me fightin' Alucard,” answered Andersonafter the last one was shown.“Oh good, who's Alucard?” asked Dr.Hughbert almost certain he was making progress.“He's a vampire.”'Then again, I could be wrong,' thought thetherapist.“Okay Mr. Anderson,” sighed the doctor,“I can see you are awfully interested in vampires so..”“Whit do ye mean?!” yelled Andersoncutting him short, “Ah'm interested in chopping their heads offif that's whit ye mean. Especially that dern Alucard! Oh how ah wouldlove to be the one tae kill 'im and send 'im straight tae...”“Mr. Anderson, please. Okay so you hatevampires. Sorry for the confusion,” Dr. Hughbert said trying toset the priest back down on the couch since he jumped at the word'so'.After settling Anderson back on the couch, Dr.Hughbert set back down on his chair and began taking some notes.“So tell me a little more about this,'Alucard'. Is he the worst of the vampires?” asked the doctor.“Aye, that he is. Do ye realize how many timesah tried to kill 'im? And don't get me started on the time when heblew meh arms off,” Anderson said with a rising temper.“Oh but you still have your arms,” statedthe therapist seeing now what kind of crazy man he was dealing with.“Ah grew 'em back,” answered the priestthe anger in his voice dropping.“I see,” was all Dr. Hughbert could say.Clearly this man has been more than just out of it and the doctorcan't help but wonder why would Anderson make an imaginary enemy thatwas a vampire. He intended to find out.“Okay then so tell me, were you ever afraid ofvampires as a child?”“Me? No. Ah've always 'ated 'em. Ah can neversay ah was ever afraid, though.”“Can you remember anything that you were afraidof?” asked Dr. Hughbert.“Joose last week ah discovered meh fear o'anime,” he answered.“Oh and what's so scary about anime. A lot ofpeople like it.”“That's whit ah mean! It so interesting ferpeople it must be from the devil!” exclaimed Anderson jumpingout of his seat again.The doctor got up as well but just to try to calmAlexander and set him back down, thankfully with success. Howeverthis time he stayed up as he pointed his gaze at Anderson.“I can see that may be a possibility. All righton to the next test. I'm going to say a word and I want you to sayanother word that firsts pops into your mind, all right?”“Eh, soore,” Anderson answered simply.“Hot,” said Dr. Hughbert.“Hell.”“Long.”“Alucard's dern hair.”'Once again he says, Alucard,' thought the therapistbefore continuing.“Good.”“Children.”“Football.”“Kickin'.”“Apple.”“Pie.”“Cute.”“Kitties.”“Speak.”“With Dead.”“Knife.”“Weapon.”“Alucard.”“Dern him,” said Alexander his voiceshaking with anger.Dr. Hughbert sighed and looked at the test results.They were all right but could be better.“Mr. Anderson, I'm beginning to see yourproblem,” said Dr. Hughbert.“Ah don' 'ave a problem! Now joose because ahget shot inside the head a few times...”“Mr. Anderson?”“...Or that ah dream about chopping Alucardinto tiny bits and pieces....”“Mr. Anderson.”“...Or the fact that ah was the one whodestroyed Maxwell's computer because ah though' it was possessed an'he still doesn't know it was me...”“Mr. Anderson!” shouted the doctor to getthe priest's attention, “You see that right there is theproblem.”“Me destroyin' Maxwell's computer?” askedAnderson.“No, your hatred towards demons and vampires.Mr. Anderson, don't you see? It's all this hatred you have that'scontrolling you. You talk about chopping this Alucard into pieces butthink of the good children at the orphanage. How do they react to allof your hatred?”“' know,” answeredAnderson sounding stupid.The therapist thought it was now or never to takeaction.“What if they found out. That a man that actsso much like their own father had so much hatred and actually wantedto chop someone's head off?” asked the doctor his toneexpressionless.Anderson was about to answer that he didn't care butstop short. Of course he cared for what the children think of him.They looked up to him. What if they actually did findout about all this hate? He was suppose to be a caring father, onewho would never fight. One that vowed himself to know no hate. Whatwould the children think? The children.“No,”he said shortly, “No ah don' want them to find out.”“Theywon't if you find something to love rather than hate,” pointedout Dr. Hughbert.“Love?”“Yes,Mr. Anderson. Find something you love and stick to it. Maybe a hobby,a pet, a sport....”suggested the doctor.Somethingto love. Would that work. Does all he really need is something tolove? Maybe, just maybe.“Well,ah thin' that that might joose work, doctor. Thank you,” hesaid thoughtfully.
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krnnluver666 on April 13, 2006, 8:38:26 PM
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